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I am the only conscious being in Universe


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2 minutes ago, Alexander said:

When I check my direct experience this seems true.You can't disprove it because you are just figments of my mind.

Investigate the "I"

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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20 minutes ago, Alexander said:

There is only my Consciousness.


3 hours ago, Orb said:

Investigate the "I"


"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Alexander do you exist? 


This isn't a trick question. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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20 hours ago, Alexander said:

When I check my direct experience this seems true.You can't disprove it because you are just figments of my mind.

Good for you 😁 how do you know you are exists and having a mind?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Just now, Someone here said:

Well..loneliness sucks . I remember in my childhood.. I would cry a rever whenever my parents leave the house and leave me all by myself in the house.  

Don't ask me why being alone sucks ..because I don't know .it just fucking sucks 

Just like being sick sucks. 

What you’re saying doesn’t make sense even logically though. You’re saying you’re all there is, and this is unfortunate. This means you’re saying you are unfortunate. 

More so you’re saying this is known about yourself, but how can you know anything about yourself - when you already are yourself? 


Life as it were, synchronistically, as consciousness… there are no mistakes, no errors, no unfortune, and therein no ‘typos’. Rever is a gps guidance system for paths. 

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4 minutes ago, Phil said:

You’re saying you’re all there is, and this is unfortunate. This means you’re saying you are unfortunate

It's unfortunate for people who came to conclude it freshly (just recently )like OP.

for me.. I'm making peace with this fact day after day . I don't feel depressed or sad about it ..but I feel like I'm living my last days on this planet ..because I've seen too much glitches in the matrix. And it's time to wake up..fully and completely. 


7 minutes ago, Phil said:

More so you’re saying this is known about yourself, but how can you know anything about yourself - when you already are yourself? 

Why should  these two clash ? You repeat stuff like that a lot .I don't see what your point is .

9 minutes ago, Phil said:

there are no mistakes, no errors, no unfortune,

There are and there aren't.  Again i understand your desire to side with one side of the duality . oscillating back and forth like in the yin-yang ☯ symbol is something you don't like. For example You want life to be unconditional love ...but suffering Is ingredient of life and you can never deny it unless you are crazy or something. 

13 minutes ago, Phil said:

and therein no ‘typos’. Rever is a gps guidance system for paths

Sorry for the typo.

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28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

It's unfortunate for people who came to conclude it freshly (just recently )like OP.

for me.. I'm making peace with this fact day after day . I don't feel depressed or sad about it ..but I feel like I'm living my last days on this planet ..because I've seen too much glitches in the matrix. And it's time to wake up..fully and completely. 

But you’re saying you’re all there is… and this is unfortunate, and then saying it’s unfortunate - for people. People aren’t saying this, you’re saying this. You’re also saying people conclude they are all there is, which is nonsensical. Never has a conclusion been experienced on behalf of or as another. 

28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Why should  these two clash ? You repeat stuff like that a lot .I don't see what your point is .

You’re saying something is known about yourself, while you are saying you’re all there is. This is cognitive dissonance. The only way anything could be known about you would be by comparison to something or someone else, which you’re claiming there isn’t. 

You’re also saying there are two (why should these two clash), while saying you’re all there is. Also dissonance, which is felt. 

28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

There are and there aren't.  Again i understand your desire to side with one side of the duality . oscillating back and forth like in the yin-yang ☯ symbol is something you don't like. For example You want life to be unconditional love ...but suffering Is ingredient of life and you can never deny it unless you are crazy or something. 

You’re saying you are all there is… and you are saying there is someone else with a desire, duality, which doesn’t like some thing, which wants life to be something, which experiences suffering, which can’t deny unless crazy. All of that is felt. None of that is true. 

Maybe there is some denial about your conclusion & cognitive dissonance feeling discordant, and this discord is conceptualized as unfortunate. 

It doesn’t seem like you have a clue as to where you’re headed with any of this. Why not just use the guidance system?


What if consciousness is awesome and some beliefs are discordant because consciousness is awesome?

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9 minutes ago, Phil said:

But you’re saying you’re all there is… and this is unfortunate, and then saying it’s unfortunate - for people. People aren’t saying this, you’re saying this. You’re also saying people conclude they are all there is, which is nonsensical. Never has a conclusion been experienced on behalf of or as another

Look..this is tricky to explain..because we can go on forever mentally jerking off about this stuff In our goddam heads ...

Instead..take Salvia ..or 5meo..experiment with  lucid dreaming ..contemplate what "other people " actually are .etc and you will understand.  I can't convince you of this logically . Because I'm talking about the relative world . I'm still living inside the dream..so I have to play by the rules of the dream 

Its like  YOU are being stuck inside the matrix and being fed input from outside...to wake you up and out of the matrix I have to enter the matrix and yell at you to wake up . But then I have to use the rules of the matrix when I'm communicating with you. From inside the matrix or inside the dream there is you and me and people and OP and animals and creatures etc...but from the absolute perspective (or outside the matrix ) there is no one there but me .

16 minutes ago, Phil said:

You’re saying something is known about yourself, while you are saying you’re all there is. This is cognitive dissonance. The only way anything could be known about you would be by comparison to something or someone else, which you’re claiming there isn’t. 

You’re also saying there are two (why should these two clash), while saying you’re all there is. Also dissonance, which is felt. 

In a dream ..how much  objects exist ?  

From inside the dream: plenty .

From outside the dream : one (me).

18 minutes ago, Phil said:

You’re saying you are all there is… and you are saying there is someone else with a desire, duality, which doesn’t like some thing, which wants life to be something, which experiences suffering, which can’t deny unless crazy. All of that is felt. None of that is true. 

Read above . Same point .

18 minutes ago, Phil said:

Maybe there is some denial about your conclusion & cognitive dissonance feeling discordant, and this discord is conceptualized as unfortunate. 

It doesn’t seem like you have a clue as to where you’re headed. Why not just use the guidance system?

There isn't.  You've deluded yourself into thinking that feeling good is the compass of truth . That's false . Truth is indiscriminate. 

I obviously don't know where I'm headed . Nor you .nor anyone .

Are you seriously gonna claim to know "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS "?


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Solipsism is only true if you create it to be so and loop on that.  Solipsism is a tool not a truth.  Start to put truth into question.  Realize what you're reinforcing becomes reality for you.  Become aware of the pros and cons of truth mentality.  True believer mentality.  You're trying to use metaphysics to substitute for Infinity.  Metaphysics only goes as far as it systemically can on the path, but not further.  A lot of teachers have unfortunately reinforced the true believer mindset and trapped a lot of people on the path as a result.  More accurately, causing you to limit yourself on the path.  And only a tiny percentage of people will transcend truth, but it's to those that I direct this comment.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

Look..this is tricky to explain..because we can go on forever mentally jerking off about this stuff In our goddam heads ...

Instead..take Salvia ..or 5meo..experiment with  lucid dreaming ..contemplate what "other people " actually are .etc and you will understand.  I can't convince you of this logically . Because I'm talking about the relative world . I'm still living inside the dream..so I have to play by the rules of the dream 

Its like  YOU are being stuck inside the matrix and being fed input from outside...to wake you up and out of the matrix I have to enter the matrix and yell at you to wake up . But then I have to use the rules of the matrix when I'm communicating with you. From inside the matrix or inside the dream there is you and me and people and OP and animals and creatures etc...but from the absolute perspective (or outside the matrix ) there is no one there but me .

I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m Good. I don’t believe in an absolute and a relative, that there are people who wake up, that psychedelics wake someone up, etc, let alone in yelling. This is all discordant, and no understanding is needed to feel that it is. 


5 hours ago, Someone here said:

In a dream ..how much  objects exist ?  

From inside the dream: plenty .

From outside the dream : one (me).

When you wake up in the morning after a dream it’s pretty clear there were no objects in the dream. Likewise, no ‘inside of’ a dream. 

The dream analogy is just an analogy. 


5 hours ago, Someone here said:

There isn't.  You've deluded yourself into thinking that feeling good is the compass of truth . That's false . Truth is indiscriminate. 

I obviously don't know where I'm headed . Nor you .nor anyone .

Are you seriously gonna claim to know "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS "?


I am myself, so it’s not really possible to delude myself. Feeling-good is the default, because goodness is nondual. 

Of goodness, thoughts appear. Some feel discordant, some feel aligned. 

As to where I’m headed, a dreamboard, as to guidance getting there, emotion(s). 


This is me. I am. There is not me and “knowing”. 


The important thing by far though is - it’s not your fault. It really, truly, absolutely is not your fault. 

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