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Who the hell is Andrew Tate ?

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Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few months..chances are your social media pages seen at least some of the  flood that has been Andrew Tate's content. The guy is literally everywhere, and if you interact with just one of his posts on tiktok to either comment or like  your entire FYP becomes him yelling at the camera about xyz.

So why is he so popular among young men?

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Andrew tate is a guy that a lot of young men look up to and aspire to be. 


He's known for saying controversial stuff about women. 


He's basically the epitome of the alpha male red pill guy. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Phil he is everywhere even on YouTube.

Maybe you don't know that much about him but you definitely have heard of him right?

He Is basically an American boxer. But he became so popular recently for his views on dating and self-help and politics and religion etc.

He  have accepted Islam ..and I fully believe that he knows the story of Islam and how corrupt and skewed it is.  But the Quran simply offers clear-cut answers to the big existential questions like where did we come from ?and why are we here ?and where are we gonna go after death ?

Some people say Tate became Muslim just to gain more fame/audience/publicity. But I don't think  he's that desperate and shallow.

He speaks so passionately about Islam.  And I don't think  he is faking it. You know that Islam specifically is hated in the west especially after 9/11..so why would he go out of the herd and convert to the most controversial religion out there from nearly 3000 religions?


@Orb He accepted Islam because Islam is a red pilled religion and it also enforces strictness. Islam maintains law and order and prevents people from getting loose. Which is not the case with Christianity which became so fluffy and no serious to be considered a true religion that has morals and values . I mean they were in the medieval but today Christianity is really losing the battle with Islam. 

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@Someone here he's no different from a lot of other self help people. They're basically actors. We've seen the same generic shit for so long, these red pill controversial type dudes, and people keep eating it up. 


it's all just a big act, even if he himself isn't aware of it. But that's the case for a lot of famous people. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Someone here 

I heard the name a year or so ago but haven’t actually watched any of his content. 

28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You know that Islam specifically is hated in the west

It might be surprising to hear, but I’ve lived in the mid-west my entire life and I’ve actually never heard anyone say they hate Islam. Frankly now that I think about it, I’ve never actually heard anyone say anything disparaging about Islam. I’ve also never heard anyone equate Islam & 911. Not sure where that recap comes from but it’s not what people are actually saying here. 


28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

But he became so popular recently for his views on dating and self-help and politics and religion etc.

What are the views? 



I get the red pill reference in the Matrix movie but I don’t get how it’s used in this context. If someone subscribes to religion I’m guessing they mean something different than the movie by ‘taking the red pill’. What’s meant by ‘red pill’ in this context?



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10 minutes ago, Phil said:

It might be surprising to hear, but I’ve lived in the mid-west my entire life and I’ve actually never heard anyone say they hate Islam. Frankly now that I think about it, I’ve never actually heard anyone say anything disparaging about Islam. I’ve also never heard anyone equate Islam & 911. Not sure where that recap comes from but it’s not what people are actually saying here. 

Well..I wanted to correct what I said .I don’t think Americans hate Islam and Muslims per se .. but there is a lot of fear which is propagated by the media since 9/11.

Even my own parents have shown signs of it. I remember we were at a restaurant shortly after the death of Osama bin Laden several years ago and my parents were speaking very poorly about Muslims as a whole. 

Im not equating Islam with violence or inhumane..but it is true that Islam is the only religion left which crimes are being made in its name.  

13 minutes ago, Phil said:

What are the views?

For example Tate’s belief that women belong at home.. can’t drive.. and are the property of men. 

and talks about beating women. He is also an advisor of MGTOW.  He teaches young men that they should not chase women or be desperate for getting sex. Because that's a degrade to men's masculinity. 

18 minutes ago, Phil said:

I get the red pill reference in the Matrix movie but I don’t get how it’s used in this context. If someone subscribes to religion I’m guessing they mean something different than the movie by ‘taking the red pill’. What’s meant by ‘red pill’ in this context

 red pill is an internet incel ( a group of men who believe they can't get sex ) made up of anti-feminists on Reddit.  Its basically to be anti feminist and advocator of men's rights . It has nothing to do with the red pill from the Matrix movie .

28 minutes ago, Orb said:

@Someone here he's no different from a lot of other self help people. They're basically actors. We've seen the same generic shit for so long, these red pill controversial type dudes, and people keep eating it up. 


it's all just a big act, even if he himself isn't aware of it. But that's the case for a lot of famous people. 

Yes .every one in a while some rep pill monkey appear and spread their toxic ideologies  . It wasn't enough to send Tate to the jail.  I think guys like him should spend the rest of their life in jail .

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31 minutes ago, Phil said:

@Someone here

Why do you think people listen to him?


Probably because of his  elegance In teaching young men how to be truly a man . That's like his whole thing.

He teaches Stoicism and being unhooked from today's society's overblown hedonistic pursuits.

And this appeals to western people because they are generally more materialistically oriented and hedonistic.

 I notice that people In the West lack spiritual connection to reality . They are by far the largest power when to comes to material power (money.. oil..  science.. technology)etc  but there is this hedonistic and nihilistic and pragmatic approach to life that makes people in the west all they care about is food and sex and drugs etc.  So Tate offers  a new paradigm shift .

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He is selling himself as a multimillionaire who has figured it all out, and he is blaming a lot of things for why young men are not succeeding with women and money. Society, feminism, etc etc. He is a REAL MAN who can fight, and who doesn't give a shit about anyone. 

A lot of people love to hear a reason for why their situation is the way it is. And its never their own fault.




What it looks like to me from watching very few clips of him. 

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My life, although not perfect, is quite 'fine tuned' even my social media doesn't show people like the one you mention, I never heard of him until today in this post.


I unfollow everyone but the few people who's postings and shadings I value, which is a very fine few. This way I do not see much unnecessary 'junk' that is irrelevant and does not serve me. Nowadays social media has many 'adds' so I find myself hardly using them anymore for these reasons and then you only end up scrolling and over-stimulation eventually results.


Keep it simple 🙂

If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

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@Pluto follow goodnews_movement if youre interested. 


They only post positive stuff thats happening in the world 🙂💙

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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11 hours ago, Orb said:

@Pluto follow goodnews_movement if youre interested. 


They only post positive stuff thats happening in the world 🙂💙

Thanks for the positive suggestion 🙂


These days I do my best to keep the following minimal to people / things closer to my personal field of reach and assistance. I find it is better this way as we never evolved to know as much as we do now of what is happening all over the world, and although we definitely have the capacity to adapt and use technology this way, I find its far more 'mental' than it is 'intuitive' and I feel we were not really designed to know all that is happening all over the globe all at once, which I feel is one of the leading causes of the over-stimulation / overactive minds and ungroundedness.


The other day I was talking to a man about somethings regarding what is occurring in the present field of space around us, and yet his mind kept wandering to his country of birth where he recently heard there was some war or discord occurring, and this would get him out of the present moment with me and nature around us and it would interfere with the session at hand, and there is really not much he could do to help, especially during that time / space. He did mention he scrolls a lot on FB which would often show up in his mind when he went camping and all of a sudden would have those intrusive thoughts.


Of course there are some exceptions to this, not saying you cannot help at all, but for most cases if its often beyond our field of reach and assistance unto the moment and it tends to cause unnecessary suffering and distraction from what is actually occurring here and now, and what one can actually do to be of service to the space around him or her.


Thanks for the Inspiration to share this.


If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

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