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Humanity is using Sex in a Very Dangerous way

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I find really hard to find a single porn video in the whole internet that doesn't have some kind of shame, violence, dominance-submissive game aspect to it, etc... If you observe, even the 'softest', innocent ones have some kind of these components to it.

It seems right now humans are just unable to understand and practice sex as a mere way to reproduce, and instead use it a way to create negative karma


Today I was watching this couple and I was really shocked because they have very gentle porn videos and I was amazed how connected they seem between each other. But again of course at the end the guy had to give her a fucking slap on the ass. 


Now, here's the issue. You might think 'nah, a slap is nothing. It's just a game. She enjoys it'.


Sure, no one is debating here that she doesn't enjoy it. All kind of fetishes and behaviour in sex are enjoyed, no shit thats why people do them.

The question is, is that enjoyment going to cost you Karma big time later in the future?


When in sex you create again difference and delusion, you create Karma, therefore perpetuating humanity to be lost in low stages of consciousness and far from Waking Up to Love as an species.


Now, before you gaslight me and say I´m exaggerating, I will tell you this: I become conscious of this whole 'game' of sex last year in a very very deep Psylocibin trip. I became conscious how sex plays a crucial piece in this designed puzzle of Reality, and how most people are falling trap of it.


I see how all the shame, self esteem, masculine, feminine, regret, pride, etc...all intertwines between all persons in this infinite game of Heaven and Hell, Truth and Delusion...etc. And I´m telling you, if you are being naughty (never said it better LoL), just to get some pleasure here and there, you are paying the consequences.


Next time you think, watch or do sex, be very conscious what is more important in life. If a little pleasure to relieve your dark deluded thoughts of your ego, or do you have a pair of balls and you choose Love and Truth as a full-fledged highest potencial human being you are here to be. 


Edited by ConsciousDreamer666
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People have been telling this exact same story for thousands of years. It's a prime example of ego in action.


The only karma there is, is in one's way of perception. Not in what one does or what goes on in the world.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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3 hours ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

I find really hard to find a single porn video in the whole internet that doesn't have some kind of shame, violence, dominance-submissive game aspect to it, etc... If you observe, even the 'softest', innocent ones have some kind of these components to it.

It seems right now humans are just unable to understand and practice sex as a mere way to reproduce, and instead use it a way to create negative karma


Today I was watching this couple and I was really shocked because they have very gentle porn videos and I was amazed how connected they seem between each other. But again of course at the end the guy had to give her a fucking slap on the ass. 


Now, here's the issue. You might think 'nah, a slap is nothing. It's just a game. She enjoys it'.


Sure, no one is debating here that she doesn't enjoy it. All kind of fetishes and behaviour in sex are enjoyed, no shit thats why people do them.

The question is, is that enjoyment going to cost you Karma big time later in the future?


When in sex you create again difference and delusion, you create Karma, therefore perpetuating humanity to be lost in low stages of consciousness and far from Waking Up to Love as an species.


Now, before you gaslight me and say I´m exaggerating, I will tell you this: I become conscious of this whole 'game' of sex last year in a very very deep Psylocibin trip. I became conscious how sex plays a crucial piece in this designed puzzle of Reality, and how most people are falling trap of it.


I see how all the shame, self esteem, masculine, feminine, regret, pride, etc...all intertwines between all persons in this infinite game of Heaven and Hell, Truth and Delusion...etc. And I´m telling you, if you are being naughty (never said it better LoL), just to get some pleasure here and there, you are paying the consequences.


Next time you think, watch or do sex, be very conscious what is more important in life. If a little pleasure to relieve your dark deluded thoughts of your ego, or do you have a pair of balls and you choose Love and Truth as a full-fledged highest potencial human being you are here to be. 


This is ridiculous... it sounds like you just have a porn addiction, or habit, and you're complaining about how terrible it is, but you keep watching it.  Why?  If this is how you feel about sex, just don't participate, nobody's making you.  I could make an argument about how weird and off your rhetoric/ideology is, but I feel like your real problem here is about something else. 

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I see this too. Good Luck. 😂 

If the psyche were a 200 floor sky scraper, Self being the basement, thought activity being the 200th floor, sexuality is the first floor. 

The likely hood of anyone ever relating to what you’re saying is pretty much zero. 

As always, just because every one on earth believes something doesn’t make it true. 

So instead we deal with abortion vs body rights, prostitution legalities, ever-shifting connotations of trauma, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. 

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@ConsciousDreamer666 I see truth in this. 


But I'm in too deep, I'm a rascal.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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18 minutes ago, Phil said:

The likely hood of anyone ever relating to what you’re saying is pretty much zero. 




This story has been passed down for literally thousands of years. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Daoism, Confucianism, countless philosophical movements, cults, fascist reigns...


Every. Single. Time. The. Same. Story.


Ask any fundamentalist believer of any religion and you will hear the same thing. Sex bad. Pleasure bad. "Watch out for what you do in the bedroom!" "Only for reproduction!"


Con sequence.


18 minutes ago, Phil said:

As always, just because every one on earth believes something doesn’t make it true. 


Probably at least 80% of humanity believes what is said here.



This thread is presenting dogma.

Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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I’m not talking about judgement. I’m not suggesting sex is good or bad. 

I’m saying sex is a conceptualization / there is very literally no such thing as sex. 

Consequence wise, I’m not suggesting there is causation either. 

Even procreation wise, I’m not suggestion two people make a baby / new person. 

I’m definitely not suggesting any dogma such as anything said or believed by any religions. 

The very word ‘sex’ means division. 

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1 minute ago, Phil said:

I’m not talking about judgement. I’m not suggesting sex is good or bad. 

I’m saying sex is a conceptualization / there is very literally no such thing as sex. 

Consequence wise, I’m not suggesting there is causation either. 

Even procreation wise, I’m not suggestion two people make a baby / new person. 

I’m definitely not suggesting any dogma such as anything said or believed by any religions. 


In this case we should be on the same page.


Spanking in the bedroom isn't what's keeping the veil in place.


Thoughts/beliefs 'spanking' and/or 'bedroom' is.


3 minutes ago, Phil said:

I’m saying sex is a conceptualization / there is very literally no such thing as sex. 


Yeah. So whatever only seems to go on in the bedroom does not matter. Spanking or not.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Totally doesn’t matter at all. 

Unplanned pregnancies don’t matter, abortions don’t matter, not parenting kids (bailing) doesn’t matter, the destitution of prostitution doesn’t matter, rape, child molestation, kidnapping for sexual torture doesn’t matter. Feels very off, but that’s not the same as saying it matters. 

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I think we've seen enough of how abstinence for spiritual/moral reasons fucks people up hard.  From Ghandi to the recent dali lama tongue sucking fiasco, to Steven crowder and Ben shapiro.  Speaking from personal experience, the freakier someone is in the bedroom, the more well adjusted they are in life.  

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Repression is unconscious. 


The opposite of repression is also unconscious.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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3 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

I think we've seen enough of how abstinence for spiritual/moral reasons fucks people up hard.  From Ghandi to the recent dali lama tongue sucking fiasco, to Steven crowder and Ben shapiro.  Speaking from personal experience, the freakier someone is in the bedroom, the more well adjusted they are in life.  

Yea but people who don't repress their sexually can do fucked up things as well.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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2 minutes ago, Phil said:

Unplanned pregnancies don’t matter, abortions don’t matter, not parenting kids (bailing) doesn’t matter, the destitution of prostitution doesn’t matter, rape, child molestation, kidnapping for sexual torture doesn’t matter. Feels very off,


These things do not feel off.


The thoughts feel off.


For a reason. There is no such thing(s).


This sounds like trying to fix what's meant to be broken.


Seek ye first what does not require sacrifice.



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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13 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

I think we've seen enough of how abstinence for spiritual/moral reasons fucks people up hard.




Brings in mind this:




Just not sex, but food.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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