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Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. Apparently Mick Jagger sings backing vocals on this song but I can't identify him. What a great song. I like the guitar solo too. I think I might here him in the low end of the harmony, but that is still pretty high.
  2. The problem is money doesn't grow on wild trees, only on planted trees that are rare and valuable. So yeah, make a dreamboard to attract financial abundance, but if that happens, very different patterns will appear than have thus far -- or the results would have already been manifested. I'm trying to explain stuff in a way that respects your guy's nondual lingo and boundaries here. A different movie has to play to manifest the change because it ain't in this movie. By the way when I use the word "industrious", I used it to refer to that "get it done" quality that some "people" have. Some people have the opposite of this, they get very little done. So, this is something that can be observed in "people". It's a strength. "I'm" actually not high in industriousness "myself". I'm rather low in it. It's been something I've had to work on now hard for like 3 years to make pretty significant changes to habits and priorities. You're not going to snap your fingers and become financially abundant; It's not gonna just fall in your lap.
  3. I agree with this. And let’s say you wanna stay with an absolute explanation, well then, that stuff needs to be manifested. Let’s say $60,000 is required per year for “you” to break even, well I don’t know how one explains going about this, but if that goal ain’t attained a very disruptive change in lifestyle would follow to “you” and anything dependent on “you”, I don’t know if you need to rub two gold bars together— but one better try something despite thinking there’s no doer. Something’s gotta be “done” even if it’s only holding the intention as a thought. Someone give me an alternative that is consistent with the absolute.
  4. I think it's important not to reduce relative topics like finances to the absolute. Let's not be naive. First of all if you haven't earned any money, you don't really have the experience to know what is required. I actually had to work on this for the past 3 years and get better at it, so I have some understanding here. Industriousness is key to making money period. Let's not kid ourselves to think otherwise.
  5. @Phil I hope you're not letting people's criticism (or their perceived criticism) get you personally. Your work is appreciated. I wouldn't want you to have those discordant thoughts.
  6. There are different ways to make more money, I'll grant you that. But meditating all day every day is probably not going to make anyone a lot of money. Industrious people don't always have a lot of money because they lose it in other ways like getting sued or gambling.
  7. Interesting. When you become in danger of going broke your attitude might change. Wait until you have to start saving for retirement.
  8. I think the amount of money you have is linked to how industrious you are. This means how much you get done.
  9. Yeah. Thinking of Consciousness as a container leads to solipsism. Consciousness, if anything, ain't no container. People who do this can't seem to even see the assumption they're making here. Leo Gura does this. A container is a spatial metaphor. What they're really saying is Consciousness is like a container -- but they turn the simile into an equivalence and say Consciousness is a container. It boggles my mind how people who appear to be very smart get stuck here. I think they just don't see this assumption, and if they do, they can't or won't question it. Doing so will make your Solipsism fold like a house of cards.
  10. If that's true, it's awful. If someone said something like that to me, it would probably be the last thing they said to me.
  11. This should be blown up and put up on a billboard. What a great insight succinctly stated.
  12. Yes, that's what I was humorously alluding to. Wait until he realizes Consciousness is nonsense on some level.
  13. I said nonsense on some level. On some level it’s also the most valuable. What I’m trying to point out is let it raise you and don’t let it hang you up.. it’s not that serious.
  14. Sporituality is just nonsense on some level.
  15. Avoid drinking alcohol. This article is good. I've been trying to comply with this. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/diet-nutrition/a37811921/best-foods-for-diabetics/
  16. Somebodo’s gotta be a bit of a devil’s advocate. I appreciate you too Phil.
  17. Ok. I’m just having a bit of fun with this. I can meditate for long stretches and it does seem that time doesn’t exist. I know what this stuff is all about. Trying to have a little fun and create a bit of conversation.
  18. Replace Neo-Advaita with Nonduality then. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nondualism
  19. I thought one of the Neo-Advaita beliefs is that time doesn't exist.
  20. If time doesn't exist why do we need clocks?
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