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Joseph Maynor

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Everything posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. Yes, that's what I was humorously alluding to. Wait until he realizes Consciousness is nonsense on some level.
  2. I said nonsense on some level. On some level it’s also the most valuable. What I’m trying to point out is let it raise you and don’t let it hang you up.. it’s not that serious.
  3. Sporituality is just nonsense on some level.
  4. His teachings can't evolve because then he would have to admit he was wrong and he's the kind of person who will never admit he was wrong. He had so many very definitive claims and developed his own solipsistic spirituality basically. He took that as the end of the path. The problem is when the paradigm shifts, he would either have to admit it was just a stage or say nothing at all. This is why I'm very hesitant in ever thinking I have the whole truth figured out -- because I know I went through these stages earlier on and evolved out of them into a totally new thing. I try to avoid drawing bright lines in the sand. What motivates him to make videos is to share his current insights. My suspicion is he doesn't want to share his newer insights because he's gotta try to find a way to make them consistent with what he was so Absolutely certain about before. It's like baggage. Spirituality isn't just about developing a more and more sophisticated philosophy, it's also letting your paradigms shift as you move in and out of things, where what you said before is no longer what you're talking about now because you're integrating new territory that doesn't have to be connected to the old territory. But he's gonna lose credibility with his audience so he just avoids it, that's my guess. I know my spiritual path has gone through many twists and turns. I'm not talking about the same shit I was 5 years ago. And he took the position that his spirituality is superior to every spiritual teacher who has ever lived. That's a hell of a way to box yourself in.
  5. Avoid drinking alcohol. This article is good. I've been trying to comply with this. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/diet-nutrition/a37811921/best-foods-for-diabetics/
  6. This is a hilarious post by our boy @Someone here speculating why Leo stopped making videos. One possibility is that he just realized that all of his teachings up to now were bs and how full of shit he was . And now he is believing in materialism,dualism, and reductionistic science. He might've discovered that psychedelics are brain induced chemical alterations and have no validity when it comes to understanding the nature of consciousness and such. Especially if you notice recently in his posts on the forum he shits on spirituality saying its all nonsense https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/100190-why-leo-stoped-making-new-videos/
  7. Somebodo’s gotta be a bit of a devil’s advocate. I appreciate you too Phil.
  8. Ok. I’m just having a bit of fun with this. I can meditate for long stretches and it does seem that time doesn’t exist. I know what this stuff is all about. Trying to have a little fun and create a bit of conversation.
  9. Replace Neo-Advaita with Nonduality then. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nondualism
  10. I thought one of the Neo-Advaita beliefs is that time doesn't exist.
  11. If time doesn't exist why do we need clocks?
  12. These two statements appear to contradict.
  13. It's in the first sentence in the Wiki article on Neo-Advaita. The finite self basically. "Neo-Advaita, also called the Satsang-movement is a new religious movement, emphasizing the direct recognition of the non-existence of the "I" or "ego" ..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Advaita
  14. Nobody's doing me lol. Ego basically means the small self, the finite self. If you think that doesn't exist then shadow work is going to be totally off your radar. For a shadow to exist you need an ego, and then you need a relation between the two. I'm cross-comparing Neo-Advaita and Jung here too.
  15. Less contact might be the middle way. I know what you mean. It hurts like hell to go no contact with a parent. Limit contact but don’t cut off.
  16. If you don’t believe ego exists shadow work is going to sound like total nonsense.
  17. Top shelf. I like the harmonica on this album. Nice and clear production quality.
  18. One of my favorite albums. I love this vinyl version too. Nice and loud! I love Neil Young's integration of Country & Western music into his sound. Top shelf.
  19. One of my favorite albums. Top shelf.
  20. One of my favorite Country & Western albums. I love the sound (a bright and fresh sound). Kinda Progressive Country. Top shelf.
  21. Try using lists in conjunction with the dreamboard. I love making a list on a whiteboard. Then I can draw with the different color pens too. I like drawing around the lists too. The Expo pens are great. When you complete a task, you just erase it. I like the Expo erasers too. I have 5 big whiteboards that I've used for 4 or 5 years now. They're great for outlining and brainstorming too. And for drawing if that's something you like to do. They're like magnets for creation for me. When I get an idea it's very convenient for me to jot it down on one of my whiteboards. Sometimes I take photos of by boards and print those so I can erase the boards because they do fill up. Then I'll print out those images and put them in my inbox for further consideration. I use a large baking pan for my inbox.
  22. You haven't read Maharshi. Maybe you should. Get it from a true source. His works are available. It will change your life.
  23. Neo-Advaita is a simplification of Advaita Vedanta designed to appeal to Western audiences. This wiki article isn't half bad: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Advaita
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