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Everything posted by ConsciousDreamer666

  1. Where is the border or separation "line" between one POV and another? Where is the border or separation "line" between one POV and another? Where is the border or separation "line" between one POV and another? Where is the border or separation "line" between one POV and another?
  2. I cant seem to Accept the fact that other persons have an experience. See, before It was no issue because i thought there something such as a person and a biological thing perceiving the material world. I thought, sure, this is me, and there are the others biological beings perceiving. Each biological machine is different sure. But now...is clear to me that there are no biological beings perceiving stuff. There is just consciousness, passing through every being, and in that, creating an experience of individuality. So basically i can not handle how is It possible that there are ACTUALLY other beings experiencing the same i am experiencing (an "illusory pov"). Infinity Love, Infinity dream. It can not be possible. No way. No fucking way.
  3. Thanks! Sometimes i doubt but i intuir Phil is legit. Something about him being so congruent in his teachings so much time Tells you something
  4. It has happened more than one time that after I finish the meditation I have some seconds of 'God Realization'. I feel very good in this 'state of consciousness' because it feels there aren´t any boundaries, I´m everywhere and there is pure silence. Afterwards I start to lose my 'state of consciousness' and I become to get frustrated and very sad that I can not get to that state of consciousness. What is helping is to remind myself that 'God Realization' is just another word/thought/idea. I am remembering that 'state of consciousness' and I am proyecting that experiencing that meant being God. When in actuality, what matters is experience. If I am not experiencing that, then I am not. Full stop. I am not God or whatever fucking bullshit the mind wants to tell me. I still fall trap to this mind games from once in a while but I think I am clear that I shouldn´t ever let the mind define what an experience is or especially what It means. I just have to focus in improving my internal experience, but I must be very careful to not fall trap to the mind games of saying that I am in that experience now (in other words: I am God), because the reality is, I am not experiencing that now. @Phil is probably going to ban me for using so many times the phrase 'state of consciousness' 🤣😆
  5. @James123 🤣🤣You are going to kill me 🤣 I´m not sure what do you mean @Joseph Maynor Absolutely. @Phil Yes @Reena 😂
  6. I was just contemplating about it and I started to laugh my ass off at how ridiculous the ego is. The ego is constant fight against reality. I realize all my spiritual practice is a way to try to align myself with reality for some moments, to bring the mind and body to a place of embracing and being in armony with reality, which is how it should be all the time. But outside of that, is all a constant fight. A constant delusion. Thought after thought, the ego trying to feel real, special. Me, me, me. I, I, I. Constant friction, constant entanglement in mind hallucinations. Little Being, Little Reality, Little Harmony. How ridiculous! How come we have to meditate every single day to be truly at peace and at ease for some minutes??' And the rest of the time is just mud with thoughts? Is the ego insane? When this guy is going to break?? 😂 I´m having the time of my life watching this imaginary guy thinking is real and special. If it wasn´t for the fact that a life is wasted on thoughts and mind hallucinations... Is definetely hilarious.
  7. @Phil I´ve read you several times saying there are not 'levels of consciousness'. Then how do you explain that thanks to my daily energy practice (learned from a legit Guru) I experience a focus and intensity of awareness where I do not entangle myself with thought for hours. Depression or 'low mood/high mood' rollercoaster does not exist here. Because there is a constant focus 'outside'. The highs and lows of the thoughts do not touch me at this state of consciousness. You will say now, there aren´t levels of consciousness, and there aren´t gurus, and there aren't energetic practices. Yet, if I stop doing the practice, in a few days, if not the first very day I won´t do it, thoughts and entanglement will come back, fast. So basically what I´m saying is, there seems to be a real correlation between states of consciousness and quality of experience. In other words, if there weren´t states of consciousness you wouldn´t recommend meditating. You recommend meditating because something changes in consciousness. It gets activated and aware, therefore the possibility of some freedom opens up.
  8. That is a super common 'problem' when meditating, don't worry. I advice you to seek other tools in order to make meditation more effortless or 'a consequence of'. IMO for meditation to be a success, there must be a certain activation or intensity of energies, so when one sits and just don´t move, stillness is the result, and not drowsiness or sleep.
  9. 😊 @Someone here "Be a mother to the world". If you can just interiorise this mantra, you will be able to love. Everywhere you walk or go, wherever you are, humans, animals and even inanimate objects, see them as yours. (After all, they are happening within your experience, they could very much be yours ☺️) Or just do this emoji 🙏 to everything that appears in experience. Everything that touches you will become sacred and reverenced by You. The technique or tool is not the problem. Is, you maintaining the consciousness or focus of this 'purpose' or goal. Remind yourself, remind yourself everyday.
  10. The body and mind surrenders, of course there is not a 'self' that surrenders. Which is why meditation, yoga, etc...exist. Is a way for the body and mind to get to a place where is not anymore a blockage to reality. The illusory energy or energetic aberration that was being created as separated from reality, is no longer there, and so Dissolution happens. So in summary, there is no self that surrenders, but rather mind or body do (or stop doing) certain thing, that make the true Being or Existence awake and be 'activated'. In other words the body or mind becomes an aligned conductor in reality, making the illusory feeling of separation stop. And thus our True Being feel finally at ease.
  11. That it exists without condition, kind of like empty space or air.
  12. 🤞💥Got it my friend @James123 I Will keep letting go of thoughts and ideas and conclusions until nothing is left ...
  13. Well, I have suspicions that This Being can become enough Conscious and Powerful to generate their own blissful chemistry. With all due respect, I think you are spreading a victimistic, derrotist mindset. While I am not going to get discouraged by the opinion of a stranger in a forum, it would be good for you to inspect from where this limiting and depressing beliefs come from. As a side note, I have done over 500 Yogic Kriyas. You do not know the complexity and profundity of the human system. Yoga is an ancient super complex super nuanced science. Lifting weights is paleolthical engineering compared to doing Yoga, which would be more like Rocket Science engineering. It is very nuanced and complex and is where you start to really hack the system and go really profound. See, this is not about belief. I know the exploration I have done and I know what is worthwile to pursue in this life. Balance, Bliss, Dissolution, Perfection. That´s what is worthwhile. Rest is crap, rest is suffering, rest is rollercoaster of ups and downs. Is not true well being. But if you already are settling into a point so limited then you will not know true Ease and Liberation in this lifetime. So you have to set the bar, much, much higher than what you are setting it to right now. Much Love and is my wish and my blessing you realize is not About Being Super human, is about realising being human is Super.
  14. LOL. Then what is the point of doing any spiritual work?? @Ceejay See, if after all the work you will still be a victim to the emotional compulsions, trauma memories of your mind, and be reactive to external situations, you might as well not meditate ever. The whole point is to get to an inner place that is so damn powerful and stable that nothing outside will touch you. Of course I´m not saying that will come easy. It might even take many lifetimes. But is the goal. Another way to put it would be to not experience fear. Or reduce fear to the maximum. oxycodone. But I don´t use it anymore regularly. @Phil Your point is that is all imaginary? Like Yoga is imaginary? In the same way I guess if one pops a psychedelic, and an 'apparent' effect is felt , is also imaginary. But the imagination seems to be very solid. Like I don´t feel I´m at a point to create inner blissfulness just with pure Consciousness or Will.
  15. @Phil Yes 😊 Well, when I was meditating I got to a point where I was breathing so consciously, the air of 'outside' became 'my air', and 'my body' became and 'outside' body. The feeling of my body existing 'outside' material reality stopped, and I felt like my body was completely One with 'Material Reality'. It was a very deep feeling of unity.
  16. Just finished a meditation session, for some seconds it felt like they weren´t any boundaries between me and rest of reality. If I´m nothing and this nothing expands infinitely in all directions and creates forms and colours that means that I´m not separated from a human body that is 3000km from here? Because is all a field of nothingness. Is that non duality? Probably not because I´m trying to grasp it with the mind/conceptualizing 😅 But I thought in asking 😊
  17. That is my goal. I am not saying enlightment or awakening is not possible but I just changed goals. I realized if within I´m feeling bliss, untouchable, then whatever is happening on the outside is always good. Whatever life 'throws' at you, is just doesn´t touch you. Because one is stablished in this inner bliss empty non emotional state. I quit all drugs to pursue Light and Freedom. The drugs were getting in the way, they showed me what is possible, but they stop working fast. Now I am alone with reality. Clean, sober, with lots of doubts. Can this be done? Can I find a 'key' to trigger this inner bliss, this purity, this innocence, this emotional untouchability ? Because this would be it. If I just can produce something like this within, then yes. Life is lovely. I can go full throttle on life. So what are your views on this. Reality is unlimited, it should be possible. A lot of people would tell you 'of course no, you can not live in a state like that as a baseline' but those are just limiting thoughts. Reality is not limited. I am working on producing an inner key that will produce this inner Bliss at will. Something related with the third eye, yogic mudras and Prana.
  18. Of course, the human physical body will stop working. The heart will stop pumping blood. The body will become 'soil'. Earth stuff. But I mean OUR BEING. What if this being is actually nothingness, and we exist nowhere, in this nothing love? Sometimes I get that sweet feeling, yeah, that this is truly 'our' dream. Our love. Our nothing. 😩💙💙💙
  19. Something similar used to happen with me with femdom fantasies. After a lot of thinking and strategies I end up realising is just something like this, yeah: A sort of karma-energy that is being imprinted in you. In my experience, what only truly helps is spiritual energetic sadhana. If I were you I would not waste my time getting entangled with it. Release and feel what is needed but overall look for ways to over power those dark energies. All of what you are saying is so similar to what happens to me with femdom humiliation lol. Crazy how all minds are actually the same.
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