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Jonas Long

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Everything posted by Jonas Long

  1. No way you charge criminal amounts of money for so called direct experience with you.
  2. @Mandy one more thing, about the pottery, maybe learn to think in a more nuanced way, it's one thing to have a pot like that, it's a TOTALLY other thing to adopt a NAME for yourself that clearly belongs to a culture that is not yours and doing it so that people will think you are something you want to be perceived as ie "spiritual" maybe think about about difference here, because it is actually an important distinction that is lost on a lit of westerners. It's like white rich kids adopting black culture to seem cool, its actually totally offensive because of the legacy and imbalance in this country. These are actually the type of things it's important to educate yourself about and not gloss over.
  3. @Mandy 1 in 4 women will.be sexualy assaulted in their life, so, yes, it's wise to be aware of this, be aware that there are grifters out there, because of course there are, whether this boils.down to en extension of your self and your own experience and all that is beside the point, what I keep getting here is a bunch of side stepping that is really besides the very clear point I'm making. But you obviously don't want to hear it, or you have but want to push it aside, now that I've said what I came here to say it's really no concern of.mine how you take it, but notice that you seem to.be scrambling and using all this jargon and everything to justify maintaining your position. You seem to.have an attachment to this forum....maybe you should ask yourself why that is(see, now I did what you've been doing, I turned it around on you;))
  4. Alright, but if you see a clearly sketchy guy you are going to do what you can to protect yourself, obviously. I'm not suspicious of every spiritual teacher, I have one in my real life. I just don't ignore red flags. I trust my intuition. Yes, you need to walk a line with it, it requires a but of nuanced thinking(I guess, it doesn't really seem THAT complex to.me honestly)
  5. @Phil leave it to a charlatan to pick and choose where they apply nonduality, wiggle out of every confrontation with semantics and not even addressing the tough points. I'm done with you man. Even if more people request me coming here again I'm not gonna, you think giving me a "warning" from you means a thing to me? Lol
  6. @Phil but the "guidelines" are a concept...so are "insults" and you just made an interpretation....whatever, I said my piece, I'm basically done here.
  7. @Mandy screw being "above judgement" bs needs to be called out so it doesn't always run amok and go unchallenged, other people can help us see through a scam we are too close to sometimes. The "judgment is untenelable" talking point is like, the BEST tool in the charlatans tool box, it gives them carte Blanche!
  8. @Mandy honestly the only thing that keeps bringing me back to this forum are when people leave comments on my videos to investigate Phil's shadiness. Literally every time i came here it was by the request of someone who had concerns. And I do think those concerns were valid after looking into it. Then when I get into it with someone here, it's a useful tool to practice verbalizing my objections, making my own values known and vocal, the possibility of someone here reading them and maybe offering them a different pov outside of this echo chamber. Phil's type and his rhetoric are utterly familiar to me but others can be easily taken in by it. I've gotten feedback from people thanking me for helping them snap out of Leo's clutches, and pointing out things they've overlooked, so I do think I'm providing value as a matter of fact.
  9. @Phil whyd you give me a "warning"? Wasn't that just your interpretation of me insulting "you" who isn't even a "separate self" anway? Are you "othering" me??
  10. @Phil I bet you'd be keen on making use of the idea of "separate selves" if one of those "separate selves" harmed you or someone you love...that nondual mysticism would drop away REAL fast, don't pretend you'd be all "oh its really me who hurt me or my loved one"
  11. @Mandy a lot of people THINK leo is great and is helping them and others....people think that about Phil....people thought that about Charles Manson... people don't always recognize when they are being harmed and if fact operate under the assumption that they are being helped when just the opposite is whats really going on. Cults are prevalent because people ARE starving for spirituality, and are often DESPERATE for it, don't know where exactly to turn for it, have no radar for who is legit and who isn't, are easily manipulated, naive(especially online) etc.
  12. Yeah screen names are silly...but it's different when you are obviously borrowing a word from a different culture for the purpose of sounding "spiritual" or something like that, that's what cultural appropriation is, and it ALWAYS eventually looks ugly and embarrassing in hindsight.
  13. Taking peoples money is not an interpretation you slippery shit. It is a very clearly defined and objective in our reality. You ripped kids off. That may be an interpretation but it's one a lot can agree on.
  14. Same difference isn't it? We're all connected via thought... but when money is exchanged that's when the boundaries between us actually have meaning because you are giving your own resources away.
  15. @Mandy look at Phil spouting his meaningless semantic all-too familiar jargon as justification for taking peoples money. I've seen people talking about how they felt they were ripped off by Phil, they were vulnerable, wanted something he seemed to be promising, and failed to deliver upon. The amount he is charging is ridiculous, even for a mental health professional, which he clearly isn't. Hell no I don't want to be a life coach. I make videos that are talking about my own interests, I make it clear I do not consider myself a teacher. Selling art or massage is one thing, doing what Phil does is a scam anyone can do it, there is no special training, it's all reiterated textbook jargon, you can use nonduality to bamboozle people sooooo easily. Reading what he writes reminds me of the Clinton trail quote "that depends on what the meaning of "is" is"... all these charlatans are actually the biggest obstacle there is for sincere seekers. I can read energy, Phil is a shady mofo. Sorry, that's how I see it.
  16. @Mandy look at people like leo gura and those who generally take on that role in this cultur. Total business opportunists. The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. And NEVER trust a white dude who calls himself "nahm" or some shit....that's soon going to be seen as tacky obsolete, and offensive as minstrel shows of the '20s.
  17. @Mandy as soon as money and your personal livelihood becomes a factor in your role as a spiritual teacher, you are in it for shady reasons, you can no longer appear fallible, you aren't genuinely open to what the truth might be because you need to stand behind what you've already sold people as the truth. It's just as easy to fool yourself into thinking you're legit and doing it for the "right reasons" and westerners are fairly new to this whole dynamic, and we are more profit oriented from being raised in our society. In Eastern cultures these grifters have been around forever so people learn to be wary of them and all the pitfalls sooner, and it STILL happens there constantly.
  18. @Mandy its all too easy to be a charlatan hocking "spirituality" in this climate, in fact, it is very VERY difficult to earn money via spiritual teachings and remain ethical and in it for the right reasons, very few can do this, and it is INCREDIBLY easy to pose as a guru and exploit peoples need to connect to spirituality combined with most people's absolute ignorance in that area.
  19. End capitalism/the patriarchy so we all didn't need to do shady things to "earn" a "living" and just live.
  20. @Phil so....is THAT how you justify taking peoples money? You'd be "othering" if you perceived it as something other than yourself giving money to yourself? Well...."othering" can certainly save "your" ass from getting ripped off, that's for sure, so, maybe it's not such a bad thing really....
  21. @Phil whatever "nahm" sounds like a bunch of semantics to me. I do trust my sense of people, I am a fairly intuitive person, and the sense I get very clearly from you is of a shifty eyed charlatan, and it seems I'm not the only one... we can't all be "projecting'...if enough people are seeing the same dirt on your screen, you gotta wonder if it's really them and not you, at some point, or don't, i have no investment here.
  22. @Faith Ok, I'm not really scared of women, so, I don't really have anything to add here....um, "namas...." no, can't do it...byeeeee😘
  23. "Awareness is only aware of Awareness aware of being aware..." Yeah... I must be the silly nonsense boy here
  24. @WhiteOwl there's no me bro...must be your projection of me that sounds nuts
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