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Jonas Long

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Everything posted by Jonas Long

  1. You should have used "polly" that fits the theme here at least.
  2. @lesu You're being more "dual" than anything you realize. You keep saying one thing and walking it back, apologizing, at least I'm being consistent.
  3. Dumb. Mindless parroting. You're just repeating what you think "enlightenment" should be, what you've heard from others. You're not there. Think for yourself.
  4. Ok "bro" personally, for me to respect myself I need to unapologetically call this toxic shit out and not walk it back immediately like a weak automaton.
  5. I don't go in for that bullshit... no, I am not him. I have autonomy. I have a distinct pov that clearly differs.
  6. Why would you apologize? He's not even on here, and he deserves all the criticism. Again with you spineless "love and light" newagers...
  7. Dudes all of a sudden speaking totally obtusely and vaguely being an apologist for leo.
  8. Ok, I have no idea how that pertains to this exactly... I feel like you're all of a sudden operating in a different conversation from the rest of us here, by your last few comments...
  9. It would take a hell of a lot more than that for him to course correct if you ask me. I think he's simply proven himself unworthy if his position as a teacher in any capacity. He is clueless about his level of misogyny.
  10. Ps, I did not create this channel, someone said I did, but it's not mine.
  11. Leo literally TELLS guys to be "that guy" he literally tells guys they should ignore the first 3 "no's" from women.
  12. o See ladies, it's your fault if you are sexually assaulted as a result of your not using physical force and basically screaming "no" at the guy... christ.
  13. No. I don't know him. But the only evidence I have of how he behaves(curated by him btw) is downright despicable if you ask me. So. There's that . However, I actually do wish him well. In that I sincerely hope he recognizes, acknowledges, and course corrects his errors, and goes forward in life as a decent respectable human being. I truly would love to see this happen.
  14. I never used the word "hate" yet several people have thrown that word around in reference to my criticism. This is hyperbole that allows them to disregard what I actually said...or so it seems to me.
  15. You asked me a question and then say you won't respond to my comments...mmmkay And yes, I'm his brother. As I have said. We are twins. Same mother, different dads.
  16. He says himself he was never born, so it seems weird to wish him a happy birthday. Especially weird since he banned you from his forum. Kinda sounds like you are being an apologist for someone who was not kind to you Especially when you say, "one time he was overly nice" Wtf is "overly nice"? Nobody says that Unless they're being an apologist. Like, by contrast, he had been, regularly, "overly mean" for example. Of course leo is a Taurus. Geez Even his name is a lie. Lol.
  17. For every action an equal reaction...leo has done more than his fair share of straight up trashing. Whether it's women, his followers, or human beings in general....he's got everything in this thread and more coming to him.
  18. This is dumb in many ways... For one, he did NOT "invent" the analogy of the isolated child/teaching different words/concepts...this idea shows up many places, including in the great movie dogtooth. This again demonstrates Leo's incredibly insular existence where he hasn't exposed himself much to life and thus concepts that are fairly commonplace are often totally foreign to him. Not only this, but his take on this analogy is so boneheaded I don't know where to begin to even pick it apart... if he actually does write a book it will be hilarious because it will be absolutely trashed by anyone outside of his, relatively small, cult following. And then he'll have to explain why they all don't understand it because their awakenings are incomplete.
  19. Nah. I'm just trying to get myself banned from this absolutely absurd forum. Before I say what I really think.
  20. Ban me so I'm not tempted to really take your dumbasses to task.
  21. Thank you For the warning Can I have another You Hypocritical Fucking Wanker
  22. Oh, but how.can an appearance of a thing be a thing and then not a thing? For real This is how you Dildos Sound.
  23. Have you ever known anyone who has taken their own life? Have you?
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