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Jonas Long

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Everything posted by Jonas Long

  1. If you're going to Cherry pick when you choose to bring out non duality, meaning at your convenience when it serves your agenda in the moment, you're just gonna gaslight people and sound like a jerk. This is why it should be learned by people who are years into having a practice, not as an intro to spirituality.
  2. "Nondual community" Lmao Me and my solipsism support group are teaming up with the nihilists to convert the Jesuits.
  3. The non-dual argued, "I know you are but what am i?" Haha Seriously though, nonduality is a bad place to begin for people new to "spirituality" it just gets used to justify whatever position you like. When it gets brought up in an argument or debate, it becomes absolutely annoying and pointless.
  4. Ooooh...yall are full of shit lol! Ya lost me again...ok I'm really going this time...byeeeee
  5. Then what is meant by "awakening"....if everyone is awake, why do people use that word?
  6. Oops did I just repost that? What I meant to say is This thread has got me back! Lol
  7. ...osho wrote zero books. They are just transcripts of his speeches. But leo won't even have that it's true.
  8. ...osho wrote zero books. They are just transcripts of his speeches. But leo won't even have that it's true.
  9. If you separate the teacher, in this case leo, from the teachings, you get a mix of very well covered territory and legit spiritual teachings, and then his contribution, which consists of dopey shit like his "moth" metaphor, which literally is the stuff of 16 year olds getting high for the first time. The stuff coming from him alone, and not taken from elsewhere at all is really silly. That's why its a cult of personality.
  10. I noticed you stopped responding to me, so, I'm assuming this is because you agree I was right and you were wrong, and I've changed your mind, and you accepted that I am superior to you in every way. I'm glad you've admitted this.
  11. My goodness Mr god.... maybe someone...needs to change their undies? 😒?
  12. Yall are just giving this troll exactly what he wants. There is no response you can give to him which will not feed him.
  13. You know, if you're a solipsist, you really only have your "self" to blame for all these people getting your little panties in a bunch;)
  14. I love to be blunt...and "god" came on here upset about people "hating" on leo as if they were above having a negative view of anyone, as we're all "god" or some shit, and since then, they've done nothing but shit on everyone bringing up legit points. I'm not sure, but I don't think anyone here ever used the word "hate" in reference to leo....I never did, I did say strongly dislike, and they cherrypicked one of my reasons, and just spouted red pill bs to dispute it.... I think we should all stop humoring "god"....personally
  15. My sense is that "God" is an angry little troll with no experience with women. This is funny to read all, but I think it may be fruitless to engage with them.
  16. I stand corrected, this is exactly how a "God realized" person expresses themselves. Carry on, it is I who have much to learn.
  17. You're reiterating very well known toxic talking points. I don't have the time or energy to put into the re-education you require. So, think what you like about me, about leo, there's deeper shit going on here, and I'm not the one to fix that.
  18. Oye. Goodbye little boy. Just as I suspected, you are not worth my time. You have much to learn, and with any luck you will. But it won't be from me. I've better things to do.
  19. This is why its a cult of personality, here you are grasping at straws to defend not a teaching, but a person. A person who is OBVIOUSLY deeply flawed. To anyone not in his cult of personality.
  20. He uses doublespeak and contradicts himself constantly. "Women love not taking responsibility for sex" "most women are bad at sex" "do you want to be touched in a smooth way or a creepy way, either way you'll say its predatory(him to a woman objecting to pickup" boy, if you don't see a problem here, you're the problem.
  21. I'll let someone else explain that to you....go back and read this full thread, and if you still have to ask that question, you're not worth my time.
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