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Jonas Long

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Everything posted by Jonas Long

  1. As far as I can tell, and I do not claim enlightenment, there is nothing about "awakening" that keeps you from strongly disliking certain personalities.
  2. Oh I know you were, I was reacting more to Psychonautica and Baller... thank you for helping me out there, sometimes I'm not very detail oriented😅
  3. That is so nice to hear, thank you for taking the time to say it💜
  4. Ok fuck the legality of it...I brought that up to try and underline my point, and I don't think I was completely wrong, but I should know anytime you do that you will be picked apart with semantics and extenuating circumstances and whatever... it's morally reprehensible, are we all OK with that?
  5. My newer video "on substance abuse" pertains to my feelings on this as well, though it doesn't mention leo by name.
  6. There are indeed examples of puas who have gone to jail for doing the type of thing leo advocates, just because he lives in a state with loose laws on consent doesn't mean people in other states following his advice aren't subject to legal ramifications. Looking at the link Joseph Maynor shared, it does show that stuff leo advocates can very well violate consent laws. And many of his followers don't strike me as bright enough to know where to draw that line, neither does he obviously, maybe that's why he chooses to live in Nevada. I still don't see my criticism as going too far.
  7. Mmmkay...I was wrong on the particulars of the legal system...the other quote did include "I think" so it was my own opinion.... I didn't say he was Satan, I'd never give him that much credit....I absolutely stand by the statement that he is a predator. And the having sex with a vomiting stranger seems as though it could very well fall into the category of illegal since someone that wasted could easily be past the point of informed consent.
  8. I just went back in this thread and saw this, I'm actually really touched by it, and I'm flattered to have been brought into this discussion at all. I strive to be as clear as possible in what I say publicly, I take full responsibility for all my words, if I ever realize an error I will cop to it immediately, I'm very new to doing this, and I hope to keep growing. So, thank you, I'm humbled truly to have reached anyone, I intend to remain humble and curious along with y'all. Cheers.
  9. No, I'm not anti these things, there is a huuuuge difference between what leo and the puas do and responsible, normal nightlife interactions. The puas are predators because they go out with the very specific intent to hookup with any girl at any cost, they even refer to women as "targets" this is vastly different from someone who goes out because they enjoy it and if they should happen to get on with someone and hookup, great, but it's not their sole motive. A lot of these pickup guys, leo especially, are socially clueless and going out to prey on the intoxicated ONLY because they are easy targets, they don't enjoy or even understand the social enjoyment of simply going out, drinking, dancing, whatever....I mean just look at leo trying to "dance", it just doesn't even compute with him, and he is completely out of synch socially with his surroundings. And yes, of course a person who has had a bit to drink can consent, but you need a level of discretion that leo clearly doesn't have, or even care to have.
  10. The main point is its obviously shady. We can all see this right? Not only that, you are degrading yourself because you are basically saying "in order for me to get sex I must put myself in a place where people specifically go to release their inhibitions in the most extreme way" in other words, you aren't worthy of attracting someone who had their full judgement and faculties about them. And yes, we're talking about someone who is supposedly "God realized". It seems fairly absurd to me.
  11. That seems totally reasonable. I think there is much more room for that when you know the person and have an existing relationship, when you just "pick up" a stranger, it's much harder to tell, like I say, some people can function perfectly fine in a total alcoholic blackout, you just can't necessarily tell, so unless youve been present with then the entire time they have been drinking and know how much they drank, you really can't tell. It's shady no matter what....people have addictions and engage compulsively in behavior they don't really want to, only to regret it later, and yes, that is on them in a way, but you don't need to participate in someone's bad decisions. The whole thing is just gross to me. I've been involved in poly and non monogamous relationships, and generally people who I've known who do are very ethical, and very much look down on pua in this way. Imo you really need to be MORE ethical if you are trying to have casual sex with multiple partners.
  12. If someone is vomiting while you are having sex with them, I think it qualifies as date rape, regardless of whether you drugged/got them wasted or not. It's like taking advantage of someone with a disability. When you're that wasted, you are "dis-abled" ....so yeah, I don't see my criticism of him as "going too far" whatsoever.
  13. I think your response was superb. I get easily frustrated with these types of forums, if someone has a good question or response to me I'll engage with them I suppose. But seems like nobody's really here to change their mind on anything anyway.
  14. Thats...exactly my point? Well they are clearly intoxicated to some degree(slurring, etc) but there is no saying to what degree. And let's just say, it being a club in Vegas, the safest assumption would be that they ARE, not that they might not be. I'm not going to be responding to these semantic objections anymore. I was asked to come here and clarify so I did, I don't see any value in continuing down this particular line of cross examination. Good day.
  15. You can't assume an individuals level of intoxication based on how they seem. Some can fully function in full on blackouts. This means there is no "ethical" way to do what he is doing. Maybe Nevada has less strict laws on consent. Also, this is only what we see, he talks about doing much more, meaning sleeping with women he picks up in this way. I personally think this is absolutely inexcusable, but sounds like you disagree. Anyway, I don't feel bad at all about expressing my thoughts on this in any videos I have done, and I'm not even trying to make more of them in the future, I think I might be done with them.
  16. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCqHEqUuD1gggzMMrIR47oNg/videos Some of the vegas videos have been trimmed down and posted on this channel. His rhetoric on the subject is peppered throughout many videos, lots and lots of examples on the sex and dating threads on his forum.
  17. Hey all, this is Lester Retsel, I haven't read this whole thread yet, just saw that I was accused of taking my criticism too far visa vi leo being a sexual predator. The thing is, the things he talks about and films himself doing in his Vegas videos legally qualify as sexually predatory, meaning he is sober and very forcefully making moves on and kissing drunk girls. This means they cannot give informed consent and he knows it. So, technically, and by law, this is the case.
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