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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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24 minutes ago, Faith said:

Because, I can read. 


I can read, and think, too 🐣👻


24 minutes ago, Faith said:

Yep, because you are trying to portray your opinions and assumptions, as facts


Take what you like and leave the rest 💫👀


24 minutes ago, Faith said:

and truly you seem like you are just trying to start trouble. Day after day now you are having a problem with someone, if not multiple someone's.


It's no trouble for me, but people are different 🏄‍♂️🛰️


Have faith.

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42 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

I don't think he is doing it for the money

To clarify, I didn't mean he's doing it "just" for the money either, but I do think some of what he says and a lot of what he does is in a tactical way to keep his business going, whether it's unconscious or not I don't know. 


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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@Aware WolfSome maps are objectively true, whereas others are not. And different maps will map different functions. The rock thing is related to intention, overcoming doubts of intention (my emphasis on "possibly" was because this may not have been a problem for you in the first place; not everybody has the same starting point for every single function or line of development they traverse through). As for some of his dream visions, I don't know what they symbolize to him personally as that's something only somebody in the context of that sea of unconscient images and impulses would be competent to interpret within the content of their specific life. The M.D. thing is definitely related to ego, but the second edition of the book doesn't have it. Despite the fact that being educated on medical science is decently likely to be helpful in understanding psychoses in the context of how clinicians treat both neurological and psychological effects of practices. By the Wilberian model, you'd be stage green that has a vendetta against second tier. You have, evidently, a pluralistic mind (you have considered all these different points of view and are openminded as far as searching out for contrasting viewpoints is concerned), but you dislike when one tries to establish itself as more true than others in spite of the fact that some systems actually are more comprehensively developed and are on a higher level of personal "evolution."

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13 hours ago, Lester Retsel said:

My goodness . . . Possibly.

Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that you have an obsession with Gura. Possibly then, it is reasonable to say this actually is counterproductive because it has the chance to create the potential of forming a way where needlessness becomes likely aplenty.

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5 hours ago, Faith said:

truly you seem like you are just trying to start trouble. Day after day now you are having a problem with someone, if not multiple someone's.


After reflecting, I sadly conclude that your perception is wrong 🤙😸💕

What you are calling "trying to start trouble" is basically two events:

  • The first event with that person, I don't want to talk about that anymore.
  • The second event with Phil and his never-ending "trying to reach clarity" even after clarifying time and time again that I answered his original question 🧏‍♀️

The rest is just you and other people chiming in and telling me that I'm wrong etc. and me replying to some of your comments, entertaining your feedback and changing some of my behaviors. But when I reply to you and you don't like it, you make it to be all about me, the evil devil who is starting trouble. Not too convenient of a narrative to construct about me, if you think about it, is it? 💅

Basically the same cult dynamics that we used to see on Actualized where the admin can do no wrong and the mods immediately jump to his defense, and let's not forget about the flying monkeys 😏🤹‍♂️

Apparently, cults don't necessarily form consciously or on purpose. It's almost like the natural trajectory of any hierarchical structure that humans build 🤣🐳


Edited by Ges
More insights and emojis

Have faith.

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8 hours ago, Ges said:

The second event with Phil and his never-ending "trying to reach clarity" even after clarifying time and time again that I answered his original question 🧏‍♀️

Saturday morning you called out 4 separate ppl with there posts (Phil, Mandy, Robed Mystic and blendinginfinite) looking for a fight. You posted one after another. I replied to you "who pissed in your cheerios today" which made you come to your senses. 


I don't know what your problem is and frankly I don't care, but you aren't going to turn stuff around on ppl here, day in and out, and think that's a-ok because it's not. 


You don't like being called out on your inappropriate posts, well, too bad. 

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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42 minutes ago, Faith said:

Saturday morning you called out 4 separate ppl with there posts (Phil, Mandy, Robed Mystic and blendinginfinite) looking for a fight. You posted one after another. I replied to you "who pissed in your cheerios today" which made you come to your senses.


That's a narrative that you've constructed by misconstruing the original context, dear 💘

  1. Phil was talking to me originally.
  2. Mandy was defending him (a mod who replied to me first).
  3. Dave and I are good.
  4. blendinginfinite was defending Phil (a member/flying monkey who replied to me first).
  5. You were defending Phil too (another mod who replied to me first), by projecting this story of being pissed onto me. I reflected and found out that my way of interaction was reactive, but I denied being pissed. You kept projecting that I was pissed, told me you were sorry about the electrical problem that I had, and I ignored that and thanked you 🙋‍♂️🌍

Conclusion: My story holds up. Your story doesn't 🤗

Edited by Ges

Have faith.

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47 minutes ago, Faith said:

You don't like being called out on your inappropriate posts, well, too bad. 


Then how come I did apologize about the other posts that I acknowledged were inappropriate? 🎅🐾


Edited by Ges
Forgot the emojis

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3 hours ago, Arug Oel said:

Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that you have an obsession with Gura. Possibly then, it is reasonable to say this actually is counterproductive because it has the chance to create the potential of forming a way where needlessness becomes likely aplenty.


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For those who don't know what a flying monkey is:


"The term ‘flying monkeys’ is another way of saying ‘abuse by proxy’ or having someone else do the bidding of in this case a narcissist. The term flying monkey was coined after the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz that were under the spell of the Wicked Witch of the East, to do her bidding against Dorothy and her friends."




Edited by Ges
Forgot the emojis again

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How do we get to a point where everyone says what they need to about Leo or Phil, and we all decide to do productive things instead of arguing with one another?

What steps would need to be taken for that to happen, so that everyone is at peace with one another and no feelings are too hurt?

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1 minute ago, Annie said:

How do we get to a point where everyone says what they need to about Leo or Phil, and we all decide to do productive things instead of arguing with one another?

What steps would need to be taken for that to happen, so that everyone is at peace with one another and no feelings are too hurt?


Step1: People need to stop worshiping authority.

Step2: People need to start listening to reason.

Step3: I'll be on Actulaized if you ever decide to come back there.


Have faith.

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Just now, Ges said:


Step1: People need to stop worshiping authority.

Step2: People need to start listening to reason.

Step3: I'll be on Actulaized if you ever decide to come back there.


Step 1 - Sounds very reasonable.  We are our own spiritual authorities, that's how it has to be.
Step 2 - Reason is kind of up in the air because people have different definitions of what is reasonable and what isn't.
Step 3 - You're leaving here?  Aww, well I'll cya around if you come back here - I'm planning on making a more organized journal here.  I can't go back there - I couldn't keep my cool and act decently and so this is what happens - I should start again here and let the people there feel comfortable in their own space, that sounds fair.  Like, I should have been banned for some of my behaviour, I'm self-banning because my attitude got all messed up and sometimes the responsible thing to do is to walk away.

I wanna be in a place where I put my best self forward to start with and maintain that.  It's hard to do there for me for some reason, I always get triggered when I don't want to/mean to and that doesn't happen here or surprisingly on reddit.  I've been able to put my best self forward there, too, and just be of service and offer advice when I can and that's the best way to be.  The Actualized forum just has so many things that I don't agree with, people know each other so well that they've all gotten into fights with one another... you know?
Maybe in two or three years if that place is even still around I might join with a new username and pick up where I left off - but I need more time, other people need more time - there needs to be improvement on my end and I think this place would be better suited for it.

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13 minutes ago, Annie said:

How do we get to a point where everyone says what they need to about Leo or Phil, and we all decide to do productive things instead of arguing with one another?

What steps would need to be taken for that to happen, so that everyone is at peace with one another and no feelings are too hurt?


"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!"

   -- Dr. Peter Venkman





“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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15 minutes ago, Ges said:

Step3: I'll be on Actulaized if you ever decide to come back there.

See ya! 

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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19 minutes ago, Annie said:

How do we get to a point where everyone says what they need to about Leo or Phil, and we all decide to do productive things instead of arguing with one another?

What steps would need to be taken for that to happen, so that everyone is at peace with one another and no feelings are too hurt?

The only thing to do at this point is drop it and walk away.  There'll ALWAYS be more to say and express about anything you feel strongly about, nothing can be reduced and neatly tied up and put away.  Thats the annoying thing...you have to leave well enough alone even though you don't necessarily feel anyway resolved.  That's where I've landed. 

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4 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!"

   -- Dr. Peter Venkman

My dogs and cats live together pretty peacefully - not so sure about human sacrifice though, although it is a fascinating subject, you know Aztecs and all.  Mass hysteria would probably work, like if something was causing problems for most of the world and it was a danger that was imminent, either people would band together or destroy one another.

2 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:

The only thing to do at this point is drop it and walk away.  There'll ALWAYS be more to say and express about anything you feel strongly about, nothing can be reduced and neatly tied up and put away.  Thats the annoying thing...you have to leave well enough alone even though you don't necessarily feel anyway resolved.  That's where I've landed. 

I totally get that, and will end up leaving this particular convo pretty soon, as I've already expressed that what has been said has been said and it's probably time to move onto other things.  If not, this forum will devolve into just a place to talk shit about one person - when it should be used as a spiritual forum for individual and communal growth.

I suppose I could take the first steps and just get on with it and make some relevant topics, journals, and whatnot - lead by example.

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