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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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8 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Right because they were taken out of context and out of order far before you had the foundations or even the life experience.   This again is why psychedelics can shatter one's life if they aren't ready.  If you have been listening to spiritual teachings at age 16 then take DMT you may be shown something you were not prepared for.

My first trip was at 15 or 16 and it was amazing. As 90% plus of my trips have been too. As I told you and many others. When I first realized self=other it was fucking amazing. But leos content was not suited for me not that I can't handle truth but the guy is misleading as fuck. And quite frankly after seeing his behavior over the years he's not exactly the nicest person setting spirituality aside 

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@Robed Mystic and don't call me connor murphy. Connor was recording shit for his 2 million sub audience trolling leo. He deadass said he was some 5th dimension star seed. 

I wasnt chewing on my shirt screaming I have physcosis. I was actively pursing help and setting goals and working to be more mature. 

And truth pulled me out of the abyss. 

Leo literally said there is a bubble and when you're head moves the bubble moves combined with other people are a fantasy. And you wonder why people have a problem with him 


There has never been any emotional discord from Phil, frank yang, Anna brown, tolle, Spira, sadguru, osho, ONLY Leo 

And his behavior has been the most shady 

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3 minutes ago, Iesu said:

@Robed Mystic and don't call me connor murphy. Connor was recording shit for his 2 million sub audience trolling leo. He deadass said he was some 5th dimension star seed. 

I wasnt chewing on my shirt screaming I have physcosis. I was actively pursing help and setting goals and working to be more mature. 

True that man.  But you were  very fucked up from what you were shown on psychedelics.  You did not want to face these Truths and you were not ready for them.   You know I love you bro - you are the man.  And in fact I'm sure I will talk to you later in person  since its been a while!   Didn't mean anything by that other than these Truths or facets of Truth are very threatening to our existence and for good reason

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@Robed Mystic I love you more then you could imagine. And none of that crap is directly experienced. I still have been doing high dose trips and there's been nothing but bliss. Ironically when I stopped watching actualized is when things got better and actually realized love

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15 minutes ago, Loop said:


Ultimately, but I was more so using the question to show how an indirect way of guiding someone to a realization can be more useful sometimes, and how there are many ways to explain one thing. Quite frequently I find in spirtual discussion people are talking about pretty much the same thing but thinking the other person is talking about something completely different. 

Yes what you said a about terms and terminology is dead on.   For example  - if I use the word infinity - people call it Leoism.  But you have to ask yourself why?  Do we call the word God Judaism?  Why recreate the wheel or create a new word when the word is what it defines? We could - but why?  To prevent someone from thinking it was parroting?  Who cares?  If you care then you miss what is being pointed to

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5 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:


True enough.  I realize this too.  Total waste of my time.  And it doesn't feel good to me to engage this way.  I'll find something better to do on here like focus on my mindfulness thread.  I don't expect and never did expect him or her to change.  Thank you.  But engaging with you doesn't make me feel quite right either.  I feel a kind of dismissal in you that makes me feel terrible -- especially the last part of what you said to me.  This is how I used to feel on Actualized too on occasion and I really don't want to go back to feeling this way at all in my life if I can help it -- especially from some nameless, faceless avatar on the Internet. 

I'm really sorry it made you feel terrible, that wasn't my intention. You are a right about my attitude, sorry and thanks for pointing that out. And exactly with the nameless, faceless avatars, which was also part of my point. Asking someone like "God" what "leap in logic he took to arrive at that point", seems meaningless. You know nothing about him.. why bother. It's the internet where the easiest thing is finding someone or something to disagree with. It was different if it was someone you have known for a while who you wanted to clarify, but this kind of back and forth seems very fruitless to me at least, and takes a lot of space. Pick your battles


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2 hours ago, Ges said:


Are you seriously saying that?! You? Out of all people?


The reason why you were demoted was because of your cryptic style of communication, I think it was fair in that sense. Many people have complained about it in the past including myself. Your posts can be hard to decipher sometimes. So when someone replies to you, and you think it's out of context, then it's reasonable to think that the problem is most likely on your part, and that it's your responsibility to clarify before asking others to re-read your posts. Otherwise, you're just telling me that I'm stupid for not understanding your crystal-clear communication, or that I'm deliberately changing the context to dodge the addressed point(s).

I was demoted & asked to leave for commenting on a thread in which the op was asking if there was perhaps a flaw in Leo’s communication, specifically in regard to there being a you which is avoiding the truth. The member pointed out and or questioned if that is misleading, and sited me as offering a more straightforward clearer communication in this regard. I offered once again, there is only love, that love is infinite and unconditional, there are no separate selves, there is no you which avoids a or a the, truth. I also was very transparent with Leo, as seen by the private messages shared publicly, in the suggestions of putting his own alignment so to speak, his own health and well being, first.


Honestly, I often feel as if I’m the only voice of compassion for Leo. But this likely relates to being the only one who’s actually spent some time with him. (In person if you will, as compared to a camera). I (once again) implore anyone interested to do the same. I feel strongly that anyone who does, will see the communications, his videos, very very differently, and would also have much more compassion for him, and would also suggest that he prioritize his own health & well being. Also, I only mention this aspect as he mentioned this. He seemed like privacy is exceptionally important to him, and I respect privacy. I otherwise would not, and never did, share publicly that we hung out. 


Getting back to your comment, there isn’t a problem. You’re saying there is a problem. Same thing Leo did. Miscommunications happen. So what. No self, no problem. Communication can always continue. No need to argue, nor accuse, belittle, re-contextual what was said, etc, etc.


I’m open to feedback. If I don’t understand what was said, such as here with @Joseph Maynor,  I simply ask for clarification. I don’t say we have a problem and talk about him in a demeaning manor. That’s asinine imo. I don’t say they are being cryptic or vague years later, just because I don’t understand what they said. This is glaringly defensive posturing & disingenuous (imo). 


It can not be my responsibility to clarify, when nothing is asked about what I said. When asked to, I am always happy to clarify. There’s never a problem, when there is no interest in being right, or defending stances of being right. Pain & suffering are more than amply self evident. These conversations are for the enjoyment of these conversations. It’s not personal, there’s no problem. 

Only one of us is saying you’re stupid. I didn’t say anything about you in regard to not understanding what was said at all, I said you can refer to it and to what you said, to see the difference. To see how you changed the context. In your most recent reply above, you are again changing the context of what was said and making gross accusations. I didn’t say it was out of context, as if there were a ‘right context’ it should be in, I said you changed the context of what was said. 

I also did not say that you are deliberately changing the context. I don’t think that at all. It is precisely because you are changing the context and not seeing that you are, as far as I can see, that I suggested comparing the two comments. That you might see that you are doing this. 

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7 minutes ago, Iesu said:

@Robed Mystic I love you more then you could imagine. And none of that crap is directly experienced. I still have been doing high dose trips and there's been nothing but bliss. Ironically when I stopped watching actualized is when things got better and actually realized love

Precisely.   And this is what you need right now.   You need to grow and those teachings were not going to help you in your current stage of life.   Love you too.

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8 minutes ago, Iesu said:

@Phil  I offered once again, there is only love, that love is infinite and unconditional, there are no separate selves, there is no you which avoids a or a the, truth.


You said it best brother

You gotta remember Love is Absolute.  Love encompasses a self, a no self, the avoidance of Truth, that there is no Truth and nothing to avoid, and also that there is Truth that the ego avoids.  It is all.  It is One  

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19 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Yes what you said a about terms and terminology is dead on.   For example  - if I use the word infinity - people call it Leoism.  But you have to ask yourself why?  Do we call the word God Judaism?  Why recreate the wheel or create a new word when the word is what it defines? We could - but why?  To prevent someone from thinking it was parroting?  Who cares?  If you care then you miss what is being pointed to


The thing is it might be recreating the wheel for you to use someone else's language, but it is also recreating the wheel to for them to use yours. 


The word is only what it defines for you, for-you! Language is so tricky, and I am certainly not suggesting a mear change in terminology, or that we all agree upon certain terms. More so that we all accept each others ways of explaining things, and threw interacting with each other we come to have a multidimensional way of looking at things threw coming to understand many other people's way of viewing this Elephant. 


I don't think what people are calling "Leoism" is the usage of "Infinity". I feel it is more likely it was a perceived attitude. 

Edited by Loop

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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1 minute ago, Loop said:


The thing is it might be recreating the wheel for you to use someone else language, but it is also recreating the wheel to for them to use yours. 


The word is only what it defines for you, for-you! Language is so tricky, and I am certainly not suggesting a mear change in terminology, or that we all agree upon certain terms. More so that we all accept each others ways of explaining things, and threw interacting with each other we come to have a multidimensional way of looking at things threw coming to understand many other people's way of viewing this Elephant. 



Exactly!!   You get it!!    This is it in a nutshell!!   Look behind the words for what it's pointing to and then the word that describes it really doesn't matter.  I don't know if you realize it or not but this is the "Leo" trap or at least one aspect of it that I was eluding to earlier.

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12 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Exactly!!   You get it!!    This is it in a nutshell!!   Look behind the words for what it's pointing to and then the word that describes it really doesn't matter.  I don't know if you realize it or not but this is the "Leo" trap or at least one aspect of it that I was eluding to earlier.


Well did Leo fall into the "Leo" trap then? 😂 He didn't seem to want to accept Phil's way of explaining things. 

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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2 hours ago, Orb said:

@BlendingInfinite he didn't answer my question 😑


I think @Robed Mystic actually influenced leo to think like him.

I don't think this is Leo. He would contribute on this forum more than on its own. Furthermore, Leo would never contribute to Phil's traffic, because of pride etc. . It is just a poor acolyte who doesn't have much to do in life and is now pushing the act.org movie.


It is self-evident that Leo made up the argument of "cryptic communication" for political reasons. Otherwise, he could have done this a long time before. Too strange, that it just happened as he proposed his solipsism course, which costs lie in the 4-figure range. Moreover, before the demoting, Phil posted links to YouTube channels of people, who made debunking videos of Leo.


Now I'm already taking part in such a conversation 😄 I feel like a teen magazine journalist or something.


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8 minutes ago, Loop said:


Well did Leo fall into the "Leo" trap then? 😂 He didn't seem to want to accept Phil's way of explaining things. 

I think he jumped the gun by banning him and probably regrets it.  Phil has been Phil forever..so why now?  I know I've jumped the gun on there before and it clearly shines through as ego.   That said - it could have been that their styles differed and it was better if Phil started his own community just because of the different styles.

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@BlendingInfinite I'm not saying he's leo, im saying it seems he may have influenced leo.

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2 minutes ago, Orb said:

@BlendingInfinite I'm not saying he's leo, im saying it seems he may have influenced leo.

I know, that is why said Leo did it for political reasons. He is not influenced by this guy. However, I wrote this to cover the unlikely case that you meant Leo influenced himself.


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