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There is no need to compete in sports.


7 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

That's the result of supporting transgenders, just wait a decade and see more shit with the influence they have on children nowadays, The west must ban transgender from getting close to children like what Putin did recently or people will wake up and find their children turned whatever they may wake up and find their children turned squirrel.




Even if this was true, who gives a shit?


Oh no my baby is now gay 😞 everything = ruined


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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7 hours ago, Jonas Long said:

You guys, she is not a trans woman.  She is a cis women, did not transition.  Some people made this assumption and ran with it and it blew up somehow without being fact checked. 

I honestly don't know, havent read or heard much about it. Only that a biological born male (penis), just won the women olympics in boxing. Now there can be endless discussions about how to define this and that and its all nothing and fluid, but i have my opinion from looking at the world, not reading or asking anyone, but i'm also not going to fight for it.. don't really care much and it won't affect me. Sounds funny though. 


The day someone born with a vagina wins the olympics in boxing in the male category we can talk again 😁



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@Jonas LongActually i just read into it. "She is not a "classic" male but an intersex individual leaning towards male characteristics due to her chromosomes. While she has a form of vagina from birth, her physical traits align more with male characteristics outside of genitalia."


Its complicated i see. Can't trust anything without reading into the matter yourself 

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The amount of melting down over the Olympics from both the Christians so desperate to feel persecuted that they projected the last supper onto the Greek bachanalia, and the so called "terfs" so desperate to feel offended over transgender people that they projected a penis onto someone who doesn't have and never had one is really something.  

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21 hours ago, Jonas Long said:

@Isagi Yoichi @WhiteOwl

You guys, she is not a trans woman.  She is a cis women, did not transition.  Some people made this assumption and ran with it and it blew up somehow without being fact checked. 

Wow, i thought she had a penis judging by the media backlash. 


If she is coming up as having XY chromosomes, that does give her an unfair advantage over women. So i think she shouldn’t be able to fight against the women and has to box with the guys. Trans male to female cant compete against biological women. It’s unfair to women. Unless they didnt go through puberty. 


Im not PC or woke so i will probably offend easily on this topic. 🤠🤠🤠


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25 minutes ago, Cooper Swam said:

Wow, i thought she had a penis judging by the media backlash. 


If she is coming up as having XY chromosomes, that does give her an unfair advantage over women. So i think she shouldn’t be able to fight against the women and has to box with the guys. Trans male to female cant compete against biological women. It’s unfair to women. Unless they didnt go through puberty. 


Im not PC or woke so i will probably offend easily on this topic. 🤠🤠🤠


She passed the physical required for the Olympics, had participated in them previously, has lost other fights against women, etc.  Some women have xy chromosomes, and have always been considered women.  In the days of the original Olympics there would never have even been a question about it, she has female parts and identifies as one.  Michael Phelps has a BUNCH of physical "abnormalities" which give him an advantage for swimming, so unless people want to care about that too, they shouldn't care about this.  

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Do you think that the reason that sometimes people get so triggered by someone that isn't clearly female or male is because the real question isn't about whether the person is male or female, but actually about the solidity of their own identity and how they relate and judge others? Isn't it counterproductive and more of the same to assume that someone made uncomfortable is not educated enough? Is education really the issue? What is the discomfort really? 

 Youtube Channel  

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2 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Do you think that the reason that sometimes people get so triggered by someone that isn't clearly female or male is because the real question isn't about whether the person is male or female, but actually about the solidity of their own identity and how they relate and judge others? Isn't it counterproductive and more of the same to assume that someone made uncomfortable is not educated enough? Is education really the issue? 

Yes.  And further educating can lead to more questioning, eliminating the red herrings of false concerns until they eventually get to the core of the issue where there isn't anything to blame it on and have to face the hidden issue directly. 

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Maybe this is a good case study for shadow projection. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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26 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Do you think that the reason that sometimes people get so triggered by someone that isn't clearly female or male is because the real question isn't about whether the person is male or female, but actually about the solidity of their own identity and how they relate and judge others? Isn't it counterproductive and more of the same to assume that someone made uncomfortable is not educated enough? Is education really the issue? What is the discomfort really? 

This topic is a hard one, trans in sports and the destruction of gender, thats playing out right now. 


Both sides get triggered, equally. 


Thats the point. The dream narrator loves division, it’s like another ego but from the “awakened” perspective, not true nature/the isness of existence. 


Is any of this real? No. Is having an opinion about any topic just a bit of entertainment? Yes. The human appearance loves to have an opinion.


Taking away parental rights on their child’s transition is going to be a big problem. Men, especially recently transitioning men, competing against females in any sports, is going to be a problem.


Being forced to accept non binary or even transgender is a big problem for most societies. Its needs baby steps, which is not what’s happening. It feels overly forced. 


When you overly force anything, the backlash is going to be big. 



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13 hours ago, Cooper Swam said:

And to add, Expecting people to answer what’s your preferred pronouns, as the norm, is a big problem too. I just roll my eyes at that one. 

Isn't that's what transgender people want? 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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7 hours ago, Reena said:

Isn't that's what transgender people want? 

Some may? Its becoming the norm and there isn’t that much resistance to it because then you are deemed as transphobe and cancelled, no different to questioning what Israel does in Gaza and the West Bank labels you an antisemite. So many people i know are being reeducated via their jobs about gender and it’s widespread. 


“What are you preferred pronouns”  is even a question on an internet forum i joined recently. I know lots of non binary people (all of them are emotionally unstable) and trans friends (who are not emotionally unstable, generally) and the consensus among all of them is that gender needs to be done away with. No gender. We will all be they/them soon enough. 


It is an interesting thing to witness. The dream loves to entertain. It is hard to not get emotionally attached to it and just step back. The dream also loves drama and the right/wrong, left/right, ebb and flow that it embodies. 

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On 8/2/2024 at 4:41 AM, Jonas Long said:

What JK Rowling and others jumped on was the fact she failed the physical gender test in her own country because of higher than usual amounts of testosterone, but which is within the test regulations for the Olympics. 

He failed a gender eligibility test conducted by the International Boxing Association (IBA) last year. This resulted in her disqualification from the Women’s World Championships. and not in his country lmao


Other players like him failed the test too. 

On 8/2/2024 at 4:41 AM, Jonas Long said:

In other words, women and men both have varying levels of testosterone and estrogen.  It's a spectrum, everybody falls somewhere on it.  So, some people born with male genetilia have most of the female secondary characteristics and vice versa.  


He has XY chromosomes which make him a male 100% 



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On 8/3/2024 at 1:53 AM, Mandy said:

Do you think that the reason that sometimes people get so triggered by someone that isn't clearly female or male is because the real question isn't about whether the person is male or female

There is nothing that is not clear while she may identify as a female she/he has XY chromosomes as to the test results 


On 8/3/2024 at 1:53 AM, Mandy said:

but actually about the solidity of their own identity and how they relate and judge others? Isn't it counterproductive and more of the same to assume that someone made uncomfortable is not educated enough? Is education really the issue? What is the discomfort really? 


That is an assumption from you clearly and a refusal  to accept that there are tests to determine whether someone has xx chromosomes or xy chromosomes and they can't compete against each other



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On 8/3/2024 at 1:30 AM, Jonas Long said:

Michael Phelps has a BUNCH of physical "abnormalities" which give him an advantage for swimming, so unless people want to care about that too, they shouldn't care about this.  

I wonder how far are you willing to be delusional to defend LGBTQ+ and not researching just defending and arguing.



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On 8/2/2024 at 4:59 AM, Blessed2 said:

There is no need to compete in sports.





Even if this was true, who gives a shit?


Oh no my baby is now gay 😞 everything = ruined



Yeah, bro, I am sure u won't give a shit when your child is like this, who gives a shit? EvErYThINg iS oKaY 



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