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We've all wanted to believe in God, from our very beginings.  But we may have fallen into atheism, or perhaps we became agnostic.  This is becuase we didn't want to actually believe there was a God.   Why?  Because God wouldn't show itself to us, so therefore, it was much easier to believe that God didn't exist.


But now, what if -  what if you could realize that there was a Truth that almost no one knows about?


What if there was a Truth, that, if you actually spent time investigating, you would actually find?


Could there even be a Truth to find?


What coulld this lead to?  This so called Truth?  


Now, on the other hand, what if you just ingested a whole bunch of teachings about spirituality and God from your past, and then you put it all together?  Would that be spirituality?  So you were indoctrined into Spirutality from birth - born into religion.  Would this be the answer or is there something more?


Edited by Robed Mystic
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30 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:



We've all wanted to believe in God, from our very beginings.  But we may have fallen into atheism, or perhaps we became agnostic.  This is becuase we didn't want to actually believe there was a God.   Why?  Because God wouldn't show itself to us, so therefore, it was much easier to believe that God didn't exist.




30 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

But now, what if -  what if you could realize that there was a Truth that almost no one knows about?


What if there was a Truth, that, if you actually spent time investigating, you would actually find?

oooh the tantalizing promise that you will have something special that other people don't!  classic staple of every cult.


30 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

whole bunch of teachings about spirituality and God from your past, and then you put it all together?  Would that be spirituality?  So you were indoctrinced into Spiruality from birth - born into religion.  Would this be the answer or is there something more?

get it together with the spelling, we've already been over how to spell "spirituality".  i mean, "indoctrinced"?  it lends this paragraph about as much weight as it deserves, so appropriate.  spir-rut-ality, in-goddamn-deed.

Edited by Jonas Long
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33 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Pardon me but what does the mere sense of being (which is what "I Am" is ) got to do with the masculinity implied in the term ? Does the feminine not have the sense of "I Am" as well?

I have my own theory.  It's my theory.  I have my own ideas about spiritual enlightenment and the path.  I don't try to hide that.  I think one must be integrous and original in equal measure as a creator.  You can't mind-meld with someone and get your spirituality.  There's a tiny you in there that won't have that.  You gotta be an original at some point and on some level in this work.   And you also need to be able to hear beyond yourself.  There should be an ability to sense what is needed when, to know when to do what -- it's a social sense of knowing, a Feminine sense of knowing.  That's the part that the knowing-oriented Masculine often misses.  There's deep feeling behind this stuff too.  There's a reason for the soft, the small, the humble, the quiet, the assisting, as well as all the Masculine qualities that are the reverse of those.  Don't miss out on the fun of creation!  People get so stuck on truth they forget they have a choice to have fun too.  Once you loosen up, you can have fun playing with archetypes and forms.  It depend where you are on the path.  You don't need to warehouse so much in your shadow.  It's not necessary.  One you have it, you have it, you don't need to keep worshiping the same thing your whole life.  Get on with it!  Make a goal and take the fun venture to explore that journey!  I'm speaking to myself too because I can and would be happy meditating all day long if I didn't force myself to find interest in doing more than that.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:


@Robed Mystic what's your definition of god ?

God can't be described.   All the labels we want to put on God, God surpasses.  So we could say Ifinite, because as soon as you imagine the power of God you have only touched the surface.  Now, as i said on Actualized earlier today, there aren't levels of Consciousness - but when you have a mystical experience of God you may realize it will continue to be deeper and deeper ecstasy and waves of bliss.    Deeper and deeper love.   Deeper love for yourself as God, and the creator of all of reality.    When that realization  washes over you - God realization, there is only bliss and love.  It makes everything OK again,.  The only cost to this is that you are completely alone.

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4 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I have my own theory.  It's my theory.  I have my own ideas about spiritual enlightenment and the path.  I don't try to hide that.  I think one must be integrous and original in equal measure as a creator.  You can't mind-meld with someone and get your spirituality.  There's a tiny you in there that won't have that.  You gotta be an original at some point and on some level in this work.   And you also need to be able to hear beyond yourself.  There should be an ability to sense what is needed when, to know when to do what -- it's a social sense of knowing, a Feminine sense of knowing.  That's the part that the knowing-oriented Masculine often misses.  There's deep feeling behind this stuff too.  There's a reason for the soft, the small, the humble, the quiet, the assisting, as well as all the Masculine qualities that are the reverse of those.  Don't miss out on the fun of creation!  People get so stuck on truth they forget they have a choice to have fun too.  Once you loosen up, you can have fun playing with archetypes and forms.  It depend where you are on the path.  You don't need to warehouse so much in your shadow.  It's not necessary.  One you have it, you have it, you don't need to keep worshiping the same thing your whole life.  Get on with it!  Make a goal and take the fun venture to explore that journey!  I'm speaking to myself too because I can and would be happy meditating all day long if I didn't force myself to find interest in doing more than that.

It's really not any of that - that's not spirituality, that's concept.    Spirituality is sitting in no mind - or do nothing meditation, or self inquiry.   And then it is God that will come awake - it is mystical and magic - there is no logic to it.   When you realize there is no self you will literally die and melt into Infinite Love.   So i would start there - with the actuality of things.  Just sit in actuality so that you can BE - and realize that you are BEING.  That's what leads to enlightenment - not all of these concepts that you have construed about what awakening is.  The realization of no self usually comes after a period of deep suffering and then sitting in deep meditation.  Once the flood gates are open and you start awakening, you won't even need to meditate at all - it can just hit you like it did me tonight and you will be drowned in God's love.  In your love, because you are God.  Not a part of God - you are the whole of God.  And i don't mean the ego - i mean what you are behind that.

Edited by Robed Mystic
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I'm kind of lost as to what exactly is it you're trying to say.


12 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

We've all wanted to believe in God, from our very beginings.  But we may have fallen into atheism, or perhaps we became agnostic.  This is becuase we didn't want to actually believe there was a God.   Why?  Because God wouldn't show itself to us, so therefore, it was much easier to believe that God didn't exist.


What does this has to do with anything?


12 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

But now, what if -  what if you could realize that there was a Truth that almost no one knows about?


What if there was a Truth, that, if you actually spent time investigating, you would actually find?


Could there even be a Truth to find?


What coulld this lead to?  This so called Truth?  


What truth? Are you saying there's like a hidden truth, such as the earth is actually flat and the government is hiding it?


12 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

Now, on the other hand, what if you just ingested a whole bunch of teachings about spirituality and God from your past, and then you put it all together?  Would that be spirituality?  So you were indoctrined into Spirutality from birth - born into religion.  Would this be the answer or is there something more?


It's hard to decipher what you're trying to say. What answer to what? What more?



Can you just simply present what true and false spirituality are?




There must be an effortless way.

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15 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

Could there even be a Truth to find?

When it comes to truth; only that which seeks truth will find it.


Isn't it true that  “What you seek is seeking you.” and that the only answer is already contained within the question. Are you not the one asking?

Edited by Jane
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2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

I'm kind of lost as to what exactly is it you're trying to say.



What does this has to do with anything?



What truth? Are you saying there's like a hidden truth, such as the earth is actually flat and the government is hiding it?



It's hard to decipher what you're trying to say. What answer to what? What more?



Can you just simply present what true and false spirituality are?



I mean did you have any interest in God when you were growing up?  Did you ever wonder if God existed or not, or did you not care?

As for what Truth, I am talking about discovering the answer to that question.  Whether God exists or not.   Of course, if you can't see God, then God "appears" hidden.   


Most of us I think, wondered about it.  I wanted to always beleive there was a God, even though I couldn't see it.  


Maybe you didn't share the same curiousity for it that I did - I just ifgured it was something that most of us wondered about early in life.


What Truth - well - what if there WAS an answer, a direct answer to that question, as to whether God exists or not.


You see, right now, there are a lot of "answers" but those answers are not going to be "direct".  In other words, they will be something that you read.

Like maybe this post - but nonetheless, there is something in this post that will be a pointer to direct Truth.  I'm not "giving you the answer"  I'm pointing you to finding the answer for yourself, directly.


False Spirituality - Religion/Concept/Beliefs 


True Spirituality - Direct realization of God, by becoming God.   As I said, found via meditation - no mind meditation combined with inquiry in the nature of the self -= - only afterhave being through a period of deep suffering.  I realized last night that suffering is not only paramount in awakening, it is absolutely mandatory.


I had an enlightennment experience last night and it was beautiful.   But it did come after deep suffering.


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1 hour ago, Phil said:

@Robed Mystic

In accordance with true & false spirituality, is this true or false;

  infinite unconditional love is all there is, there are no separate selves already. 

False spirituality - Concept/Beliefs/Religion.

So saying Inifinite unconditional love is all there is, and that there are no separate selves, is false spirituality.

Its not true spirituality.

True spirituality is the direct realization that Love is all there is - you can say "infinite unconditional love"  But I prefer just Love, Divine Love.  God's Love.


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15 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

False spirituality - Concept/Beliefs/Religion.

So saying Inifinite unconditional love is all there is, and that there are no separate selves, is false spirituality.

Its not true spirituality.

True spirituality is the direct realization that Love is all there is - you can say "infinite unconditional love"  But I prefer just Love, Divine Love.  God's Love.


So there is Love / Divine Love / God’s love … and … ‘saying’, and that ‘saying’ is what false spirituality is? 

‘Infinite’ would be something a you is saying, and as an I prefers just love… that’s false spirituality? 

So true spirituality is essentially an I’s preference, or, what I knows is true spirituality? 

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13 minutes ago, Phil said:

So there is Love / Divine Love / God’s love … and … ‘someone saying’, and that ‘saying’ is what false spirituality is? 

‘Infinite’ would be something a you is saying, and as an I prefers just love… that’s false spirituality? 

So true spirituality is essentially an I’s preference? 

There is someone saying it - but also pointing you to the direct realization of it.    Technically, God incarnated into human form is "saying" to you that false spirituality is a bunch of concepts/beliefs.  This is mostlly found here, or in a house of worship  (religion)  This place is no different than a house of religion.  They say it is supposed to be the house of God, but it is not the house of God.  It is the house where your mind will be filled with a bunch of beliefs/concepts/religion.

True spirituality, again, is the DIRECT realization of GOD, by BECOMING GOD.  I'm not sure how much clearer i can make this for you.


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6 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

There is someone saying it - but also pointing you to the direct realization of it.    Technically, God incarnated into human form is "saying" to you that false spirituality is a bunch of concepts/beliefs.  This is mostlly found here, or in a house of religion.  This place is no different than a house of religion.  They say it supposed to be the house of God, but it is not the house of God.  It is the house where your mind will be filled with a bunch of beliefs/concepts/religion.

True spirituality, again, is the DIRECT realization of GOD, by BECOMING GOD.  I'm not sure how much clearer i can make this for you.


So love, God, I am is not infinite then. There is also someone saying, pointing to a you, incarnation, humans, form, here, a house of religion, places, they which also say, houses of God & houses which are not of God, a you and a you’s mind… and these are false spirituality… and God is something a you, a separate self as it’s not true spirituality that there aren’t separate selves because that’s ‘saying’, and separate selves can become, and there is an I which isn’t sure how much clearer This can be made for a you, and that is not beliefs / concepts, that is true spirituality. 

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