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Overwhelmed by Life?


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How do you deal with being overwhelmed by life? When work, family, health, plans, etc. all suddenly come together and demand your attention all at once? I even find meditating stressful in these times because my mind tells me "go pay attention to all these things, sh*t needs to get done" and then I tend to not do it (the meditating), which is probably not good...  

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What if you practiced staying in a state of calm in each of those areas, little by little?


Like a fun game to see how long you can stay in equanimity.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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@Indisguise A trick I use when I get overwhelmed by life (which is almost default already) is to express how frustrating this whole situation is, and that it is so annoying and irritating (maybe also my impatience for it). It doesn't sound like it'll practically fix stuff, but I can tell you that this new vantage point is way better than the one of being overwhelmed. This kind of relief feels like you're 'starting to take control' and imo the first step in getting back to 'riding your life'.

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@Indisguise Here are a few thoughts:

  1. Prioritize according to importance and alignment with your values.
  2. Remove/Decrease time spent on unnecessary activities. Ex: Video games, TV, YouTube, etc.
  3. Merge spiritual practice with daily activities. Ex: Use the time spent on transportation for meditation.
  4. Make sure you don't turn #3 into multi-tasking.
  5. Trial and error, and struggling for a few days or a couple of weeks, then you'll get used to it.
  6. Don't worry. Time management is a skill, and it gets better with time.

Have faith.

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As I can only do one task at a time, it's never overwhelment because of the work I gotta do. Overwhelment is more often than not thought based.


When I recognize that it's the thinking, which makes me feel overwhelmed, it's all easy again. 😊


Segment intending by Abraham Hicks is a great tool as well. 

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On 4/12/2022 at 5:22 PM, Indisguise said:

How do you deal with being overwhelmed by life? When work, family, health, plans, etc. all suddenly come together and demand your attention all at once? I even find meditating stressful in these times because my mind tells me "go pay attention to all these things, sh*t needs to get done" and then I tend to not do it (the meditating), which is probably not good...  

Dream board. Just write on the board what you want, feel it. See what happens. 


You have to let go thinking and put on the board what you want in all domains of life. It's not like there is outside world and you, there is you and You, which appears to be different, but it's not, it's one. You are creator, as above so below, put on the board what you want, feel it, enjoy 🍸🍸🍸


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Overwhelment is emotional guidance.  It says “there’s no assertion”. 

Thought says “yes there is, and it must be dealt with so I can feel better”. 

Frustration, irritation & impatience say, “no, there isn’t”.


Pessimism says “yes there is, and look how it’s gonna work out for me!”. 

Boredom says “look how it’s working out for you right now”. 

Contentment says “at least consider there’s no assertion, there is relief in humility”.


Hopefulness says “maybe I’m attracting; maybe there’s no assertion”. 

Positive expectation says “indeed, and you can change your vibration by changing the framing, the interpretation - look how that will work out for you - look how you feel right now”.


Enthusiasm, eagerness & happiness says “Yep”.


Passion says “you’re God dam right”.


Joy, appreciation, empowerment and love don’t say anything, cause nothing needs to be said.  


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Assertion is experienced as ‘the suffering is not how the thoughts feel, it’s because of __________’.  “It’s not how I”m looking at it, it’s it / ________.”

”It” is whatever you put in that ___________”

Life overwelmes me. Life asserts upon me. 

Work, family, health, plans make demands. They assert upon me. 

My mind tells me. My mind asserts upon me. 

You’re it - for the win. 

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