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Dating and expectations


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So I’m very confused currently about dating expectations. I’ve gone out with one girl a few times and I’m not sure if I’m being reasonable or unreasonable. I have certain expectations that aren’t getting met and then I feel insecure because I start thinking about how if she liked me more she would do these things.


I think I’m being reasonable but holding on to these beliefs about how she should act differently does not feel good. But then I think if I let it go I might end up in a relationship that’s unsatisfying for me.


I guess I’m not sure about how to get what I want in a relationship without being demanding or needy. And certain things are very important if I’m gonna be with someone for a long time. But being demanding doesn’t seem right.


It seems like the best option is to date different people until I find the exact type of person I’m looking for. But that might take forever. And then isn’t there something to be said for loving a person including some things that you don’t really like?

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What do you want from the relationship, how do you expect her to behave differently?


Neediness might work with certain people that either have unmet needs themselves or are the carer type. But when  you evolve and don't have the same needs anymore, or they feel like not being that caring anymore, what happens to the relationship?


Sounds like you need to date lots more women, find some that satisfy your perceived needs for a while, then move on to the next one... Until maybe you progress and clarify where the neediness is coming from. What are the beliefs that manifest as neediness? Unworthiness, fear of abandonment etc? That's for you to explore.

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17 hours ago, Kevin said:

Time, money, also I’m attentive and engaging. In other words I’m good at talking.

Is being good at talking, being entertaining the same as honest communication? Or are those things different? Have you communicated with her what these expectations are or does that feel off or inappropriate? If so, why? 

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When communicating with the Universe, yourself or anyone else, always aim to express the desire, not the disappointment in the lack of the desire. 


If it feels like a duty to express and communicate, remember, you are not the one who expresses, you are the expression. You can't help it. 🙂❤️

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6 hours ago, Mandy said:

Is being good at talking, being entertaining the same as honest communication? Or are those things different? Have you communicated with her what these expectations are or does that feel off or inappropriate? If so, why? 

I think there’s overlap between being engaging and honest communication. Also I went on a third date with her yesterday. I was disappointed because she was acting cold/weird on the second date and so it came up on the third date and I expressed that the energy felt off on the second date. We resolved that and the third date was mostly great.


Except for her being combative about her personal beliefs. Mostly revolving around politics. I stayed calm and did my best to set boundaries and express that just because you have strong beliefs about a political issue, that doesn’t mean you should act like your view is the only correct one. And I didn’t appreciate her getting mad and trying to impose her beliefs on me. I told her I didn’t care about what she believes politically because I think we are all allowed to believe whatever we want. I believe she really likes me and I believe she will modify her behavior.


But a concern I have is am I doing too much? Is it worth it? What happens down the line if we settle into a stable relationship and the intense attraction dies down. Will she become argumentative and combative again?


Respect and kindness and are of the utmost importance. I’ve witnessed friends and my brother be with women that aren’t kind and respectful. Women that are combative. In my brothers case there was divorce and intense legal and financial issues. In the case of friends it’s been tough watching them deal with these woman.


It’s very important that any woman I date, must be able to have a calm discussion with me if they disagree with me. I don’t think I should leave at the first sign of disagreeableness but I also don’t know when I’m staying too long and it’s a lost cause.

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7 hours ago, bnyland said:

What do you want from the relationship, how do you expect her to behave differently?


She can be cold and combative. I think it’s a defense mechanism but also those things aren’t acceptable to me long term. In woman I date I want kindness, warmth, and agreeableness.


7 hours ago, bnyland said:

Neediness might work with certain people that either have unmet needs themselves or are the carer type. But when  you evolve and don't have the same needs anymore, or they feel like not being that caring anymore, what happens to the relationship?


Yeah good point. I don’t think I’m needy. I was just a little worried the other day. I think my expectations are very reasonable.

7 hours ago, bnyland said:

Sounds like you need to date lots more women, find some that satisfy your perceived needs for a while, then move on to the next one... Until maybe you progress and clarify where the neediness is coming from. What are the beliefs that manifest as neediness? Unworthiness, fear of abandonment etc? That's for you to explore.

Maybe but idk. I’m just not sure if I should stay with this particular girl or not.


the neediness comes from believing it might be difficult to find another girl. I think this is a much smaller worry than it used to be because I’m going on dates way more frequently.

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33 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


What expectations?


Mainly that a woman I’m with be kind and empathetic but mainly my firm expectations that I will not adjust is I want a woman who is not combative and who is agreeable. Not meaning she has to be super submissive and say yes to me on everything but just that I don’t want to stupid fights about politics for example and I need some understanding that our views may differ on some things and that’s fine.

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15 minutes ago, Kevin said:

Mainly that a woman I’m with be kind and empathetic but mainly my firm expectations that I will not adjust is I want a woman who is not combative and who is agreeable. Not meaning she has to be super submissive and say yes to me on everything but just that I don’t want to stupid fights about politics for example and I need some understanding that our views may differ on some things and that’s fine.




Are you agreeable?


What politics?


What has been going on on the dates? What have you been having conversations about?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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15 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:




Are you agreeable?


Yes, very. I don’t think it’s right to impose my political beliefs on others. 

Also I wouldn’t insist on a women being respectful to me if I was disrespectful toward them. I’m never aggressive with women, I never yell or curse at them. I expect the same.

15 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

What politics?


Basically asked me if who I voted for last election and who I’m voting for this election. When I told her Trump she basically started saying I don’t support woman’s rights and I’m condoning rape and disrespecting woman. I made it clear that this is not a way I want to be talked to. Also I pointed to my behavior and told her that I’ve been nothing but kind and respectful towards her. While she way saying this stuff I remained calm even though I was annoyed.

15 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

What has been going on on the dates? What have you been having conversations about?


The dates have been decent. First was great. Second the vibes were weird. We discussed it third date and she corrected it. Then she invited me over that night and it was great until she started on the political stuff.


Also another thing that I thought was worrisome was that she brought up circumcising kids because I’m uncircumcised. (Sorry if tmi) I told her I would never circumcise kids because I thought it’s cruel and she strongly disagreed with that and got kind of combative there.


writing all this out makes it sound really bad. There were definitely good things too. Idk though maybe I’m staying because I’m too nice idk.

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2 minutes ago, Kevin said:

I have lol. How is that movie relevant?


41 minutes ago, Kevin said:

I don’t really wanna start a new tv show.


I don't give a shit.


Cry your eyes out. That's the message.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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