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I have all the time in the world and I just throw it to the bin


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Not trying to be too harsh on myself...

First of all hello everyone, it's been a very long while since I've been here, war and shit. We're safe and I believe the war is coming to an end.


Back to topic. So I am on a week's vacation now and it saddens me a bit when I realize that the days are passing and I'm not doing much; not going after my passions or trying new things. All I do pretty much (some days) I doom-scroll through Instagram reels for pretty much the whole day into the night. Feeling very unsatisfied, yet the time is already very late, so I reluctantly move to the laptop and feeling not so good. Going to bed at 4-5 am and waking up at lunch.


Telling myself I'd like to learn languages, I'd like to continue reading a certain book I was longing to read, I'd like to learn about investing...

Pretty much the only thing that excites me during the day is the time my father hops on another episode of Attack on Titan and I get to watch it with him (I got him on it, and in my opinion it is the best show ever created). Really excites me every episode to see how he'll react and it's something I think a lot during the day.


I'd like to inform that I started practicing meditation 10 minutes every morning for a few weeks.

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6 minutes ago, fopylo said:

Back to topic. So I am on a week's vacation now and it saddens me a bit when I realize that the days are passing and I'm not doing much; not going after my passions or trying new things. All I do pretty much (some days) I doom-scroll through Instagram reels for pretty much the whole day into the night. Feeling very unsatisfied, yet the time is already very late, so I reluctantly move to the laptop and feeling not so good. Going to bed at 4-5 am and waking up at lunch.


That's completely alright.


It's not really what's going on. It's just a movie tricking ya. You're great and doing great. You're a gazillion bucks.


Take the role of the observer. Watch the "time wasting" go as it goes, and observe it like a scientist observes bacteria grow. You're not the movie character. You're the observer, already unattached. The movie character doesn't say anything about you.


How you feel isn't really coming from what you do or don't do. It's whether you're identified with the character or not.


Do you have someone you'd regard as your guru or mentor?


11 minutes ago, fopylo said:

Telling myself I'd like to learn languages, I'd like to continue reading a certain book I was longing to read, I'd like to learn about investing...


Are these things what you really want to do, or are they more like "I have to do them in order to get what I want"?


Every time you notice doing of those things isn't happening, just take a few breaths and look at the holographic movie playing out as it does, without judgement. Be curious of what you'd previously judge as "shortcoming".


16 minutes ago, fopylo said:

Pretty much the only thing that excites me during the day is the time my father hops on another episode of Attack on Titan and I get to watch it with him (I got him on it, and in my opinion it is the best show ever created). Really excites me every episode to see how he'll react and it's something I think a lot during the day.


It seems like someone enjoys observing more than efforting and doing. 😉


If you'd get everything you want in life... Visualize having and being all that already, right now... I bet watching movies and series with buddies would still be the case, one of the culminations of your dreams. That's pretty weird when you think abiut it.



That we need to do stuff to get what we want is an illusion. It's probably one of the most discordant beliefs. People get heart attacks from that shit.


This is a dream. You're creating your dreams even as you appear to be "wasting your time". Creation is entirely effortless. If you saw what was actually going on, who you actually are, and what is coming for you, you'd be bursting with excitement and joy right now. Even if you'd just be scrolling through instagram and "wasting time" in bed.



There must be an effortless way.

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4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Are these things what you really want to do, or are they more like "I have to do them in order to get what I want"?

Things I really wanted to do because they seem cool (especially the languages and reading a book). But I do want to achieve fluency in Japanese as well as French and other languages in the future that I'd like to learn, and I also want to get through some books to broaden my perspective and communicate better and be smarter.


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Do you have someone you'd regard as your guru or mentor?

Why does that matter?


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Be curious of what you'd previously judge as "shortcoming"

What do you mean?


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

If you'd get everything you want in life...

I don't want too much... and I think it is also periodical.

Sometimes I wish for very basic needs to be met and not too much, minimalist desires; and sometimes I wish to create big things in this life.

But something that always stays common is that I barely desire any material needs.

Pretty much if I feel excited and 'on purpose' then that's enough for me now.

4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

This is a dream. You're creating your dreams even as you appear to be "wasting your time". Creation is entirely effortless. If you saw what was actually going on, who you actually are, and what is coming for you, you'd be bursting with excitement and joy right now. Even if you'd just be scrolling through instagram and "wasting time" in bed.

Where do you get all of this talk from? Sorry if it sounds a bit rude, I just can't really understand what you're saying since I didn't have those realizations in this reality yet. Did you meditate everyday of the year for 1 hour to understand this wisdom and share it or are you reciting from a book without actually believing what you say?

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I have all the time in the world and I just throw it to the bin’ isn’t really about time, it’s about a self. It’s not a being hard on a self, it’s thoughts about there being a second self. Thoughts which feel discordant, with you, awareness. The pessimism & boredom is felt with thoughts on behalf of another self in time. Awareness is present, excitement & potentiality… so these thoughts feel off to you, awareness. 


Thoughts of hopefulness feel better, mostly due to the acknowledgment that you don’t know / the thoughts aren’t true / you are yourself / nondual positivity is your nature. 


You don’t know if there’s really time, or what any of this is. It’s an utter mystery. Believing in a you that knows kinda sucks the fun & joy out of this. 

There’s no body, room, air, or earth.

You are the creator. 


A nice framing imo… there are two activities… thinking… and any other activity. 


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6 hours ago, fopylo said:

to broaden my perspective


Watch The Truman Show and The Matrix.


6 hours ago, fopylo said:

Why does that matter?


It doesn't really, was just trying to drive in a point with an image.


6 hours ago, fopylo said:

What do you mean?


Leaving judgement behind and getting curious helps to see you for who you really are.


6 hours ago, fopylo said:

Where do you get all of this talk from? Sorry if it sounds a bit rude, I just can't really understand what you're saying since I didn't have those realizations in this reality yet. Did you meditate everyday of the year for 1 hour to understand this wisdom and share it or are you reciting from a book without actually believing what you say?


It just makes sense.


Meditation is beneficial. And the discrimination between unreal (the universe) and real (Self, God, Source, infinity, whatever). This is one example of that.


There must be an effortless way.

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On 12/25/2023 at 8:48 PM, fopylo said:

Days have past so it appears in thought that "chunks" of "time" have been thrown away. The calendar also moves forwards.

A calendar is a flowchart to mark off how many rotations the planet does per revolution around the star.  Time doesn't move, a reproduction never stays same form as arrived a fertilized cell.  It is what makes each lifetime uniquely timed apart as a species is always changing population forward in this atmosphere here.


Understand universal constant is this perpetual balancing universe never same total sum results twice working the same way all the time each cycles exists as currently displaced geologically, geometrically, geographically, molecularly, and ancestrally between inception and extinction with conceptions changing lifetimes currently here as specifically as everything present spontaneously different simultaneously present life adapts and people adopt intellectual ideas that make them feel larger than displaced. 


Just explaining my experience living as one of a kind equally timed apart in my own skin. It is good to be centered understanding what equally distributes a population with numbers occupying pace spontaneously here simultaneously living at the same time their reproductive position is here, now.


Peace of mind comes with a balance of living navigating space, uniquely present, equally timed apart regardless which generation gap one achieves since birth.

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This thread captured my attention again.  This is a deep question.  I'll offer this.  Ever notice that no matter what you do there's an observer there watching.  I'm sure everyone on this forum has found that.  So on some level, I'm not saying this exhausts all levels -- but: no matter what you're doing, there you are!  The experience of writhing in pain might be substantially (or not too) different than vacationing in Hawaii, but all of it is like experiences within awareness.  Thus when when you can find awareness, you can have a joy (Bliss) within that kind of independent of (but not entirely) of what you experience.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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Instinctive brain navigating space as ancestrally proportionately alive since conceived to replace the ancestry combined my DNA into this unique body nobody else will ever have.  


Equality in time adapting as displaced specifically alive in one's own skin in the image of dominate and recessive genes combined since inception of this species.


Genetics is the source of any ancestor of the food chain native in this atmosphere.  Som went extinct, others still reproducing ancestral lineages changing population as spontaneously here one at a time simultaneously evolving occupying space specifically here never same form as their original fertilized cell.


Nucleus of one's original fertilized cell is the brain to each body never duplicated twice sharing time in plain sight and specific ancestral position of one's lineage past, present, next generation or not.


This is why I laugh when people of reality call relative time a theory.

Edited by solereproduction
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1 hour ago, fopylo said:

@WhiteOwl lmao it really looks like that😂.

Like bro pasted my question in some ai tool and posted the ai's comment. Never mind, even if it's not true. Not the first time seeing such comments. Tells you a lot about the booming of ai

Well i think he is a troll, and doing what he does takes 30 seconds. Look at this. 

Skærmbillede 2023-12-30 kl. 22.09.51.png

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