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The Forgiveness Method


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I wanted to make it's own thread for this method since it's sooo effective and pretty damn good addition for your spiritual toolbox.


It's very central in ACIM, but you don't need to study that particular path to "use" the forgiveness method. However, I recommend checking it out since it can help you along the way.



The Forgiveness Method:


The general idea is very simple. You want peace and happiness. What's standing in the way (or veils) your innate peace and happiness is the belief you are separate. And in the belief that you are separate, it seems like there is a bunch of other separate selves. This is projection, the "separate selvery".


The Forgiveness Method uncovers the innate peace and happiness of our true nature by lifting the veil of this separate selvery. How you see others, you see yourself. When you correct your view of "the other", you automatically correct the view of "yourself". Here lies the power of Forgiveness. This is a fundamental tool for your box, and right in the heart of the spiritual path.



"Forgiveness" in this method does not mean that you forgive something you think someone has done wrong and is guilty of. Forgiveness means that you do not see guilt, or "error", to begin with. 


It means that you intentionally look past what seems to be a separate self (a body-personality, a doer, a thinker, a subject to location and time) into the True Nature (unlocalized, wholly innocent, pure and loving spirit) which you share. Like looking past the movie character and seeing the screen.


When you don't see a doer walking and talking... But innocence walking and talking, that's "it".


To but it in more practical terms, whenever someone triggers you, annoys you, sickens you, makes you angry or sad or whatever, this is when forgiveness is really asked for. There and then, look past the "guilty". Look past the "doer". Look past the "thinker". Do not believe it. It is a veil, it's your projection, your thoughts about "a doer, a thinker". Rather, see the Enlightened One. See the unlocalized, "filling up the room", pure and loving spirit.


Everyone you meet is a Buddha. Truly. This recognition is the meaning of Forgiveness. See the Buddha in everyone you meet and so you shall find the Buddha within.


It's not always going to be easy. You might feel quite strong resistance to it. Don't let it stop you. Don't let the mind wander or go down the projection road. This is a great opportunity and truly, a gift. Stay focused on the Forgiveness until you see past the separate individual. You will know when it hits home simply by how you feel.


You can also do it whenever, even if there is no triggered feelings. You might just be sitting by a busy road watching people walk by. This is also a good opportunity for Forgiveness practice.


You can also bring in mind any people from the past who might have hurt you, or cause any upset like insecurity, jealousy or anger in you, and Forgive this way.


Do not attempt to Forgive yourself. It's not needed. Only do it for what seems to be "others". You will be Forgiven, because "the other" is just a projected image of what stands to be Forgiven of you. It is a healing for both.



Train the Forgiveness muscle bit by bit. Eventually it will become natural. And what you will find is going to be a game changer.





"To forgive is to overlook. Look, then, beyond error and do not let your perception rest upon it, for you will believe what your perception holds. Accept as true only what your brother is, if you would know yourself. Perceive what he is not and you cannot know what you are, because you see him falsely. Remember always that your Identity is shared, and that Its sharing is Its reality." (T-9.IV.1:2-6)


"When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself. As you think of him you will think of yourself. Never forget this, for in him you will find yourself or lose yourself. Whenever two Sons of God meet, they are given another chance at salvation. Do not leave anyone without giving salvation to him and receiving it yourself." (T-8.III.4:1-7)



There must be an effortless way.

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This is gold man 💙


The seeing everyone as buddha thing is really beautiful. I was at a market one day and that occurred to me, suddenly everyone was enlightened and it's like a market place of enlightenment 😊


The seeing that there isn't anything wrong with the other to begin with is good. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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I made this figure to make Forgiveness easier to catch. 😁




The stick figure people are the veil. It might be helpful to think they're like movie characters. There is no doer, to self there. What they do, what they seem to think etc. is already written to the script of the movie.


The stick figure persons with personality, occupation, etc is NOT who they really are. It is a veil, a projection YOU place, to keep your gaze and focus fixed on it rather than the One Self.


Your stick figure projection veil might be arrogant, ignorant, annyoing, and steal money from you. But their True Self is wholly loving, innocent and unconditional. Movie characters are born and die, but their True Self is not in time.


It does not matter whether the movie character is a homeless drug addict, an arrogant intellectual, or Ramana Maharshi. None are more or less enlightened. It is up to YOU to see the True Self. Not up to them to find it, embody it, or show it to you.


This is the meaning of Forgiveness. To see their True Self rather than continuing to be decieved by the movie character.


... And how you see "the other" (you), so you see yourself. 🙂

Edited by Blessed2


There must be an effortless way.

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Do not see error. Do not make it real. Select the loving and forgive the sin by choosing in its place the face of Christ.



Forgiveness is the call to sanity, for who but the insane would look on sin when he could see the face of Christ instead?



Forgiveness-for-salvation has one form, and only one. It does not ask for proof of innocence, nor pay of any kind. It does not argue, nor evaluate the errors that it wants to overlook.



There must be an effortless way.

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On 4/21/2023 at 1:07 AM, Blessed2 said:

None are more or less enlightened. It is up to YOU to see the True Self. Not up to them to find it, embody it, or show it to you.


Everyone you meet, dead or alive, is in Heaven waiting for you. But you do not see them correctly, and you do not see yourself correctly.


"Helping others awaken" is bamboozlement. Ego. Manipulation.


It is up to you to see what is, and what is not.


His disciples said to him: “When will the resurrection of the dead take place, and when will the new world come?”

He said to them: “That resurrection which you are awaiting has already come, but you do not recognize it.”


There must be an effortless way.

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Starting to realize how ingenious and fundamental this is.


The guilt we think is really there, is synonymous with the separate self.


Guilt and the separate self are the same.


Holding on (continuing to project) guilt is like a glue that keeps separate selvery intact. Seeing guilt and judging others is really just gluing yourself to samsara. Or nailing yourself (The Son of God) on the cross like christians could say.


Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


There must be an effortless way.

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Just now, Blessed2 said:

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


Sometimes I wonder, how in the actual fuck do you have THIS in the Bible and then stuff like witch trials, inquisition, westboro baptist church, all the violence etc we know from the history of christianity?



Literally in the first pages of the holy book: "Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."


Christians: *keeps eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil*


There must be an effortless way.

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I found this analogy to be quite helpful in Forgiveness:


Imagine the matrix, or samsara, or the great projection of separate selvery as if it was a radio station at a certain frequency.


When you're tuned to that frequency, everything you hear is it's music. You don't hear other stations. Everything is "translated" through the station you're tuned into. Like looking through tinted glasses.


"Projection" is really just being tuned to the station of separate selvery.


You, nor anyone else, is really "in" that station. All these seemingly many selves, including you, are simply the music of that particular station. "Beyond" that station, there isn't many selves. The 'world' of separate selvery is just the music of that one station.


There isn't many of us 'sleeping' here. There's only one dreamer, and one dream. There is only one projection. The frequency of the separate selvery.


"Beyond" the frequency of separate selvery, there's the One Enlightened Self. That's what you're "tapping into" with Forgiveness.




All of us, all these characters, are but music of a station of separate selvery. There's no-one here. Just music. Just projection. Nothing but shadows on a wall.



There must be an effortless way.

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9 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

When you're tuned to that frequency, everything you hear is it's music. You don't hear other stations. Everything is "translated" through the station you're tuned into. Like looking through tinted glasses.


"Projection" is really just being tuned to the station of separate selvery.


This is why it seems like there are nondualists.


There must be an effortless way.

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On 4/11/2023 at 7:22 PM, Blessed2 said:

I wanted to make it's own thread for this method since it's sooo effective and pretty damn good addition for your spiritual toolbox.


It's very central in ACIM, but you don't need to study that particular path to "use" the forgiveness method. However, I recommend checking it out since it can help you along the way.



The Forgiveness Method:


The general idea is very simple. You want peace and happiness. What's standing in the way (or veils) your innate peace and happiness is the belief you are separate. And in the belief that you are separate, it seems like there is a bunch of other separate selves. This is projection, the "separate selvery".


The Forgiveness Method uncovers the innate peace and happiness of our true nature by lifting the veil of this separate selvery. How you see others, you see yourself. When you correct your view of "the other", you automatically correct the view of "yourself". Here lies the power of Forgiveness. This is a fundamental tool for your box, and right in the heart of the spiritual path.



"Forgiveness" in this method does not mean that you forgive something you think someone has done wrong and is guilty of. Forgiveness means that you do not see guilt, or "error", to begin with. 


It means that you intentionally look past what seems to be a separate self (a body-personality, a doer, a thinker, a subject to location and time) into the True Nature (unlocalized, wholly innocent, pure and loving spirit) which you share. Like looking past the movie character and seeing the screen.


When you don't see a doer walking and talking... But innocence walking and talking, that's "it".


To but it in more practical terms, whenever someone triggers you, annoys you, sickens you, makes you angry or sad or whatever, this is when forgiveness is really asked for. There and then, look past the "guilty". Look past the "doer". Look past the "thinker". Do not believe it. It is a veil, it's your projection, your thoughts about "a doer, a thinker". Rather, see the Enlightened One. See the unlocalized, "filling up the room", pure and loving spirit.


Everyone you meet is a Buddha. Truly. This recognition is the meaning of Forgiveness. See the Buddha in everyone you meet and so you shall find the Buddha within.


It's not always going to be easy. You might feel quite strong resistance to it. Don't let it stop you. Don't let the mind wander or go down the projection road. This is a great opportunity and truly, a gift. Stay focused on the Forgiveness until you see past the separate individual. You will know when it hits home simply by how you feel.


You can also do it whenever, even if there is no triggered feelings. You might just be sitting by a busy road watching people walk by. This is also a good opportunity for Forgiveness practice.


You can also bring in mind any people from the past who might have hurt you, or cause any upset like insecurity, jealousy or anger in you, and Forgive this way.


Do not attempt to Forgive yourself. It's not needed. Only do it for what seems to be "others". You will be Forgiven, because "the other" is just a projected image of what stands to be Forgiven of you. It is a healing for both.



Train the Forgiveness muscle bit by bit. Eventually it will become natural. And what you will find is going to be a game changer.





"To forgive is to overlook. Look, then, beyond error and do not let your perception rest upon it, for you will believe what your perception holds. Accept as true only what your brother is, if you would know yourself. Perceive what he is not and you cannot know what you are, because you see him falsely. Remember always that your Identity is shared, and that Its sharing is Its reality." (T-9.IV.1:2-6)


"When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself. As you think of him you will think of yourself. Never forget this, for in him you will find yourself or lose yourself. Whenever two Sons of God meet, they are given another chance at salvation. Do not leave anyone without giving salvation to him and receiving it yourself." (T-8.III.4:1-7)


There is a flaw in your analysis.


There is basic correct ways to adapt living life being eternally separated as genetically here and wrong ways of saying it isn't self evident life happens when genetics eternally separates any reproduction present equally occupying time now.


When space is managed by perpetual balancing results never same details twice, then it is wrong to interpret life is more than balancing as eternally separated now.


Make peace with that, and life is a marvelous thing to behold in real time watching things evolve as eternally timed apart now.   Actually witnessing eternity happen being part of that happening.  Sense of equality since conceived to replace one's previous generations lived so far, regardless one's abilities to adapt as displaced no one can make you feel ashamed for occupying time now.


To be governed by doubt makes each person fell like Hell regardless ruling elite or outcast of any and every society currently at large.

Edited by solereproduction
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Similar "forgiveness", which is basically shifting focus from the content / plot of the movie to the physical TV screen, can be also practiced with money. Every time you "pay" something, or recieve money... Remember the screen. The movement of money is movie-stuff. It's not real. There's only the screen.



There must be an effortless way.

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14 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Similar "forgiveness", which is basically shifting focus from the content / plot of the movie to the physical TV screen, can be also practiced with money. Every time you "pay" something, or recieve money... Remember the screen. The movement of money is movie-stuff. It's not real. There's only the screen.


Awareness being a screen.Sounds very solipsistic to me.

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Last night as I tried to sleep, even though I felt sleepy, couldn't seem to fall asleep. The body felt extremely uncomfortable, and didn't have much space in the bed to find a good posture since I was spending the night at girlfriends place.


The uncomfortable posture & feeling got more intense as I got more sleepy. Felt a bit disoriented with it all and lots of frustration, irritation, anger and worry came about. It was easy to point the finger at my girlfriend since she was taking up so much space and moved around, making noise.


Noticed that this is an opportunity for forgiveness and started "doing it" trying to see through the separate person and into the boundless non-duality.


But it felt off. I was so tired... And it seemed too much, all of it, the whole forgiveness thing... I was too tired for it.


I had intuited for some time that there must be more to the forgiveness as ACIM presents it, so I figured to open the web edition and read a bit about forgiveness:


⁷Forgiveness-for-salvation is His task, and it is He Who will respond for you. Do not establish what the form should be that Christ’s forgiveness takes. ²He knows the way to make of every call a help to you, as you arise in haste to go at last unto your Father’s house. ³Now can He make your footsteps sure, your words sincere; not with your own sincerity, but with His Own. ⁴Let Him take charge of how you would forgive, and each occasion then will be to you another step to Heaven and to peace. (ACIM, S-2.III.2:7;3:1-4)


²Forgiveness has a Teacher Who will fail in nothing. ³Rest a while in this; do not attempt to judge forgiveness, nor to set it in an earthly frame. ⁴Let it arise to Christ, Who welcomes it as gift to Him. ⁵He will not leave you comfortless, nor fail to send His angels down to answer you in His Own Name. ⁶He stands beside the door to which forgiveness is the only key. ⁷Give it to Him to use instead of you, and you will see the door swing silently open upon the shining face of Christ. ⁸Behold your brother there beyond the door; the Son of God as He created him. (ACIM, S-2.III.7:2-8)


What I got from that might be the key I've been looking for. It is not my task to do forgiveness. It's the Holy Spirit's job, and I have to just be a little bit willing for let Him to do his work for me. I just gotta notice when an opportunity of forgiveness arises... And allow the Holy Spirit to do it's job.


That felt better. I put the phone down and closed my eyes. In the mind's eye I saw a vision, one I have seen before a few times. It's me, as if lying sick in bed, having no power to rise up nor even move the head... And Holy Spirit was standing next to me. I am too tired, too sick to move, and all I can do is reach my hand to his. And he takes my hand. And that's enough. That is the "little willingness" ACIM talks about. Just reaching for the hand. The rest is up to Holy Spirit. Reminds me of Michelangelo's painting, but it's not quite the same.


That felt better. Not trying to do forgiveness, but offer my thoughts for the Holy Spirit to use & transform. Something felt so right about that. Then I fell asleep.


This might be the key.


Edited by Blessed2


There must be an effortless way.

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