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Medication to have less thoughts

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As is known, thoughts impact everything in your life, so to speak. Why not take som medication that lessens a racing mind? I have countless friends who started taking ADHD-ritalin sort of meds in the most recent years and i've been a little bit against it as i don't think the doctors ask for any lifestyle change or look into it before they give it. 


But i do consider it since i use so much time just thinking during the day. Would be nice to just do more things instead. Seems hard as it is right now, i really consider trying out some meds even though i don't like the idea of it.


Whats you guys experience with this?

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10 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Thoughts don't impact everything in your life. They are entirely impotent if left alone.

You create your reality with your thoughts right? Thats easier with a more controlled mind. Looks like that from what i see. Some people i know are actually managing and creatinh their life now due to the mind not being all over the place.

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2 hours ago, WhiteOwl said:

Why not take som medication that lessens a racing mind?



Attempt to point to this racing mind. See that you can not. 

It’s a thought.


The real question is, why not take a substance that suppresses emotions, isn’t it so?


Why not suppress yourself, yes?


Because suppressing peace, happiness & love can not lead to peace, happiness & love. 



Blame is an emotion.


Aligning thought with feeling

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The source of light, the film, and the movie on the wall (this holographic universe).


Drugs are a hologram. They're what appears as light travels through the film.


So is the racing mind. It's a hologram. It's what appears as light travels through the film.


How could meds change what's on the film?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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13 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

Dont even bring this topic up here, you know what "is going to be said" about it.  Its fucked.  And after the suicides on the other forum.  

Nothing was said about suicide.

‘You know’ is a belief. ‘You know what’s going to be said’ is projection (of, as, a “knower”).


11 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

I wish I had the time back when I delayed taking medication because of exactly this type of rhetoric, being said both internally and externally.  

What’s actually wanted is feeling better, and it is only the belief in time & misidentification therein which is discordant. 

Awareness is present and aware of, and therein not ‘in’, thought(s). 

Thought implies a second, or separate self, in time. 

Such thoughts feel discordant to self (awareness), only because the thoughts aren’t true about awareness (beliefs).


Also, the question was why not take medication, not why take medication. 


The other forum is very much, and simply by definition as well, not this forum. 

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3 hours ago, WhiteOwl said:

As is known, thoughts impact everything in your life, so to speak. Why not take som medication that lessens a racing mind? I have countless friends who started taking ADHD-ritalin sort of meds in the most recent years and i've been a little bit against it as i don't think the doctors ask for any lifestyle change or look into it before they give it. 


But i do consider it since i use so much time just thinking during the day. Would be nice to just do more things instead. Seems hard as it is right now, i really consider trying out some meds even though i don't like the idea of it.


Whats you guys experience with this?

From my own experience, it wasn't worth it. I actually have adhd, like I was tested for it with a psychiatrist many years ago, I also displayed many symptoms of it since childhood. 


When I took meds I found that the come down was so bad I was convinced I had depression and even considered getting meds for that too! Then I stopped taking them and my mood improved. 


If meds are a route you're gonna take, I would suggest taking the lowest dose possible and prioritizing diet, exercise, and more natural modalities imo.


For me also, coffee and exercise does the trick more than adderall or ritalin. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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The Phase 1 of this game is making it seem like you're the opposite of what you truly are: limited, weak, lacking, disabled.


You shoot yourself through the film and seemingly appear as a holographic universe. You place all sort of limiting info on that film to appear as if you're truly limited as a separate being in a world of limits, lack, obstacles and problems.


In the Phase 1, or what some call "conditioning" you delude yourself into taking these limits as truth. Everything seems to reassure that. The info on the film shows you pretty much only limitedness. All sort of "facts", situations, books, religions, philosophies, speakers, teachers, and other characters appear which all tell you you're limited in happiness, power, ability, abundance. Nothing seems to quite work.


Then you get into Phase 2 of the game, which is the delicious revelation of the truth about you. Books and speakers and forums and pointers appear outta nowhere, all saying the same thing. Bit by bit your true happiness, power and abundance opens up to you. You recognize the hologram as just a hologram... And the focus shifts from the hologram to the film & the light that creates it.


It's no longer about effort, work, need, cause and effect, drugs, being the right way, doing the right thing, doing what needs to be done. It's about popping the bubbles of limit and nonsense on the film. Creator-creating-creation.



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@Jonas Long

Pearls & swine. 



I couldn’t agree more about diet, exercise and natural modalities. Also, beliefs are very sneaky. Sometimes ‘why not do something’ arises about doing something, such as taking a substance, when what’s sought stands to be unfettered by no longer taking substances. Certain distinctions, like between psychedelics, medications and recreational drugs could be clarifying. 


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3 hours ago, WhiteOwl said:

thoughts impact everything in your life, so to speak.


What is it that you would like to see in your life, and what you think meds would help you to have?

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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2 hours ago, WhiteOwl said:

You create your reality with your thoughts right? Thats easier with a more controlled mind. Looks like that from what i see. Some people i know are actually managing and creatinh their life now due to the mind not being all over the place.

Would women make better girlfriends/partners if they were controlled? Would it be easier? What if there's communication, and expression and cocreation in place of control? There aren't two of you, a you and a your mind but if you're gonna pretend so, for god sakes be good to each other. 


If you are inspired to take a medication, or it feels good to do so, don't listen to what anyone says. But if it's about putting something in its proper place I'd ask where the need to do so is coming from. 

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9 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

@Philthat's funny because the last time I reminded you of your lack of responsibility toward mental health you actually took my advice.  Maybe you needed another less than totally polite reminder. 

Lack isn’t really projected. It’s felt directly and can seem projected.

Given the nature of projection, acknowledging emotions and aligned diet, exercise and more natural modalities may be just the ‘thing’. 


Self referential thoughts

Aligning thoughts with feeling


Awareness is present. 

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