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Can intelligence alone predict emotion(and also everything that happens?)

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If an intelligent enough ai were given the exact information of the big bang, or whatever catalyst for the unfolding of history we could accurately give it, from as far back as possible, and nothing else, could it predict history up to now exactly as it happened, and also the future?  Is history inevitable in an action-reaction way, down to human emotion, I guess is the question.  

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6 hours ago, Mandy said:

The original meaning of the word chaos is pretty much the best "thing" ever. https://www.etymonline.com/word/chaos

That is awesome.



Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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31 minutes ago, Phil said:

Do you believe opening up, expressing like that, is stupid? Or results in someone looking stupid? 


That's often projected, yes.


Thanks for pointing that out.

Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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36 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


That's often projected, yes.

And as the judgment arises, occurs and is projected, an emotion is felt which couldn’t have been predicted, but which can be acknowledged now that it’s felt, yeah?


29 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

Would pure intelligence eventually generate emotions, or can it never exist on its own without emotions in the first place? 

Neither really. If pure intelligence were believed to be finite or separate it would likely seem so to pure intelligence, in so far as pure intelligence is veiled being the belief about itself in time, involved in causation, and finite in that it has or doesn’t have, experiences or doesn’t experience, emotion. An example might be the ultimate ignorance & vanity of ‘I’m an enlightened genius’. 

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31 minutes ago, Phil said:

And as the judgment arises, occurs and is projected, an emotion is felt which couldn’t have been predicted, but which can be acknowledged now that it’s felt, yeah?



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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And the emotion felt ‘now’, as presence, is to some extent believed to be because the thoughts, about the future / outcomes / what’s possible / how it’ll go… are true… yeah?


But that God damn pessimism though, amIright (so to speak!)?


Better it would be to feel boredom in having let a pessimistic feeling thought go. 

Hopefulness & passion, more so.


If Matthew Perry had an autobiography available, I’d read it. 

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2 hours ago, Phil said:

emotion is felt which couldn’t have been predicted


What did you mean by this btw? Couldn't have been predicted?


1 hour ago, Phil said:

And the emotion felt ‘now’, as presence, is to some extent believed to be because the thoughts, about the future / outcomes / what’s possible / how it’ll go… are true… yeah?




1 hour ago, Phil said:

But that God damn pessimism though, amIright (so to speak!)?


Oh yeah.


1 hour ago, Phil said:

Better it would be to feel boredom in having let a pessimistic feeling thought go. 

Hopefulness & passion, more so.




But that God damn pessimism. Boredom doesn't sound that great either.


1 hour ago, Phil said:

If Matthew Perry had an autobiography available, I’d read it. 


Well, he has a memoir 🤷

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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23 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

What did you mean by this btw? Couldn't have been predicted?

Because the thought / perspective was believed to be true. It seemed true. Let’s say - that is a position, a position of that the thought / perspective is true. Emotion, let alone emotional guidance, is not going to make any sense from that ‘position’. From that position of believing the discordant perspective is true it could not be foreseen that pessimism is felt, and that pessimism is guidance. 


Feeling seemed to be on the same page, only by believing the perspective was true.


It, the thought / perspective… was somehow believed to be a vibrational match - as in - “it feels discordant because unfortunately, it’s true”… and … “that’s life”… or “that’s just me”. 


No it ain’t & no it ain’t and this is the Good news to the rescue! 🤍



When it’s entertained that it feels ‘off’-  because it isn’t true at all… there is now, once again - open-mindedness… and this is receiving mode. Now the truth of the whole situation can be received. Would sound like, “ok, alright, maybe I don’t know this thought / perspective is true… maybe it just seems that I’ve been believing it for so long it seemed true”.


Another ‘pointing’ might be the frequency shifts from arrogance (knowing) to humility (not knowing). 


What’s received is -(ineffable but here’s some pointing phrases)- ‘what source is thinkin about this subject matter’… ‘the truth’… ‘it feels off because it is in fact, it’ pretty off’. If it feels way off it’s because it’s way off. Emotional guidance is straightforward, honesty, sincere. No games. No hoops. No catch.  


Well that’s nice, right? 

Quite… simple &  kind, isn’t it? 


What a relief! What you want to unfold… can.

“Just… line up with it…?”  

Yeah. Yep. Yes. Absolutely. After all - it’s what you want we’re talking about!!!



You know how it is with insights. The clarity of it is awesome, like baking a new & really great cake. An what’s doubly awesome is now you get to eat it. The ego being that which the truth is too Good to believe - is one of the greatest insights I’ve ever heard. It’s yours to eat brother, and there is no catch. Enjoy it. 


Now when frustration, irritation and or impatience is felt…. that there is some pessimism to be acknowledged is pretty predictable, yeah?


46 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


But that God damn pessimism. Boredom doesn't sound that great either.

Well… I tend to agree. Passion is great. love is great. Happiness is great. Empowerment is great. Joy is great. You are great.

Boredom is just better than pessimism. 


It’s not a Real-Life-Board. 🙂

Ya write it, source be’s it, ya line up. 



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@Phil I'm kinda lost as to what we're talking about and how we got here from this...

8 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

I don't know, that was stupid.

... but thanks either way. 😂🙏 Something that comes up:


4 hours ago, Phil said:

It, the thought / perspective… was somehow believed to be a vibrational match - as in - “it feels discordant because unfortunately, it’s true”… and … “that’s life”… or “that’s just me”. 


No it ain’t & no it ain’t and this is the Good news to the rescue! 🤍


This is instantly met with discordant thought/belief/interpretation in regard to my studies.


I'd have to go to school tomorrow, after basically skipping three weeks.


It doesn't seem like something I want to do (the school, the subject I'm studying, waking up tomorrow and spending the day there) but it seems like something that has to be done. Like, I can't skip anymore. I can't fail the studies.


But it feels so heavy. Like a dark cloud surrounding everything. Paralyzing even. Birds chirping and sun shining but this god damn thought and feeling.


It seems so real. And yes, it seems like it's discordant because it's true.


Like for example, if I'd skip, if I'd fail the studies (and fuck up my money situation, which is dependent on the studies), and maybe fuck up my future in general, I believe my parents would have certain thoughts and say certain things. What that feels like is fear, worry, unworthiness. Not blame though, maybe I'd believe or say the same things as my parents. 🤔


What then, is Source thinking?


Maybe source is saying that it's not that serious, that you can relax, that it's okay to kinda give up... I don't know. But how can I trust source? It's not like source isn't allowing people from ruining their life. It can happen. Or maybe this is the arrogance?


And even if LoA stuff was real... How could I trust that I can "line up", or get to the vibrational match? Maybe I can kinda trust source, but can I trust myself?



1. Must have money

2. Must have a job or a carreer to have money


It's funny (or not really) how in kind of dishonest manner this is tied to spirituality too. Kind of just been waiting for enlightenment to happen so I could sell it. 🤷



Over all, as of right now, pessimism is felt. It won't work out like I want it to work. I won't win the lottery. I won't magically suddenly heal and feel great about going to school. I'll feel like this (shit) tomorrow when I wake up. It just won't work out. There's no way out.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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36 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

But it feels so heavy

The perspective. The heaviness is the discord. 

36 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

feels like is fear, worry, unworthiness

The perspective. Not what anyone else (parents) might think. Not what may or may not be the outcome. Just the perspective. 

36 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

What then, is Source thinking?

‘Thinking’ so to speak…

You’re fully capable, you can not only do it but you can actually enjoy it too, and notice it’s not tomorrow it’s now. Tomorrow is not going to happen - it will actually still be now. Take refuge in the present. Be here now. Communion is only in the present. Breathe and relax. You’re doing great. You really are. Self-encouragement. Let it go from mind - but don’t give up. It’s going to be different and better than you’re thinkin. 

36 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

But how can I trust source?

As sure as the emotions are felt. 

36 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

It's not like source isn't allowing people from ruining their life. It can happen. Or maybe this is the arrogance?

It’s how the perspective feels. Let everyone else do everyone else. Appreciate freedom. 

Not must - can. Appreciate freedom. 

The pessimism is acknowledged. Celebrate the victory. Then, boredom.


”I’ll feel like this tomorrow” is a narrative, a thought story, about a self in time. 

You are present - ‘always’ & only. 

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