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46 minutes ago, Phil said:

The claim that solipsism is true, truth, or absolute, is nothing more than an egocentric separate-self-aggrandizing purporting. As solipsism is the activity of thought, believing and claiming it’s true, the truth, or absolute, is exactly the same as claiming any religion or cult doctrine is true, the truth, or absolute

1)THIS is an experience. 

2)a dream at night ..is an experience. 

3) tonight..you might have the experience of a dream about this very conversation between us.  And you won't be able to tell the difference (between this experience right now and the dream experience)

4) so whether or not reality is a dream (whether solipsism is true or not) is something that can never be known for sure .

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@Omar Osama

If someone or something were what nonduality is, that would be two; the someone or something, and nonduality.

The term nonduality (not two, no second-ness) doesn’t imply what is, only what what is, isn’t.


When thoughts arise and all attention (awareness) is lent to thought, it can seem as if you are ‘in’ thoughts.

This is an experience of a “separate, or second self” - of thoughts, or, thinking. 

The “separate self” is always thought to be in a past or future, and is never actually present. 


With each occurrence of “walking yourself back to yourself” there is a “getting out of your own way”, and a deepening of the recognition that you are aware of thoughts and thus can never actually be in thoughts. 


The relief felt is as if an indication of the truth of the actuality of effortlessness, wholeness, completeness, fulfillment & lasting satisfaction; all synonymous with awareness & happiness - and yet still, these can be rightfully acknowledged to be conditions with respect to what is most fundamental, the very essence of being. 


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6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

1)THIS is an experience. 

2)a dream at night ..is an experience. 

3) tonight..you might have the experience of a dream about this very conversation between us.  And you won't be able to tell the difference (between this experience right now and the dream experience)

4) so whether or not reality is a dream (whether solipsism is true or not) is something that can never be known for sure .

Plenty of meat left on the bone my friend, and the bliss is ‘in the bones’. 🙂


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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

No idea what you are alluding to here ,my friend. 🙂


"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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Being doesn't require thoughts to be.  Duality only arises when one takes thoughts seriously.  There's nothing wrong with duality, but it's not a necessary condition to be.  The truth of being doesn't need to be linked with ideas.  This isn't nonduality either because that's another idea/construct.  I'm talking about being with no thoughts present.  This is Zen Mind.  There's another level where you can consider duality but not cling to it.  That's a higher level than no thoughts.  It's thoughts that don't impinge on being.  It's awareness of the place of thoughts where you're not tying being to ideas. but you're still getting all the benefits of use of ideas or dualities -- just without the suffering that comes with tying ideas tightly with being -- and then making up a theory of truth that you feel like you need to self-brainwash, support, and defend interpersonally all the time.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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17 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Being doesn't require thoughts to be.  Duality only arises when one takes thoughts seriously.  There's nothing wrong with duality, but it's not a necessary condition to be.  The truth of being doesn't need to be linked with ideas.  This isn't nonduality either because that's another idea/construct.  I'm talking about being with no thoughts present.  This is Zen Mind.  There's another level where you can consider duality but not cling to it.  That's a higher level than no thoughts.  It's thoughts that don't impinge on being.  It's awareness of the place of thoughts where you're not tying being to ideas. but you're still getting all the benefits of use of ideas or dualities -- just without the suffering that comes with tying ideas tightly with being -- and then making up a theory of truth that you feel like you need to self-brainwash, support, and defend interpersonally all the time.

Which "status quo" things are making you suffer stupidly? 

Screenshot_20231026-110035_Samsung Internet.jpg

Edited by Jonas Long
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2 hours ago, Phil said:

Are inside & outside experienced as thoughts about perception and or sensation, or found in perception and or sensation? 


This is taking a while for observing. It looks like Inside & Outside are labels, so they're secondary thoughts and interpretations. Pointing to the primary experience of  when attention is focused on sensation (the inner world of subjectivity) or sense-perception (the outer objective world) respectively. 


So we believe/think that sense-perceptions are information coming in from the outer world to the inner. 

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

1)THIS is an experience. 

2)a dream at night ..is an experience. 

3) tonight..you might have the experience of a dream about this very conversation between us.  And you won't be able to tell the difference (between this experience right now and the dream experience)

4) so whether or not reality is a dream (whether solipsism is true or not) is something that can never be known for sure .


Have you written what you want (the opposite of solipsism for example) on the dreamboard yet? If not, why?



Phil once shared a quote (years ago) which really struck me and it touches me to this day. It went something like:


"My dear friend

don't expect me

to sustain for you

in grief

Don't expect anything

from me but happiness,

intoxication and good times

since God creates us

only for this.

I wreck logic

and fight a sober mind."

   -  Rumi (?)



Fuck logic. Fuck truth.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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9 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Have you written what you want (the opposite of solipsism for example) on the dreamboard yet? If not, why?

If solipsism is true ..how would writing that i want the opposite of it on the dreamboard gonna change that ?


It's sorta like if I have cancer ...then that is what it is .no amount of me writing on the dreamboard that I want the opposite of cancer is going to change the fact that i have cancer. 

Edited by Someone here
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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

If solipsism is true ..how would writing that i want the opposite of it on the dreamboard gonna change that ?


It's sorta like if I have cancer ...then that is what it is .no amount of me writing on the dreamboard that I want the opposite of cancer is going to change the fact that i have cancer. 


Expressing what you want on the dreamboard in this case would be the beginning of willingness to consider that the thoughts about solipsism are just thoughts. That there just might be some way to resolve this suffering and transcend the 'issue' of solipsism, even though you may not see the road yet.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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12 hours ago, Someone here said:

If solipsism is true ..how would writing that i want the opposite of it on the dreamboard gonna change that ?

If writing ‘I want the opposite of solipsism’, the focus is actually still on the same, on solipsism, and therefore the discord is still felt. This reveals what’s wanted is the opposite of discord, alignment.


The definition of ism is: belief or system of beliefs accepted as authoritative by some group or school. 


The definition of belief is: An idea one accepts as being true or real. 


Alignment is not about finding truth in thinking, ism’s or beliefs (un-real apparent duality).

It’s about aligning thought with feeling



12 hours ago, Someone here said:


It's sorta like if I have cancer ...then that is what it is .no amount of me writing on the dreamboard that I want the opposite of cancer is going to change the fact that i have cancer. 

Anita would probably disagree.  

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