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It feels good to be conscious

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I just am in a good mood rn . Everything feels magical and beautiful.  Existence is so beautiful.  Its astounding that anything exists at all . It feels good just to be conscious. Just to see this colorful world . The sun..the sea ..the moon..the stars ..the birds chirping early in the morning..etc 

It's soooo beautiful 😍

I love being conscious . Consciousness is mind-bogglingely beautiful. 

Cheers 🍻 

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7 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I think it's important to realize spiritual enlightenment has nothing to do with state.  If you're enlightened, you are no matter what state exists. 

And that's where you are downright wrong . Enlightenment is a state of consciousness.  There is a difference between a homeless cocaine addict and gautama Buddha...

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There's no possibility of you being enlightened or not being enlightened, there's no exclusion. The homeless and the saint is simply the activity of appearance, interpretation, judgement and labeling, in though.  The homeless and the saint never became distinct entities, only thought makes it seem as if, and then we are off to the races to see who won and who lost. 

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17 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And that's where you are downright wrong . Enlightenment is a state of consciousness.  There is a difference between a homeless cocaine addict and gautama Buddha...

It actually isn't a state of consciousness. 


It is You.


Let go of the pedestalizing of buddha and making your true nature this Special state that only the few can attain. Realization is ironically rare because this is the common belief. 


Also, you know buddha was homeless right? 😂 and he begged for food everyday.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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9 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Thought never makes it so, it makes it seem as if. 

Haha sorry for the unpolite  response 😅.  I just found what you said to be hilarious.  Its an excellent example of mentally masturbating nonduality into our everyday life .

The true “non-duality” is beyond thoughts. It is neither dual nor non-dual. You can’t tell what it means because it extends beyond the realm of all meanings. It’s better not to talk about it at all. Once you say something..then you are in the realm of the dual.

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

Haha sorry for the unpolite  response 😅.  I just found what you said to be hilarious.  Its an excellent example of mentally masturbating nonduality into our everyday life .

The true “non-duality” is beyond thoughts. It is neither dual nor non-dual. You can’t tell what it means because it extends beyond the realm of all meanings. It’s better not to talk about it at all. Once you say something..then you are in the realm of the dual.


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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

And that's where you are downright wrong . Enlightenment is a state of consciousness.  There is a difference between a homeless cocaine addict and gautama Buddha...


The Buddha and a homeless addict are both appearances.


Both are a veiling of your true nature.



Here's something to consider:


When you close your physical eyes, you "see" darkness. Or to be more exact, darkness is the lack of seeing.


When you close your symbolic eyes from Truth, you see the world. The world is darkness, the lack of seeing. When you close your eyes from truth, what seems to appear is the "anti-truth". Everything is "reversed".


That's what The Buddha & the homeless drug addict is. It is the lack of seeing. You're seeing the "opposite" of truth. You are projecting your own blindness onto Buddha & the addict. It is almost a perfect veil. It very much seems like there is some reality to the states these two different people have. But this is the Veil. Matrix of Maya. Same for solipsism btw.



This is just a pointer, not to be taken seriously, but more like an idea to play with: Consider that both The Buddha and the homeless drug addict are enlightened. Literally. Same for all animals and bugs. They are all enlightened, exactly like The Buddha. But the addict and the ant is like a character that you are placing on top of the actor (Enlightened One) to hide it from your sight. The characters seems to be shooting heroin, being depressed, angry, violent even. But the Enlightened One is nothing but infinite unconditional love, eternal and perfectly self-aware. It's sitting behind all form, untouched by anything in this world.


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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9 minutes ago, Alexander said:

Why would you want this forum to become echo chamber.I like them both.Everyone should be free to be in any way they want to be.

I don't, the intention here is not to be "right" or do things the "right" way. If that is your intention, @Someone here's intention or @Devin's intention, I suggest creating a platform where you do just that. If you can explain nonduality in a way that "opens the eyes" of others then go make your own youtube videos, write your own blog or create your own website.  There's nothing to rebel against or refute here. If you know how to do it just right, go do that, why would you need to criticize anything done anywhere else? It's as nonsensical as saying what's wrong with a piece of abstract art, a Dr.Suess book, or a Rumi poem. 

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3 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I don't, the intention here is not to be "right" or do things the "right" way. If that is your intention, @Someone here's intention or @Devin's intention, I suggest creating a platform where you do just that. If you can explain nonduality in a way that "opens the eyes" of others then go make your own youtube videos, write your own blog or create your own website.  There's nothing to rebel against or refute here. If you know how to do it just right, go do that, why would you need to criticize anything done anywhere else? It's as nonsensical as saying what's wrong with a piece of abstract art, a Dr.Suess book, or a Rumi poem. 

But Disagreements are great..they are effective and beautiful tools of communication. Imagine if everyone here blabbering the same shit all day ..it's boring that way .

When done right..disagreements can make you realize a lot of things and put everything in perspective.

If the other person walks out of an argument..just know that they have realized that their argument is not good enough. The only problem is when someone argue or disagree for the sake of disagreements. 

It’s a win-win..always like to argue with Phil and tease him 😆 

8 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


The Buddha and a homeless addict are both appearances.


Both are a veiling of your true nature.



Here's something to consider:


When you close your physical eyes, you "see" darkness. Or to be more exact, darkness is the lack of seeing.


When you close your symbolic eyes from Truth, you see the world. The world is darkness, the lack of seeing. When you close your eyes from truth, what seems to appear is the "anti-truth". Everything is "reversed".


That's what The Buddha & the homeless drug addict is. It is the lack of seeing. You're seeing the "opposite" of truth. You are projecting your own blindness onto Buddha & the addict. It is almost a perfect veil. It very much seems like there is some reality to the states these two different people have. But this is the Veil. Matrix of Maya.



This is just a pointer, not to be taken seriously, but more like an idea to play with: Consider that both The Buddha and the homeless drug addict are enlightened. Literally. Same for all animals and bugs. They are all enlightened, exactly like The Buddha. But the addict and the ant is like a character that you are placing on top of the actor (Enlightened One) to hide it from your sight. The characters seems to be shooting heroin, being depressed, angry, violent even. But the Enlightened One is nothing but infinite unconditional love, eternal and perfectly self-aware. It's sitting behind all form, untouched by anything in this world.


If it was that easy...wouldn’t everyone be enlightened? No one would even be talking about it because the whole world would have arrived...

Obviously enlightenment is a state of consciousness. Otherwise what the fuck is the difference between Ramana Maharshi and any ignorant fool walking around ?

Why can't a cat do calculus and humans can? Because humans are more conscious..obviously. 

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22 minutes ago, Someone here said:

If it was that easy...wouldn’t everyone be enlightened? No one would even be talking about it because the whole world would have arrived...

Obviously enlightenment is a state of consciousness. Otherwise what the fuck is the difference between Ramana Maharshi and any ignorant fool walking around ?

Yes, everyone is enlightened, there isn't anybody. No one is talking about it. It only appears so. A state of consciousness is a limitation, does it resonate that enlightenment is a limitation imposed upon consciousness? There is no Ramana Maharashi and there is no ignorant fool. 

22 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Why can't a cat do calculus and humans can? Because humans are more conscious..obviously. 

How is it obvious that humans are more conscious? That's the same line of thinking that misled teenagers who torture cats for fun have. It has nothing to do with awareness, love or consciousness, it has to do with ignorance and arrogance. 


You don't want to hear this because it means you are not superior to anyone or anything or any living creature today nor will you be so tomorrow or a decade from now. There's no hope in that. No one wants to hear it. There's nothing desirable about it whatsoever. It's total and utter disappointment without any hope of a way out. 

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32 minutes ago, Someone here said:

If it was that easy...wouldn’t everyone be enlightened? No one would even be talking about it because the whole world would have arrived...

Obviously enlightenment is a state of consciousness. Otherwise what the fuck is the difference between Ramana Maharshi and any ignorant fool walking around ?

Why can't a cat do calculus and humans can? Because humans are more conscious..obviously. 


I'm suggesting you to consider that what you're seeing is the Maya. That what you're seeing (Buddhas and ignorant fools, more and less conscious beings) is like the darkness you see when you close your eyes.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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19 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Yes, everyone is enlightened,

You are dead wrong . I'm not fucking enlightened.  I know because I'm not aware of my true nature .I don't have peace of mind . I said In OP that consciousness is beautiful..but consciousness can become hellish sometimes.  Reality is complex .the universe is playing games with us .

There is no simplest way (generally thinking) to become enlightened. if for one human being one particular way “seems to be” simplest for another one person it “appears to be” the mst difficult and complicated.
To treat the enlightenment as something that is not ought to be reached is gross oversimplification. 

6 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


I'm suggesting you to consider that what you're seeing is the Maya. That what you're seeing (Buddhas and ignorant fools, more and less conscious beings) is like the darkness you see when you close your eyes.

No .reality is appearing with 100% clarity . There is no such thing as Maya . The word literally means illusion..are you suggesting that reality is an illusion?

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