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Tempted to go Back to Eating Meat

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Kinda feeling guilt around this subject 😬. 


But I've been doing calisthenics for a few weeks and I just keep feeling so weak. I don't feel like my muscles are getting stronger. 


I've been feeling like I always gotta try all these unnatural methods in order to get all my protein and nutrients. 


Just doesn't resonate anymore here. 


I also have trouble feeling really full after eating a meal. 


Eating in general is a pain in the ass, i have yet to find a perfect diet. But it does seem better fitness wise to eat meat for the sake of muscle growth.


That being said, I'm still iffy about dairy and honestly would do better without it still. 


But I'm craving meat, like red meat or fish! 


What do you guys think? Should I switch or not? Ah man idk why I'm asking you all this I just feel conflicted on this.


I'm aware of the environmental issues surrounding the global consumption of meat, but I must admit my body feels stronger on a meat based diet. 


I still think fruits and veggies are 1st priority above meat.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Why did you stop eating meat?


1 hour ago, Orb said:

I also have trouble feeling really full after eating a meal

I experienced that too. The stomach shrinks naturally though, and that goes away. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

I'm aware of the environmental issues surrounding the global consumption of meat, but I must admit my body feels stronger on a meat based diet

Gotta do it for you. 


Also, not to imply there’s anything wrong with it, it’s preference imo… but why are you trying to put on muscle?

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9 minutes ago, Phil said:

Why did you stop eating meat?

I wanted to find a diet that improved digestion and overall health. 


9 minutes ago, Phil said:

Also, not to imply there’s anything wrong with it, it’s preference imo… but why are you trying to put on muscle?

I want my body to feel strong and fortified. I've been doing a bunch of workouts but my body doesn't feel very strong still. It's also been a bit stressful to get all my nutrients like protein. I wanna feel better posture and stuff and stronger muscles. I just feel weaker overall. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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I'm gonna have a meal with meat tomorrow and see how I feel. 


I'm beginning to lose cognition ability on vegan diet. I noticed this the last time I ate plant based for a few months. It's like every day my ability to think clearly starts eroding away more and more. I've been watching TV shows with my mom and I'm unable to grasp what I'm watching, little stuff like that. I'm having difficulty with articulation now too. 


My body's also feeling weaker even though I'm doing calisthenics. I get fatigued faster. 


Of course everyone has their own way of eating that works for them, but meat may be just what I need to feel better. I'll post my experience tomorrow. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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I'm no expert but I've been vegetarian/vegan for about 3 years. Have you seen a doctor to get a general blood test done to see if you have any vitamin/mineral deficiencies? I also found getting a blood test done provided me with some peace of mind.


Are you supplementing anything like B12, Omega 3's, Vitamin D etc?


Are you eating many legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds (especially ground flax). ? Check out the protein content of beans.


Personally, the loophole shake helps me out a lot because it covers a lot of micronutrients + it provides protein, I'm glad it exists.


I challenge you to eat a big bowl of porridge with berries, walnuts, ground flax, chia seeds without being satisfied. 


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@Orb Intuitively speaking, it sounds like some egoic stuff might be going a bit nuts, coming up to surface and coming up with "I need to eat meat" etc. It might actually have nothing to do with food or diet per se. The Scale comes to mind, especially overwhelment - boredom area.


If you feel like you want to have a big, filling meal, maybe cook some heavy protein rich meal. Or go out.


How about tacos with soy protein and some rich hot sauce? Or sushi? Or just pizza, burgers or something?


Ever tried cooking stuff from chickpea flour? I've made gluten/wheat - free pizza and tacos that way. The chickpea flour is very high in protein and very filling.


Edited by Blessed2


There must be an effortless way.

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6 hours ago, DMT Elf said:

I’ve been a vegetarian for 8 years. Just watch a few of those documentaries about factory farming and the desire to eat meat will leave you forever. At least, that’s how it worked for me.

I've known about factory farming since I was like 13 lol. My switch to the vegan diet was mostly for just how I feel, I also am not a fan of factory farming. But there are animal farms that are operated in a more sustainable way.


2 hours ago, Celestial said:

I'm no expert but I've been vegetarian/vegan for about 3 years. Have you seen a doctor to get a general blood test done to see if you have any vitamin/mineral deficiencies? I also found getting a blood test done provided me with some peace of mind.


Are you supplementing anything like B12, Omega 3's, Vitamin D etc?


Are you eating many legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds (especially ground flax). ? Check out the protein content of beans.


Personally, the loophole shake helps me out a lot because it covers a lot of micronutrients + it provides protein, I'm glad it exists.


I challenge you to eat a big bowl of porridge with berries, walnuts, ground flax, chia seeds without being satisfied. 


I've actually been eating big meals of tofu and rice and beans and veggies for a long time. And granola and fruit too. 


My body just doesn't feel as "solid" as it did when I was eating meat. My muscles also around strengthening as much and it's annoying. Even my pecs are starting to become pointy LOL. 


2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

@Orb Intuitively speaking, it sounds like some egoic stuff might be going a bit nuts, coming up to surface and coming up with "I need to eat meat" etc. It might actually have nothing to do with food or diet per se. The Scale comes to mind, especially overwhelment - boredom area.


If you feel like you want to have a big, filling meal, maybe cook some heavy protein rich meal. Or go out.


How about tacos with soy protein and some rich hot sauce? Or sushi? Or just pizza, burgers or something?


Ever tried cooking stuff from chickpea flour? I've made gluten/wheat - free pizza and tacos that way. The chickpea flour is very high in protein and very filling.



It may very well have to do with diet, I will see for myself today after eating meat. 



24 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Are you taking B12? I still eat sardines and salmon and some other local caught seafood occasionally. 


Yes, and I'd like to eat seafood too, it's really healthy. 

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Just had a bowl of brown rice and wild caught tuna w veganaise 😌. Letting it settle in for a few mins and I'll see how I feel.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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From direct experience I'm already feeling better. My body has that solid muscular feeling again 😀, and my bowels moved really fast! 


I don't believe in black and white thinking about anything, and I'm open minded to people being able to thrive on different diets. 


But omnivore feels better for me, excluding dairy!


My experiment is done, thanks everyone!

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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16 hours ago, Orb said:

Eating in general is a pain in the ass, i have yet to find a perfect diet.

Would eating still be a pain in the ass if you were free to eat anything that felt good? 


I was vegan/vegetarian most of my teenage years but later on my digestion was so bad & I didn't have much food to eat, so I had to switch to simply eating anything that felt good and let go of opinions about it.


I seem to feel weaker in a subtle way when I don't eat meat and when I eat it again I feel better. Eating meat feels grounding for me. Not sure why. Most meat I eat seem to be easily digested for me.

Most advice for diet shared on this forum would make me feel awful lol.


I still care a lot about animals. I notice I have stopped thinking about how the meat I eat is a dead animal because I don't want to feel guilt and I want to enjoy my meal.

I don't really know how to relate to that. It also doesn't feel right to buy meat when I'm not willing to kill the animal myself, I would only do it if I wanted to survive. If I felt great on a vegan diet then I would probably not eat animals. 


For B12 from what I know methylcobalamin is the one that is supposed to be most effective to absorb.

I don't really understand this whole thing about needing B12 when eating vegan. If the only way to get B12 naturally is through meat etc then it seems like we need to eat meat or eggs for that. Would like to hear a different perspective on this.



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9 minutes ago, Orb said:

From direct experience I'm already feeling better. My body has that solid muscular feeling again 😀, and my bowels moved really fast! 


I don't believe in black and white thinking about anything, and I'm open minded to people being able to thrive on different diets. 


But omnivore feels better for me, excluding dairy!


My experiment is done, thanks everyone!

Great! I kinda get what you mean by feeling more solid 

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30 minutes ago, Orb said:

From direct experience I'm already feeling better. My body has that solid muscular feeling again 😀, and my bowels moved really fast! 


I don't believe in black and white thinking about anything, and I'm open minded to people being able to thrive on different diets. 


But omnivore feels better for me, excluding dairy!


My experiment is done, thanks everyone!

Sounds like a very short term experiment in expectation. 

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18 minutes ago, noomii said:

Would eating still be a pain in the ass if you were free to eat anything that felt good? 


I was vegan/vegetarian most of my teenage years but later on my digestion was so bad & I didn't have much food to eat, so I had to switch to simply eating anything that felt good and let go of opinions about it.


I seem to feel weaker in a subtle way when I don't eat meat and when I eat it again I feel better. Eating meat feels grounding for me. Not sure why. Most meat I eat seem to be easily digested for me.

Most advice for diet shared on this forum would make me feel awful lol.


I still care a lot about animals. I notice I have stopped thinking about how the meat I eat is a dead animal because I don't want to feel guilt and I want to enjoy my meal.

I don't really know how to relate to that. It also doesn't feel right to buy meat when I'm not willing to kill the animal myself, I would only do it if I wanted to survive. If I felt great on a vegan diet then I would probably not eat animals. 


For B12 from what I know methylcobalamin is the one that is supposed to be most effective to absorb.

I don't really understand this whole thing about needing B12 when eating vegan. If the only way to get B12 naturally is through meat etc then it seems like we need to eat meat or eggs for that. Would like to hear a different perspective on this.



Yea my digestion was funky after doing vegan for a few months. I don't feel bad about the animals dying, I'm not sure why so many people are bothered by that. There's nothing inherently spiritual about not killing or killing animals for food.


I'm primarily against animal farming because the way its done is dirty and too torturous for the animals, they're like concentration camps. I don't care about animals dying but that doesn't mean I support them being cramped in cages and shitting on themselves and being pumped with hormones and other bs. 


20 minutes ago, noomii said:

Great! I kinda get what you mean by feeling more solid 

Totally right!? A few minutes after eating the tuna my heart rate slowed down and my muscles began to feel more full and solid. I even pooped about an hour later! My cognition is also improving. The last few weeks I'll admit I've struggled with articulating my thoughts on this forum. 

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4 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Sounds like a very short term experiment in expectation. 

How so? I ate meat, felt better, that's it.


I mean, I can log down here how I feel after a week, but the shift in my experience has unfolded pretty fast after eating tuna. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Just now, Orb said:

How so? I ate meat, felt better, that's it.

Just that if I was doing a diet experiment, seeing how I felt when eating or not eating a food, I wouldn't draw a conclusion so quickly. Expectation is powerful. I can intend consciously and eat something that I'm inspired to and feel great, but then not intend, eat the same thing and feel awful. There's no ideal diet. You'll never discover it. You'll never get it right. There's just what you're inspired to now. 

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2 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Just that if I was doing a diet experiment, seeing how I felt when eating or not eating a food, I wouldn't draw a conclusion so quickly. Expectation is powerful. I can intend consciously and eat something that I'm inspired to and feel great, but then not intend, eat the same thing and feel awful. There's no ideal diet. You'll never discover it. You'll never get it right. There's just what you're inspired to now. 

I think diet is the foundation of health that is prior to intention/expectation. 


For example I can intend to feel great from only eating peanuts for the rest of my life, I don't think that would work out though. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Orb Here's another way to frame it, does I feel good when I eat meat or do I feel good when I drop ideals of veganism? 


2 minutes ago, Orb said:

I think diet is the foundation of health that is prior to intention/expectation. 

Belief is prior to diet because diet and hunger and cravings are manifestations.  Intention and expectation are alternate ways of talking about beliefs.

3 minutes ago, Orb said:

For example I can intend to feel great from only eating peanuts for the rest of my life, I don't think that would work out though. 

"I don't think that would work out" IS the belief and intention. 

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@Mandy I trust my own direct experience on this. You seem to be ignoring all the times I've said that my literal experience has shifted right now, like being able to read easily, articulating my thoughts more easily, even the speed at which I'm typing these words is faster and feels effortless. 


In my opinion life isn't all about beliefs and intention, there are foundational behaviors (diet/exercise) that will shift experience regardless of what's believed or not. 


There are many areas in life where being intentional and inspecting beliefs is valid. But diet is simple, eat X, if you feel better then X is healthy for you. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Orb You gave it 6 minutes, 15 minutes, after eating to tell how you felt? That's not direct experience, and it's not an honest experiment either. I know I feel much better when I drink celery juice in the mornings but it's very much a long term and in flux thing. I've gone months with out, weeks without it. If I don't have time to run and clean the juicer that morning, I feel better as a whole without it. I'm not at all saying the tuna was a bad idea or a good idea, I eat fish and feel good. But still, Tony Robbins felt great on swordfish for breakfast so he ate it every morning until he didn't feel good at all because of mercury levels. You can't ever draw conclusions like that, after 10 minutes of eating. This doubt and conclusion making cycle of thought ABOUT how I feel and the impatience of deciding it, is a cycle of addiction. It's not the feeling itself. Sit with it a bit longer, that's all I'm saying. Milk the curiosity. 

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