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No Self


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@Mandy Jesus said you must be like a fart to enter the kingdom of heaven.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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1 hour ago, Robed Mystic said:

Then I gather I am missing the boat here.  Please clarify.   You already stated that the answer is ineffable.   In which you are correct.  So you wanted the source.  I gave you the source. 

No idea what “the source is”. I don’t see how that helps me to realize “no self”. 

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22 minutes ago, Phil said:

No idea what “the source is”. I don’t see how that helps me to realize “no self”. 

The source is you and this doesn't change.  Even through your day to day activities.   You are trying to separate the realization of no self from the self.  That is an illusion.   The self and no self are one.  Very elementary of you though.  You don't fail to disappoint.

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24 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

The source is you and this doesn't change.  Even through your day to day activities.   You are trying to separate the realization of no self from the self.  That is an illusion.   The self and no self are one.  Very elementary of you though.  You don't fail to disappoint.

I’m not trying to separate anything. I’m asking how to go about realizing “no self”, if that’s even a thing. I don’t know what “source” is, or what “separating no self from the self” even means! That doesn’t make any sense to me. Then you’re saying that is an illusion. Then why are you saying I’m doing it in the first place? I’m here asking for tips, clues, signs, specific ways to begin to realize there’s “no self”. If there’s “no self” then how am I elementary and disappointing you? 

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23 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

The source is you and this doesn't change.  Even through your day to day activities.   You are trying to separate the realization of no self from the self.  That is an illusion.   The self and no self are one.  Very elementary of you though.  You don't fail to disappoint.

Ever think, "the source" is just the moment here where expanding details evolving forward are the contracting results never same form shaped as eroding universal positions and the order of ancestral changes to specific reproductions mutually evolving in series parallel displacement, infinite changes exchanging finite results equally timed apart together as a whole set of separate ancestries inception to extinction of ever changing total sum present.


Intelligence is able to navigate as individually here simultaneously with everything else doing the same thing. Adapting to space living one's lifecycle as a reproduction being total sum of DNA added to each replacement, until replacements aren't added anymore.


eternal separation relative to time occupying the moment here as specifically inhabiting the moment.  self evident until everyone doubts it actually works this way.


The great divide came to pass. All done wishing life never stays the same only eternally separated now. How boring. No excitement limited to needing to stay balanced as equal arrivals until departures.


But that is my brain at navigating time only inhbiting space now as one selfie since conceived until decomposed my body is never same shape when arrived a fertilized cell.

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3 minutes ago, Phil said:

I’m not trying to separate anything. I’m asking how to go about realizing “no self”, if that’s even a thing. I don’t know what “source” is, or what “separating no self from the self” even means! That doesn’t make any sense to me. Then you’re saying that is an illusion. Then why are you saying I’m doing it in the first place? I’m here asking for tips, clues, signs, specific ways to begin to realize there’s “no self”. If there’s “no self” then how am I elementary and disappointing you? 

It's a thing.  You'll have to take my word in that.  If you want to realize that you as person are an illusion then simply do self inquiry.  

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1 minute ago, solereproduction said:

Ever think, "the source" is just the moment here where expanding details evolving forward are the contracting results never same form shaped as eroding universal positions and the order of ancestral changes to specific reproductions mutually evolving in series parallel displacement, infinite changes exchanging finite results equally timed apart together as a whole set of separate ancestries inception to extinction of ever changing total sum present.


Intelligence is able to navigate as individually here simultaneously with everything else doing the same thing. Adapting to space living one's lifecycle as a reproduction being total sum of DNA added to each replacement, until replacements aren't added anymore.


eternal separation relative to time occupying the moment here as specifically inhabiting the moment.  self evident until everyone doubts it actually works this way.


The great divide came to pass. All done wishing life never stays the same only eternally separated now. How boring. No excitement limited to needing to stay balanced as equal arrivals until departures.


But that is my brain at navigating time only inhbiting space now as one selfie since conceived until decomposed my body is never same shape when arrived a fertilized cell.

I’m looking for simple real life tips, clues, signs, examples, specific ways to begin to realize there’s “no self”. What you’re saying sounds like some kind of Martian language. I don’t understand even one sentence. 

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1 minute ago, Robed Mystic said:

It's a thing.  You'll have to take my word in that.  If you want to realize that you as person are an illusion then simply do self inquiry.  

I’m not looking for someone to trust or to inquire into a self. Honestly that sounds like you’re just setting me up to sell me something down the road. I’m looking for simple relatable steps or examples to try to realize there’s “no self” or what that even means. 

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5 minutes ago, Phil said:

I’m looking for simple real life tips, clues, signs, examples, specific ways to begin to realize there’s “no self”. What you’re saying sounds like some kind of Martian language. I don’t understand even one sentence. 

It's sad that you have thrown around the terminology of no self your entire spiritual career . And now you want to understand what it is.   I've got news for you. This is ineffable.   Oh wait..but you already knew that?  Stop with the mental masturbation.  It doesn't suit you.

Edited by Robed Mystic
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35 minutes ago, Phil said:

I’m looking for simple real life tips, clues, signs, examples, specific ways to begin to realize there’s “no self”. What you’re saying sounds like some kind of Martian language. I don’t understand even one sentence. 

What is more real than evolving in real time naturally eternally separated as genetically present never same results twice and never duplicated again.


binary universal code of 0 or 1 as existing in plain sight of each other living is a series parallel time displaced since conceived as reproductions do regardless the ancestors species.

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@solereproduction you been writing equations on walls lately? Sorry I'm just joking lol! 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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… pointings to experience; day to day life, body, emotions, interpretations, relationships, work, creating… anything


Imagine someone who has just set foot on the path-less path, who’s just now heard of nonduality, spirituality, and is just beginning to question & inspect the actuality of their direct experience… with absolutely no frame of reference whatsoever. 


What would you point to in the fruitlessly loving attempt to draw attention to that there seems to be a self, but isn’t?


Again, the aim is for as specific as possible. 


What are ‘clues’?



41 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

It's sad that you have thrown around the terminology of no self your entire spiritual career . And now you want to understand what it is.   I've got news for you. This is ineffable.   Oh wait..but you already knew that?  Stop with the mental masturbation.  It doesn't suit you.

How exactly is belittling and insulting me supposed to help me with realizing “no self”? This sounds like the complete opposite. It seems like everything you’re saying is about selves basically. Doesn’t suit the no self or the self? My spiritual career??  Wanting to understand what it is?? I asking about how to notice in any ordinary down to earth day to day manor that there’s “no self”. 


41 minutes ago, Loop said:

We are playing here.
No master-debating going on here 😉

Feel the real air as you breathe my brothers & sisters. 

This doesn’t seem helpful or even related to me realizing “no self”. 


14 minutes ago, solereproduction said:

What is more real than evolving in real time naturally eternally separated as genetically present never same results twice and never duplicated again.


binary universal code of 0 or 1 as existing in plain sight of each other living is a series parallel time displaced since conceived as reproductions do regardless the ancestors species.

I’m looking for simple practical tips or examples on how to go about realizing “no self”. Again, I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. No offense but it just seems like random words strung together. Like you’re talking about something completely unrelated.

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1 minute ago, Phil said:

This doesn’t seem helpful or even related to me realizing “no self”. 

🙏🏼 Breathe, notice, relax, embrace being you. 
A me that will or has realized anything is a thought referring to itself. Not what is actually the nature of self. 
Notice that a thought isn’t the thing thought about. 🤍

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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5 minutes ago, Loop said:

🙏🏼 Breathe, notice, relax, embrace being you. 
A me that will or has realized anything is a thought referring to itself. Not what is actually the nature of self. 
Notice that a thought isn’t the thing thought about. 🤍

As in a thought about myself isn’t the self the thought is about? That makes some sense. But then am I supposed to remember that? Wouldn’t I be the self remembering then? Seems like there is a self still. 

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2 minutes ago, Phil said:

As in a thought about myself isn’t the self the thought is about?

Well, could you eat the thought of dinner? ☺️

How could you be the thought of You?


4 minutes ago, Phil said:

But then am I supposed to remember that? Wouldn’t I be the self remembering then? Seems like there is a self still. 

Remembering is emptying out the thinking by expression. As What You Really Are is intrinsic, not something coming or going. There really isn’t an expresser of emotion either, really is a constant. 

Remembering is noticing & forgetting the self found in thought, and embracing Feeling. Eventually you will get ‘lost in the flow’ of expression, & thoughts of forgetting or remembering will fade. 


Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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6 hours ago, Phil said:

Well I just look in the mirror I guess 🤷‍♀️. I do try sometimes. You’re really nice to comment and try to help, but really I’m not into zen stuff or Buddhism and I don’t see how that’s supposed to result in me realizing there’s “no self” anyways. If there’s no self, who do you think is going to work everyday? Do your bills just magically pay themselves? Are you all breatharians or something?


I see what you did there. 🤠


This body comes and goes, and you have the awesome opportunity to walk in it for a while, allowing you to experience the universe/the world. The body decays, you don’t. The notion of dying/disappearing along with the body is a belief unchecked.


When you look through your eyes, you see creation. Without a body to look through, there is no universe and no experience of it.


The impermanence/finitude of this experience makes life precious. If it is one thing, it‘s an opportunity to co-create along with the universe. Go to work, have a good time with friends, enjoy tasty meals, paint a picture, build stuff if you‘re a builder, garden if you love gardening, find activites you enjoy, plan how you want to go about paying the bills. Play the game of life. :classic_smile:

Edited by Lotus
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2 hours ago, Orb said:

@solereproduction you been writing equations on walls lately? Sorry I'm just joking lol! 

no. I describe the numbers attached to kinetic evolving an ever changing population where it doesn't matter the species, there are no exceptions to the universal constant.  Time doesn't move. What exists in form and shape is kinetically never same details again. look I explained why today is never yesterday again regardless what facts came from the international dateline.


Series parallel compounding results, evolving by specific displacement perpetually balancing so nobody will ever know the total sum ahead, just that the total sum will never stay what arrives here now.


Balance is the key, rather than trying to tip the scales to favor one interpretation in charge of everyone else believed possible and nobody will explain what isn't possible.


Genetics will never exceed mutually evolving forward now.  Humanity hasn't learned that history lesson yet.

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6 hours ago, Phil said:

I’m not trying to separate anything. I’m asking how to go about realizing “no self”, if that’s even a thing. I don’t know what “source” is, or what “separating no self from the self” even means! That doesn’t make any sense to me. Then you’re saying that is an illusion. Then why are you saying I’m doing it in the first place? I’m here asking for tips, clues, signs, specific ways to begin to realize there’s “no self”. If there’s “no self” then how am I elementary and disappointing you? 

Do you want to understand what you are fundamentally?  I can help you with that.    I would never belittle you.  You are too dear a friend and besides I am not one to belittle.  

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