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Everything is Working Out Perfectly, AMA.

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6 hours ago, Someone here said:

@PhilWhat's your opinion on : pornography,hardcore drugs like cocaine, TikTok, feminism, the Russian Ukraine war ,poverty and world hunger, aliens and UFOs ,and the importance of money to live a good happy life ?

Everything is working out perfectly. 


That these subjects would make for really great threads & discussions in this section…



Follow up questions are welcomed. 



5 hours ago, Mandy said:

What if you can't figure out why you attracted something "bad"? 

Everything is working out perfectly. 


Attraction doesn’t have a why which could be figured out, other than you are vibrationally appearing as ‘figuring out’.

Attraction has a how, and it’s a matching of vibrational being & vibrational experience.


If you can’t figure out why you attracted something bad, can you figure our how it isn’t bad, and or how you attracted it?


Follow up questions are welcomed. 


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7 hours ago, Mandy said:

What if you can't figure out why you attracted something "bad"? 


HEY that was my question! 😠

Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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9 hours ago, Phil said:

Attraction doesn’t have a why which could be figured out, other than you are vibrationally appearing as ‘figuring out’.

Attraction has a how, and it’s a matching of vibrational being & vibrational experience.


If you can’t figure out why you attracted something bad, can you figure our how it isn’t bad, and or how you attracted it?

How does it work if you're a couple, each thinking their own thoughts but you share a business, child, project or your finances? Is it that we only attract our own experience of the manifestation, not the situation itself? Law of attraction says we attract the manifestation. 

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6 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Phil seems to me like you glossed over my question for whatever reasons 🙂

We have appropriate sections of the forum for those topics which are BIG and very specific topics. Why not give them their own threads?

If you want to know why something is specifically working out, you often have to let go of the specifics of the situation to get clarity on it. If you're really interested in a novel, do you skip ahead to read the conclusion? There's a difference between attempting to skip ahead to spoil the ending and tuning into the inspiration of the author. Answered my own question because @Someone here annoyed me by asking about aliens and feminism. Not much different from a speeding ticket I guess. 😂

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13 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Phil seems to me like you glossed over my question for whatever reasons 🙂

Everything is working out perfectly. 


Opinions are reasons, reasons are opinions. 


Follow up questions are welcomed. 



6 hours ago, Mandy said:

How does it work if you're a couple, each thinking their own thoughts but you share a business, child, project or your finances? 

Communion is to ‘relationship’ what the thought presently focused upon is to ‘thinking’.

Nonduality & a pillow.  Tends to draw out the importance of willingness for all involved. 

3 dreamboards: mine, theirs, ours. 


6 hours ago, Mandy said:

Is it that we only attract our own experience of the manifestation, not the situation itself? Law of attraction says we attract the manifestation

Attraction is the apparent result of vibrationally being. No spheres, no “gravity”. 


Follow up questions are welcomed. 

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4 hours ago, Lotus said:



Any perfectly ‚random’ advice you‘d like to give? :classic_smile:

Everything is working out perfectly. 


Meditation is the way-less way.


This is the dream. 

Nothing matters.


Now is when to let go.

Now is when to love.


Fear is of the unknown. 

You are the unknown. 

Thus there is no unknown. 


The immutable laws are a map. 

Emotion is a compass to the unfolding of the wanted dream.


You are the center of the universe.

There is no you. 

Therein all is possible. 


Follow up questions are welcomed. 

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When there is a desire... Let's say you see in a dream something you really desire...


What's that about? What is a desire?


Will it be?


Will I have it?


I want to have it. How to have it?

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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51 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

When there is a desire... Let's say you see in a dream something you really desire...


What's that about? What is a desire?

Everything is working out perfectly. 


1. A desire is an apparent thought, a preference, with an illusory aspect in which one believes one will be bettered, or made more whole or more completely satisfied upon achieving, obtaining or experiencing the desire. A desire can also be ‘held’ such that something must be changed, validated, appreciated, understood or known, before one can feel better, whole, complete and satisfied.


However, it would only be possible for you to see in a dream if another self, a dreamer essentially, were dreaming the dream you’re seeing in.


51 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

Will it be?

It already is. See point 1. 


51 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

Will I have it?


In your dreams. 


51 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

I want to have it. How to have it?

Write it on a dreamboard


Follow up questions are welcomed. 

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58 minutes ago, Celestial said:


Does that mean my family exist or they are me?


What is special about music?


Everything is working out perfectly. 


Meaning, purpose, value, worth, others, separate selves, and all comparisons therein aren’t things. 

They’re thoughts. Believed. Beliefs.



Nothing is special about music, as music also isn’t a thing. 


Follow up questions are welcomed. 

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24 minutes ago, Phil said:

Everything is working out perfectly. 


Meaning, purpose, value, worth, others, separate selves, and all comparisons therein aren’t things. 

They’re thoughts. Believed. Beliefs.



Nothing is special about music, as music also isn’t a thing. 


Follow up questions are welcomed. 

If all those things mentioned aren't things. Then what is?

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