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Everything posted by Reena

  1. Then this is misleading and he should change it. Deep down I know he clearly means teachings. He always uses the word followers. There's no doubt that he engages in an unhealthy parasocial relationship with his followers. If he is strictly professional, then he won't be sharing personal blog videos to his website. Hell he even used the website to get a girlfriend by placing an adversitement/flyer for a potential girlfriend. So he is even ready to sleep with his followers? He flouts his own rules. Zero ethics. Bottomline, Leo Gura doesn't see a problem in flouting ethics of being a community leader and teacher. If he not a teacher, he shouldn't have a community in the first place. Who is leading this particular community? Not him? It's clearly not self-run Or self-moderated. It's run by him by using people from his own community like they do inside a cult. You know what, I could have easily silenced you on the spot but I'm not formidable enough for you guys. I'm born in a third world country in Asia and that's why I'm helpless. You watch what I would have done if I were born in America. I would have straight up approached the United States Department of Homeland Security Or the police and reported all the abuse I suffered on your website. I was cyberbullied for months and months and systematically harassed and abused, I was given death threats. There's evidence in my personal messages(because I was banned I can't show it) . I was stalked for months by stalkers creating accounts in my name. Moderators have deleted my comments on the forum multiple times. If I open up a police investigation, everything will be laid bare. But Leo Gura is damn lucky that I'm not American. So he is getting away with a lot of shit. I wouldn't let all of this just die down if I were American and he wouldn't have it so easy. Leo Gura is totally responsible for the harassment and abuse I suffered. He also acknowledged that I was bullied, yet deliberately chose to turn a blind eye to it.
  2. You're so disingenuous. Leo calls his words "teachings" a million times on his forum. Are you kidding me? When he calls his words teachings, it's so obvious that he considers himself a teacher. The constant deflection here is amazing to watch. So much wishy washy dilly dallying and vague justifications being thrown around? How far are you planning to go with guilt tripping me?
  3. This is utter bullshit. Do you even understand a teacher/guru student relationship? It's supposed to be a sacred relationship in spirituality. It's obviously based in trust. If trust doesn't exist, then why will a person even bother to listen to a teacher in the first place? They listen because they intrinsically believe (which is trust) that the person who they're looking up to wants their best interests. This is not a boss employee relationship for the employee to always be on the edge . You're the kind of guy who would most likely blame a woman for being in an abusive relationship, which justifies you being an Actualized mod, because Leo literally does the same, you're sure you aren't a programmed bot working for Leo and shilling really hard on this forum for him? Leo is trying to win people's trust by engaging them in a more personal way. He himself says plenty of times "I don't want you to break my trust. " What does that mean then? Why is he putting trust in his followers if this is not a question of trust ? And what sort of business doesn't run on trust? Shady businesses? I mean can you seriously run a company like Apple and sell an IPhone and it stops working and your typical response is -"why did you trust our product and invest in it? " Do you think Apple will continue to exist if they did that? No. They have to value the trust of their consumers and customers and that's how businesses exist. Trust is a two way street. You cannot have a business owner who wants to win the trust of his buyers and wants to be able to trust them to not destroy his business meanwhile he takes liberty at breaking their trust at will. Leo Gura is already shady by turning spirituality into a business because he has taken something sacred and making money off of it. That's already dirty enough. On top of it, if you say that he is running a business, then he probably should know better about how to run a business because even businesses run on trust of their consumers, big time. The business cannot abuse the trust of their consumers, in fact they're supposed to value it. Leo is not running a business, he is running a hustle. And a hustle doesn't involve any moral principles or values or trust or integrity. A hustle is only meant to benefit the seller alone. The buyer simply doesn't exist. Only their money does. For Leo Gura, only ego, fame,image, reputation and money matters like a typical greedy narcissist. He doesn't give a damn about the mental health of his followers. He will give the typical responses that you get to hear in shady businesses like "this is not charity, " "You shouldn't trust me, " "You're doing this to yourself. " Meanwhile evading all responsibility himself. In fact, it's the opposite. Not only is he responsible for people's mental health, like any other business owner who is responsible for the safety of their customers, he is even more responsible because he is running a business around a sensitive field like soirituality that attracts vulnerable people in huge numbers. It's like the difference between a business owner and a pastor. The pastor has even more moral and ethical responsibility than a business owner since religion attracts needy, suffering, vulnerable people who place their trust in the goodness of the pastor presuming that he is a holy man who won't do wrong things. Thus the pastor has a higher moral responsibility in comparison to some businessman. Just like we don't expect doctors to take people's lives. Leo cannot have the best of both worlds - he cannot want the unquestioning loyalty, trust and faith of his followers like some highly revered pastor on one hand and ditch those followers like a ruthless businessman whenever it suits him on the other. He wants the benefits of both meanwhile he can act as he likes. Why can't he open some other business? Why spirituality? Why bastardize this sacred field? People don't typically look at spiritual gurus as business owners so you can't fault them for trusting him. It is he who is not following the requirements of this field or is making money in the wrong field in the wrong way. He wants the dignity and entitlementof a pastor(by calling himself spiritual teacher)but also run underhanded tactics like some shady businessman. This is typical of immoral pastors, shady religious people and cult leaders, they want the name but they don't want the moral integrity needed to keep that name held in high regard. They want to be regarded by people but they don't want the moral sacrifices that entail this kind of respect from people. In other words when it comes to reputation they want to be highly regarded and trusted, yet they want to be treated like a regular human on the street when they indulge in bad behavior, they want a Godly status but also be treated like a common person and not be judged for their poor behavior and be given a pass like other common people. Sorry. You can't get to be a Royal and not perform royal duties. You can't be regarded as a Queen and also be running a prostitution business. You get to keep only one out of the two. If Leo cannot behave like a spiritual teacher and maintain the dignity that goes along with it, then he should stop calling himself a teacher. You can't in the same breath call yourself a teacher and on the other act like some arrogant prick on the street. You can't be a teacher and also dance around drunk girls. Imagine if pastors in a church did that and danced around naked.. When you set yourself at an esteemed position like that, then people are going to be looking at you with some automatic expectations. People respect a person as above them only when they presume (automatically and by default) that person to be morally superior to them. People respect Sadguru because they think Sadguru is better than them(morally). If there is no moral difference between Leo and some average guy on the street, then why should we consider him awakened or enlightened or even better than us spiritually? Why should we respect or adore him? Respect comes from knowing that someone is better than us. Respect involves adulation and admiration. We respect what we admire. We don't admire average people because we don't expect much out of them. We consider them equal to us. But when we see someone better than us, we automatically begin to respect and admire them. Why do we respect celebrities? Because we intrinsically believe that they look better than us, do better than us and are more talented than us.. To add a twist of irony and sarcasm, Leo is actually way worse than most of his followers, let alone be considered equal. A spiritual teacher doesn't abuse the trust of his followers even if he is running a business. Leo is a contradiction. You don't see so much criticism of any other spiritual leader. That's because he is ridiculously out of line.
  4. And in the same breath, me being obsessed with him doesn't matter either.
  5. Just babbling theories doesn't make a person a truth seeker. One should embody what one says. Not embodying is the essence of falsehood, the opposite of truth, the essence of Leo Gura, the essence of PHONINESS
  6. So many valid points. Yes self help gurus acting like they know everything about psychology. That's a straight up con. They're trying to outdo experts on psychology and philosophy. This field is rapidly turning toxic, one of the main reasons being the variety of topics you can have an opinion on. Almost every thing comes under the umbrella of self help.. Imagine being able to have an opinion on every little thing under the sun. It will automatically stroke a person's ego, make them feel like they know it all, give them this vapid impression that they have it all figured out. This industry is the one which faces the highest potential for exploitation and abuse. Exactly. This field was largely untapped for too long. It's also a field where there aren't enough regulations and licenses. So you basically do as you please. For someone like Leo, such a field is a candy store. He can play around it however he wants and that's exactly what he did. And you're right. Someone with Leo's personality can never be considered legit as a therapist although Leo inappropriately assumes the role of an all knowing therapist while talking to his followers. Another one in a long series of situations where he lacks integrity.
  7. My Response to some member from Actualized org who is constantly pissing me off on Actualized. Org for days now. You just want to go on triggering a person. you show no empathy and that's why you have zero understanding of someone else's problems. You trivialize my problems because you've the liberty to do. Maybe my problems are small for you because you don't see the full extent of it and I feel extremely tired constantly having to explain you when I don't want to go through this process. You deliberately insert yourself into my personal stuff when I don't appreciate your presence at all since it blocks me from getting the help I need. It's like I'm wasting my time trying to convince you, the time I could use to have a productive discussion with someone else who actually understands my problem correctly. Please let me be, because your frequent lack of understanding (whether deliberate or not) bugs me and takes my focus away from what's actually useful to me and that is few responses that are helpful to me.. I have no desire to negate you, in fact I don't even have the desire to interact with you because of frequent clashes Your responses to suit your agenda to make me look bad or blame me in some way. You can take your credit that you won the argument and just walk away, I'm really tired dealing with you. But I have to, there is no option to kick you off the thread and simultaneously save my thread from being derailed by your endless self righteous arguments. I feel like I'm spending all of my energy in addressing your opinions and value judgements on me..... Please if you do not understand me, it's best to leave me alone and there will be much more peace that way. I don't know how many times I have to beg you to just leave me.. It's like all my threads are turned redundant because of you. Instead of trying to constantly prove that you're right, try to understand that this is not what the other person wants. Don't turn my threads into your mortality debates, if you are so hungry for it, start your own threads using my problems, even mention me in it, I won't mind it at all, I will tolerate it since I have already tolerated so much with you, so it won't be too much, don't hijack my thread with your pettiness please. Try to understand that I'm sensitive person, your words can circulate in my mind even for hours after you have posted. Everyone has a different psyche and you should not simply magically expect everyone's psyche to be on the same plane. You should not have the right to judge others since you're not in their shoes, your assumptions should mean nothing. This is the main reason why I don't appreciate talking to you, because you constantly try to twist my narrative to suit your assumptions, projections and your nasty opinions on me and that's called "self righteousness." Can you allow someone some space to be themselves when they're constantly begging you? This is where I feel like you don't come from a good faith place because when a person is begging you, you should have the decency to listen. if someone is scared to tell me what they think about me, then I'm glad they are scared, because I don't want to deal with people who don't have the courage to break my walls and come to me, their opinions wouldn't matter if they cannot comfromt me head on. If they're afraid of a forum, then it's not my issue because they can always use the personal messenger. Your posts (only those that are directed at me) are always full of blame,moralizing, judgement, critical, bias, self righteousness, total immaturity, lack of consideration ,insensitivity, bad faith and ignorance. So of course I don't feel like I'm getting anything productive when I read it. I also feel like you're jealous of me in some way, probably jealous that others are trying to help me, so deliberately trying to sabotage or block me from getting help in some way. You almost make it a sturdy routine to jump on my threads especially being fully aware that I don't appreciate it. If you really care to help and come from a good faith place, then when you are told that your advice isn't helping me, you wouldn't feel the need to shove your self righteous opinion down my throat. Dismiss, dismiss, reject, reject..
  8. I got myself a spray bottle as a birthday gift.
  9. Tomorrow is my birthday, February 21.
  10. You're very enlightening. Yes I wish I could be completely myself online. It's not easy though, especially being a woman. I have been stalked on Actualized forum and I was given death threats by the stalker. So this is kinda complicated issue online, much easier for men and not that easy for women. I had been on a group online before and I had received multiple rape threats. That really put me on edge when it comes to completely revealing myself in online communities. Since you are already in the legal field, these things are probably a bit easier for you than for others. Most people dont know how the law operates around online identity and stalking. In many places around the globe, these laws are too weak. At least I was able to manage to upload my real picture which was a challenge in itself. I agree with a lot of what you said that if people were more transparent online, things will be a bit easier.
  11. By the way I agree with your other points. Something shady about what he does. But spirituality is about purity. So anything shady even in the slightest is a bastardization of spirituality and is highly dangerous because people are already too confused about spirituality, any wrong turn can completely tilt their life upside down.
  12. Im not exaggerating any of the stuff, in fact it's not stated enough and most of the time ignored by brainwashed followers of Leo Gura. I'm just traumatized by it all so it gives the impression that I'm fixated on him. But this how a traumatized person is going to behave, their reactions are going to be intense because they are suffering a lot of frustration as a result of the impact of a situation. I just hope that nobody else has to go through what I went through, because it felt like hell, although time eventually heals everything but the brain always remembers. Leo will quickly forget how he mistreats people but karma will not forget him, karma arises from the pain and agony we suffer. Our goal should always be to never inflict pain on anyone. Leo Gura is a hypocrite because he teaches a ton of spiritual platitudes but his inside is hollow, he inflicts pain in people without any remorse. People who are vulnerable are like children. They innocently put their trust in him. And he abuses this trust to grow his brand. He does everything opposite of spirituality, that's because he operates not from the intent to be spiritual, but from ego. You must have noticed that most spiritual leaders and gurus have a glow on their faces, they're always smiling, they are full of peace, their presence automatically makes you feel loved. But Leo always has a miserable grumpy face, his presence brings a feeling of control, fear, depression, that's because he is not awake, he is not enlightened and he is not spiritual. His work doesn't bring happiness. His work is phony and rooted in inflating his own ego. It's all about him, about Leo Gura. It's all him. He is totally messed up but he has a hold on people.
  13. Please show empathy in your responses. Nobody deserves to be punished unless they're willingly acting really badly despite being told several times. He banned me at a time when I was at my most vulnerable point in my life and going through a medical emergency. That isn't the right time to ban someone who has been a part of a community for 5 long years. There's something seriously effed up when you cannot even have basic humanity in a situation. He was fully aware of the situation since days before the ban, I had already informed him of the situation. He was being extremely callous and inconsiderate of a person's situation That's why I feel so bad about this whole thing. It's easy to judge. It's hard to be in a person's shoes and understand what they're going through. Proserpina was in a similar situation. Leo banned her at a time when she needed support the most. Her mother had died and she was going through a lot mentally and Leo banned her and she felt messed up. This is where user Raptorsin7's words make perfect sense. Leo talks to people on the forum who are extremely vulnerable. And to act casually around people who are mentally ill is pretty bad. Imagine if Leo did the same to a person who is suicidal and banned him and the person who was relying on the forum for their friends and emotional support can suddenly feel detached and removed and this can feel very intense to the point that it can actually be the final straw that pushes them to jump off a bridge. This is absolutely likely. And that's why what Leo does is almost playing with fire. Also his pickup strategies revolve around playing with women that can seriously hamper a woman's emotional states for life. The point remains that Leo has very little regard for anyone's life other than his own and more importantly the money in his bank account. Such a man cannot be trusted for his teachings. The trauma for me was extremely heavy and intense and I had made Leo aware of it because his mods were constantly cruel with me during that period. That's what blew my mind and why I feel like I saw Leo without the mask. In a way, without whatever happened, I would have never realized who Leo really was. This is the point that resonates the most with me - This perfectly sums up Leo's utter disregard and callousness and this is not something you can morally compromise with. Even if Leo was trying to be ethical, he wasn't being moral, this is famously a very recognizable pattern among people who are phony, do not embody their own agenda, and mostly have ulterior motives behind what they do and the image they create of themselves, because a person who is genuinely concerned about people will care more about morals than ethics. Leo outed himself. But he could cares less about such things, as long as his bank account is going strong.
  14. Dismiss what doesn't belong to you. Appreciate whatever comes. Sometimes you feel like there's a point in fighting. It's hard to know. Sometimes there's peace in just tolerating things. I want someone with 🪀 with high integrity 🪀 🪀 🪀 🪀 🪀 🪀 🪀
  15. I feel weak and abused. And i want people to get away from things that impacted me so badly. It's not worth it. Even if I were dying, my last words will be to protect yourself and leave such people behind. I feel a sense of satisfaction after opening the thread on banning Leo Gura from the internet space.
  16. @Joseph Maynor @sacredprofane I personally don't think Leo is an embodiment of masculinity. True masculinity tries to lead, and not control and dominate. True masculine doesn't brag about how many girls he slept with, if at all, it's the biggest sign of insecurity and immaturity. It shows that you're bragging about manipulating women. A true masculine will try to find a high quality woman and be loyal to her. He would want to be a great example to society rather than make excuses for his behavior. Leo is a sorry excuse for a human, let alone be considered anything of of a symbol for masculinity. His behaviour is insecure and childish. And he has a mammoth ego. Leo is not coming from intellectual superiority. He straight up comes from vapid egotism. He bullies people to feel better about himself. In this case he is bullying mentally vulnerable people. That's why he is so triggered whenever he is told he attracts unstable people. Yea because these are the people who are easiest to be bullied.
  17. He is very dictatorial, philosophy would be like a threat to him. Funny he calls his forum a democracy. When he dictates every little thing in that place. That forum is a dictatorial bureaucracy with all kinds of strategic social hierarchies in place. There's a position called "super mod." There's another position called "member plus. " It is very childish and weird. If it's not a cult, shouldn't all people be equal? But that's because, if you've researched cults, you'll see they always have someone with special positions, they're generally referred to as the "inner circle" because these people are super close to the owner/starter of the cult. They're also sometimes referred to as the "henchmen." They are very firmly trusted by the cult leader and usually placed above the rest of the members of the cult with special accesses and privileges bestowed upon them because they're more likable to the cult leader. Such social hierarchies are purposely arranged to instill a sense of general inferiority among the members and make them feel insecure and unworthy in comparison to the special circle. So that more members can aspire to reach such positions and one way to reach them would be to try hard to impress the leader. It's a subtle subliminal social incentivising scheme to make people weaker and more submissive to the system, this also helps in counteracting rebellion, anyone who acts as a rebel is treated like a pariah, an outcast, an offender, a criminal. You know I'm glad Leo calls me an offender. In the future when Leo will be outed as a cult, I'll proudly wear my badge as an offender, after all I was an offender inside a cult, that's actually a compliment rather than a crime. It means I dared to break the rules he made and I was actually shameless about it. I should have broken even more rules and pissed him off a bit more, he is too lucky I didn't figure him out too soon otherwise I would have been a real headache to him. I might even feel lucky that I escaped a cult somehow of my own volition and then people would imagine in the future that I was too smart that I had it figured way too early before Leo's collapse. However it wasn't really that way, I wasn't sitting and scratching my brain on Leo, this all happened by chance and I realized that I was a part of a greater conspiracy of Leo's plan to brainwash millions of people. It was just an accident in the big picture and I happened to leak out and luck out by chance and hopped out of the cult. I just happened to be a small thorn that Leo had to get rid of. But this gave me a window into who Leo really is. The future is very bleak for actualized org, because I know from personal experience that whenever something bad happens to me, it usually because there's bad energy from a place impacting me. A bad energy place will always end up bad.
  18. And if you don't believe me then see what others have to say on his forum. 
  19. There's simply no need to read or reply to my thread if your goal is to leave a mean comment. I'm not in a proper mental state and if you cannot show empathy then simply do not generate unnecessary hostility on my thread. My disagreements with Leo had started long before the ban. Almost six months. He had made racist comments and i wasn't the only one to call him out on it. I directly called him a racist and objected to his regular sexism on the dating forum. I received warning points for calling a guy ugly. But that guy had been harassing me for months and months and nothing was being done about that despite reporting his behaviour to multiple mods. It had seriously degraded my mental health and Leo was using victim blaming language instead of addressing the guy's behavior. Leo often says that he wants tier 2 discussions on the forum then how is discussion on Andrew Tate a tier 2 discussion. When I objected to those discussions, he began threatening me with a ban. So banning me was already on his mind and a typical scenario that I have observed with him is that he first makes the decision to ban a member and then finds an opportunity when they slip up and bans them. This is very biased behavior for a man who talks about how pedophilia is love, how there is no good or evil, that we must forgive if someone hurt us, yes I hurt him, but he could have chosen to forgive me, as an embodiment of all the values that he keeps preaching. If he cannot forgive a small mistake or bad behavior on my part then he has no right to talk about evil, morality, God and forgiveness . There were situations where people name called me and I could have easily taken advantage of that and gotten them warning points but I let go and specifically told moderators to not give warning points. Regarding flouting forum guidelines, there are so many people on Actualized who flouted forum guidelines too. Why are the rules different only for me? There were people who were banned who came back and created new accounts. If they were openly breaking forum guidelines, then why didn't Leo ban them? There were users like Michael who openly used multiple duplicate accounts and even wrote different journals with them. He even messaged me through those multiple accounts. He was never banned. When I saw that, it obviously gives the feeling that there's no problem if I did the same. People copy and follow by example. For nearly 4 years I saw several members create multiple accounts. When I informed the mods, the mods told me it's not a problem as long as they are not saying anything harmful to anyone. So my question is - why did the rules suddenly change for me? Leo immediately makes a post on how duplicate accounts are not allowed. But then why were they allowed for so long? Leo's banning appeared to personally target me. Because if it were a real problem, he should have banned many people over the course of 4 years. Which he didn't. Also on multiple occasions, Leo would threaten me with a ban, when I would be engaged in fights with other members on Actualized. But for a fight, two people are needed right? A fight doesn't involve just one person. In fact in most situations, it's the other users constantly trying to get on my nerves and instigating fights and me reacting to them. Then why not warn them? Why only make me the target? The fact is this - when someone is attacked by many users on Actualized org (and personal attacks are equivalent to bullying and isn't it given in forum guidelines that personal attacks are not allowed, then why is Leo not too concerned about it, why won't he take that guideline seriously, yes obviously because he doesn't care if someone feels harassed on the forum since it's not a threat to his brand in anyway, because he doesn't give a damn about the mental wellbeing of people on the forum). So instead of warning people to behave right, he takes the better option of banning the person being disliked by many members because that saves him headache and not having to ban many people. Instead just ban the person facing a problem. His policy is not to address a problem but rather make the problem disappear. Isn't this what happens very often to sexual assault victims in a corporation? Since they have to lay off all the men responsible for the sexual abuse, they instead try to target the complaining woman and get rid of her so they don't have to deal with the mess. Typical scapegoating. That's what happened to me. Instead of addressing the problem, I was made into a problem. And I was going through a huge mental crisis when he banned me. I was released from the psychiatric hospital just weeks prior to the ban and I had personally told him that so he was perfectly aware of my situation. Why did he not show the least bit of consideration for my mental health when he constantly keeps preaching forgiveness and letting go? By the way, Leo always uses the benefit of the doubt when it comes to himself,... People are always supposed to forgive him, when he does something wrong. When members call someone stupid, they are banned for name callling. But Leo freely calls everyone stupid all the time, why aren't the rules applicable to him? If this is not a cult.... Why does he always get a pass, but not others? Talk about ethics lol. If Leo himself is unethical, then why talk about others disobeying ethics? That's because he engages in abuse of power on a regular basis, challenge him and he will ban a person just because he can. If this is not psychological abuse, then I don't know what is. Regarding my resentment, it's absolutely nothing to do with the ban. The ban only confirmed what I had been suspecting about Leo for so long. You know I'm extremely glad that I'm banned. Because if it weren't for the ban, I would have never contemplated hard on Leo's behavior, I would have never connected all the dots, I would have never understood the mental impact of a ban, especially after being banned from a community where you develop emotional attachment with the leader and the people for 4 years and then get treated like trash, the dangers of online communities where you engage for so long and then get discarded on a whim. All of this came to my realization only when I was banned. I saw how harsh it can be to treat a person like this. At this point, the reason why I was banned is mere semantics to me. Does it really matter why I was banned? I mean it would make some sense if Leo had been catching me in bad behavior multiple times and even giving me warnings and waiting for me to improve and I'm still not abiding by his rules and then him banning me out of frustration, would make perfect sense. But that wasn't the case. He caught me for the first time and banned me. He didn't even give me a second chance. I had even apologized to him before(just weeks before)and told him to give me time to improve. And he still banned me. I find it unfair because he waits for months and months for people to change and finally bans them if they constantly go against his rules. What's the point of self development if you don't give time for a person to develop and straight up punish them, especially when you are aware they are battling issues? This is where I feel Leo is lacking integrity because he calls it a self development forum yet it's not exactly serving that purpose in a meaningful way. I kinda feel like Leo was just waiting to ban me and I slipped up and he jumped. You can always say that I was on the forum for nearly 5 years, but you have to consider that I was battling a lot of issues in those 5 years, where was the space for improvement? The fact that I was bravely facing all my issues already puts me much ahead of the growth curve. I was beginning to solve my issues. I didn't even know that I had Borderline disorder when I first came to the forum. Over the years I worked on myself, did enormous self reflection and in 2022 after a long struggle and research I came to know that I was Borderline. It's so hard for doctors to even diagnose borderline and so throughout the years no psychologist was able to detect it in me. It finally took me going to a psychiatrist myself and providing them the suggestion of borderline disorder that they decided to run a diagnosis on me and finally I was diagnosed with it. So it would be utterly wrong to say that I wasn't trying to grow. In fact it shows the level of personal responsibility I have shown in pressuring doctors to diagnose me seriously. And with mental health patients, any growth is very slow and takes enormous amount of time. Leo is perfectly aware the issues with mentally ill people, that's the reason he keeps demonizing them, right? I feel like Leo is incongruent, inconsistent, lacking in integrity on so many levels. Also the hypocrisy that bugs me is how we are all supposed to give Leo a pass, to forgive him, to justify his behavior every time, he is always saying "I know I'm arrogant, I need to work on that. " Yet when users engage in same behavior, they're instantly banned and never given time to work on their issues. That's a Wow. He wants enormous leeway for his own misconduct and flaws yet gives zero leeway to his own followers who beg him for space and compassion. So yea, there's that.
  20. Yes this is my exact point, the deception that he acts like a self help guru with a very sympathetic tone in his videos as though he is out to save the world with his wisdom meanwhile in reality he doesn't give a
  21. I want to collect some information on Tim Carter during the Jim Jones incident and analyse what happened.
  22. Well said Erik. You're very welcome here. I sent you pm too.
  23. Or was it like a stage blue cult with religion being a main component ? I even saw myself as Suzy, a PA to a hugely egotistical old man smoking large cigars. And him playing psychological games with me to get me to submit to him. Why were some of these dreams soothing even if they were a bit horrible psychologically ? Or what kind of a cult was it ? It felt like I saw cultish elements everywhere around me in everything. I had to be vulnerable even to Satan. And sometimes I wonder if I'm in a Jim Jones style cult in those dreams. I was recently interested once again in the Jim Jones cult story. It has always intrigued me. What would I have done if I was there ?
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