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Everything posted by Reena

  1. Just put him on ignore and don't bother about it.
  2. @solereproduction I'm not dumb. You're being passive aggressive with me. Call it off.. If I'm stressing over Leo, you shouldn't be concerned. I don't want your pity. The thread wasn't started to pity me Or to advice me because I don't need any advice, I can help myself as I have always done. The thread is a message and I'm a messenger, more like an activist with a cause to bring awareness to the harmful practices of Leo Gura and how it affects his audience , majority of whom are very vulnerable and quite oblivious to the impact Leo is having on them just the way I was for 4/5 long years. Only after leaving that place, I saw a significant shift in my temperament and general well being (I'm not perfectly okay as I battle mental health issues but i was doing significantly worse on Actualized org thanks to Leo and his reckless policies for which he takes no accountability). So worry about yourself.
  3. @flowboy why aren't you talking to me. What's the deal here? I don't think I did anything to you. Well if you don't want communication that's fine, I will just put you on my ignore list and move on. By the way I was the person who gave you great reviews on the other forum. That's so weird you publicly ignore me. When I absolutely did nothing. Are you going through some weird stuff or is this how you really treat people who are kind to you. No bad blood if this is nothing personal. But ignoring someone blatantly who has communicated with you in the past can make the other person feel really shitty. I thought to let you know this because you often work with clients who are struggling with mental health and you're often seen in the mental health section of the other website. So you should know that the way you interact with some of these people can have a significant impact on them. I get you're not a therapist but there's a trend lately where modern day gurus and in just general people without any psychological qualification acting as experts, advisers, coaches without wanting the tag of "therapist" talking to mentally/emotionally vulnerable clients (who are in need of intense therapy), dishing them advice meanwhile completely ignoring their emotional/mental needs and disregarding that aspect of the client's life. It's like you want them as clients minus their mental health issues. But their mental health issues is actually a significant contributor to their general behavior in life. So i don't know how that can be subtracted from their experience even though you don't want to be their therapist. Then probably just stick to and work with extremely stable and healthy people. The hypocrisy. I mean you're running the risk of actually causing damage to mentally ill people if you conveniently leave out their mental health issues and simply address them as you do other normal clients. Because obviously they aren't normal. Although their symptoms aren't too prominent. Just putting it out there. I feel terrible about myself after my short interaction with you. If this is how you act with clients then I understand why not many people would find your services useful..
  4. Yea I was chilling and watching YouTube. Beauty community lol. Too much drama. James Charles. Jeffree Star. I remember back when I followed them.. Unintelligible bs. You know sometimes karma just catches up with you. You know when you got all the fame, wealth and success in the world and you don't know what to spend your money on, then you graduallly turn into a miserable old hag, with all the makeup peeling off your face, the botox kinda popping up (think of Putin), the clothes getting outrageous and tacky, the language more vulgar, the eyes getting smaller, the eyebrows disappearing and getting replaced by long overdrawn pencil lines, the lips looking oddly shaped, all that plastic surgery showing your mistakes you made in your youth, and then all the silicone popping up, and you holding on to your baubles, your empire crumbling, the megalomania, you buying the latest trendy stuff to appear relevant meanwhile you been irrelevant since years now, and you don't really have peace of mind, the failure of your business driving you crazy, you drinking heavily every night and partying as a cope and then spending money on shallow stuff. I mean some people need their karma to realize that no amount of fame and money will ever bring true peace of mind. It's an illusion
  5. @solereproduction lmao keep your advice to yourself.
  6. Today is February 28. I'm just a bit upset. I just want a fucking break from life.
  7. Write about fake apologies by narcissists.
  8. I don't consider myself enlightened. That's a stretch and misleading. But i think spirituality should be about love, giving, charity, embodiment, inspiration, Oneness and improving oneself. I see none of these qualities in Leo. Spirituality should not be about ego. I have a hard mental illness, borderline personality disorder and that definitely impacts my sensitivity levels. Despite that i try hard to grow everyday. I come from an Eastern culture and Eastern spirituality is much different from Western. We don't turn everything into a narcissistic game the way Leo does. If people begin to feel unloved in your company, there has to be something wrong with your spirituality, it's phony and fake and selfish. But it's disguised as "tough love. " Tough love is much harder than sweet love. It means you love them so much you want them to change for the better. Tough love needs lot of tolerance. It means working through a person's bad behaviour until they change and that's a lot of hard work because you have to stick through till the end. Leo bastardizes everything. He bastardizes spirituality and calls it tough love. He also bastardizes the true meaning of tough love. Disappointing how people like Leo Gura mislead the public with claims of enlightenment. Pure egotism.. You guys need to stop worshipping and following and believing Leo Gura. He is taking you away from spirituality instead of taking you towards it. To be honest, even the common humble everyday folks I meet on the street are better than Leo. Facts.
  9. I was thinking about being mega rich and starting my own brand . I would have named it Burlase Organics.
  10. Amorphous overgrown forest of practices. Umm no. This is good in the beginning. Maybe as time goes, it's best to have patient-centric practices. Like cbt. But customized versions of it tailored to the emotional needs of the client. For everyone, the support system is going to differ.
  11. I want to be with people who value me. Who will never disappoint me. Not perfect. But considerate enough to understand my needs.
  12. Start your day girl. I'm watching deadly snakes on TV. Lol.
  13. I'm trying to collect myself. I didn't sleep well.
  14. I don't need your pity. And I'm not going to sympathize with Leo as you're trying so hard to. A man who makes 400 videos is not aware of his own behavior. That's blasphemy. Then he is a poor example of self development and people should stop looking up to him. Seriously, can't people do better than following such a poor example of self development? There are many out there who won't let their own ego go to their head. Also since you're a moderator of Actualized org, your words cannot be fully trusted, and your constant defensive tone towards Leo doesn't help at all, makes you look like you are desperately shilling for him. Too much bias. And you being a mod lends credibility to your bias.
  15. Birthday pics. Celebrating my birthday right now.
  16. Then this is misleading and he should change it. Deep down I know he clearly means teachings. He always uses the word followers. There's no doubt that he engages in an unhealthy parasocial relationship with his followers. If he is strictly professional, then he won't be sharing personal blog videos to his website. Hell he even used the website to get a girlfriend by placing an adversitement/flyer for a potential girlfriend. So he is even ready to sleep with his followers? He flouts his own rules. Zero ethics. Bottomline, Leo Gura doesn't see a problem in flouting ethics of being a community leader and teacher. If he not a teacher, he shouldn't have a community in the first place. Who is leading this particular community? Not him? It's clearly not self-run Or self-moderated. It's run by him by using people from his own community like they do inside a cult. You know what, I could have easily silenced you on the spot but I'm not formidable enough for you guys. I'm born in a third world country in Asia and that's why I'm helpless. You watch what I would have done if I were born in America. I would have straight up approached the United States Department of Homeland Security Or the police and reported all the abuse I suffered on your website. I was cyberbullied for months and months and systematically harassed and abused, I was given death threats. There's evidence in my personal messages(because I was banned I can't show it) . I was stalked for months by stalkers creating accounts in my name. Moderators have deleted my comments on the forum multiple times. If I open up a police investigation, everything will be laid bare. But Leo Gura is damn lucky that I'm not American. So he is getting away with a lot of shit. I wouldn't let all of this just die down if I were American and he wouldn't have it so easy. Leo Gura is totally responsible for the harassment and abuse I suffered. He also acknowledged that I was bullied, yet deliberately chose to turn a blind eye to it.
  17. You're so disingenuous. Leo calls his words "teachings" a million times on his forum. Are you kidding me? When he calls his words teachings, it's so obvious that he considers himself a teacher. The constant deflection here is amazing to watch. So much wishy washy dilly dallying and vague justifications being thrown around? How far are you planning to go with guilt tripping me?
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