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Everything posted by Reena

  1. @Joseph Maynor nevermind, a cup of coffee does that to me!
  2. So Leo is apparently working on his delusional new course and his delusional book. We have to simply wait and see what a joke it's going to be and watch the whole showdown. It's gonna be messy.. The day Narcissistic Collapse hits Leo hard.
  3. His future course is going to be mega expensive. (There was some talk about how a lot of people won't be able to afford it.) Maybe dollar signs might have something to do with all the arrogance.
  4. His entire post was so absurd that I'm just dumbfounded that it doesn't strike as odd to him. How can someone say mention spirituality in the same sentence where they say they aren't interested in compassion. And he says he has plenty of compassion, which I never got to see. My simplest question to Leo is - If most humans don't get his teachings, then why in the world is he teaching humans?
  5. If people didn't realize that Leo is super manipulative then they should read his response to a recent post - "I tell you guys that this work is advanced for a reason. In the hands of a fool you can misuse advanced ideas to ruin your life. That does not mean I will dumb down what I teach just because a few mentally unstable people cannot handle it. Take responsibility for what you can handle. I will continue to teach the most advanced things in the world. Most people will not get it. But plenty will. I don't care about how my teachings make you feel. I care whether they are true and effective. To most humans this notion is not very fathomable, because you don't care about truth nor consciousness, you care about human feelings. So yeah, what I teach is not fun and pleasantness. I teach the most serious things that could possibility be comprehended by the mind. You should decide for yourself whether that's suitable for you. This is really a question of seriousness. Are you serious or not? I'm not interested in compassion. I'm interested in serious understanding of reality. Any compassion I have -- which I still have plenty of -- is secondary. This is not a mistake. This is by design. If what you want and need is a mother figure to comfort you and hug you, I'm not your guy. You can find that elsewhere. After you get all your hugs elsewhere, then you can come to me for some serious work. And I got nothing against seeking out hugs if you need them. Just don't expect that from me. My work is not designed for people with mental illness or who can barely hold their life together. If you are in that situation you should seek out more compassionate therapeutic help. People can and will abuse, misuse, and misunderstand my teachings. That is the nature of ignorance. I go out of my way to be extremely clear about what I teach. Few teachers are as clear, detailed, and explicit in what they teach. I don't know how to be any more clear. Every trap and warning has been explicated. Applying these teachings requires serious intelligence. There is no way around intelligence. This work cannot work without intelligence. I wish I could supply intelligence to you, but that is not possible. If you want to criticize me for being a bit of an asshole, that's fair. But is anything I teach about Consciousness false? If so, that would be the real criticism. If you think anything I teach about Consciousness is false, feel free to bring it up to me and I will try to clarify or correct it."
  6. A guy with zero compassion tells you that his teachings are advanced. Don't really know what good these teachings are for, if the guy states explicitly that he is not interested in compassion. Nature of reality. What reality are we exactly talking about? Ah! Hyper intelligent alien mouse reality lol. If reality didn't teach you compassion, then it's failed it's own purpose. I am waiting for the day when Leo finally realizes that his teachings are a massive pile of delusions, and what he engages in is self deception and the deception of others.
  7. "My work is not designed for people with mental illness or who can barely hold their life together. If you are in that situation you should seek out more compassionate therapeutic help." Aha. Then you shouldn't have a mental health section on your forum Mr Leo. Ironically most people who are attracted to your work are mentally ill people most of the time. One look at your forum should tell you that. So what you say is a joke and a contradiction.
  8. Leo's use of language is meticulously manipulative. Leo's comment on a post - "I tell you guys that this work is advanced for a reason. In the hands of a fool you can misuse advanced ideas to ruin your life. That does not mean I will dumb down what I teach just because a few mentally unstable people cannot handle it. Take responsibility for what you can handle. I will continue to teach the most advanced things in the world. Most people will not get it. But plenty will. I don't care about how my teachings make you feel. I care whether they are true and effective. To most humans this notion is not very fathomable, because you don't care about truth nor consciousness, you care about human feelings. So yeah, what I teach is not fun and pleasantness. I teach the most serious things that could possibility be comprehended by the mind. You should decide for yourself whether that's suitable for you. This is really a question of seriousness. Are you serious or not? I'm not interested in compassion. I'm interested in serious understanding of reality. Any compassion I have -- which I still have plenty of -- is secondary. This is not a mistake. This is by design. If what you want and need is a mother figure to comfort you and hug you, I'm not your guy. You can find that elsewhere. After you get all your hugs elsewhere, then you can come to me for some serious work. And I got nothing against seeking out hugs if you need them. Just don't expect that from me. My work is not designed for people with mental illness or who can barely hold their life together. If you are in that situation you should seek out more compassionate therapeutic help. People can and will abuse, misuse, and misunderstand my teachings. That is the nature of ignorance. I go out of my way to be extremely clear about what I teach. Few teachers are as clear, detailed, and explicit in what they teach. I don't know how to be any more clear. Every trap and warning has been explicated. Applying these teachings requires serious intelligence. There is no way around intelligence. This work cannot work without intelligence. I wish I could supply intelligence to you, but that is not possible. If you want to criticize me for being a bit of an asshole, that's fair. But is anything I teach about Consciousness false? If so, that would be the real criticism. If you think anything I teach about Consciousness is false, feel free to bring it up to me and I will try to clarify or correct it." So if we analyze this comment, we see a lot of these manipulations Leo engages in. "That does not mean I will dumb down what I teach just because a few mentally unstable people cannot handle it." So people who don't understand his teachings are mentally unstable? He inverts this meaning and creates a sentence that distorts the perception of the reader who will think along the lines of - oh, so mentally unstable people are blocking Leo's work.. when in reality, Leo is indirectly trying to imply that whoever doesn't understand his work isn't good enough for it or is mentally unstable. Classic gaslighting?????? It's like you saw a ghost and reported it, and someone said - "you're just imagining things. You're unstable, that's why you see ghosts. " So Leo's work is not the problem lol. It's the people who don't get it. They're mentally unstable if they don't understand his work.. Like wow. It's like a crappy artist who creates some mediocre stuff and when criticized, they say you don't have the capacity to understand their art. Oh lol.
  9. Adeptus Psychonautica is right here. 50:40 "I've got say, if there's one thing, out of all of Leo's flaws, the one thing I'll pull up on: the guy has like zero compassion and he's so detached from his own experience of a human being that, in my opinion, he doesn't seem to realize the effect he's having on these group of people. So that when he comes out with something really flippant on the forums, or- I'm sure he seems to handle things in his way, and not necessarily had something that's led to what's happened to your friend, but he's answering things in his way with zero understanding and like 'no, these might be people in trouble'. When I've been on the actualized forums, it is an absolute meeting room with very, very definite and very obvious mental issues. There's some serious fucking problems on that forum, and some of the moderators should not be moderating fucking dogshit, in my opinion. But they're all egging each other on and, one of the best descriptions I've ever heard for the kind of behaviors on actualized, which came from one of my friends James Jessal: there's a lot in the way where Leo describes his own activities, which feels like a challenge to the audience. Like 'I did all this 5meO-DMT so it got me here so you should do it'. And the guy will say things like 'you shouldn't do this', but it's a challenge. Like 'if you do this then you get to this level of Consciousness' and 'you just don't understand, you just don't understand, unless you've done it, you just don't understand'. So there's this constant challenging of these very vulnerable, very fragile, very destabilized audience; I just see people's fucking heads explode. Alot of people contact me because they want to talk about that experience. Especially the stuff around solipsism, which to me, it's almost hard to understand how people get so destabilized by that, but whether I get or not, at least I understand that people are going through this. Like people believe in this and they don't necessarily want to believe it. They don't want to believe that their loved ones are figments of their imagination 'but Leo's said it's true so must be true!' It could really fuck people's heads up."
  10. Quick tips for general purposes. Health and living.
  11. Grey-crowned Crane This iconic African bird is large yet elegant. Standing at one metre tall, the appearance of the grey-crowned crane is anything but dull – it has black and white wings, a grey body, a red throat, and a crest of stiff golden feathers. Interesting fact – The Grey-crowned crane features on the flag of Uganda, matching the yellow, red, and black stripes of the national emblem. The grey-crowned crane lives mostly in Eastern and Southern Africa, keeping to wetlands and grasslands. At night-time it takes to tall trees to nest down.
  12. Thought to share beauty of African nature.
  13. You haven't stated your age so I have no idea how young are we talking here. If you're younger than 20, then I would say that's quite normal to not have your life together. If you're in your 20s, it's still not too old. It's never too late. My recommendation for you would be - - be easy on yourself - first work on your emotions as emotions are the main root cause of lack of motivation - take things slowly - do chunks of work in baby steps. - don't over analyze your situation - learn to accept that life happens. This acceptance will bring peace. On a side note, you could be suffering from the need of wanting everything to be picture perfect which is a case of perfectionism. This yields frustration. Just keep moving on, nothing is going to be happening at rocket speed. Have patience with your self and your self will cooperate with you.
  14. This week I watched the movie "The other Boleyn girl. "
  15. Victory is close. Victory is close.
  16. People can't be blamed just because they praised Leo. This is something that all cult members do. They initially trust the cult leader and dont realize they're a part of a cult. This is absolutely no proof of anything at all. Victims of rape might also have praised the rapist at some point. Does that mean that they are lying about the rape? Everything is based on context. In the beginning you're never aware of how a person is going to treat you long term. This even applies to dating. The first date always goes well. Because people put on their best behaviours. But as time passes by, more incidents happen that give you a window into the character of the person you're dealing with. Nobody is an expert to figure out someone the very first day. I was the biggest fan of Leo for a long time. I used to sing his praises because I hadn't witnessed his other side. The mask that I talk about. In the last six months before leaving Actualized org, I began to realize how phony Leo was. His racist comments. His constant drama. His obsession with his own forum. His condescending attitude. They became more and more blatant with time. Don't underestimate people.
  17. I have to explore two terms - Neuro divergent Non neurotypical And Microaggressions
  18. I recently bought a nice perfume. It's called Forever Elizabeth by Elizabeth Taylor. I really liked it. What's your favorite one. I'm looking to explore more fragrances. A nice intoxicating scent can really brighten up your day.
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