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Everything posted by ThePoint

  1. ThePoint


    Gaslight yourself into feeling better and continue the abusive relationship obviously. What better possible solution could there be?
  2. Have you tried emotional scale and meditating 15 minutes first thing in the morning? It must've worked. Would be absolutely shocking if it didn't.
  3. Sounds awesome, love working with dream processes. How well do you remember the dream(s) at this stage? Where are you based? Looking at this thread and your previous contributions I can't help but suggest you try Gabrielle Roth's work, i.e. the 5Rhythms. You'll know whether you like it or not after your first session, and if you do, it'll be awesome for the stuff you explore in your life. You generally won't get far with the emotional scale etc. but obviously you can continue trying. The dream work I'm referring to is way beyond the level of this forum but you could try the exercise below as an introduction, maybe you'll find it allows you to explore something unexpected: 1. Think of a dream you have had recently and note the feeling that was most memorable in the dream. What part of the dream does the feeling occur in? 2. Put the dream 'aside' and notice the feeling of experience you have in your body in this moment. 3. You'll likely have one experience that's obvious and common to you, and other unknown. Try to isolate the unknown/less common one. It likely feels more undesirable, difficult. 4. Focus upon the lesser known body experience, let it evolve, get into it and feel it. Now experiment with expressing the feeling with your hand(s). Let your hand move a little and then exaggerate the motion until you find out where it's going. 5. If the resulting experience reminds you in some way of a part of your dream, you may find out you understand your dream better. This movement mirrors the feeling in the dream and is momentary experience of something that's going on for you subconsciously at all times (slips of tongue, accidents, synchronicities, tossing a coin and getting heads/tails etc.etc.). 6. Swing back and forth between paying attention to your normal identity & body experience and paying attention to this new experience. Practice going in and out. Have fun should you choose to try it!
  4. Well having these two options leaving is a significantly better one isn't it? Both short and long term Just remember that you're safe no matter what and you'll be supported with all your needs as long as you act in your best interest (e.g. not being around really mean people even if they're your so called family) I'm on a hike right now the signal is shit but look at that pretty view 😍
  5. Don't you like live in India? Pack your back, hop on a train and jump to an ashram for a few months. Kill the part of yourself that keeps you in the cycle of abuse, that'll be enough. World's your oyster 😃
  6. It's only up to you decide whether it was worth it or not. I'm not implying anything here. Try this as an alternative exercise to the meditations listed on the website, it doesn't have to take much time and will be more efficient than battling with a need to relax or stop thoughts-flow; 1. Close your eyes and scan your body. Notice how you're feeling. 2. Feel love for the feeling exactly the way it is. Feel love for the power in the feeling. 3. Feel love for yourself feeling that love and feeling that power. When you're willing to see more fully from your open heart and from the place of empowerment it's easier to remember that you're the creator of your World and all its unlimited abundance 👊 As to my suggestion to look for a practitioner worth working with... I generally meant that it would be someone who would help you with your symptoms should you choose to call them that, your thoughts and emotions, generally anything else that might cause some clog in a flow of your experience so to speak. He/She would help you with the entirety of it, not a single aspect, as it usually wouldn't work anyway. Nothing wrong with going to many schools and trainings like the lady you've worked with did. It's always double edged though. It might as well imply that she's still looking for an answer as to how to do what she wants to do seeking external validation or putting multiple bodies of knowledge in front of her helplessness. Or it might imply that she's continuously developing in her craft. Or it could mean anything else for that matter. Generally, you can have an easier time finding someone matching your needs knowing what sort of healing path they are going/have went through.
  7. Many? So to speak? It's literally the dark age, in its every aspect. I've worked with some 'autistic' children even though I prefer not to work with non-adults. These are generally some of the brightest souls I've yet encountered, given from society not more and not less than a massive dose of self doubt instilled from every direction. And as such conditioned to adapt this limitation onto themselves. Keep in mind that not *that* long ago we were living in tribal societies, having only people we know and trust around us. Living in and with nature. Sleeping within rhythms dictated by the Moon and the Sun. Which were also dictating the amount of light received by eyes. Where shouts or loud sounds usually meant real danger. Generally most things that so called autistic people struggle with. Now compare that to a modern city. Given they manage to overcome struggles given to then by societal norms and they'll give themselves voice, they'll likely play a nice role in the evolution. Keep in mind that being a 'healthy and highly functional' member of a highly dysfunctional society is not a measure of health nor wit.
  8. You got it exactly the other way around 🙂
  9. Again, nothing wrong with the methods, it's the standpoint from which you apply it (methods aren't great either though) . Performing a perfect punch 10 feet from the target (Phil's guidance) versus Performing a perfect punch straight into the target (what the method is meant to be doing) As to specific methods I use I won't be sharing any here. Of course. I only asked because of Price's research into mercury fillings and root canals, out of curiosity. That's the thing with the word 'holistic'. It's the most misused word these days. Rather than meaning all-encompassing, it's being used to describe non-conventional, or frankly uneducated/with no qualification. All of the 'methods' Phil linked above as ' cathartic healing modalities' people would refer to as holistic modalities, none of which is holistic. A random person can go to a Reiki class and call themselves a holistic therapist. If you were to look for one you'd have to make sure you're going to someone worth working with. You won't 'heal' emotions (whatever that means for you) without healing dysbiosis, and you won't heal the gut without 'healing' emotions. But that's for you to find out and I wish you best of luck😁
  10. Not sure what you mean by content. Nothing's wrong with the method he shares. Most of them are rather useless and do not offer any lasting effects, but I imagine it's just a collection of stuff he found online. I.e., somewhere where you will find mostly trash, more and more so. Generally, his entire guidance work on the forum is biased towards spiritual bypassing. He's stuck on a shallow realisation and pushes it against others becoming a source of drama rather than the opposite. The state of Phil is mirrored perfectly in the form of this forum, community, people he attracts here and the neverending confusion and conflict with no resolution. Combined with his rather low awareness which he happily reinforces it's a recipe for... well, actualityofbeing.com You don't have mercury fillings, do you? I mostly associate this protocol with Weston Price's work, I've never used it with my clients and I'm not very familiar with it. I use a 7 day detox protocol and it generally brings you to state zero, baseline health, no parasitic/fungi infections, no heavy metals, no gut problems, proper elimination, digestion etc etc. The state you're in after that is likely something you have never experienced in your lifetime. Generally, I do three of these in 6 months with people I work with. Well, there've been books written about it. Even Newtonian, conventional, medicine is catching up. Random Google search: https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/the-gut-brain-connection https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/the-gut-brain-connection https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/the-brain-gut-connection Ha. No shit. But from a holistic medicine perspective, the gut being the first thing that forms in the womb during pregnancy, it is a crucial and focal point to your life, i.e. digesting and eliminating your experience in all aspects of it 🙂. No dis-ease is a disease really. There's nothing wrong with you ever. It is a means of learning a lesson from it. You have your issues because something in your past caused them, they are maintained either because you're perpetuating this pattern or it's really bad that it won't 'heal by itself'. If you don't have a complete abundance in your health, finances, relationships, or any other area of your life that's some love you're withholding from yourself. I don't know where you're at, but to give you some benchmark... When I work with someone with severe issues we generally tend to clean up parasitic infections in 7-10 days, we heal chronic pains and chronic conditions in around 2-3 weeks depending on how deep it goes, any mood swings, energy imbalances, periods of low/high energy etc. we aim to eliminate withing initial 6 weeks. Just to make sure, occasional colds, flu, mucus anywhere in the body, belly fat, love handles, waking up unrested, difficulties sleeping, anxiety, brain fog you've mentioned, and the list goes on... None of these are normal. Where I'm going with that, is that if you're not getting results in similar timeframes, and I don't know whether you do or not, perhaps look into finding a practitioner to work with, I'm sure there's someone in your area who could be of help.
  11. I don't suggest you do anything, I'm not working with you directly and wouldn't do so. Your physical body will take care of you using dis-ease and suffering as means and guidance. You will go in circles until you mature enough to take responsibility for yourself. Or physically die, rinse, repeat to learn the same lessons. Funghi and bacteria are our recyclers, they take what's dead, unnecessary, without purpose, and turn it into a fertiliser for future growth. Why do you think a person might have an overgrowth of these in their body 🙂? Sure. What are you "using" meditation for in your own words? I don't care about the answer. It's just nice to make yourself aware. I don't know the suggested practices. I can see a dream board, meditation, journaling, and a loophole shake. First three are the most basic things he could copy from whatever resource, these are not healing tools as I would call them and won't do anything for you regarding the issues you have. Neither will expressing, releasing, and letting go of thoughts as you imagine it will. Momentarily, sure. Then back in the loop. Loophole shake won't do any good for your considering your biome and how peanuts, bananas, and powdered meals affect it. Calling these things tools is hilarious in itself I must admit. By the very definition. Until it's dealt with it will always be on topic and also the biggest cause of your problems. Have fun, after all that's all there's to do
  12. A good teacher, by definition, is reflected in his students' ability to effectively learn what he teaches. A good communicator, not fixated on a single viewpoint, can convey his message clearly on different levels to a different audience. A good spiritual leader, not somebody who thinks he has 'realised' something someone else has not, is utterly confident in his message, at the same time knowing that everything he teaches might be completely wrong. A good business owner is focused on the wellbeing of his business, its survival, potential returns. He might even forget that's what he's been after all along and assumed some silly persona portraying something else. Play bingo and guess which one Phil is. There's only one right answer by the way.
  13. As weird as it may sound at first, true growth won't come to you through the soul but through the physical body. The soul doesn't limit you and doesn't keep your trauma; it's already your highest self. You might have heard of the book, its content being irrelevant, 'the body keeps the score'. Many teachers and gurus, Phil etc included, guide you towards meditation to heal, which generally tends to create a spiritual form of escape because the trauma and programmes do not change from this approach in any way (btw. nothing wrong with meditation if used properly!). Instead, you can always focus on cleaning up your trauma on the cellular level, i.e. integrate the lessons the 'outside' universe provides, literally, at any given time. Or you can sit on this forum for years like others having nothing to show for it. What's being taught here - this form of spiritual practice - is a spiritual bypassing and Phil rather than being a lightworker is a gaslight worker, even though being unaware of it and having opposite intentions. How's your dysbiosis? 🙂
  14. Depends on what you already know really. The basics are usually the most efficient things here. You see what Phil mentioned here has nothing to do with increasing your energy/strengthening meridians or whatever else you want to call it. It basically releases blockages you may have. Simple expression and moving up the funny emotional scale they like to use here releases subtle dense energies and is easily felt. Deeper emotional work releases much more and a single release can transform some area of your life in a matter of a day. Fun to watch sometimes. Had clients move countries, make random successful investments, receive windfalls, unexpected job interviews etc., countless instantaneous healings. Somehow it never stops surprising and amazing. But in terms of actual strengthening Qigong - Tai Chi, many types of breathing exercises, and whatever Cherokee practised with their concept of Orende in my experience work best for people (in the case of Orende it really is about being your primal self, sort of imagine yourself as a hunter-gatherer). If you have a proper Tai Chi dojo nearby I'd go for it first, you'll be properly mindblown after the first session hopefully. A combination of Tai Chi + strength training is my fave, i.e. countless energy, gains, and regeneration. Nevertheless starting with releasing blockages, and cleaning up the diet and life patterns are the first steps. No one in this community functions even close to their optimal, natural level. Generally moving away from here would be one of the cleaning process parts, it's a really low place vibrationally speaking. Reiki might raise your vibration momentarily but will put you back in place with time if you don't heal any of the patterns that put you in a lower-vibrational state in the first place. You'll come to your conclusions at the appropriate time. If you want to increase your Chi you will also be led to whatever it is you need. Don't get obsessed with finding answers, they usually like to come unexpectedly by themselves.
  15. Not a Phil but becoming a multi-ish millionaire would definitely get you laid with a pornstar and landing on the moon isn't very far from the equation either. So that's from a logical perspective. Now what about: ?
  16. Man the level of this forum is below the surface on so many levels But the entertainment is top notch Just a word of admiration and gratitude ♥️
  17. @Joseph Maynor You might enjoy that one:
  18. Not directly, but I did a podcast with him a few years back. And I met plenty of CHEK practitioners in the UK and the US. We share a lot of common ground, I spent a good amount of time in India and had similar influences, his teacher Rowena trained alongside mine etc... We also disagree on a few things (I'm more of a yoga and martial arts guy, he recommends stretches and strength conditioning but I can see the reason behind it considering his work). We both use taichi with our clients. I think he calls it zone exercises now. I think he started with rehab/athlete training work etc. I don't remember now. I started from a different direction as I was specifically dealing with PTSD/CPTSD and complex fragmentation. And I believe we both sort of went in the direction that you can't have one without the other (body-mind-spirit-emotional balance). But I'm not nearly as old as he is 😁😁
  19. still thoughts not acting at it having an opportunity to do so justifying it for what it is is a form of spiritual bypassing I'd pay to watch you order at a restaurant (not in a conversational manner)
  20. That's a really good pointer to sit with
  21. That thought is made out of something is a thought Does it though?
  22. That seems to be a consensus on this forum. Feel good tribe, although most don't seem to feel that good in actuality. These are not interchangeable.
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