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Robed Mystic

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Everything posted by Robed Mystic

  1. You don't need faith you need curiosity. That is a key distinction. Bias - in spirituality or the direct pursuit of Truth- is absent. Religion requires a preference. Excellent post.
  2. All validation of Truth is ultimately going to be subjective unless you could somehow prove objectivity. Well - it turns out that becoming a mystic transcends subjectivity into objectivity. But i guess you have to find out for yourself.
  3. Indeed. It is the finite attempting to grasp infinity. No that is not true. It is an unbiased inquiry into the nature of self and reality. An unbiased inquiry.
  4. Hehe. Talking to modern scientists is pretty futile. They are modern materialists.
  5. ? Try to mediate and become enlightened. Yeah that's gonna work. Look - your steps leave you failing before you even begin. Realize that it's not within your power ? That's really a hopeless attitude. To acknowledge there is no free will and to place it in the hands or a higher power - well - that defeats you before you have even begun. There are a lot of things within your own power. Whether they are guided or laid out initially by something higher than you is irrelevant.
  6. Until validated in your direct experience don't take anything on faith. Not even what's said here, though I know you have placed your trust with the people here. Still - Until it is directly validated by you it's just dogma. That goes for anything, really. But I do implore you not to immediately discard my responses simply because they seem to be nonsense. You never know what is true or not until you find out for yourself. Until then Actialized and Actuality really aren't any different. They are just fountains of knowledge and you can drink from both. The water may not taste very different.
  7. Yes but that's the beauty of a finite system. It has to be that way in order to be finite. And to be finite comes with attachment, suffering, all of that. But there's something that is so invaluable here to God - and that is to be able to experience this. To be in a closed system is what makes reality what it is. It's what makes it real. If you bad open access it would actually lose all meaning. I am going to bring up the video game analogy oniy because it's so good and accurate. If you had infinite everything, the game would lose all meaning. You wouldn't have the experience of feeling it's real and making posts like this.
  8. Indeed. But why look at this as bondage? It kind of puts a negative connotation on the self. Even if it's just a thought or a collection of thoughts- or even beyond that - a particular state of Consciousness....why must it be bondage? That it is an illusion? It's just a particular state of Consciousness in which you as Pure Nothingness incarnates into what you might call a sentient being or an entity behind the eyes. But all of this is Consciousness shifting states and putting together a very firm and persistent manifestation of a finite being- which of course we know ultimately doesn't exist materially or tangibly - but rather ultimately is some sort of concept. It's simoly an dea - that is if your worldview of reality is that of reality being Mind. Why does this have to be bondage?
  9. The illusion isn't the Oneness or that which cannot be proved - but rather physics itself. Keep in mind there may be something that transcends the laws of physics.
  10. It's a disorder of the brain and certain triggers can just set off the obsessions and resulting compulsions. Really there isn't a cure for OCD other than to be aware of your obsessions and not give them attention. Giving them attention makes them stronger. Eventually within a few days the obsession you are dealing with diminishes and may dissipate altogether for a long time or until another trigger happens. But if you can find the strength to just ignore them they get weaker that way and will go away. But when you feed the obsessions with compulsions it only males them come back worse, until you exhaust yourself. And it's a lot of wasted time and suffering.
  11. There's no time. There's just the mind spinning thoughts. Time is also one of those thoughts. If you are able to still the mind enough or merge with the present moment you actually become yourself - because that's what you are- the present moment - you are IT.
  12. Yes ..perceiving or perception is a layer on top of Being. It is the mind creating layers. The mind creates self and other and this self then can perceive a so called external world. If you remove perception (which is basically ego) you get Absolute Truth. That's why it is said perception is an illusion. Because the self is an illusion - or another way of looking at it is it's the dream.
  13. I would distill it even a step further, thus distilling the act of distillation altogether. It cannot grasp itself - it just IS Itself.... it just Is... Further, now remove it, and just...what remains? That's enlightenment in a nutshell yes. But when the realization happens the observer and the observed collapses and what remains is just ...Isness! 🙂 Language can't capture it but this is the closest one can get with language.
  14. It's a point well taken. I wouldn't make the leap though, that just because some individuals might be hopeless when it comes to rehabilitation, that this automatically could reflect back on yourself. But I understand where the thought of this could be derived. After all, if we are one, then in a sense you are no different than those appearing external to you. But from another vantage point, we can also say that oneness has been divided, and that here, in duality, differences can and must exist. Differences, vast ones, may exist between you and these individuals in both mind and spirit. But I agree- I would love to hold that mindset that all of mankind can be saved. But unfortunately my direct experience has proven otherwise. And with these individuals, I'm not sure that keeping them locked up for decades is beneficial. Analyzing and enumerating which individuals are and aren't salvageable, however, may seem like a daunting task - but in truth it may not be that difficult to decipher when spending any amount of time with them. So resources need to be invested into therapy to determine this. If hope is possible- hope should be provided. I'm all for that. But when it is deemed that these individuals will not be able to coexist in society with others - then the decision should be clear.
  15. It just means you're getting somewhere. What you are unlocking is your feminine side. Let it flow. Enlightenment is, among other things, about the unity of both the masculine and the feminine attributes- the bringing together of the strong but also the vulnerable. In order to reach Enlightenment, from my experience, one has to let go of any predisposition. And if born a man - it is very easy to fall into the predisposition of being the strong, silent type. But there is a whole other side. In order to unify both sides you must be able to embrace feminism- as hard as that may be. So it's okay to let your emotions out - in fact, wearing them on your sleeve should be congratulated- not demonized.
  16. Well that's very kind of you. I appreciate the mercy shown. But to me, I'd prefer death over being a scientific experiment. Nothing personal of course.
  17. I admire your enthusiasm and positivism. In fact- without that - you couldn't exist. At least not with any piece of mind. But sadly you must realize there are individuals in this world that are beyond saving. You cannot simply shift these individuals around. You must deal with them.
  18. Lower is only lower relative to upper right? Keep sailing. We're on the same ship brother- we are just trying to stay afloat. Together, we just might.
  19. That's a lot of questions. I could address them one by one - or I could completely ignore them. I guess the choice is mine and how lazy I want to be on a given day. But I do want to thank you for engaging with me in this elegant dialogue. Which, if we strip away all bias, can yield some positive results. Let me address the question of false positives first. Yea, false positives are an unfortunate possibility. We must strive in the judicial system to try to cut those types of errors off at the head - but statistically we know that this isn't possible. So - the question comes to bear - is this just an error that can be written off? For now - yes. But in the future we should be able to narrow our false positives down to almost zero. And that should be our goal.
  20. You raise an excellent point. Positive, of course, is relative to negative. Thus - it really depends on context. So let's set the context. The context here is over crowded prison systems which ultimately cause problems not only with the system but also for the economy. It could cause tax increases and many other factors. But the biggest positive, I feel, is for the families of those affected by the killing or the crime itself. For those families, justice is not served until the individual that took away their loved one is put to death. Yes - it does exist now but the process can be expedited and enhanced, thus making more room in the prison system and also bringing quicker peace to more families.
  21. I've been playing with AI all day and you can see my dialogue posted on Actualized.org, so I'm in an AI kind of mood. My comments about the death penalty could indeed be me talking about myself in ignorance- but it could also be me trying to come up with positive, meaningful solutions to the problem of the over crowded prison system due to repeat offenders. This is a problem that not only crowds our system but also creates the false ideology that certain murderers can be properly rehabilitated. In truth, not all can be saved.
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