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Robed Mystic

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Everything posted by Robed Mystic

  1. Or maybe you actually broke the guidelines on that particular forum and you got spanked for it.
  2. What's the point? He's clearly not enlightened so I'm not sure why the post?
  3. I love your channel. I check it out and I really enjoy your intelligence. It shines though. Keep it up man I'm a fan.
  4. It's real simple. It's incomprehensible to you because you overthink everything a thousand fold. Look at what is present in your direct experience. Do not analyze it. Be it.
  5. That's not what I asked you. I asked you if uou could look beyond your bias. I ask the same of @Aware Wolf.
  6. So you are saying it's OK to be bias of Leo and thus dismiss the communication based on this bias ?
  7. The point is don't use it one instance and then say you aren't in another. If your admitting you are being bias with Leo then look beyond the bias.
  8. Bias is bias. No we shouldn't let everyone out of prison and we shouldn't dismiss a teacher because of who they are and thus not look at their communication. We should look at the communication and not the teacher.
  9. What are you doing right now? Your being bias Look at what myself and @MetaSage told you and do it minus the bias.
  10. Sure. Run off like you always do. So what is your age then? Dude. I don't give a fuck about Leo Reality is One. You ARE him. And you ARE the chair that you sit in. You ARE the phone your typing this on. Truth or Oneness is independent of all teachers. When you learn this you will have awoken.
  11. Yeah I can. How old are you? Your in your twenties at the most. I can tell by your arrogance. I'm in my 50s and I'm old enough to be your Dad. I have lived as a selfish fuck just like you and i have suffered a hell of a lot for it. Leo is you. But your not there yet. You only teach yourself. Everyone out there is you because reality is One thing. Any teacher will tell you this. We stand on the shoulders of giants but those giants are us in disguise. Do not hate this. Love this. Leo is just you and you are mortal and make mistakes. He can be wrong about a lot of things. What he hasn't learned yet is humility. I learned this long ago. If I'm wrong I will always say I'm wrong. But I'm not wrong. I'm not saying your criticism of Leo is wrong I'm saying look beyond the person. I'm trying to help you awaken. If this comes off as arrogant then that is not intention. Hence i said there are other good articulaters of the Truth out there. I can come across as arrogant sometimes but it's passion. No I didn't take your response as mean at all. Its the way you did it. Or at least maybe have something you can add to these teachers for yourself regarding Truth. I haven't seen that yet. Just a whole bunch of nitpicking and nothing original to offer. Not really. Did the practices and they did not require psychedelics.
  12. You guys are too hung up on teachers and nitpicking them. That's one of the reasons you yourself are not yet a master or awake. And yes I can tell you aren't because otherwise you would not be deferring to other masters. That's why I was saying you guys need to look at the non-dual teachings (from whichever teacher - and i believe as far as the core teachings Leo is one of the better ones- as is Peter Ralston and Adyashanti) and do the practices rather than worrying about criticism. Personally after a careful review of the particular criticisms held by Adeptus - he is right that Leo got ahead of himself and made some claims that were not true - i.e that enlightenment fixes everything in your life. That said - in a way he wasnt wrong because the two are entangled. Meaning you won't be enlightened until you have grown wise enough to fix some of the issues in your life on your own - whether that be through suffering/selfishness or the like. So that when you do reach enlightenment(because YOU were ready) your life is that much better. And you have total consciousness of your own shortcomings..i.e. selfishness, as a human. You have understanding. Understanding of yourself and reality, because they are One. And understanding is the key to a better life. It is the key to happiness, selflessness, integrity and most of all to Lpve. So, spend less time criticizing others. Spend more time loving yourself and you will become the Master. The Master of your own Reality.
  13. I just don't see an intent to brainwash there. I see a guy who wanted to understand reality and went to any lengths to do it. Then shared his experiences with the world. There are a lot of spiritual teachers out there and he is one of them. The core - non duality- is the same. Oneness. So I guess I don't see where it's a cult. There isn't an intent to brainwash.
  14. Pertaining to Actualized I think you are overthinking things. I think you do that a lot. Don't worry, I do too. Too much thought can be one's downfall ironically enough. The teachings are sound and it is reiterated countless times to not adapt the teachings as beliefs but to do the spiritual practices. Hey - I'm not defending Actualized per se, I don't have a dog in the race - I'm just saying from someone outward looking in - ive looked into his stuff and it is solid. Don't look at the person- that's just an avatar. No one is perfect.
  15. That's because the "garbage" was always held within your own Mind to begin with. It's quite simple actually. And it's even more profound than what you think. Only what you are conscious of exists. This awareness is a tremendous power when one uses it wisely.
  16. I'm with you. A little love goes a long way. Unfortunately, however, this is the way of the world. Reality is harsh.
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