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Robed Mystic

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Everything posted by Robed Mystic

  1. I can tell you identify as "something". Whether that name is Mandy or not is immaterial. But you identify. I don't know - maybe you don't. Maybe you just tell everyone else, all of your family and friends, that there is no real self to identify with, and then they think you are some type of freak. Maybe that's how you live. You're right, I don't know. And maybe you even tell yourself that. I'm not you, so I don't know. I mean, I am you - if you want to go deep - because you actually have no material existence outisde of my imagination, but thats another matter...and likewise, if you're out there, which you aren't, (you are in my imagination) then from your perspective I don't exist either outside of your imagination. Yes, it's solipsism - and yes, its actually the nature of reality. I don't really like to use the term - i prefer Aloneness. But go ahead, tell me this is all just a thought. I'm one step ahead and ready - but here's the thing, its not a thought.
  2. That seems to be your go to. I'm not sure what you want to accomplish there by asking me to introspect. Self inquiry meditation is what awakens you. The rest is self improvement. Let's just be clear on the difference.
  3. It won't work but not because there isn't a separate self. There IS a separate self - its the one that you identify now as, which is Mandy. Do you not identify as Mandy? That is a separate self. You haven't experienced true spirituaity. True spirituality is the realization that there is no self - but it is the direct realization. Afterwards which, one goes back to being the separate self it believed it was, and it identifies by that self. It is the only way the separate self can maintain survival. You, however, would choose to believe in a belief = that there isn't a separate self. That is not the same as there actually not being a self. Don't mistake belief for actuality. So yes, I am not disagreeing with your premise, I am disagreeing with how you came about it. Rather then actually realizing the separate self is an illusion through enlightnement, you have degraded yourself to believing in the concept. And that is a very dangerous place to be. Because that puts you no different than a religious fanatic.
  4. Fine. Just don't say there are certain illnessess which are behavior based. That's just foolishness. There are illnesses of the mind, just like there are illnesses of the body. Can they be overcome? Sure. Both can - but it isn't as easy as you make it seem to just wish them away.
  5. Then why would Phil, or you for that matter, be able to tell me whether or not I suffer from a mental illness or not? That its behavior based? Come on...I mean guys, I think i know OCD when i see it. So do you, because i know your history.
  6. The wind and the storm will come in phases. Because God just gets pissed the heck off. He can't just have calmness. He needs chaos. Don't you know that by now? All of your posts are very chaotic, so you should know. If it weren't for chaos, you would not even exist.. Its chaos that stuff works when it works, and it's chaos when stuff doesn't work. Its all chaos. So now that you know God's biggest secret, how will you behave? Chaotic ? 🙂
  7. By the way my last response was not metaphysical, so lets talk metaphysics or spirituality. What is this? This is a dream. Your mind is creating all of it. You are God fabricating everything, and you have made it so real because you incarnated into a phyiscal body - or i should say, you made it seem with Conscisouness that reality is physical - that you could incarnate into a body. But in reality its just all Mind. You are fooled into thinking its physical because Consicousness is so powerful, powerful enough to literally imagine it is being a physical body - and then being infite enough to where you could feel it.
  8. That's a lot of emotions all wrapped up in one. You wear your soul on your sleeve. That's you in a nutshell. And you know what? Your awesome dude. You are absolutely awesome. All of you. All of the pain, and all of the love. Just channel it. Channel it into someting positive. You can do anything in life you want, you have all of the ability and all of the intelligence But its totally up to you. You can waste it all too if thats what you want to do. But i dont think that's what you want to do. Get up off your ass and do something with your life - because you are worth it and you are capable. So now all there is left is to do it. And if you don't want to, that's OK too. But that was your choice.
  9. Yeah, its OK to feel emotions. We all feel them. Sometimes they want to break through my skin. But there is no shame in it. It is what it is - and its OK to feel hurt, depressed, alone, and just flat out helpless. The bright side is that you can't go anywhere else, so yeah, you're stuck here. Because you took a vested interest into this dream in the first tplace. And its going to be a pain in the ass to get out. So these feelings have no choice but to subside.
  10. Well, as a mental illness i think its just feeling depressed. Considering the possiblity of a negative future isn't depression per se, its more just negative thinking.
  11. Yes it can have endless variations - but ultimately it is one awakening from this dream which we call reality. There can only be one awaekening from that. I'm glad your here too - I've started to listen to your work and I appreciate it. I haven't listened to the entire video on stage coral yet but I'm donig it - very interested and its totally cool that you went off the map and went beyond the traditional stages For me, I stop at Turquose. Because once you become a mystic honestly the rest is just childs play. And I mean that sincerely. There is a special appreciaition for Life that you get after that - because you understand that it is an illusion. It will never be the same again. But it will be far better. There isn't anything that can really beat you after that - its just life hitting you with its punches. But there isn't anything that can beat you.
  12. Intrsopection is indeed inward. You seem to use the word materialist paradigm alot, yet you claim that what is being said is not being heard through paradigms. If what is said is not being filtered through paradigims, then don't compare the Materialst Paradigm to the Idealist Paradigm.. And, No awkening does not contain hypocrsy but you do....
  13. No, its hard. I'm trying to find a way out of nicotine myself.. I can't really afford to go into a treatment center becaue I have a job to keep and to suport myself. So this presents a delicate issue. Yeah,, try that again I think it will work for you. You obviously want to stop so you will. That's the main thing. That you want to stop. And i'm happy for you for even having the strength to want to do that.
  14. The only way to do it is to completeley take away all access to the drug. LIke a treament center or a rehab. Because as long as you still have access to it and the ability to get it you will still do it.. So you have to strip yourself from it completely. Until you actualy want to do this you wil remain a victim of your addiction. I have alcohol and nicotine additction issues too - but like i said, until you completey strip yourself from the ability to have these things, it won't go away
  15. Man. This is a true insight into addiction. I'ts just the bodys physical addiction it is not the mind. The mind feels powerless over it. The body is part of the ego - you were made here to be a pure animal. It is sick but it is for God's pleasure. Tha'ts just the reality of it.
  16. Wise words. The problem is we are so hooked on the dream. It's like a drug. Breathing this air. Breathing life into us. Incarnated as a human. It's beautiful. But its finite.
  17. It's kind of sad. Sometimes I wish that i was gay. At least then i could feel the feminie side as well. Of course, that is not necesary for awakening. You just have to suffer enough. The buddah didn't make this shit up. Suffer enough and you will become enlightened. But for that, you need to self inquire after the sufffering. Unless you get lucky enough to awaken on your own
  18. We're dumb sometimes. But that's usually only when we are thinking with our dicks.
  19. reset your expectations. Notice that you actually created these. You created the ability of having sex ith Lexi Belle and you also created the impossibilty of it. So realize that.. So in this lifetime you will be able to do a lot of things. But you won't be able to do the thing that you already told yourseflf you cannot do. I mean tthat metaphysically right now. You have created boundaries for your own experience. Afterall, if you removed all of the boundaries then what would there be? What wout you be asking me right now? You would be completely omnipotent. Whats the fun in that.
  20. So really - the cat has your tongue? You want wisdom but when you get it you toss it away.
  21. What you are now. There are many views of what a man is but there is only what you are. All of those views are a bunch of perceptual bullshit.
  22. Obviously you care, or you wouldn't have brought it up. I'm glad you are enjoying a good video game in your pajamas. What makes a man is precisely what you are. Nothing less, and nothing more.
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