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How I feel-the suppressed expressed

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Phil thanks .i guess I can only overcome my fear of solipsism by facing it head on .

It’s an ism. A belief. Thoughts. The activity of thoughts. You’re trying to resolve beliefs by overcoming the guidance felt… about the beliefs…? 

That’s not working brother. 


Definition of ism

1: a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory

2: an oppressive and especially discriminatory attitude or belief


5 hours ago, Someone here said:

So let me know if you are ready to have a discussion about solipsism and how to go about debunking it .

Debunking doesn’t apply to isms. Ism’s are beliefs, and beliefs are un-debunkable, because they aren’t true to begin with… they’re beliefs. 

There’s nothing ‘there’ to debunk. It’s actually… …conceptual. Thoughts.  Ta-da! 🙂

The point - since what you want is to feel great - is listening to feeling instead of suppressing and focusing on content & thoughts which are conceptual and discordant. 


5 hours ago, Someone here said:

It all started with Leo Gura's solipsism video.  Here:


If you remember, he deleted it after posting it for few hours .but some people reposted it in audio only version. 

For some reason I can't get it out of my head. I listen to it daily and The problem is it makes so much sense . There can only be one subjective experience or POV happening at  a time . And that is of course ME. Who else could it be ? But on the other hand it feels off .I don't like how solipsism makes me feel ,even though I can't disprove it . I started developing paranoia over it .

You’re listening to it everyday, yet saying you can’t get it out of your head. What about just… not listening to it? 🤷 

You’re listening to it and receiving the guidance of fear and experiencing anxiety & paranoia… but believing nonetheless it “makes sense”.

This is what Scientologist’s and basically any one indoctrinated into a cult says. 

There’s so much misunderstanding, conjecture, aversion, suppression & denial here I don’t even know where to begin. 


5 hours ago, Someone here said:

When I walk along the street, I’m always looking over my shoulder, watching every stranger that passes me. Did they look at me a moment too long? Are they part of the whole scheme, this world created to torment me? My family members are being nice, they trying to make me trust them. Make me let me guard down so they can destroy me. Everyone’s part of it, this plot, my everyone movement is watched. There are eyes everywhere, wherever I go I can feel them burning into my back. There’s a coincidence, maybe I thought something and then it happened. Suddenly I’m on edge, in my head there’s no such thing as coincidences, I’m on high alert, my fight or flight instincts kicking in. I must be prepared for everything, every moment is dangerous. Does that make sense?

Makes perfect sense. The concept you’re struggling with came from discordant conceptual content delivered very convincingly, and now… you believe it (fear), or at the very least continue to focus on it even though it never felt good (anxiety) to begin with. You’re not listening to the guidance (emotion), and the finite mind is projecting the source of the discord felt, onto other people (paranoia), as if they were have something to do with the suffering. 


The projection / paranoia actually started with the contextualization of the psychedelic experience, and now the momentum is being experienced. In aversion from feeling, emotions, guidance… a newly conceptualized “separate self” (thoughts) is believed in… the one who is separate from God, who experienced God, and knows stuff about God. The discordant content (“garbage”) you listen to triggers the discord because it comes from the same misunderstanding. Leo also conceptualizes psychedelic experiences as the new identity of a “separate self”. The one who has awakenings, is now more conscious than others, etc. I’m sure you’re familiar.  Again, that consciousness arises from matter, bodies as separate selves, is the materialist’s paradigm, and is the fundamental misunderstanding & ignorance which is behind all suffering, harm, manipulation and conflict. Those people so to speak, have nothing to do with how some content & beliefs feel to you. You’re right on about there being no coincidences. 


4 hours ago, Someone here said:

Yeah pretty much.

I agree The root cause of suffering is ignorance and misunderstanding. Said another way, suffering arises due to our own beliefs and concepts. It is a reaction that happens due to external events/happenings that arise due to our current understanding/misunderstanding.

Suffering isn’t happening due to external events. It’s believing discordant thoughts & concepts (misunderstanding) even though it feels like holding your hand on a hot stove (ignore-ance). 

4 hours ago, Someone here said:


So let's get into the specific questions:

1-does the world still exist when I close my eyes ?.

What you’re calling a world is a sphere which you are being. You are not a separate self in the world which has eyes. But yes, you’re still being the sphere regardless of what eyes in it are opened or closed. 

4 hours ago, Someone here said:

2-does the world exist when I cease being conscious of it (like deep sleep)?

Again this is the materialist’s paradigm, that we’re made of matter from which consciousness arises. Consciousness does not arise from bodies, minds, brains, nor are the degrees, levels or states of consciousness. This is all the ego-mind if you will, averting from feeling emotions. 

4 hours ago, Someone here said:

3-i know I exist ,how can I be sure that other people exist ?

Other people denotes it’s believed you’re a person. There are no such separate objects or things as people. “Other people” exists precisely as directly experienced, as a thought. The underlying issue is being taught from a perspective of thought attachment and believing the ism’s offered.  

4 hours ago, Someone here said:

4-i only ever experience my own vantage point in reality ,I have no access to other's POV ,therefore how can I know that anyone but myself truly exist,?

Because it is believed you are a finite self, it is believed there are other finite selves. Because it is believed the vantage point is ‘my own’ ( belongs to the separate finite self of thoughts you believe you are), it is believed there are other finite selves who also have vantage points. All finite minds are so connected using the word connected is saying to much. Same for all bodies. In, so to speak, ‘going inward’, into feeling… rather than conceptually outward… you can directly experience that you are not at all limited to one pov, body, or finite mind at all. It is the misunderstanding & misinformation and the believing it which is limiting, not consciousness.


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@Phil thank you very much for this answer.  I sincerely appreciate it . Made a lot of sense and there is a lot to unpack . I will come to your post later (I have to go to bed now ) and tell you if something was misunderstood. 

but for now I have a quick question for ya :

what's your honest opinion about Leo?  Is he awake (let alone he claims to be the most awakened person ever) 

Why do you think Leo teaches solipsism (and calls it God-Realization ) ? You know ..the whole "everything is imaginary ", you are God dreaming up the universe "etc

Is he purposely misleading people? Or is he confused about the stuff he teaches? 

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19 hours ago, Someone here said:

i guess I can only overcome my fear of solipsism by facing it head on .


Sorry for popping in your journal but this caught my eye.


That you need to overcome fear, or 'face it head on', or that it's 'the only way to get rid of fear' is an assumption. A belief. It goes easily unnoticed, but it might have a lot to do with continuing to feel off about yourself and life.


I used to have that same assumption, and it was one of the most freeing and just amazing feelings just to notice it might be a simple belief, something that is not true.


It was probably installed into me already in my childhood. Though guys were supposed to not fear anything, just face it head-on. Parents used to say stuff like "You just need to do things that make you anxious / uncomfortable because that's just how life is, otherwise you'll fail" etc. And of course listening to gurus who had missed it is an assumption, like Leo or Jed McKenna, strenghtened it and kept it going.


That there is a you who is biased, a you who is fearful, a you who can or should overcome your fears, in order to awaken or some other nonsense, is simply just belief in separate self.


Just see if you can simply notice it could be a simple assumption, a belief that is not true. See what you would feel like and what life would be if it was.



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Phil thank you very much for this answer.  I sincerely appreciate it . Made a lot of sense and there is a lot to unpack . I will come to your post later (I have to go to bed now ) and tell you if something was misunderstood. 

but for now I have a quick question for ya :

what's your honest opinion about Leo?  Is he awake (let alone he claims to be the most awakened person ever) 

Why do you think Leo teaches solipsism (and calls it God-Realization ) ? You know ..the whole "everything is imaginary ", you are God dreaming up the universe "etc

Is he purposely misleading people? Or is he confused about the stuff he teaches? 

Why? So you can know who to trust perhaps? Are your eyes open to the materialist’s paradigm & manipulation via meaning, purpose & value? If not, I’d definitely inspect & contemplate that, and what opinions are and why they’re still valued, and what meaning, purpose & value there is to them. At least let your burdens be your own.


That there is matter, and we are made of matter, and consciousness arises from matter… and therein that there are separate selves which are conscious to degrees, levels, etc is the materialist paradigm. It’s delusion and delusion can actually be identified with, and an identity weaved of it, like any of experience. A lens can identify as shy & introverted, just like most awake person etc.


Loa is immutable. For reference; transcending other and self. Create what you want, rather than trying to fix or solve what you don’t. Time is better spent imo on understanding, on the Immutable Laws, on being a voice of truth & the true nature with your word, not perpetuating the manipulation of meaning, purpose, value & trust.


Create consciously. 

Allow the ego mind to come to rest. 


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21 hours ago, Phil said:

It’s an ism. A belief. Thoughts. The activity of thoughts. You’re trying to resolve beliefs by overcoming the guidance felt… about the beliefs…? 

That’s not working brother

Yes it's a School of thought.  Nor sure why being so equals automatically that is faulty? 

Is any "Ism " Nesscary Wrong ?Just by virtue of the fact that it is an "Ism "?

What about nonduality?  Isn't it A school of Thought Also?

Also what does nonduality mean if we take it To its ultimate end  ? We are all one.  There are no boundaries. Everything is one whole indivisible awareness. We Share our being . Doesn't that also mean that I'm you and you are me ? Aren't we the same consciousness (But just in different locations in the space-time)?

21 hours ago, Phil said:

You’re listening to it everyday, yet saying you can’t get it out of your head. What about just… not listening to it? 🤷 

You’re listening to it and receiving the guidance of fear and experiencing anxiety & paranoia… but believing nonetheless it “makes sense”.

This is what Scientologist’s and basically any one indoctrinated into a cult says. 

There’s so much misunderstanding, conjecture, aversion, suppression & denial here I don’t even know where to begin

Yes I agree.  Its foolish to keep listening to it when it does me more harm than good . I should really listen to the guidance of feeling and stop feeding my mind the discordant thoughts. 

But man ,with that said ,Leo is a fucking genius..the way he explains stuff and connect the dots. He have this ability to convince you of anything. Almost brainwashing you into his ideas and beliefs etc.

21 hours ago, Phil said:

 Again, that consciousness arises from matter, bodies as separate selves, is the materialist’s paradigm, and is the fundamental misunderstanding & ignorance which is behind all suffering, harm, manipulation and conflict. Those people so to speak, have nothing to do with how some content & beliefs feel to you. You’re right on about there being no coincidences

Tbh I'm still confused about how consciousness arises. And how is it possible that consciousness even exists.

Materialists assert that all things that are supposedly immaterial stem from a material entity, that entity being the brain. As such, consciousness, according to materialists, stems from our brains just like all of our thoughts. 

So, in hindsight, materialists state that our material brain creates an immaterial consciousness that only exists due to the material brain, which then perceives the material world around us. I'm not sure if this worldview is correct or is it false  .

21 hours ago, Phil said:

Suffering isn’t happening due to external events. It’s believing discordant thoughts & concepts (misunderstanding) even though it feels like holding your hand on a hot stove (ignore-ance). 

There is a difference between pain and suffering. What you are talking about here is psychological suffering. And I agree it hinges upon holding discordant thoughts firmly believing them .

But what about physical pain ? Like hunger for instance. I think it arises purely for physiological reasons. And has nothing to do with thoughts .

But anyways..In my case ,lucky enough that it's not a physical suffering. 

21 hours ago, Phil said:

What you’re calling a world is a sphere which you are being. You are not a separate self in the world which has eyes. But yes, you’re still being the sphere regardless of what eyes in it are opened or closed. 

So the sphere is objective?  Like it doesn't depend on the separate self's being there to witness it or not ?

But then again ,if a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around to hear it,does it make a sound ?

21 hours ago, Phil said:

Again this is the materialist’s paradigm, that we’re made of matter from which consciousness arises. Consciousness does not arise from bodies, minds, brains, nor are the degrees, levels or states of consciousness. This is all the ego-mind if you will, averting from feeling emotions. 

100% agree 👍 

Isn’t it obvious that we start from the indubitable existence of conscious experience (any doubt about it would itself be a constituent of conscious experience) and merely infer this “matter” stuff having its existence in some putative domain beyond conscious experience? So the denial of conscious experience is about as ridiculous as a claim can get. Hence  materialism is incomprehensibly stupid.




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21 hours ago, Phil said:

Other people denotes it’s believed you’re a person. There are no such separate objects or things as people. “Other people” exists precisely as directly experienced, as a thought. The underlying issue is being taught from a perspective of thought attachment and believing the ism’s offered

So there are no people because they are just thoughts?  But do you realize or comprehend the profundity of such claim ? You are playing a very big gamble here .it's either incredibly insightful or it's just plain idiocy and stupidity. Not sure which one is the case . In my experience..other people exist as objects of perception in my direction experience. I have experience of them from the outside so to speak .but not internally. Hence my solipsism confusion. 


21 hours ago, Phil said:

you can directly experience that you are not at all limited to one pov, body, or finite mind at all. It is the misunderstanding & misinformation and the believing it which is limiting, not consciousness.

I Simply seek the Truth as the only thing that matters. I try to give up all assumptions, beliefs, faiths, hearsay, and other substitutes offered by the mind. Recognize and accept that i know nothing. I

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7 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Sorry for popping in your journal but this caught my eye.


That you need to overcome fear, or 'face it head on', or that it's 'the only way to get rid of fear' is an assumption. A belief. It goes easily unnoticed, but it might have a lot to do with continuing to feel off about yourself and life.


I used to have that same assumption, and it was one of the most freeing and just amazing feelings just to notice it might be a simple belief, something that is not true.


It was probably installed into me already in my childhood. Though guys were supposed to not fear anything, just face it head-on. Parents used to say stuff like "You just need to do things that make you anxious / uncomfortable because that's just how life is, otherwise you'll fail" etc. And of course listening to gurus who had missed it is an assumption, like Leo or Jed McKenna, strenghtened it and kept it going.


That there is a you who is biased, a you who is fearful, a you who can or should overcome your fears, in order to awaken or some other nonsense, is simply just belief in separate self.


Just see if you can simply notice it could be a simple assumption, a belief that is not true. See what you would feel like and what life would be if it was.



I wasted years of my life waiting for some fears to “magically” disappear.
My dad helped me realize that fears NEVER quit, that avoiding my fears is NOT the way to go.

“Son,” he said once, “if you expect to STOP feeling afraid, you will wait forever.”
I felt powerless, so I asked, “If they don’t go away, then how can we overcome fear?”
I’ll never forget his words. “Being courageous doesn’t mean you will never feel afraid, that’s the wrong idea of courage,” he said.
“So if I feel fear, it doesn’t mean I’m a coward?”
My dad laughed and said,” No, no, not at all! The true definition of courage is simply not allowing fear to stop you from moving forward.”
I sat there thinking about his lesson.

He continued.

“Courage is NOT a feeling  Courage is a decision not to be controlled by the feelings of fear.”

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54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Yes it's a School of thought.  Nor sure why being so equals automatically that is faulty? 

Is any "Ism " Nesscary Wrong ?Just by virtue of the fact that it is an "Ism "?

There’s no”school of thought”. Thought is directly experienced. 

Beliefs are, beliefs. Faulty & wrong are thoughts. If believed, then they’re more beliefs. 


If one desired to actually keep people asleep for egocentric gains, the best way would be to reach an audience of young impressionable people, degrade meditation, and entice people to listen to one’s own never ending conceptualizations. That way the mind is kept ruminating and doesn’t notice how readily available & accessible the truth always is via meditation. Usually this is employed for self image, like notoriety or fame, or for sex and or money, or for money to pay for sex such as with prostitutes, to suppress a belief one is inferior, unworthy, undeserving, etc. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

What about nonduality?  Isn't it A school of Thought Also?

“School of thought” is a thought, one thought.  Nonduality means not two.  Nonduality isn’t a thought, or a “school of thought”, or a belief. The confusion is understandable as sometimes one purports to be a teacher with teachings of nonduality while they’re actually teaching isms, or their beliefs. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Also what does nonduality mean if we take it To its ultimate end  ? We are all one. There are no boundaries.

We are all one, or, oneness, is a conceptualization, the activity of thought. Nonduality means not two. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Everything is one whole indivisible awareness. We Share our being . Doesn't that also mean that I'm you and you are me ? Aren't we the same consciousness (But just in different locations in the space-time)?

Not two. (That’s a lot of ‘two’s’.)


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Yes I agree.  Its foolish to keep listening to it when it does me more harm than good . I should really listen to the guidance of feeling and stop feeding my mind the discordant thoughts. 

Try to understand hurt people hurt people. What is uninspected remains unexpressed & unresolved and remains of the lens, and discolors reality as it is in kind. People do unconscionable things from ignore-ance innocently. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

But man ,with that said ,Leo is a fucking genius..the way he explains stuff and connect the dots. He have this ability to convince you of anything. Almost brainwashing you into his ideas and beliefs etc.

Like states, levels, degrees, oneness, a you which is avoiding the truth, etc, to keep the rumination & seeking going.  

Meanwhile there’s no you. 



54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Tbh I'm still confused about how consciousness arises.

That thought, or belief, arises...  consciousness is conscious of that thought or belief. 

Only consciousness is conscious. Consciousness is infinite. 

There aren’t consciousness’es or levels of infinite consciousness… these are thoughts consciousness is conscious of and believes or doesn’t believe based on believing consciousness is a finite separate self, which has and or knows. 

Check direct experience.     It’s thoughts. 

Also check sensation directly, see if any beginnings, endings, arising, levels, degrees, states, etc are actually found. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And how is it possible that consciousness even exists.

Consciousness doesn’t per se exist precisely because consciousness is infinite and not two. Even exist would be two, or, a second thingy. But of course there isn’t nonexistence, because the very words means there isn’t that. So this must mean that which is not two, is being whatever being is calling, existence. 

54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Materialists assert that all things that are supposedly immaterial stem from a material entity, that entity being the brain. As such, consciousness, according to materialists, stems from our brains just like all of our thoughts. 

Yes, that’s the activity of thought. Daily meditation makes this incredibly easy to notice. After a few days, weeks or months, it’s very obvious, and also very freeing, which is why it’s referred to as liberation. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

So, in hindsight, materialists state that our material brain creates an immaterial consciousness that only exists due to the material brain, which then perceives the material world around us. I'm not sure if this worldview is correct or is it false.

Material & immaterial would be two. Thoughts. Beliefs.

Correct & false are also as directly experienced, thoughts. If believed, beliefs. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

There is a difference between pain and suffering. What you are talking about here is psychological suffering. And I agree it hinges upon holding discordant thoughts firmly believing them .

Yes, but more so no. Psychological suffering is one thought. It’s a belief there’s psychology happening. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

But what about physical pain ? Like hunger for instance. I think it arises purely for physiological reasons. And has nothing to do with thoughts .

Directly experience hunger more. It reveals insights (directly) much more than words. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

But anyways..In my case ,lucky enough that it's not a physical suffering. 

So the sphere is objective?

No. The sphere is the sphere. Objective is a thought, a belief. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

  Like it doesn't depend on the separate self's being there to witness it or not ?

There aren’t any separate selves or witnesses. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

But then again ,if a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around to hear it,does it make a sound ?

Exactly. One would have to question what a tree, sound and ear really are. 


54 minutes ago, Someone here said:

100% agree 👍 

Isn’t it obvious that we start from the indubitable existence of conscious experience (any doubt about it would itself be a constituent of conscious experience) and merely infer this “matter” stuff having its existence in some putative domain beyond conscious experience? So the denial of conscious experience is about as ridiculous as a claim can get. Hence  materialism is incomprehensibly stupid.

The cosmic joke. 


Stupids judgement tho. 


1 hour ago, Someone here said:

So there are no people because they are just thoughts? 

It’s not that they are thoughts. “People” is a thought. If believed, a belief. 


1 hour ago, Someone here said:

But do you realize or comprehend the profundity of such claim ? You are playing a very big gamble here .it's either incredibly insightful or it's just plain idiocy and stupidity. Not sure which one is the case . In my experience..other people exist as objects of perception in my direction experience. I have experience of them from the outside so to speak .but not internally. Hence my solipsism confusion. 

The Truth is simple, plain, uneventful and self evident. No one is really playing and nothing is actually being gambled.  

The claims of being a teacher of nonduality, of there being a you which avoids the truth, of there being levels of consciousness, of there being states of consciousness, of there being a relative love and an absolute love, of there being thetan ‘levels’ and an Xenu to be obtained or reached, of Joseph Smith or Thoth’s tablets, etc, etc, etc. None of these shenanigans are present in sensation, perception or meditation, because they’re all as directly experienced… thoughts… beliefs… conjecture. 





1 hour ago, Someone here said:


I Simply seek the Truth as the only thing that matters. I try to give up all assumptions, beliefs, faiths, hearsay, and other substitutes offered by the mind. Recognize and accept that i know nothing. I


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44 minutes ago, Phil said:

There’s no”school of thought”. Thought is directly experienced. 

Beliefs are, beliefs. Faulty & wrong are thoughts. If believed, then they’re more beliefs

So what Is  NOT a thought or belief?  Can you give me an example of something that is not ? Of course you can't because you would be using thoughts to communicate it. That's the problem. Is that in order to communicate AT ALL we MUST use thoughts (in the form of language and words). 

52 minutes ago, Phil said:

If one desired to actually keep people asleep for egocentric gains, the best way would be to reach an audience of young impressionable people, degrade meditation, and entice people to listen to one’s own never ending conceptualizations. That way the mind is kept ruminating and doesn’t notice how readily available & accessible the truth always is via meditation. Usually this is employed for self image, like notoriety or fame, or for sex and or money, or for money to pay for sex such as with prostitutes, to suppress a belief one is inferior, unworthy, undeserving, etc. 

Are you hinting at Leo?  Because I don't think that's his intentions . I personally have benefited a lot from Leo.  The dude have hundreds of videos talking in depth about extremely tricky and important topics .varying from basic self-help and psychology. To health and fitness. To dating and relationships. To philosophy. To nonduality and mysticm. And he does have his original insights . So I wouldn't classify him as a scam or wants to keep everyone "asleep "for money or sex .

56 minutes ago, Phil said:

School of thought” is a thought, one thought.  Nonduality means not two.  Nonduality isn’t a thought, or a “school of thought”, or a belief. The confusion is understandable as sometimes one purports to be a teacher with teachings of nonduality while they’re actually teaching isms, or their beliefs. 

What would you call the physical components of the human body, or the neurotransmitters which might conspire to inflict with or without cognition either pleasure or pain upon your consciousness at any given time.?

Because thoughts are not that much of is mystery in science. Your brain  might be affected by thoughts, though thoughts unto themselves they most certainly are not.

There is a great more to speak of as well, however the important thing to remember is that everything you perceive is through the ideological lens of your own world-view, and as such that which you know is known as a thought. However, those things can be and often are far more than mere thoughts themselves.

59 minutes ago, Phil said:

We are all one, or, oneness, is a conceptualization, the activity of thought. Nonduality means not two

So ANYTHING we utter is nonsense and has nothing to do with nonduality?  How about you using thoughts to degrade thoughts ?

1 hour ago, Phil said:

That thought, or belief, arises...  consciousness is conscious of that thought or belief. 

Only consciousness is conscious. Consciousness is infinite. 

There aren’t consciousness’es or levels of infinite consciousness… these are thoughts consciousness is conscious of and believes or doesn’t believe based on believing consciousness is a finite separate self, which has and or knows. 

Check direct experience.     It’s thoughts. 

Also check sensation directly, see if any beginnings, endings, arising, levels, degrees, states, etc are actually found. 

Agreed 👍 


1 hour ago, Phil said:

Consciousness doesn’t per se exist precisely because consciousness is infinite and not two. Even exist would be two, or, a second thingy. But of course there isn’t nonexistence, because the very words means there isn’t that. So this must mean that which is not two, is being whatever being is calling, existence. 

How to talk about being /existence without thoughts grabing us by the balls ? You can't escape this issue .

Of course there is not nonexistence. Therefore existence is all there is .and existence =consciousness itself .that's more accurate than saying consciousness exists .

1 hour ago, Phil said:

It’s not that they are thoughts. “People” is a thought. If believed, a belief

Sorry but I completely disagree with that . I know you are into something here..but I find myself very unable to accept that "people are thoughts ". It's just weird and even funny 😅

1 hour ago, Phil said:

The Truth is simple, plain, uneventful and self evident. No one is really playing and nothing is actually being gambled.  

The claims of being a teacher of nonduality, of there being a you which avoids the truth, of there being levels of consciousness, of there being states of consciousness, of there being a relative love and an absolute love, of there being thetan ‘levels’ and an Xenu to be obtained or reached, of Joseph Smith or Thoth’s tablets, etc, etc, etc. None of these shenanigans are present in sensation, perception or meditation, because they’re all as experienced..thoughts..beliefs..conjecture 

You just said There is no “we" that exists as separate entities. That's where thought comes in, to discriminate “me" from “others.”

 I get it.  There is only the One, the Parabrahman, the prerequiest to it all. Everything we perceive can be said to be just a thought, a stage play, a story, an illusion. There's nothing wrong with a play, or watching a movie. It's the movie of the Parabrahman, except it plays all the characters, including you and I. It's neither real, nor unreal. It's just life as it is. 

But it decided to play as an appearance of multiple separate selves or human beings .

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

So what Is  NOT a thought or belief?

Perception and sensation. 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Are you hinting at Leo?  Because I don't think that's his intentions . I personally have benefited a lot from Leo.  The dude have hundreds of videos talking in depth about extremely tricky and important topics .varying from basic self-help and psychology. To health and fitness. To dating and relationships. To philosophy. To nonduality and mysticm. And he does have his original insights . So I wouldn't classify him as a scam or wants to keep everyone "asleep "for money or sex .

There really aren’t separate selves. 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

What would you call the physical components of the human body, or the neurotransmitters which might conspire to inflict with or without cognition either pleasure or pain upon your consciousness at any given time.?

Consciousness being yours is back to the separate self and materialist paradigm. 


1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Because thoughts are not that much of is mystery in science. Your brain  might be affected by thoughts, though thoughts unto themselves they most certainly are not.

Brain is a thought like separation.  Science is also just a thought. It’s not like there’s this entity called science somewhere to which somethings are a mystery and somethings are not. Check direct experience instead. 


1 hour ago, Someone here said:

There is a great more to speak of as well, however the important thing to remember is that everything you perceive is through the ideological lens of your own world-view, and as such that which you know is known as a thought. However, those things can be and often are far more than mere thoughts themselves.

That’s also the materialist’s paradigm. 

Be mindful all you really want is feeling like you want to. No more anxiety. 🤍

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

So what Is  NOT a thought or belief?

Perception and sensation. 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Are you hinting at Leo?  Because I don't think that's his intentions . I personally have benefited a lot from Leo.  The dude have hundreds of videos talking in depth about extremely tricky and important topics .varying from basic self-help and psychology. To health and fitness. To dating and relationships. To philosophy. To nonduality and mysticm. And he does have his original insights . So I wouldn't classify him as a scam or wants to keep everyone "asleep "for money or sex .

There really aren’t separate selves. 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

What would you call the physical components of the human body, or the neurotransmitters which might conspire to inflict with or without cognition either pleasure or pain upon your consciousness at any given time.?

Consciousness being yours is back to the separate self and materialist paradigm. 


1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Because thoughts are not that much of is mystery in science. Your brain  might be affected by thoughts, though thoughts unto themselves they most certainly are not.

Brain is a thought like separation.  


1 hour ago, Someone here said:

There is a great more to speak of as well, however the important thing to remember is that everything you perceive is through the ideological lens of your own world-view, and as such that which you know is known as a thought. However, those things can be and often are far more than mere thoughts themselves.

That’s also the materialist’s paradigm. 

Be mindful all you really want is feeling like you want to. No more anxiety. 🤍

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@Someone hereit's tough, having a love for philosophy, and having 'truth' as your highest value, to see through the veil.

The truth you think is your highest value, is understanding. This is not what is being referred to as 'absolute truth' (not the idea of an absolute truth existing and being knowable, but the unspeakable absolute truth, so this is only a pointer that absolute truth is not what you currently understand by the words 'absolute truth', which is a relative truth that's so immense, ever present and why not, infinite (all these words are concepts, you have a concept of infinity in your mind, true infinity is not your concept of infinity).


Tldr: 'we, as humans' are addicted to thoughts. We think thoughts represent truths about reality. If you take something from this, let it be this: liberation/enlightenment/etc is NOT in thoughts, it is NOT in concepts, no matter how hard Leo and other teachers (but mostly Leo 😀) sell you their concepts and insights and understanding. Most you can achieve on the path of understanding truth, is replace your current intrusive thoughts with better feeling ones, that would then reduce the impulse for liberation since you'll be feeling slightly better and for a while, you'll be suffering less... Until the next ism, concept, insight will trip 'you' up. This you I'm talking about here is... Are you ready ? JUST ANOTHER THOUGHT.


Since you're addicted to thought, why not investigate WHAT A THOUGHT IS? are you going to be addicted to something you have no idea what it is? And since the 'you' is JUST ANOTHER THOUGHT, until you see through the veil of thoughts and stop identifying with it, you'll keep going round in circles, adding some concepts to your mountain if concepts, updating some, and will call it 'understanding' and maybe sometimes a thought will appear "I'm feeling better about myself and the way I understand things"... Until the next thought that brings 'you' back down.


See that this thought identity only serves to keep you asleep....


WAKE UP !!! 🤔🚀😳🧨💣💥🤯

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@Phil ok thanks for your time,insights and everything else.  

I will not argue more .

You seem to know what you're talking about and have a firm convictions about your world view .

And yes the important thing is how I feel.  100% agree. 

Maybe I need to meditate more or harder to achieve the same clarity that you have. 

Thanks again ❤

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1 hour ago, bnyland said:

@Someone hereit's tough, having a love for philosophy, and having 'truth' as your highest value, to see through the veil.

The truth you think is your highest value, is understanding. This is not what is being referred to as 'absolute truth' (not the idea of an absolute truth existing and being knowable, but the unspeakable absolute truth, so this is only a pointer that absolute truth is not what you currently understand by the words 'absolute truth', which is a relative truth that's so immense, ever present and why not, infinite (all these words are concepts, you have a concept of infinity in your mind, true infinity is not your concept of infinity).


Tldr: 'we, as humans' are addicted to thoughts. We think thoughts represent truths about reality. If you take something from this, let it be this: liberation/enlightenment/etc is NOT in thoughts, it is NOT in concepts, no matter how hard Leo and other teachers (but mostly Leo 😀) sell you their concepts and insights and understanding. Most you can achieve on the path of understanding truth, is replace your current intrusive thoughts with better feeling ones, that would then reduce the impulse for liberation since you'll be feeling slightly better and for a while, you'll be suffering less... Until the next ism, concept, insight will trip 'you' up. This you I'm talking about here is... Are you ready ? JUST ANOTHER THOUGHT.


Since you're addicted to thought, why not investigate WHAT A THOUGHT IS? are you going to be addicted to something you have no idea what it is? And since the 'you' is JUST ANOTHER THOUGHT, until you see through the veil of thoughts and stop identifying with it, you'll keep going round in circles, adding some concepts to your mountain if concepts, updating some, and will call it 'understanding' and maybe sometimes a thought will appear "I'm feeling better about myself and the way I understand things"... Until the next thought that brings 'you' back down.


See that this thought identity only serves to keep you asleep....


WAKE UP !!! 🤔🚀😳🧨💣💥🤯

Thanks for your insights. 🙏

I think to know the TRUTH one must first know what is false . Without this crystal clarity false will be confused as Truth most of the times.

FALSE.. What appears & dissapears, what comes & goes & what keeps changing and what is different for different people. ie it has many many versions for different people.

TRUTH..What never changes, stays the same at all times and is the same for everybody without exception. ie is ONE and same for all eternally .

My thoughts on Truth ?

Keeping the above definations see what is the only TRUTH on this planet ?

You will be very very surprised .

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10 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Phil ok thanks for your time,insights and everything else.  

I will not argue more .

You seem to know what you're talking about and have a firm convictions about your world view .

And yes the important thing is how I feel.  100% agree. 

Maybe I need to meditate more or harder to achieve the same clarity that you have. 

Thanks again ❤

Anytime 🤍


It’s really very much the opposite though. I don’t have a world view, I just meditated every morning, expressed, and inspected every thought / dispelled beliefs. I don’t have clarity… as in some thing that is mine, that was obtained, or that was or could be achieved. Clarity is what’s appearing as thoughts and beliefs. When the activity of thought is allowed to settle through meditation, expression & inspection, it is as if there is ‘more’ clarity, focus, concentration & happiness. 


I never framed up meditation as something to do harder or as a means of achieving anything. Meditation was always relaxation and letting go, just by relaxing the body head to toe over & over again and returning attention to feeling breathing from the stomach, every morning. That was it. Sometimes again in the afternoon. 


Framing up meditation as something you need to do harder to achieve something defeats the whole point of meditation. If meditation isn’t relaxing and enjoyable… write about whatever thoughts are arising instead. Just for the emptying out / expressing… not to solve anything or achieve anything. Just for how you feel. Just for the relaxation and letting go of what isn’t resonating with you. 


Try to really notice all of the attitudes & perspectives like  ‘you’re not good enough as you are / you need to improve yourself / you need to try harder etc / you’re not conscious or awake enough / you’re not smart enough or doing enough’ etc, is one person’s emotional suppression playing out. It’s a reflection of what’s going on with them, not you. Listen to pretty literally any other teacher / content and you will be surprised to see they are all saying more or less the exact same thing which is completely opposite to what you’ve picked up … relax… let go… you are good, you are good enough as you are right now… there is nothing wrong with you which needs to be improved… relax & let discordant thoughts go vs trying harder to feel good… and that consciousness, awareness, peace, love, happiness is your own infinite and unconditional true nature & you are not separate’. 


I know I keep saying to really consider the ‘garbage in, garbage out’. I could see how that might be received as frustrating. But if so I hope that frustration is let go and you actually try it. To hear you’re experiencing anxiety and listening to a video about how an ism is the truth… and that you’re experiencing fear but conceptualizing it vs using the emotional scale… is honestly heart breaking. Really consider it might take months away from that content to be able to see the influence of it clearly. 


I would really consider the trauma bond theory, or, put another way, try to see the law of attraction at play there. Birds of a feather flock together. I think the fundamental belief that is most discordant is that you’re not enough as you are right now… and more so… what you said a little while back about God from your psyche trip. That is the finite mind contextualizing, weaving an idea of God. That is really the finite mind emptying of discordant beliefs, onto as in projecting onto God. I think you gravitated toward Leo because neither of you see this, because you both conceptualize God / psychedelic trips, and believe the thoughts about it.


God is Love, unconditonal love, and God is not thinking - there is no thinker, intellectual, authority, teacher, separate self / knower of God, etc. Really try to grasp how profoundly simple it actually is - each thought is felt by that which is goodness, unconditional… and thoughts about what is unconditional are not true - and that is why some thoughts feel as they do. 


Imo if you’re going to keep listening to content, at least listen to Abraham Hicks for the aligned psychology of it. Or Rupert Spira who is, so to speak, actually awake, and entirely coming from what Buddhist’s call ‘right view’ - that God is infinite, and infinite can not know finite. You & Leo seem to share the belief that God, Ourself, is something less that pure Goodness, pure unconditional love… but it’s actually projection onto God via ideas, arising thoughts. Very much like when adolescents or teens experience a lot of angst and project how they feel onto their parents until they realize how they feel is what they’re so to speak, thinkin. 

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10 hours ago, Someone here said:

Thanks for your insights. 🙏

I think to know the TRUTH one must first know what is false . Without this crystal clarity false will be confused as Truth most of the times.

FALSE.. What appears & dissapears, what comes & goes & what keeps changing and what is different for different people. ie it has many many versions for different people.

TRUTH..What never changes, stays the same at all times and is the same for everybody without exception. ie is ONE and same for all eternally .

My thoughts on Truth ?

Keeping the above definations see what is the only TRUTH on this planet ?

You will be very very surprised .

(Sorry for butting in) THIS ⬆️ is what there is to let go. (So to speak!…) you haven’t directly experienced the true nature yet. You experienced the void, the veil, but not the true nature. It is you so to speak who will be very surprised! Let go of the front that you know. Let the weight and burden of that go. Forget about all the thinking and express, feel, allow & understand the emotions you’re experiencing. See vanity of the mind, arrogance & pride of being the knower for what it is - discordant. At the same time of course, all there is is the true nature. But it’s what you’re always feeling so to speak, and it’s never the content of thoughts, or, what you’re thinkin. Please take a very long break from content that claims otherwise. Then see how you feel. 🙏 🤍

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@Phil thanks for the reminder of meditation. I needed to hear that today .so your  post was  spot on as usual  .

I'm lately slacking off on meditation because I'm generally not in a good mood for some reason . 

But i  tried meditation before for  7 months and here’s what happened.

I will be honest, I have never tried meditation in my life before that point 
I never felt the need or the motivation to do it.
A lot of people advised me to give it a try and see the results.
I have read books, blogs and watched numerous videos on techniques.
I am aware of the process but never knew when I will do it.
But, something terribly went wrong in the last 2 months.

I was going through a lot of stress :college, personal projects, deadlines, and personal life.
I was staying up  late nights playingv video games , had no morning routine, depended a lot on junk food and did no exercise.
I was thinking I would be more productive if I just focused on my work.
It didn’t work.
I was feeling tired throughout the day, couldn’t focus and barely did anything for relaxation.
Sometime around last week, I couldn’t sleep the whole night.
I kept thinking.
What’s going wrong?
Why am I failing?
Why am I not able to achieve my goals?
Why I am not satisfied with myself?
Why am I not enjoying my daily life?
These questions kept swirling in my mind until it went blank.

It was 5:30 am.Darkness was fading away and the light was taking over.i thought this is it.
Enough is enough.I have to take responsibility.
I went for a run. Came back after 45 mins. I took a shower and got dressed.

I sat down in a corner of my house, closed my eyes, and started focusing on my breaths. I sat there in complete silence and tried to observe my thoughts.

I saw the utter chaos my mind was experiencing. I was worried about every small thing in the world. I felt like I was in the middle of a battleground.

I tried to trace back the origin of every thought and find out why I was thinking this way.

When I opened my eyes, I was it was only 5 mins but it felt like an hour.

I felt good. I had taken the first step.

It’s been 7 days now, and I want to say that meditation didn’t solve any of my problems. In fact, it has no relation to the things I was going through.

But, it is helping stay calm in tense situations and think from multiple perspectives. I am having better sleep and I am able to focus my energy on things that matter the most.

The morning ritual is helping me a lot.

When I wake up at 5 am and go for a run, and I see almost no one the roads, I feel I am ahead. When I come back, take shower, meditate and have a mega breakfast, I feel I have conquered the world. I feel I am pumped up to take every challenge that comes on my way during the day and determined to complete whatever I decide to do.

By the time I leave for college, I feel I have done which I was struggling to do all my life. I feel like a winner. I feel unstoppable.



Edited by Someone here
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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

Perhaps me ..I'm skeptical about this notion of goodness and love..

But Leo?  Well here you go:

All the difference in the world lies between psychedelics & talking the path, and walking the path. 


10 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Phil thanks for the reminder of meditation. I needed to hear that today .so your  post was  spot on as usual  .

I'm lately slacking off on meditation because I'm generally not in a good mood for some reason . 

You’re not in anything. I’d get to bottom of that if I were in your shoes. The anxiety would be dispelled and no longer experienced. 


10 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Bur I tried meditation before for  7 months and here’s what happened.

I will be honest, I have never tried meditation in my life before that point 
I never felt the need or the motivation to do it.
A lot of people advised me to give it a try and see the results.
I have read books, blogs and watched numerous videos on techniques.
I am aware of the process but never knew when I will do it.
But, something terribly went wrong in the last 2 months.

I was going through a lot of stress :college, personal projects, deadlines, and personal life.
I was staying up  late nights playingv video games , had no morning routine, depended a lot on junk food and did no exercise.
I was thinking I would be more productive if I just focused on my work.
It didn’t work.
I was feeling tired throughout the day, couldn’t focus and barely did anything for relaxation.
Sometime around last week, I couldn’t sleep the whole night.
I kept thinking.
What’s going wrong?
Why am I failing?
Why am I not able to achieve my goals?
Why I am not satisfied with myself?
Why am I not enjoying my daily life?
These questions kept swirling in my mind until it went blank.

It was 5:30 am.Darkness was fading away and the light was taking over.i thought this is it.
Enough is enough.I have to take responsibility.
I went for a run. Came back after 45 mins. I took a shower and got dressed.

I sat down in a corner of my house, closed my eyes, and started focusing on my breaths. I sat there in complete silence and tried to observe my thoughts.

I saw the utter chaos my mind was experiencing. I was worried about every small thing in the world. I felt like I was in the middle of a battleground.

I tried to trace back the origin of every thought and find out why I was thinking this way.

When I opened my eyes, I was it was only 5 mins but it felt like an hour.

I felt good. I had taken the first step.

It’s been 7 days now, and I want to say that meditation didn’t solve any of my problems. In fact, it has no relation to the things I was going through.

But, it is helping stay calm in tense situations and think from multiple perspectives. I am having better sleep and I am able to focus my energy on things that matter the most.

The morning ritual is helping me a lot.

When I wake up at 5 am and go for a run, and I see almost no one the roads, I feel I am ahead. When I come back, take shower, meditate and have a mega breakfast, I feel I have conquered the world. I feel I am pumped up to take every challenge that comes on my way during the day and determined to complete whatever I decide to do.

By the time I leave for college, I feel I have done which I was struggling to do all my life. I feel like a winner. I feel unstoppable.

Meditation isn’t intended to fix any problems. It’s more of a helpfulness in noticing that way of framing experience is discordant. 


14 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I kept thinking.
What’s going wrong?
Why am I failing?
Why am I not able to achieve my goals?
Why I am not satisfied with myself?
Why am I not enjoying my daily life?

It helps with bringing these ways of thinking to rest. 











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