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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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My take is that if Leo did try to form a cult it would be made up of mostly young men, because most women can barely stand him, my proof is the amount of women that would PM me complaining about his behavior when I was a mod there. His typical audience are men in their 20-30's. Many of which started watching him for his pick-up advice. 

Anyways, this whole thing isn't just an interest for Leo. It's also his career. Its how he makes his money! So, the more he convinces ppl that he's reached, and can continue to reach, "new levels" of consciousness, then the more views he will get on YT, more traffic will come to his forum AND  also ppl who will purchase his "secrets" for $1000 when he's done making it. It's all a way to keep you stuck, so you will never think you've arrive, because Leo says you haven't, which he says over and over in the videos I've seen. 


He has to keep himself "relavent" to his watchers or he becomes absolete. He needs to keep saying over and over how fantastic he is, how he has something that you dont have. You couldnt possibly have and that no other guru has, so ppl keep watching his shit, but I think ppl are seeing through this manipulation tactic. 





You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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22 hours ago, Ges said:


It is obvious that there is no offense at all. You're not implying that I'm stupid or anything. In which world would that fly?!

You should put more effort in your gaslighting techniques if you wish to continue with me. Otherwise, it's just lazy, and I don't like it.

Lol, sry I don't have anything from gaslighting you. This is an online community and I don't even know you. 


You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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13 hours ago, Phil said:


No worries at all. No problem either! 🙂

More relatable than you might suspect. I was born into controlling a temper, in the environmental sense. 

Much respect for that you are saying whatever you’re saying, to me. 🙏🏻 


Ditto. And thanks.


13 hours ago, Faith said:

@Ges Hope your electric issues are resolved now. That can be frustrating! 😖


I like the fact that you can self-reflect and then self-correct. 



Resolved. Thanks.


10 hours ago, Unknown said:

With all due love, just wanna say thank you for reminding me to log the fuck off of forums in general and stop wasting a sinful amount of time dicking around with pointless arguments with strangers and shit, LOL. 


Nice, but no proof.


1 hour ago, BlendingInfinite said:

Lol, sry I don't have anything from gaslighting you. This is an online community and I don't even know you. 


Cool. Whatever.

Have faith.

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Spirituality is like music. There are different genres and instruments, different artists and songwriters. There's always development both in production and personal taste, as well as the collective taste. Listen to whatever resonates most with you. But at the end of the day, music is just what it is, carefully articulated sounds. No need to be dogmatic about one genre or to demonize genres that don't resonate much. Advaita is not my cup of tea, almost like classical music. Though, I can appreciate its beauty sometimes.

Edited by Ges

Have faith.

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1 hour ago, Ges said:


Ditto. And thanks.



Resolved. Thanks.



Nice, but no proof.



Cool. Whatever.

It may be that my way of expressing myself is a bit direct. 

But I myself know how it is when people do not understand things and then make any accusations, instead of thinking beforehand.

To say whether you are stupid requires of course more observation, especially this is not about simple discussions. And even then it would only be a judgment, at the moment. Everything can always change.


You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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4 hours ago, BlendingInfinite said:

It may be that my way of expressing myself is a bit direct. 

But I myself know how it is when people do not understand things and then make any accusations, instead of thinking beforehand.

To say whether you are stupid requires of course more observation, especially this is not about simple discussions. And even then it would only be a judgment, at the moment. Everything can always change.


Maybe. Whatever.

Have faith.

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D. Hawkings in his book : „ there are some lunatics who really belive they are above Jesus or Budda. Their level of conciosuness belongs to hell roam. They also attract they followers, and sell them ways to find God.  So Business Man is higher than Jesus. Keep distance its clear sign of delusion „


he wrote this in his book „david r hawkins i reality and subjectivity”. ( diffrent words i have polish version). 

i was laughing. 🙉


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 Are you aware that when you make vague statements that sound like you got some plan going on, that people will be concerned? 


Like if we're sitting at the dinner table together and you say something like "don't worry guys, this will be my last time eating with you.", people are gonna be like wtf are you talking about lol. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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7 minutes ago, Ges said:

@Phil Don't overthink it.

It did sound creepy and threatening. I realize that you probably just meant it in a more negative discouraging way, but still, why? Why express that frustration here at someone? Your signature quote sticks out to me, what do you have faith in? What is faith? How is the general tone of your comments aligned with that quote? 

 Youtube Channel  

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40 minutes ago, Ges said:


You haven't seen anything yet. It's just an introduction.

The wording of your comment alludes to or foreshadows something to come. And was clearly directed at me. 

Thus far that comment implicitly seems threatening, which is in stark contrast specifically, and in entirety, to the guidelines. 


With respect to your membership / continued participation with this forum, and with respect to that fact that miscommunications do sometimes happen, I am asking you to explain what you meant. 

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56 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I realize that you probably just meant it in a more negative discouraging way, but still, why?


Actually quite the opposite. I meant it in the most encouraging way possible.

Like, when a girl rejects a guy, you don't tell him to stop approaching, but to do the opposite. It's nothing, really.

Or when you fail at an exam or don't get the job you want. Basically, it applies in any situation where things aren't all butterflies and roses. That's what reality is, so be prepared at least emotionally because life will always surprise you and give you tests and hard times.

Edited by Ges

Have faith.

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3 minutes ago, Ges said:


Actually quite the opposite. I meant it in the most encouraging way possible.

Like, when a girl rejects a guy, you don't tell him to stop approaching, but to do the opposite. It's nothing, really.


@Phil Masculine love, you might say.

Edited by Ges

Have faith.

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53 minutes ago, Ges said:


You haven't seen anything yet. It's just an introduction.

I remember you ranting a lot of awful stuff about the people who left this site, on a thread on the other forum. Pretty sure that was you. And fair enough, everyone got to say what they wanted to about the situation. 


But what is your intention right now? Nothing better to use your time on? Can't be that important my friend. Looks like some underlying emotions is running the show still 😚

Edited by WhiteOwl
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