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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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20 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Hey Rob.  I appreciate your posts.  One thing I want to add that I think rankles people is when someone holds themselves out as a spiritual enlightenment teacher as their day job, and then acts in ways that seem to discredit that.  But in this case Leo is hurting his own professional reputation most of all. 


I would offer a different perspective here, because while I would totally agree that Leo is hurting his reputation with you and me - we are NOT his target audience, and I think this has been plainly clear for some time. He absolutely doesn't want people to question him, or have their own thoughts which might compete with his, and he most definitely doesn't like those who criticise him (no matter how valid). Whether or not he is consciously doing this is a different topic, but in my very first video on Leo I said I thought he was selecting his audience for those who would be the most faithful to "his teachings"- and that ain't us mate  😀

I believe Leo is catering to the EXACT people he wants to, which is half baked gullible people with poor critical thinking, who are looking for some kind of meaning without much effort. The kind of people who will whoop and cheer at his "revolutionary" ideas around sex and "outrageous experiments with consciousness" - he doesn't want snarky dissenters calling bullshit on him.

So with that in mind I think his professional reputation is completely intact... with those he wants it to be intact with.

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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Ok fuck the legality of it...I brought that up to try and underline my point, and I don't think I was completely wrong, but I should know anytime you do that you will be picked apart with semantics and extenuating circumstances and whatever... it's morally reprehensible, are we all OK with that? 

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10 minutes ago, Cupcake said:


I love your videos. Just subscribed. Also left a comment, my username on YouTube is zegglife. Whenever I'm feeling down,I watch your videos. You have a very calm way of explaining things. I'm waiting for more videos from you on different subjects. Also a shoutout to your cat. Your videos are best when you shoot them in your room because it's more relaxed that way. Hope to see more. Your newest subscriber.



That is so nice to hear, thank you for taking the time to say it💜

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30 minutes ago, Serenity said:


I was again trying to support your point 😅. There is no will to pick holes in your reasoning, merely to complete it.


In many jurisdictions, had he succeed to have sex with this girl, it could have been labelled as an assault. This depending mostly on whether the woman would have been pressing charges or not after the intercourse.

Oh I know you were, I was reacting more to Psychonautica and Baller... thank you for helping me out there, sometimes I'm not very detail oriented😅

Edited by Lester Retsel
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D@mn, Leo's kinda scummy.  Like, I showed his video to my family because they started to get concerned over who I was watching on Sundays; I usually put his stuff on because he does have some good ideas and I liked to compare and contrast awakening experiences.  It grounded me that way.  But his examples, his way of speaking put them off and they picked up on him being weird.

I guess I just ignored it, so I could focus on what I wanted to about him, but it's hard to ignore his comments about women, and his actions speak for themselves.  He has to grow out of that...


But who am I to judge, I have so many qualities I need to focus on fixing in myself - or at least accepting and witnessing..
It's just that for what I am trying to fix in myself, that place aggravated it a lot more than it helped.  There's a lack of self acceptance and love in that place - it's very cold; and I can't offer advice because I'm coming from a different perspective.
I feel like it isn't a place to work on self love; I'm trying to manifest more of it in the environment because there's been so much negativity going on the past few years and feel like maybe a lot of it could be fixed with a change in perspective?  I don't know...


Maybe Leo will read this and change himself?  That's what does it for me sometimes, is seeing the mirror effectively.  He seems like someone who is open to change, so I'm willing to bet someday he will outgrow this - I don't say that as a fan, but it just seems like he grew in so many other ways that some day he will in this way, too.


Leo aside, what direction do people want this forum to go in?
I was thinking we could focus more on love and creativity - like, a lot of expression and working together to grow.  I'm at a point in my life where I can see where my karma is heading and I just don't like it and want to change it around through working positively with different communities online and sharing positivity and stuff like that.

All the best.

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22 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

@Annie I think part of what has enabled Leo are the well-meaning people who want to excuse or deflect these issues from discussion.  I can't tell you how many times I was told that his critics are the problem, they're projecting, can't we just lay off Leo and become moral relativists and live and let live!  Who's to say, right?  This is classic enabling.  I'm not saying you're deliberately doing this, and I feel like you are coming from a good place -- but I've seen this same enabling move/archetype over and over again -- an excusing/acceptance move from really examining truth.  What's worse the abusive father or the overly submissive mother who conditions/steers her kids not to criticize things?  I know we would all love to stick our heads in the sand (or in the clouds) and think of rainbows and butterflies, but there is a time and place in one's development, a kind of masculine attainment where we do discuss things like adults with an aim to unconceal many things, which is honoring truth for real.  There's many available aspects within this community, it doesn't need in, my opinion, to be reduced to one theme or focus to the exclusion of other matters/topics of discussion.  You can see the variety of threads already available in this young community -- its huge and vast in the sense of having something for everybody.

I'm trying to think in terms of if he is reading this, which he probably might one day - that a comment like that would do more good, it wasn't meant to enable his actions, but to maybe incite self reflection.  I was trying to think what works for me, when I am stuck with an undesirable behaviour and how people communicate with me - when they come from a place of neutrality and offer suggestions I feel more willing to take them on than if people attempt to force a view onto me, even if it is the right one, admitting that can sometimes be hard.


But maybe that is enabling, I'm not sure.  I come from that kind of family dynamic, I suppose it's written into me to some extent in how I communicate but it isn't to try to gloss over things - if it was I would have stayed there.

Or maybe I wouldn't, I don't know.

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I posted this back in 2018 on Actualized.org. it's an interesting read I think.


"Enlightenment sickness boils down to this:  if the apparent individual person — i.e. the ego — is claiming to be enlightened, then the ego has co-opted the knowledge and is using it to glorify itself.  In such a case, “enlightenment” is just another badge of honor that the apparent individual person is pinning on himself and using to set himself apart from and usually higher than the rest of the ignorant masses in order to compensate for a deep-rooted and ever-obtaining sense of incompleteness and inadequacy.  Thus, the vision of non-duality has obviously not been assimilated and the apparent individual person is still taken to be one’s identity.


 The Self (capital "S") doesn’t get “enlightened” because the Self is the light. When you realize who you are, you realize you are not the human being you appear to be.  Nor is anyone else.  Nor, for that matter, is there anyone else.  There is only you, awareness, with innumerable “designs” appearing within your being.


 This is why we say moksha, or liberation, which is what constitutes “enlightenment” according to the scriptures, is from the apparent individual person, not for the apparent individual person."


~T. Schmidt



You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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On 4/10/2022 at 9:12 PM, Lester Retsel said:

I just went back in this thread and saw this, I'm actually really touched by it, and I'm flattered to have been brought into this discussion at all.  I strive to be as clear as possible in what I say publicly, I take full responsibility for all my words, if I ever realize an error I will cop to it immediately, I'm very new to doing this, and I hope to keep growing.  So, thank you, I'm humbled truly to have reached anyone, I intend to remain humble and curious along with y'all.  Cheers. 

What confuses me the most about Leo is he CONTRADICTS himself so fucking much. One has to be open minded to the nature of paradox but in my opinion Leo takes it to another level. I had extremely traumatic trips once I started watching his videos. Like a horror trip where there was no backside to anything. Another where Leo says all other beings are fantasy while I was on acid. 


Many things he said inc; There is so much love it's traumatic, other is a projection of your own mind, it feels like you're going insane, 5 meo was pure terror, when you realize there is no other it will be terrifying, it's just you, only you. Then I had a tipping point my friend died and Soonhei as well I had enough. I went on the forum expressing my negative emotion explaining I was suicidal. His response?

"Truth makes you feel good not shitty, this is ego bullshit"


And when I first joined the forum I had insight that self=other. But was confused when Leo said other was a projection of your own mind and that it feels like you're going insane. I expressed to someone either in pm or a thread. I soon received a PM from Leo saying cut the shit. 


I would see go on to cuss people out saying it's not solipsism and that I was him and he is me. But later goes on to contradict himself again example solipsism video. 


 The hypocrisy, 

I have also seen him call people stupid, idiots, devils, and make derogatory comments towards people or things. 

Have also witnessed the preaching on his forum and members who are just young and reckless. 

Him frowning upon other schools of thought, teachings, and teachers, name calling, telling people they are wrong in extremely blunt manner. 

Gaslighting, narcissism,  

He also said that he does not personally love you. 


Now seeing what Lester has pointed out, the subforum for sexuality, the videos, holy shit this man has robbed me of so much joy. I had no idea if other people existed for 2 years. The nihilism. I am doing exponentially better now thanks to @Phil @Lester Retsel @Orb The amount of respect and thanks I give is immeasurable 


But what pisses me off the fucking most is in the solipsism video he says. "We don't care how you feel about the truth" 

Mods I will edit my comment if need be but I genuinely see Leo as a piece of shit. 


"So right now you are imagining that solipsism cannot be true and I'm full of shit. And so that is what becomes true for you" @Leo Gura


Coincidentally Slipknot has 9 members 



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7 hours ago, Iesu said:

it will be terrifying

What’s it?

Who’s terrified?


I remember once when I was a kid, I stole a G.I. Joe from a store. 😬 Other than a case of beer, that was the only thing I ever stole. I didn’t feel great about it, but I didn’t feel bad about it either. But I was not the clever thief I thought I was. I totally got busted. General manager was watching the whole time on the security camera. Got busted & he called my folks. Dad came. 😬😬  And… in the office, with dad & the GM, and my thievery literally recorded on tape - I lied and said I didn’t steal it. That is still to this day the worst most terrifying feeling ever. 😬😬😬 Dad & I laugh about this now if & when it comes up. But when I told my kids this story… I’ll admit… I put just an itsy bitsy fear-of-God vibe in it. It made my story bigger and cooler. Or rather, at the time that’s what I thought. 

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2 hours ago, Phil said:

What’s it?

Who’s terrified?


I remember once when I was a kid, I stole a G.I. Joe from a store. 😬 Other than a case of beer, that was the only thing I ever stole. I didn’t feel great about it, but I didn’t feel bad about it either. But I was not the clever thief I thought I was. I totally got busted. General manager was watching the whole time on the security camera. Got busted & he called my folks. Dad came. 😬😬  And… in the office, with dad & the GM, and my thievery literally recorded on tape - I lied and said I didn’t steal it. That is still to this day the worst most terrifying feeling ever. 😬😬😬 Dad & I laugh about this now if & when it comes up. But when I told my kids this story… I’ll admit… I put just an itsy bitsy fear-of-God vibe in it. It made my story bigger and cooler. Or rather, at the time that’s what I thought. 

His words not mime.

Lol dad I swear it was my second clone that stole that gi Joe. 

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53 minutes ago, Cupcake said:

You call that evidence? 



If you read the full thread then Robed Mystic first uses my real life name, and then references private events that transpired between him and me, that only he would know about. 

Since he had already used my name then I saw fit to return the favor, and he confirmed this.


Now you can either take the time to read the full thread and understand the larger context, or you can perhaps extend a bit of good faith that this played out as described and not de-rail the conversation with unnecessary outrage.

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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4 minutes ago, Cupcake said:

was just confused and couldn't really know why he was being identified as dave.

You would need to read the thread next time. It was clear for me, but I followed the thread and read every post. 


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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Just now, Joseph Maynor said:


Refusal/failure to deny when some identifies you in that context is also circumstantial evidence that the claim is true.  I work in the legal field so I do this stuff every day. 

I was just going to post that the litmus test for me was when he didn't deny it was him. 

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I appreciate your sensitive response to my post to you.  I apologize if I was overly blunt in my tone with you.  I have some traumas around things not being stood up against and being told it's wrong to criticize things that should be criticized. 

No worries, I get it, we are all works in progress and that's the best thing.
Yeah, I relate to that for sure.  It can be kind of infuriating if you can't get a point across that has validity, and people cut you off or brick wall you to avoid looking at themselves.

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6 hours ago, Phil said:

What’s it?

Who’s terrified?


I remember once when I was a kid, I stole a G.I. Joe from a store. 😬 Other than a case of beer, that was the only thing I ever stole. I didn’t feel great about it, but I didn’t feel bad about it either. But I was not the clever thief I thought I was. I totally got busted. General manager was watching the whole time on the security camera. Got busted & he called my folks. Dad came. 😬😬  And… in the office, with dad & the GM, and my thievery literally recorded on tape - I lied and said I didn’t steal it. That is still to this day the worst most terrifying feeling ever. 😬😬😬 Dad & I laugh about this now if & when it comes up. But when I told my kids this story… I’ll admit… I put just an itsy bitsy fear-of-God vibe in it. It made my story bigger and cooler. Or rather, at the time that’s what I thought. 

This happens to almost everybody 😄 

My best coup was to steal a disc-man from a large hardware store by taking the package to the toilette, unpack it and go out. That's how the security system couldn't track it.

I am still proud of it.


You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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On 4/11/2022 at 5:45 PM, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

I believe Leo is catering to the EXACT people he wants to, which is half baked gullible people with poor critical thinking, who are looking for some kind of meaning without much effort. The kind of people who will whoop and cheer at his "revolutionary" ideas around sex and "outrageous experiments with consciousness" - he doesn't want snarky dissenters calling bullshit on him.

They are basically people like himself in one way or another. Law of Attraction.

His IQ is not particularly high, between 115 and 125, so he is not a highly gifted person. Because of that and many other things, I don't think he thought it through that way. If you have a higher IQ, it becomes easy to see through that. Of course also, using his statements and just assess the way he thinks and argus on interviews.


It is basically someone who feels intellectually inferior and tries to find a niche that allows him to pretend to be intellectually of a high level. Then he starts making up stories and narratives or worldviews and excuses that support that.

He does the things freely that correspond to his perception and that's it. 

Edited by BlendingInfinite

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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To be honest, he is not concerned with consciousness, but only with creating a certain perception of himself.

Because he himself was manipulated into this life-purpose thing and he would consider himself to be non-valuable if he didn't carry this through to the end now.


You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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