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Peeks and Peaks (realizations, a ha moments and letting go)


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Thought it would be fun to share glimpses and insights here.

Sometimes it's an insight and other times it's synchronicity, other times something released, let go of or seen as it is. They sometimes make really funny stories. 


Last summer I read a story about a shark attack and a key detail was that stuck out to me was that wetsuits are dangerous because sharks mistake people in them for seals. I spent the summer feeling afraid of swimming in the place I always went because there was a shark sighting there that summer. I knew this was stupid because shark attacks are incredibly rare. Sorta wrestled with discord about this all summer, letting my fear keep me from something I loved to do. By the end of the summer as it was getting cold I realized what an amazing idea it was to buy a wetsuit, so I bought one and extended my swimming season out by weeks. I laughed a lot about how the idea to do that occurred to me. Life is always working out for you. 



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I had a funny moment when I took mushrooms for the very first time.. I was very anxious and heard all kinds of stories about psychedelics triggering psychosis in people and I was afraid that something like that would happen to me.  So I took like 1-1,5g and went into the woods with a good friend, I was very restless and extremely alert, always watcing how reality changed around me, how the colors changed, how the sounds changed, etc. And I was watching my thoughts extremely observantly, because I was afraid that they might suddenly turn into psychotic/uncontrollable thoughts... So we walk down that path through the forest, when suddenly I heard a murmur, seemingly coming from nowhere / inside my head. Just an incoherently murmuring voice, I couldn't hear what it was saying... quietly at first, then louder and louder. It wasn't one voice, but two. And I couldn't understand what they were saying...
I thought "fuck, that's it. Now you've done it, now you're hearing voices, that's it, you're crazy, why did you take mushrooms?!" And then I turned around and saw:

Two women were just walking a bit quicker behind us, and were talking to each other.

Fooled by thoughts😂 from then on, it was quite beautiful

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That’s a funny mushroom story. I like to be in nature when I take them. I usually take a gram or less, it helps to feel more connected to everything. Also Mandy isn’t it funny how fear keeps us from doing certain things. Jaws scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. Lmao 

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I've learned that  consciousness is sovereign in a way, and to the extent that I value the voices therein whether "internal or external," my perspective on this has changed as I've learned, grown, matured.  I realize people at different stages on the spiral are going to interpret what I say differently and my goal is to take account of all perspectives when I post in this community.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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"Imposter syndrome", the guidance of negative emotion when we think we aren't worthy enough isn't saying anything about your worthiness or lack thereof, but the assumption of a separate self. Which is indeed... an imposter. 🤣

Love it when thought is so RIGHT and so WRONG simultaneously. 

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Wondering about compassion today.


Guidance of self-love. Compassion always guides, always points north (love).

Jeez, didn't know I love myself this much. We are all so, so innocent....

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Relationships don't exist! There's only expression. 

This present moment is what you want to express yourself as!

Conditioning is the most subtle form of thought. 

We make a condition that in order to be at peace we must be alive, but this actually makes us anxious about death, peace is always here 😌......when I'm aware of it 😉.

The nature of nature is peace, the animals are the zen masters! 

You are the master of balance, harmony, equanimity! 

Deep breathing, relaxed body, and general calm is our natural state, but we are conditioned to always be on edge 😬.

When you breathe deep and watch the breath, you are a moth to the flame of Love ❤️

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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@Blessed2 💙

1 hour ago, Orb said:

When you breathe deep and watch the breath, you are a moth to the flame of Love ❤️


I'm loving the vibe of your posts guys, awesome!

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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