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50 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I actually agree with this.  We all have different ways to talk about nonduality but none of that is it. 

I don't think it's useful to say nonduality doesn't mean anything because that is just more talk.  It's not that either.  I think a better way to say it would be that whatever meaning is attributed to the word doesn't capture it.  Instead of saying it's meaningless a better way to say it imo is to wave your hand or something like a Zen Master would do.  Even saying "Mu" is not quite right.

I think it's useful to talk about nonduality personally.  To talk about it is better than to not talk about it because at least you can discuss some pointers.  

The Tao that can be named is not the Eternal Tao.  But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't talk about the Tao -- That's what the Tao Te Ching does.  Notice that after they say it can't be named they talk about it -- that work is about talking about the Tao.  It's a paradox.  We know it can't be talked about and we also know it much be talked about.

No one: (Waves hand)

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29 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


You said this: Nonduality isn't something you work for and achieve.  It's how it already is.

All of us who talk about nonduality have a different version of the Tao Te Ching that we wrote that comes after that first line that it can't be named and that's fine.  Mandy does, Phil does, I do, you do, and probably all those stories are slightly different, and that's fine.  But that doesn't touch the Eternal Tao.

This is why to call the Tao God is also problematic.  That's a naming!  This issue is so paradoxical because we both can't define nonduality and of course we can too!  It's tricky.  And I respect other people's stories for how they define nonduality too as simply their teaching, their vehicle to lead themselves and others to it.

for one thing, i've never heard anyone call the tao god.  


"There's also Indian Philosophy stories of nonduality and Chinese stories of nonduality.  Ex., there's a version of nonduality story in Advaita Vedanta.  "Not two" is a kind of pointer to nonduality.  I have more of an expansive theory of nonduality than that one duality being explored.  I'm  more like Derrida and Jung where I examine every duality not just the single duality between the self vs./and the other.  This is where teachers can disagree but all still be honoring nonduality in their own unique ways."


this is a wild assumption that all us "less expansive" people think of it as the collapsing of one example of duality... i don't know why you think that.  it's the preexisting condition of everything.... it automatically applies to every apparent duality.

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22 minutes ago, Phil said:

No one: (Waves hand)

Make sure that hand wave has no meaning attributable to it too.  That's why winning koans is complicated but remarkably easy too.  A throat clearing might work too as long as it's not dismissive.  I like the chop wood carry water famous response.  It's a demonstration of awareness of the issue between language and nonduality.  Can you imagine a Zen Master listening to Leo Gura go on and on how he's God or Alien Consciousness?  That dude would be sent out indefinitely to paint the fence.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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39 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

for one thing, i've never heard anyone call the tao god.  


"There's also Indian Philosophy stories of nonduality and Chinese stories of nonduality.  Ex., there's a version of nonduality story in Advaita Vedanta.  "Not two" is a kind of pointer to nonduality.  I have more of an expansive theory of nonduality than that one duality being explored.  I'm  more like Derrida and Jung where I examine every duality not just the single duality between the self vs./and the other.  This is where teachers can disagree but all still be honoring nonduality in their own unique ways."


this is a wild assumption that all us "less expansive" people think of it as the collapsing of one example of duality... i don't know why you think that.  it's the preexisting condition of everything.... it automatically applies to every apparent duality.

Make a video on nonduality and give us the pleasure of watching it here.

💬 🗯️🤍

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32 minutes ago, DMT Elf said:

Related to the point I was trying to make in the other thread.. I see two main traps within this work that seem to oppose each other. The first is to deny any form of understanding, deny theory, deny the intellect, claim that nothing needs to be understood at all, and call it a day. This leads to a place of stagnation where people become painfully unaware of their own biases and self-deceptions. When you try to deny the importance of understanding, what you end up with is bad understanding. The second is to overemphasize theory without bothering to do a first principals investigation. This is the same as constructing your frameworks of understanding upon a foundation of unchallenged beliefs and wrong assumptions. This leads to endless mental masturbation around detached belief systems which probably aren’t even that unique. What’s noteworthy is that neither side is completely wrong in their approach, but each is limited in their own way. And each could stand to learn something from the other. Taking one of these paths while ignoring the partial validity of the other is like trying to be a scientist who denies the importance of philosophy. Ignoring philosophy won’t make you a better scientist, it’ll just make you a bad philosopher.

It's like with yoga there's the path of jnana(knowledge) bhakti(devotion) and karma(middle way).  In western magick it's a zigzag path that crosses all of them at different points. 

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8 hours ago, DMT Elf said:

Related to the point I was trying to make in the other thread.. I see two main traps within this work that seem to oppose each other. The first is to deny any form of understanding, deny theory, deny the intellect, claim that nothing needs to be understood at all, and call it a day. This leads to a place of stagnation where people become painfully unaware of their own biases and self-deceptions. When you try to deny the importance of understanding, what you end up with is bad understanding. The second is to overemphasize theory without bothering to do a first principals investigation. This is the same as constructing your frameworks of understanding upon a foundation of unchallenged beliefs and wrong assumptions. This leads to endless mental masturbation around detached belief systems which probably aren’t even that unique. What’s noteworthy is that neither side is completely wrong in their approach, but each is limited in their own way. And each could stand to learn something from the other. Taking one of these paths while ignoring the partial validity of the other is like trying to be a scientist who denies the importance of philosophy. Ignoring philosophy won’t make you a better scientist, it’ll just make you a bad philosopher.

Thought & perception are an appearance. The “understander” & “understanding” is an illusion of believing thoughts you’re appearing as. Wether you have no understanding, deny understanding, or the highest most complete understanding anyone has ever had - you’re asleep through the otherwise transparent lens of the separate self.  Can you even imagine happiness & love walking around in it’s own creation without thoughts or understanding? Sheer synchronicity. Absolute ‘childlike’ joy & freedom.  You can’t. Blaspheming fools. 

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4 hours ago, Mandy said:

You already have the guidance of feeling, so the nice thing is that you don't need to worry about balance, or which side, which path is superior when you have real time guidance. There aren't really different people on different paths anyway. 

It's true, all paths are on the tree of life which is a whole fractal, a pictoral map or glyph that is a representation, each path is dependent on all paths, like mirror images of each other, and the whole thing is a mirror image of ourselves. 

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13 minutes ago, DMT Elf said:

Yes, it's one of my favorite movies. There's this part where they're all taking a bunch of acid on this colorfully painted hippie bus while riding around through the country, and they come to this zen looking temple thing. And they're looking for a guy there that one of the guys on the bus compares himself to in a really funny way.

'Headquarters of the League of Spiritual Deliverance. The home of Dr. Geary. Another outlaw like myself. We're navigators. We're aviators. We're... ...eating taters. Masturbating alligators. Bombardiers, we got no fears, won't shed no tears. We're pushing the frontiers... ...of transcendental perception.'


I was watching it again recently, and the line about pushing the frontiers of transcendental perception totally blew my mind. I was like, 'damn, I totally understand what that means'. And I realized that all of spirituality is about transcendental perception. And I was like, "WOAH".


It's like this. Here's a message of spiritual deliverance from me to you...

Hate to mess with your groove New York, but we're about two years ahead of you on the coast. We already graduated from whats been going on to where it's going.

It's a lot of expatiation, but don't worry about it, kids, OK? Just tune in, turn off, drop out, drop in, switch off, switch on, and explode!


Check it out, but don't watch it sober. That really would be blasphemy.


Why do you say this?

I haven't seen the movie, though the way you describe it doesn't make me want to.  I've heard some of the soundtrack though, and it is where Beatles songs went to die. 

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On 3/29/2023 at 5:13 AM, Joseph Maynor said:

Make sure that hand wave has no meaning attributable to it too.  That's why winning koans is complicated but remarkably easy too.  A throat clearing might work too as long as it's not dismissive.  I like the chop wood carry water famous response.  It's a demonstration of awareness of the issue between language and nonduality.  Can you imagine a Zen Master listening to Leo Gura go on and on how he's God or Alien Consciousness?  That dude would be sent out indefinitely to paint the fence.


Lol. Yes. 


I can see:


A) The Zen master sees a  very delusional person who needs a careful approach. 


If a prospective Zen student is a big fan of Leo Gura (or some other almost cult like teachers: Teal Swan, Daniel Ingram, Culadasa) -- it's a huge red flag. As they'll probably experience a discrepancy in Zen practice and what they've been told. So who will they believe? Leo Gura, the God man? -- Or the unimposing Zen teacher who isn't anything. 


When told say, "shut up and sit", theyll bitch their safe space was triggered. 




“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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There's two ways to approach non duality:


1) Realize it's beyond words. 


The Tao that can be talked about is not the Tao. 


As Wittgenstein also also says,

"What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence."


Those that talk about it can sound like the nondual bear here:





In the Advaita Bear school are Jim Newman and Ariana Reflects. Both who went on and on and on about it or some related nondual cliche. Despite no doer and nothing to teach, they both offered Zoom retreats.  They'll tell you ad infinitum they don't exist, it's all an illusion -- but that won't fly if you try to loginto their Zoom retreat without a Valid credit card number. 


2) Trying to talk about it the best one can, while avoiding cliches. 


@MandyI think does a great job. I also like Rupert Spira and Adyashanti. Advaita Vedanta has a rich tradition and I wish more people knew of it. Instead it's like the blind leading the blind. 


For example, lets say one experiences nonduality. Fantastic! Lucky Duck! But now not only is there stabilization and integration -- but also fitting it into some conceptual framework. WTF happened,?? 


If you're going it alone -- how likely is it that you'll have a fully fleshed out framework post awakening day 1 ,(or day 90)? 


Maybe the framework will be stuck on emptiness like Jim Newman. Or akin to Nihilism like some of Ariana's youtube videos seemed. Or you become God like Leo Gura. 


If you get it right like Mandy or Rupert Spira -- congrats ! Om Namah Shivaya! 


-- but a lot of people fly to close to the sun and get burned. Like Ariana and her boyfriend Occult Theo. Too Early awakening experiences can be bad because people don't know how to deal with it. When the seed sprouts, there should be fertile loam waiting. Even Ramana had teachers. Ramana had a deep awakening NDE at 16. But he didn't teach until decades later. After he hung around other sadhus and learned the Upanishads. If Ramana had started a Youtube channel at 17 and cut his spiritual teeth on the Actualized Dot Org forum -- well. Imo he'd be F*cked. Kinda a funny picture. Ramana watching Leo',s pickup videos and imitating Leo's strut thru a Las Vegas party.  Ramana considering that perhaps he should watch porn. Ramana spouting off about "Spiral Dynamics" to other sadhus and pissing them off. 


"The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight." 







Edited by Aware Wolf

“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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