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8 minutes ago, Phil said:

If ‘it’s all’ an appearance, and the separate self is / was what was illusory… is there anyone to fit anything into a conceptual frame work?


You tell me. You have a distinctive style of nondualism. You seem to hold views. (You believe in nonduality, right?).  Mayhaps you've transcended the self and there's not anyone -- but still there's a Phil that cooks, drives, runs the forum, answers questions, provides advice. This "no one" is different from Mandys no one or Ruperts or Leos. It seems if you teach especially you've got to have a framework. People ask questions. Maybe Ariana had a real legit powerful awakening. But she'll get asked what happens when we die. Now how would she really know? She don't! She's got to extrapolate based on her framework. Maybe she uses the wave/ocean analogy. Or maybe she says there's no self so no one is born and no one dies. Or the candle transferring a flame to another candle. 


You wrote in one provocative interesting post:


"I am Leo." 


Thich Nhat Hanh has a famous poem, "Please call me by my True Name" which has a similar theme. The Heart Sutra there's no Path, no enlightenment, no views. This was the second turning of the dharma wheel, Emptiness and the non clinging to self. Cool. 


I'm aware of this, and even appreciate it as long as they dont nondual bear me (See Advaita Trap Cartoon on Youtube posted earlier). I've spent time at Ramana Ashram and it's my karma to suffer people who've read a Ramana book, meditated a couple weeks, and now know the Truth and want to tell me all about no self. This is why i wear headphones to cafes in Tiruvannamalai now. God bless them. 


Where I am at, mostly, is the third turning of the wheel, which is non-clinging to Emptiness. 







“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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10 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:


You tell me. You have a distinctive style of nondualism. You seem to hold views. (You believe in nonduality, right?).  Mayhaps you've transcended the self and there's not anyone -- but still there's a Phil that cooks, drives, runs the forum, answers questions, provides advice. This "no one" is different from Mandys no one or Ruperts or Leos. It seems if you teach especially you've got to have a framework. People ask questions. Maybe Ariana had a real legit powerful awakening. But she'll get asked what happens when we die. Now how would she really know? She don't! She's got to extrapolate based on her framework. Maybe she uses the wave/ocean analogy. Or maybe she says there's no self so no one is born and no one dies. Or the candle transferring a flame to another candle. 


You wrote in one provocative interesting post:


"I am Leo." 


Thich Nhat Hanh has a famous poem, "Please call me by my True Name" which has a similar theme. The Heart Sutra there's no Path, no enlightenment, no views. This was the second turning of the dharma wheel, Emptiness and the non clinging to self. Cool. 


I'm aware of this, and even appreciate it as long as they dont nondual bear me (See Advaita Trap Cartoon on Youtube posted earlier). I've spent time at Ramana Ashram and it's my karma to suffer people who've read a Ramana book, meditated a couple weeks, and now know the Truth and want to tell me all about no self. This is why i wear headphones to cafes in Tiruvannamalai now. God bless them. 


Where I am at, mostly, is the third turning of the wheel, which is non-clinging to Emptiness. 


47 minutes ago, Phil said:

If ‘it’s all’ an appearance, and the separate self is / was what was illusory… is there anyone to fit anything into a conceptual frame work?


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2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

This "no one" is different from Mandys no one or Ruperts or Leos.

Isn't that a self-debunking statement in itself though? It's ironic and funny. It's like the famous statement "There are still others for Rupert Spira." It's hysterically funny, because you're the only one doing it and you're only doing in now. Ever notice how we can never be present in anyone else's now? We're the only one that engages in ridiculous misunderstandings, because the separate one is the ridiculous misunderstanding. And it's always now. 


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

You wrote in one provocative interesting post:


"I am Leo." 

You are though, no matter the name, and what a fantastic, ornate, elaborate enchanted talking mirror it appears to be. 


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

I'm aware of this, and even appreciate it as long as they dont nondual bear me (See Advaita Trap Cartoon on Youtube posted earlier). I've spent time at Ramana Ashram and it's my karma to suffer people who've read a Ramana book, meditated a couple weeks, and now know the Truth and want to tell me all about no self. This is why i wear headphones to cafes in Tiruvannamalai now. God bless them. 

Why is this your favorite thing to tell people? See the mirror there? See the hilarity? IT'S ALL FOR YOU. 

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36 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Isn't that a self-debunking statement in itself though? It's ironic and funny. It's like the famous statement "There are still others for Rupert Spira." It's hysterically funny, because you're the only one doing it and you're only doing in now.



It is paradoxical but only if "no one" ,  negates EVERYTHING. Negation is not denial. 


Denial goes too far. Thus, the third turning of the wheel was necessary. 


Zen considers nonduality and Emptiness very important. But those stuck on it are in a Devil's Cave. 


You lost me in talking about being never in anyone elses now....


Its not now. Never was. Never will be. Now is just as much a delusion as past or present. Maybe more since people who read Eckhart Tolle fetishize it so much. I don't think Now is part of nonduality. 


But whatever. If Now belief is working for you or anyone -- great. Not a big deal. 




36 minutes ago, Mandy said:


Ever notice how we can never be present in anyone else's now? We're the only one that engage in ridiculous misunderstandings, because the separate one is the ridiculous misunderstanding. And it's always now. 


You are though, no matter the name, and what a fantastic, ornate, elaborate enchanted talking mirror it appears to be. 


Okay. I'm Leo. Sure. In a way. But i didn't check my (Leo's) bank account or try to withdraw funds. I bet Phil didnt either. So it's an example of nondual bear-ing and being stuck in Emptiness. 


If I remember correctly, it was @Joseph Maynorwho said Phil was reminding him of being like Leo. 


Phil responded that he wasn't like Leo...  -- He was Leo. 


Now in the context of this conversation was going all nondual bear here relevant to what Joseph was complaining about?? There's ways to valudate another -- then there's


"Who is asking the question" which can be a nondual  bear power play. It stops and derails the conversation. 


Going nondual when not called for seems to me to be nondual one upmanship. 


It's similar to those guru who get caught with their pants down in a sex scandal and then appeal to Emptiness. There's no one having sex. Because the guru has no self. 


Or when I try to put in my .02 worth, my pov, my view, warning about being stuck on Emptiness, having wrong views post awakening -- I get asked basically the same thing. 


My Warning about nondual bears who refer to The Absolute when not called for -- I get some Absolute-ish replies! I really am Leo! Jesus! 


Do you see how ridiculous and hysterically funny  that is?? :-D *


"A wrongly viewed emptiness destroys the weak intelligence, like a clumsily held snake or an ill-worked spell. "

   -- Nagarjuna 


(No offense meant, seriously) 

* Seriously I love it. 


36 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Why is this your favorite thing to tell people? See the mirror there? See the hilarity? IT'S ALL FOR YOU. 


Why -- why what? 


Why the Advaita Trap Nondual Bear Cartoon is a favorite? -- because its a great cartoon and It caricatures those stuck in Emptiness fairly well. 


Why2: The cafe story -- I guess it's because I've had my full of nondual bears. Other people may think speaking in nondual cliches is profound. I'm immune to it because after the fiftieth time, it loses any charm. Also I think like Nagarjuna warns, getting it wrong is not good. Maybe one is just obnoxious and annoying and unable to have a basic human conversation like Jim Newman. Or maybe one is like Connor Murphy who goes off the nonduality deep end and gets committed twice. 


Naw it's not all for me... I'm not so egotistical to think it's all for me, the Universe revolves around me, or is trying to teach me a lesson, or everything is ultimately working towards my best benefit. Those are all views, btw. 


Vision/dream boards -- are a view. 


Law of Attraction -- is a view. 


Even Nonduality (!) Is a view! 


Now, asking @Philquestion to you and him -- IS THERE ANYONE TO HAVE YOUR VIEWS ? 


It's a bit strange to be moderators of a nondual forum, which divides into topics the vast majority which deal with duality (eg Relationship), which require login names, which divides into moderators and users,  which issue warnings (who are you issuing warnings to??) And yet we seem to get stuck nondualing people as if nonduality is some ultimate answer to everything or to use as a weapon. 



“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:


It is paradoxical but only if "no one" ,  negates EVERYTHING. Negation is not denial. 

It's not a negation just like unconditional love doesn't turn a blind eye to anything, it is unwavering nonetheless. 

2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

Zen considers nonduality and Emptiness very important. But those stuck on it are in a Devil's Cave. 

Zen doesn't consider, nonduality is not a stage, level or a school of thought. 

2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

You lost me in talking about being never in anyone elses now....

I was trying to point out in a new way the illusory nature of thinking "that's how so and so is". It's like how when you have kids people who see them infrequently won't stop talking about how it's impossible that they are that old/in that grade/ that tall, etc. Thought likes to keep things the same. It only sees how things appear and even then only takes a snap shot and holds on to it instead of seeing it in the now, in real time. If I look out at the hardwood trees right now, they look the same that they have all winter, but through means of which humans through science and physics don't even yet understand sap is being flowed through the roots to the entire tree. It's come back to life completely but there are no external proofs. 


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

Its not now. Never was. Never will be. Now is just as much a delusion as past or present. Maybe more since people who read Eckhart Tolle fetishize it so much. I don't think Now is part of nonduality. 


But whatever. If Now belief is working for you or anyone -- great. Not a big deal. 

Now is IMO the most common sense, direct way to point to non thought. Inseparable from awareness. Making it about people who read Eckhart Tolle instead of now is super sneaky. Shame on them LOSERS. Huh, where have I heard that kind of sentiments before??? Now is mind blowing, euphoria, magic, mystery, creation, but we're imagining people who read Eckhart Tolle. Ok. The ash tree outside is dead, it has no leaves, chop it down. 

2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

Okay. I'm Leo. Sure. In a way. But i didn't check my (Leo's) bank account or try to withdraw funds. I bet Phil didnt either. So it's an example of nondual bear-ing and being stuck in Emptiness. 

Or thinking oneself superior because of amassed knowledge and experience? 

2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

Now in the context of this conversation was going all nondual bear here relevant to what Joseph was complaining about?? There's ways to valudate another -- then there's


"Who is asking the question" which can be a nondual  bear power play. It stops and derails the conversation. 


Going nondual when not called for seems to me to be nondual one upmanship.

"Phil is a nondual bear", that's your snapshot, the tree is dead. The bear is dead. Your polaroid shot is not the polar bead. No matter what Phil writes he's a nondual bear, a separate self. Powerplay and one upmanship is only played by separate selves and all that's being said is there aren't those. 


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

Why2: The cafe story -- I guess it's because I've had my full of nondual bears. Other people may think speaking in nondual cliches is profound. I'm immune to it because after the fiftieth time, it loses any charm. Also I think like Nagarjuna warns, getting it wrong is not good. Maybe one is just obnoxious and annoying and unable to have a basic human conversation like Jim Newman. Or maybe one is like Connor Murphy who goes off the nonduality deep end and gets committed twice. 

I personally have heard that story at least 30 times. Probably more. You repeat the story about the people who repeat the SAME things. Do you see the mirror? The cycle.  The "I'm the only one doing it right now." THE TREE IS DEAD. Jim Newman, Conner Murphy, separate selves snapshots, killed em'. 

2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

Naw it's not all for me... I'm not so egotistical to think it's all for me, the Universe revolves around me, or is trying to teach me a lesson, or everything is ultimately working towards my best benefit. Those are all views, btw. 


No the Universe is you. No separate you, no assertion, unwavering and totally orgasmicly impotent. 

2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

Vision/dream boards -- are a view. 


Law of Attraction -- is a view. 


Even Nonduality (!) Is a view! 

The idea of something isn't the open observation of the experience. Which can only be now. 


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

Now, asking @Philquestion to you and him -- IS THERE ANYONE TO HAVE YOUR VIEWS ? 

You view the tree as dead. The tree is alive.  All that's said is you don't know. "I don't know" is not a view. You can't go into the northern woods in early April with your chainsaw and tell which ash trees are alive and which are dead. Put down the chainsaw. Put away the thoughts and beliefs about Eckhart Tolle, and investigate the now, or the Phil and the dream board or the Jim Newman and the hilarity and relief of his talks or the nondual bears. The bear is dead.  


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1 hour ago, Phil said:

No. The illusion is that of a separate self. So called reality is apparent. 


There’s definitely no tree, but you’re what’s so beautiful. 


This thread is entitled ‘What Is Nonduality’ btw. 




I could swear I saw someone with your username talking about Vision boards, some emotional scale, LoA, and all that other stuff.... Huh.  


I'm aware the thread is called Nonduality. There's a difference between talking about nonduality and talking nondual cliches, platitudes, and just on the Absolute level. For example, I like listening to Rupert Spira. He listens to people and talks to people in a plain more down to earth way. Although he's just as much nondualist as Jim Newman. Who when asked to describe his background and influences, said Jim Newman doesn't exist. There's no Jim Newman. (sigh). 


You saying there's no tree makes me wonder how good a driver you are. 


I think I'm out of here. I try not to argue with non existent people ! Peace+ 



“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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40 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:




I could swear I saw someone with your username talking about Vision boards, some emotional scale, LoA, and all that other stuff.... Huh. 

That ‘someone’ is not a separate someone, but is the very same infinite being (which ‘you’ are). 


40 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:



I'm aware the thread is called Nonduality. There's a difference between talking about nonduality and talking nondual cliches, platitudes, and just on the Absolute level.

No clitches, platitudes, or philosophies about levels are being offered. 


40 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

For example, I like listening to Rupert Spira. He listens to people and talks to people in a plain more down to earth way.

Yes, ‘he’s’ great. This is plain / regular / ordinary English as well. 


40 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

Although he's just as much nondualist as Jim Newman. Who when asked to describe his background and influences, said Jim Newman doesn't exist. There's no Jim Newman. (sigh). 

What’s being said is there aren’t actually separate selves as in separate finite entities, such as a (separate) Rupert, Jim, Phil or Aware Wolf (I love the name btw). That a separate entity ‘Jim Newman’ doesn’t actually exist is perfectly accurate. 


40 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:


You saying there's no tree makes me wonder how good a driver you are. 

Driving happens apparently, while in fact there is no ‘driver’. You are unthinkably amazing and unbelievably magical in this regard. 


40 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:


I think I'm out of here. I try not to argue with non existent people ! Peace+ 

This (so to speak) is a forum for discussion of lots of stuff, but which primarily centers around nonduality, awakening, self-realization and the like, and all the de-conditioning, expression & sharing therein. Sincerely, there is no experience of an argument here. Just some discussion. Imo, it would be a shame to leave, vs questioning reality and the nature of ‘our’ infinite being more deeply. In fact, imo, I will go so far as to say you would be unfathomably glad you did. 

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1 hour ago, Mandy said:

It's not a negation just like unconditional love doesn't turn a blind eye to anything, it is unwavering nonetheless. 

Zen doesn't consider, nonduality is not a stage, level or a school of thought. 


No self isnt a negation? 


Zen considers nonduality none of that either  -- are you saying it does? I'm a bit confused 


1 hour ago, Mandy said:

I was trying to point out in a new way the illusory nature of thinking "that's how so and so is". It's like how when you have kids people who see them infrequently won't stop talking about how it's impossible that they are that old/in that grade/ that tall, etc. Thought likes to keep things the same. It only sees how things appear and even then only takes a snap shot and holds on to it instead of seeing it in the now, in real time. If I look out at the hardwood trees right now, they look the same that they have all winter, but through means of which humans through science and physics don't even yet understand sap is being pumped through the roots to the entire tree. It's come back to life completely but there are no external proofs. 


Now is IMO the most common sense, direct way to point to non thought. Inseparable from awareness. Making it about people who read Eckhart Tolle instead of now is super sneaky. Shame on them LOSERS. Huh, where have I heard that kind of sentiments before??? Now is mind blowing, euphoria, magic, mystery, creation, but we're imagining people who read Eckhart Tolle.



I didnt know Eckhart Tolle was such a bad word to you. 


I believe i said Now was a delusion, but not a big deal. Some people cherish the whole Now thing , see it as some great awakening truth. It's not.  But each their own. 



1 hour ago, Mandy said:



Ok. The ash tree outside is dead, it has no leaves, chop it down. 

Or thinking oneself superior because of amassed knowledge and experience? 


So there's a tree then? 


Who is seeing it?? (Sorry but how do it feel?)


Oh. Thats me? The knowledge and experience bit? Ouch. How do you know what I think? 




1 hour ago, Mandy said:

"Phil is a nondual bear", that's your snapshot, the tree is dead. The bear is dead. Your polaroid shot is not the polar bead. No matter what Phil writes he's a nondual bear, a separate self. Powerplay and on upmanship is only played by separate selves and all that's being said is there aren't. 


So Phil can't nondual bear or be one (i never said he was a nondual bear) because that would be a seperate self. And Phil don't have seperate self. 





1 hour ago, Mandy said:

I personally have heard that story at least 30 times. Probably more. You repeat the story about the people who repeat the SAME things. Do you see the mirror? The cycle.  The "I'm the only one doing it right now." THE TREE IS DEAD. Jim Newman, Conner Murphy, separate selves snapshots, killed em'. 


Could be. The story is relevant. Most good stories get repeated. You're the only who has heard, read, and remember it most probably.  


How many times do I see Leo Gura drama rehashed here? LoA? Vision boards? The emotional scale? Do I post omg Mandy going on about LoA AGAIN? How many times have I heard that? At least 1000. So i beat you there. 


But you do you 


1 hour ago, Mandy said:

No the Universe is you. No separate you, you which leaves unwavering and totally orgasmicly impotent. 


Well it's a view, i suppose. There are others. But it's not you saying it, right? 



1 hour ago, Mandy said:

The idea of something isn't the open observation of the experience. Which can only be now. 


Define this "Now" you speak of? This minute? This second? This millisecond? All already passed. How do you know of this Now "moment" ? Thru senses? Senses lie all the time. We live in a reality tunnel. 


I don't know why I typed that. I think we are past having any sort of dialogue. Ah the Internet, strangers shouting past each other. 




1 hour ago, Mandy said:

You view the tree as dead. The tree is alive.  All that's said is you don't know. "I don't know" is not a view. You can't go into the northern woods in early April with your chainsaw and tell which ash trees are alive and which are dead. Put down the chainsaw. Put away the thoughts and beliefs about Eckhart Tolle, and investigate the now, or the Phil and the dream board or the Jim Newman and the hilarity and relief of his talks or the nondual bears. The bear is dead.  



Phil says there is no tree. But you say the bear is dead, and the tree is alive.  (Shrugs). 


I'm gonna see myself out. I understand a little what some of you guys went thru at Actualized dot org now. Forums are rarely conducive to spiritual growth. 


Best of luck to everyone. No hard feelings. 




Edited by Aware Wolf
De escalation.

“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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37 minutes ago, Phil said:

That ‘someone’ is not a separate someone, but is the very same infinite being (which ‘you’ are). 


No clitches, platitudes, or philosophies about levels are being offered. 


Yes, ‘he’s’ great. This is plain / regular / ordinary English as well. 


What’s being said is there aren’t actually separate selves as in separate finite entities, such as a (separate) Rupert, Jim, Phil or Aware Wolf (I love the name btw). That a separate entity ‘Jim Newman’ doesn’t actually exist is perfectly accurate. 


37 minutes ago, Phil said:

Driving happens apparently, while in fact there is no ‘driver’. You are unthinkably amazing and unbelievably magical in this regard. 


This (so to speak) is a forum for discussion of lots of stuff, but which primarily centers around nonduality, awakening, self-realization and the like, and all the de-conditioning, expression & sharing therein. Sincerely, there is no experience of an argument here. Just some discussion. Imo, it would be a shame to leave, vs questioning reality and the nature of ‘our’ infinite being more deeply. In fact, imo, I will go so far as to say you would be unfathomably glad you did. 


Thank you for the space. I appreciate the kind words.  You're amazing too. You have a different style than me but let 100 flowers bloom. 


@Mandyis a friend and i like listening to her videos. See Mandy on YouTube if you haven't. I like the way she explains nonduality in a fresh way. 




“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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11 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

I believe i said Now was a delusion, but not a big deal. Some people cherish the whole Now thing , see it as some great awakening truth. It's not.  But each their own. 

Now we're back to views and some people. Now is not that. If you don't believe me, check it out, it's so available, now! 

13 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

Oh. Thats me? The knowledge and experience bit? Ouch. How do you know what I think? 

NO THAT'S NOT YOU. That's a polaroid shot. 

14 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

Could be. The story is relevant. Most good stories get repeated. You're the only who has heard, read, and remember it most probably.  


How many times do I see Leo Gura drama rehashed here? LoA? Vision boards? The emotional scale? Do I post omg Mandy going on about LoA AGAIN? How many times have I heard that? At least 1000. So i beat you there. 

It's not that repeating something is bad or wrong, it's just the awareness that if we keep thinking or repeating something, it might be because we aren't thoroughly examining it. Teachers repeat stuff a lot for a reason. You are your own teacher, listen to what you say and feel the resonance of it. 

17 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

But you do you 

I'm not doing me, that's the thing. 😂 Really! Not just spouting rhetoric or a view.

18 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

Define this "Now" you speak of? This minute? This second? This millisecond? All already passed. How do you know of this Now "moment" ? Thru senses? Senses lie all the time. We live in a reality tunnel. 


I don't know why I typed that. I think we are past having any sort of dialogue. Ah the Internet, strangers shouting past each other. 

Those are ideas about now, conceptualizations about now. It's ridiculing the finger for how it looks instead of looking in the direction to what its pointing to. That's all I'm saying, just look past the finger at what its pointing to. Come back and read through this thread later, when you're feeling great, without any ideas about who is thinking what about who, or how anyone appears to anyone, but knowing that you are loved unconditionally, it'll all hit different. 


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