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Actually Manifesting & Actually Getting Out Of Your Own Way. The Reality Of Self-love; Allowing & Receiving.

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12 hours ago, Mandy said:

When we are wrapped up in needing someone to like us, we forget to enjoy their company when it's happening, and then after the interaction they might feel like we don't like them. It's kind of like how shyness is often mistaken as snobbery. It's a standoff. Show you enjoy being around me, and I'll relax and show that I enjoy your company back. 


My guess is that you're attracting women that feel the need to be liked by you, but you aren't making them feel like you actually like them because you're too worried about them liking you to  enjoy the interaction. It doesn't matter if you follow up after, for her that's so proof you enjoy her company, she'll just assume you're after one thing. And you are. You need her acceptance. You could get into reading about love languages and all that, but really it's just focusing on thoughts of appreciation. If you recognize that there's misunderstanding on both ends, it makes it a lot easier to see the attraction at play rather than thinking it's you and your fault. And it's also a lot easier for a rejection to be water off a ducks back, "thanks universe for letting me know what beliefs I got going on". 

Yeah idk I guess I’m feeling frustrated because I feel like I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been in terms of relating to girls and yet I'm struggling to find a lady. I could for sure work on being more present. When I first start seeing a girl I get nervous. After a couple dates I’m usually more comfortable and I’m able to be myself but maybe the first date is crucial.



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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Mandy said:

When we are wrapped up in needing someone to like us, we forget to enjoy their company when it's happening, and then after the interaction they might feel like we don't like them. It's kind of like how shyness is often mistaken as snobbery. It's a standoff. Show you enjoy being around me, and I'll relax and show that I enjoy your company back. 


My guess is that you're attracting women that feel the need to be liked by you, but you aren't making them feel like you actually like them because you're too worried about them liking you to  enjoy the interaction. It doesn't matter if you follow up after, for her that's so proof you enjoy her company, she'll just assume you're after one thing. And you are. You need her acceptance. You could get into reading about love languages and all that, but really it's just focusing on thoughts of appreciation. If you recognize that there's misunderstanding on both ends, it makes it a lot easier to see the attraction at play rather than thinking it's you and your fault. And it's also a lot easier for a rejection to be water off a ducks back, "thanks universe for letting me know what beliefs I got going on". 




Edited by Kevin
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7 hours ago, Kevin said:

When I first start seeing a girl I get nervous.


Why do you get nervous?


Lots of people do on the first date. I was scared I might shit my pants when we had the first date with my girlfriend. Had to muster up every bit of courage to walk through the restaurant door, knowing she was waiting. Then I just played cool as if I wasn't nervous at all.


Actually, I was nervous for like the next 4 dates we had lol.


Actually I'm STILL nervous sometimes. And it's been over 2 years.


7 hours ago, Kevin said:

but maybe the first date is crucial.


I don't think that's the case. The first date is not crucial in terms of how well you perform the date. If it's crucial, it's because when seeing a person for the first time in a dating / romantic / possibly intimate situation, there's lots of subtle stuff goin on, such as how the face or body might express emotions, small reaction to things that are said or happens, even smell. Just the general subtle vibe and feeling of the situation. I don't think it's in our control, we can't practice it. It's just the subtle things that make us enjoy each others company. That's really what the first date is about. It's really not a performance thing.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Thought: I’m the knower that knows how the I feels and it feels frustrated. I also know there’s a cause and this is frustrating. …I’m still struggling. 

Sensation: The emotion frustration. 


Thought: I’m nervous. This is nervousness. Same old crap. Why am I like this!? 

Sensation: Excitement, pure Consciousness, visceral Potentiality, what’s wanted is manifesting. …I’m excitement, I’m present, I = me = myself = presence. 


Infinitely more than I love ‘the stuff’, I love, love, love, love, love… the feeling of being me. This feeling & potentiality of being me is so busting at the seems it’s like ‘I’ just gotta share ‘it’ with somebody (‘the stuff’). So fun. 


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Fixing up the cabin, painting etc, looking better than ever. Have a bunch of friends coming for the weekend. Checked the weekend weather report a few days ago, mostly rain. What damper that would be on the go karts & minibikes which are lots of fun. 


Thought about how great it is that the weather this weekend is going to be perfect. Felt how great that is, how great source is, how great This is. 


Friend texted me today saying she checked the weather & how perfect it’ll be for riding the trails. Upper 60’s / low 70’s mostly sunny. 

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Phil said:

As I’m reading this the frogs at the pond outside the window are making that sound they make and I’m like, touché, well played. 

To ‘the frogs’;





No better music than the sounds of nature.  It's like the world's best orchestra in the woods.  Birds are ingenious and natural musicians.  Frogs and toads are great at accompaniment.  Owls every once in a while take a nice short solo which is a nice surprise.  The wind rustling through the leaves of the trees add excellent dynamics.  The only thing better is when I bring my trumpet out and play along with them.  I did that for years when I was learning how to play music.  I learned a lot from them.  I'd play a little melody on the horn and the birds would be all over it.  Like the best jazz musicians.  When I would stop playing they could keep the melody and rhythm too for a bit.  But really I was interrupting their show, and they would return to the piece they were playing before I arrived.


Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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9 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Why do you get nervous?


Probably just attachment to outcome. Unfortunately the dates I’ve been on where I really like the girl I get nervous. Dates I’ve been on where I care less I don’t get as nervous.

9 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Lots of people do on the first date. I was scared I might shit my pants when we had the first date with my girlfriend. Had to muster up every bit of courage to walk through the restaurant door, knowing she was waiting. Then I just played cool as if I wasn't nervous at all.


Yep I always pretend like I’m not.

9 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Actually, I was nervous for like the next 4 dates we had lol.


Actually I'm STILL nervous sometimes. And it's been over 2 years.



I don't think that's the case. The first date is not crucial in terms of how well you perform the date. If it's crucial, it's because when seeing a person for the first time in a dating / romantic / possibly intimate situation, there's lots of subtle stuff goin on, such as how the face or body might express emotions, small reaction to things that are said or happens, even smell. Just the general subtle vibe and feeling of the situation. I don't think it's in our control, we can't practice it. It's just the subtle things that make us enjoy each others company. That's really what the first date is about. It's really not a performance thing.


Yeah I think you’re right. However the most recent woman was actually going on dates with another guy simultaneously so maybe in the case the first date was more crucial. Idk tho doesn’t matter now.

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On 6/1/2024 at 2:15 PM, Phil said:


Deflection may occur. This is a divine opportunity to take pause, acknowledge, release, and then comment

Definitely. This happens to me. When i acknowledge right away what really i am, i feel amazing, complete bliss. 


On 6/1/2024 at 2:15 PM, Phil said:

This is your space. You, The Creator. You attracted it. You create it. You are being it. 


That's an amazing fact. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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On 6/1/2024 at 6:15 AM, Phil said:

This is reality.


Let’s talk about it openly, unabashedly & courageously. 


Experiences as seemingly simple as ‘catching a cold’ can be seen clearly to be manifestation and intrinsic purging & releasing of limiting beliefs… as in truth, there is no external cause whatsoever. 


Limiting beliefs will be dispelled. Seemingly counterintuitive and paradoxical notions might initially bring limiting beliefs up & out, and that you are manifesting your reality will be seen to be actual, true… This; reality. 




This is why ‘this space’, this forum, was created (so to speak). 


This is your space. You, The Creator. You attracted it. You create it. You are being it. 



Let’s really get to it. 


Deflection may occur. This is a divine opportunity to take pause, acknowledge, release, and then comment. 


Projection of discordant limiting beliefs and of the intrinsic emotional guidance therein may occur as well. That’s ok! 


What is ‘seen’ with clarity might be initially seen with hindsight clarity, and that is ok. You are where you are, and it is perfection, and it need not be any other way. Hindsight clarity is, clarity. Hindsight clarity allows, foresight clarity - conscious creating as, consciousness. 

What the heck are you talking about.  Can you summarize? 

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On 6/1/2024 at 2:15 PM, Phil said:

Experiences as seemingly simple as ‘catching a cold’ can be seen clearly to be manifestation and intrinsic purging & releasing of limiting beliefs… as in truth, there is no external cause whatsoever. 


How would catching a cold relate to releasing limiting beliefs?


Actually having bit of a flu right now. A sore throat, cough. First day of new studies would be on monday. Would kind of suck to miss the first day. 😂


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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16 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

How would catching a cold relate to releasing limiting beliefs?

Actually having bit of a flu right now. A sore throat, cough. First day of new studies would be on monday. Would kind of suck to miss the first day. 😂

Catching a cold implies as if from a secondary source or origin. The timing of the flu / cold is perfect and arises of you to provide a pause for rest and release of any internal tensions about the new experience, before the new experience, so that it can be fully enjoyed. The sore throat denotes a soreness / discord of what’s been said about school / studies. The cough is a literal coughing it out, creating ‘space’ for alignment in what’s said in this regard. Allowing self-love and or expressing gratitude & appreciation for this topic will expedite the clearing out, alleviate the symptoms, and make for a more enjoyable experience.

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