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21 hours ago, Devin said:

True, but many nondualists especially around here believe non duality is following happiness, ' going up the scale', as in if you're not peaceful it's because you're believing in a duality, they don't see the duality in that, they just think feeling negative emotions is indicating duality beliefs and feeling positive emotions is nonduality,  the duality of this is obviously black and white, but, they continue.


Alexander means he's happy with 'reality', 'not knowing', just enjoying, not trying to 'understand' or attain enlightenment.

There’s some misunderstandings.


There aren’t any nondualists or neo-advaitans.

Nonduality & nondualist would be two. 

Nonduality means not two, or, no second-ness. 

Neo-advaita means “new not-two”. 

So there aren’t really not-two-ist’s or new-not-two-ists. 


The scale is a tool for aligning thoughts with feeling

Emotion isn’t dual / a thing or things / positive & negative. 

Duality isn’t projectable even if believed to be. 


I’m glad @Alexander is happy / allowing happiness.

You might have assumed a general comment was to someone specific for some reason.


Meditation is great for slowing down reactive thinking or patterns of thought. 

The journal section is great for expressing emotions /emptying. 

The two tools pair well together. 


Your comments about these tools and terms are misleading

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5 hours ago, Phil said:

There’s some misunderstandings.


There aren’t any nondualists or neo-advaitans.

Nonduality & nondualist would be two. 

Nonduality means not two, or, no second-ness. 

Neo-advaita means “new not-two”. 

So there aren’t really not-two-ist’s or new-not-two-ists. 


The scale is a tool for aligning thoughts with feeling

Emotion isn’t dual / a thing or things / positive & negative. 

Duality isn’t projectable even if believed to be. 


I’m glad @Alexander is happy / allowing happiness.

You might have assumed a general comment was to someone specific for some reason.


Meditation is great for slowing down reactive thinking or patterns of thought. 

The journal section is great for expressing emotions /emptying. 

The two tools pair well together. 


Your comments about these tools and terms are misleading

You think "aligning thoughts with feelings" isn't based on a duality of thought(S) and feeling(S)?


Like even your 'pointing' maxim, it implies something doesn't 'point' to it but other things do. I feel like the people on here that show frustration with these 'tools' have it because of the blatant implied duality. I think most people see right through it and the only confusion is about why it's acted like there isn't duality in them when there clearly is, they're clearly explicitly based on duality.


Like all you do is just jump through a bunch of hoops with your tools, it's no different than any other rituals or religions in that way. It's different, but it just adds complexity and concepts man.

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6 hours ago, Devin said:

You think "aligning thoughts with feelings" isn't based on a duality of thought(S) and feeling(S)?

Yeah I realized this too.Thoughts and feelings are dualistic in their nature but it doesn't affect me because why caring about these philosophical concepts.Lets live life it's that simple.

I enjoy duality no needing a convincing of other people here like you have to realize non duality.

I am content.

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1 hour ago, Alexander said:

no needing a convincing of other people here like you have to realize non duality.

I am content.

Nonduality is just another concept anyway. Just enjoying 'what is', just enjoying, is what's "pointed to".


To put it even simpler, everything is okay. Just experience(rather than even enjoy)(and not that you can't experience, you don't need to do anything, everything is already and will forever be okay).


and I mean everything, even worrying, resentment, envy, despair, feelings of unworthiness, ....., everything; meditation, contemplation, concepts, ... .., everything.


We have all eternity, may as well experience everything, even including hating everything, even including worrying about death,  worrying about mortality,....


You can't do anything wrong, we have eternity, we're gonna experience everything, infinity.

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@Alexander just to be clear, no one here is trying to make you realize non duality or make you adopt a set of beliefs. 


all the advice given here is for the sake of well being and relief from thought identification. It's not to put ideas in your head or force you to realize something. 


I've mentioned many times in this thread that essentially the greatest teacher is meditation practice done daily. That's it. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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8 hours ago, Devin said:

You think "aligning thoughts with feelings" isn't based on a duality of thought(S) and feeling(S)?

Phil said aligning thoughts with feeling.


You changed it to aligning thoughts with feelings. 


Nonduality is the recognition that there is no secondness. Advaita literally means no second or not two. 


Also, all sentences imply a duality. How else can there be communication on a forum?


The "aha that's still a duality" thing is a bit silly since all thoughts imply a duality. But the whole point is the duality isn't actual. 


If duality is truly recognized to not be actual and only implied in thoughts, then there's no issue whatsoever with speaking to people or using "i" in sentences. 


Non dual realization doesn't mean you're just quiet all day and never speak because "oh my god it's dualities! "😲

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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46 minutes ago, Orb said:

Phil said aligning thoughts with feeling.


You changed it to aligning thoughts with feelings. 


Nonduality is the recognition that there is no secondness. Advaita literally means no second or not two. 


Also, all sentences imply a duality. How else can there be communication on a forum?


The "aha that's still a duality" thing is a bit silly since all thoughts imply a duality. But the whole point is the duality isn't actual. 


If duality is truly recognized to not be actual and only implied in thoughts, then there's no issue whatsoever with speaking to people or using "i" in sentences. 


Non dual realization doesn't mean you're just quiet all day and never speak because "oh my god it's dualities! "😲

So you recognize language is dualistic,but language mirrors life.You are talking to others isn't it so.Everything is duality left right up down male female etc.Why don't just admit it and enjoy it while we are still alive life death duality see.

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1 hour ago, Orb said:

@Alexander just to be clear, no one here is trying to make you realize non duality or make you adopt a set of beliefs. 


Orb, THIS 

1 hour ago, Orb said:


I've mentioned many times in this thread that essentially the greatest teacher is meditation practice done daily. That's it. 

Is trying to make people realize and adopt beliefs.


And this

50 minutes ago, Orb said:

Nonduality is the recognition that there is no secondness. Advaita literally means no second or not two. 


And this


15 hours ago, Phil said:

There’s some misunderstandings.


There aren’t any nondualists or neo-advaitans.

Nonduality & nondualist would be two. 

Nonduality means not two, or, no second-ness. 

Neo-advaita means “new not-two”. 

So there aren’t really not-two-ist’s or new-not-two-ists. 


The scale is a tool for aligning thoughts with feeling

Emotion isn’t dual / a thing or things / positive & negative. 

Duality isn’t projectable even if believed to be. 



And this

15 hours ago, Phil said:


Meditation is great for slowing down reactive thinking or patterns of thought. 

The journal section is great for expressing emotions /emptying. 

The two tools pair well together. 


Your comments about these tools and terms are misleading


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58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Non dual realization doesn't mean you're just quiet all day and never speak because "oh my god it's dualities! "😲

Nondual realization DOES NOT EXIST, Nonduality is a concept only. And the concept of Nonduality on this forum is based on narcissism and gaslighting.

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12 minutes ago, Alexander said:

So you recognize language is dualistic,but language mirrors life.You are talking to others isn't it so.Everything is duality left right up down male female etc.Why don't just admit it and enjoy it while we are still alive life death duality see.

No, read it exactly as it was typed. 


Thoughts imply duality. 


That's it. 


5 minutes ago, Alexander said:

@Orb You are trying to convince me into something into new sets of beliefs.

I had my Infinity experience so I am happy it was felt and I got few spiritual insights but it wasn't about meditation.

No not at all, I've been suggesting to meditate. Meditation isn't a set of beliefs. It's actually sitting down and allowing more feeling, less thought identification.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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8 minutes ago, Devin said:

Nondual realization DOES NOT EXIST, Nonduality is a concept only. And the concept of Nonduality on this forum is based on narcissism and gaslighting.

Everyone here is aware that it's just concepts. This is clear. 


Mind you, these words are used to communicate, what non dual points to is just recognizing you are Being. 


8 minutes ago, Devin said:

And the concept of Nonduality on this forum is based on narcissism and gaslighting.

Notice that this doesn't make any sense. 


The essential teaching is meditation itself. How is this narcissism or gaslighting? 


The practices are always emphasized on this fforum. Not mental masturbation or philosophizing.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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6 minutes ago, Orb said:

Everyone here is aware that it's just concepts. This is clear. 


Mind you, these words are used to communicate, what non dual points to is just recognizing you are Being. 


Notice that this doesn't make any sense. 


The essential teaching is meditation itself. How is this narcissism or gaslighting? 


The practices are always emphasized on this fforum. Not mental masturbation or philosophizing.

But @Philhas some wierd ways of explaining he is never straightforward.

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