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The emotional scale is fundamentally flawed.


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How is the idea that you need to rise from worse-feeling emotions the better-feeling emotions to attract things you want, aligned?


How does the idea that you need to rise from bad feelings to good feelings, feel?



The scale is fundamentally flawed and just plain unhelpful or even hurtful.


So far my experience with it has been: every day I feel like shit because I feel nothing matters and all success in life is impossible because I can't rise on the scale, because I can't feel better. Gee, thanks so much for your fucking scale.


If you try to rise on the scale, it will not happen. It's impossible to do that. The idea that there is an emotion above the one you're experiencing, that you have some sort of a direction or higher levels you're going toward in emotions is discordant and hurtful in most basic way. Especially when you throw in a belief that you attract nice things, your objects of desire when you get higher.


The scale is so stupid it hurts my body to even think of it. It's so counter-productive and hurtful I'm quite shocked it's even recommended on this forum.


How is conceptualization of emotion helpful in any way?


The best feeling I experience is when there is not a single thought about the scale. And the more there is, the worse I feel. It's not a ticket to joy/liberation, it's a fucking prison and a highway to despair.



I'm sure Phil and Mandy (you're the only ones who actually ever recommend or refer to the scale btw) have a bunch of things to say, some nonsense about pity-parties and HOW I NEED TO DO THE FUCKING SCALE TO FEEL BETTER ABOUT THE SCALE or something. 🤦 How I'm doing something wrong or not understanding the scale. Hamster wheel. The scale will never work.



Honestly this whole emotional scale thing feels about the same as levels of god-realization etc. If you can't have a conversation about emotions without referring to the fucking scale, I don't think I can keep using this forum.



There must be an effortless way.

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Everything in life is always hard. There is ALWAYS something you need to do, something you need to manage to get done.


In school you have to study hard, learn what had to be learned, do what had to be done and get it done.


When you're depressed you need to see the doctors, take the pills, go see the nature, see other people... etc.


When you read Abraham Hicks you need to elevate your vibrations, rise in the scale, do this and that practice.


There is ALWAYS a problem and always some sort of a way to resolve that problem.


But there's a catch. You NEVER actually get it resolved. It's a scam. It NEVER works out for you.


Abraham Hicks is nothing but a hamster wheel. LoA is nothing but a hamster wheel. Stick and carrot. You never get to the carrot. A scam.


It's the same theme throughout life. Always the same form. "Do this to get that" etc. It's NEVER easy. It's NEVER just given freely. There is ALWAYS a catch, ALWAYS some way you will / might fail.


Never easy. Never certain. Never given. It's always "get". "Do".


Like some sort of a law of the universe. A law of "You gotta succeed in it. You gotta get it done. It's not given."


It's like 99,9% of any self-help or "spiritual" books there is, it's the same story:


1. There is a problem

2. Here is the way to solve that problem. You get it done. You might also fail.



Esther stands there in front of three hundred people. She's the only one smiling. The audience is trying.




There must be an effortless way.

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I have a sewing machine that I know how to use and I also own a serger. The serger is an incredible tool, but it pisses me off cause I don't know what I'm doing with it at all because I haven't had the patience or desire to practice with it. 


The purpose of the emotional scale is to show that it's emotional guidance not listened to or appreciated as guidance, that's why the suffering is perpetuated. It's not because of the subject. There's no assertion upon you from an outside force, it's not the subject. The subject is the thought focused on. 


So of course, the emotional scale or the person recommending it, gets turned into the subject. Like if someone who made their own clothes recommended the serger to me, I might be pissed off at them or at the serger, but really I feel like there's something wrong with ME.


And that's the root of the suffering. 


There's nothing wrong with you. 



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I'm glad no one ever recommended Abraham to me, I just found it on my own after years of horrible judgement towards it even though I never bothered to give it chance or find out what it was. It answered what I was asking perfectly that day. It helped me to go through a time in my life of such loss with such clarity, it never ever occurred to me that it wasn't attracted itself. 


Sometimes I wonder if we should even bother. Why bother making youtube videos, having a forum, spending time here. People HATE you for it. People BLAME you for it. People troll and try to get REVENGE. People get discouraged by it. People get frustrated by it. It's the most thankless job ever, being on this forum most of the time. You get trolled and blamed. In other subjects in life, it's so easy, straightforward and rewarding. 


But it's not a subject. And that's why it's unlike anything a reward unto itself just to express. 

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@Blessed2 I've had similar thoughts on this subject too. 


I 100% agree that emotional expression is one of the essential steps to unveiling the True Nature and I'm glad it's shared a lot in this forum, it shows maturity and not spiritual bypassing. 


But the implication that there's a predetermined "trajectory" of emotion to go through when using the scale is discordant. 


It goes from being genuine moment-by-moment expression of sensation to a contrived pattern of "now pessimism is felt, now boredom is felt, now contentment, etc.".


It's very sneaky, and when using the scale there's an expectation that the next emotion will be felt.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Also, the scale doesnt work, because it's a static model, it will never work.


The scale is a good pointer though. I'd forget about the scale and just focus on meditation, inquiry, modalities for releasing trauma, etc. 


The scale simply points to the fact that with expression moment by moment, emotion shifts and refines itself more and more, and that refinement is that better and better feeling, it's like a feeling of lightness. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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1 hour ago, Orb said:

@Blessed2 I've had similar thoughts on this subject too. 


I 100% agree that emotional expression is one of the essential steps to unveiling the True Nature and I'm glad it's shared a lot in this forum, it shows maturity and not spiritual bypassing. 


But the implication that there's a predetermined "trajectory" of emotion to go through when using the scale is discordant. 


It goes from being genuine moment-by-moment expression of sensation to a contrived pattern of "now pessimism is felt, now boredom is felt, now contentment, etc.".


It's very sneaky, and when using the scale there's an expectation that the next emotion will be felt.


I 100% agree.


There must be an effortless way.

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4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

How is the idea that you need to rise from worse-feeling emotions the better-feeling emotions to attract things you want, aligned?

Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.

Emotion isn’t about you (rising), it’s about how thoughts feel… and the thoughts might be about about a you that needs. 

That there’s a you that needs is not what’s being said here. That those thoughts can arise, and that emotional guidance for the thoughts is felt, is what’s being said. 


5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

How does the idea that you need to rise from bad feelings to good feelings, feel?

Emotion is guidance, which is very literally Goodness… while good & bad, and the pluralization of feelings are thoughts / concepts. Emotion is how those thoughts feel. The emotions are felt precisely because there isn’t (other than the thoughts) good & bad. 

That there is good & bad and feelingis not what’s being said here. That emotions are felt in regard to those thoughts because you are The Goodness That Is, is what’s being said here. 


5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

The scale is fundamentally flawed and just plain unhelpful or even hurtful.

Reality is flawless perfection… and… thoughts (judgements, thoughts about flaws etc) can arise. The scale is about how thoughts feel. The guidance is ‘to’ the actuality of flawless perfection. Not distance wise to, but already is, and this is why some thoughts feel so ‘off’. Goodness, Perfection is already the actuality. No thoughts or emotions are necessary whatsoever for This to be This. This is already This. (And apparently thoughts to the contrary arise). 


5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

So far my experience with it has been: every day I feel like shit because I feel nothing matters and all success in life is impossible because I can't rise on the scale, because I can't feel better. Gee, thanks so much for your fucking scale.

Shit, nothing matters and all success in life is impossible are not emotions. This is said to be how you feel. The scale clarifies the emotions are how those thoughts feel (and are not indicative of feeling, or, the true nature; Nondual Goodness, Unconditionality.


5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

If you try to rise on the scale, it will not happen. It's impossible to do that. The idea that there is an emotion above the one you're experiencing, that you have some sort of a direction or higher levels you're going toward in emotions is discordant and hurtful in most basic way. Especially when you throw in a belief that you attract nice things, your objects of desire when you get higher.

That you rise on a scale is not what’s being said here. If an emotion lower than contentment (on the scale / diagram, not actually ‘higher or lower’) is felt, there is a discordant thought, belief or perspective held. The expressing is the releasing, the letting go, the relinquishing of the discordant thought. The natural “outcome” of letting a discordant thought go, is not actually an outcome. That is not what’s being said here. That the True Nature, Goodness, is already the actuality, reality, is what’s being said. 


That there’s a direction or levels one is going toward is not what’s being said here. What’s being said it’s you’re literally not moving at all. Never actually have. You’re appearing, attracting, receiving. 


Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’. It’s about how, so to speak, what you’re already thinkin feels (how thoughts feel). That you are attracting is not a belief. That there is a gravity, is a belief. There is no separation (no objects). 


5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

The scale is so stupid it hurts my body to even think of it. It's so counter-productive and hurtful I'm quite shocked it's even recommended on this forum.

The judgement is felt, and how the thoughts feel, is emotion. The perspectives you’re sharing about the scale are not recommended on this forum nor on the emotional scale webpage. Obviously you’re free to share whatever perspectives you like, and yet also these perspectives feel a certain way (emotions). The scale is about acknowledging the emotions felt. 


5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

How is conceptualization of emotion helpful in any way?

This thread is largely conceptualization of, about the emotional scale… and is opposite to using the scale. The scale is a tool for expression (not judgement or conceptualizing). The tool doesn’t prevent conceptualizing about the tool / not using the tool. Emotions are felt with respect to the thoughts about the tool (like anything else / any other thought about anything). 


5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

The best feeling I experience is when there is not a single thought about the scale. And the more there is, the worse I feel. It's not a ticket to joy/liberation, it's a fucking prison and a highway to despair.


The scale is about the experience of emotions, not an I which experiences feeling or feelings. That’s also not what’s being said here.  

If there are those thoughts, emotions are felt. The scale is a tool for expressing the emotions that are felt. 

Liberation is already the case, and this is precisely why certain emotions are felt with respect to certain thoughts. 

Trying to make the tool about a myself and or about liberation isn’t what’s being suggested here. 

It much much simpler. It’s how the thoughts feel, ‘now’ and only now. 


5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

I'm sure Phil and Mandy (you're the only ones who actually ever recommend or refer to the scale btw) have a bunch of things to say, some nonsense about pity-parties and HOW I NEED TO DO THE FUCKING SCALE TO FEEL BETTER ABOUT THE SCALE or something. 🤦 How I'm doing something wrong or not understanding the scale. Hamster wheel. The scale will never work.

Emotions are how those thoughts feel. That you’re doing anything wrong or not understanding is definitely not what’s being said here. 

The scale is a tool, like a hammer or screwdriver. It works when used properly. The ‘hamster wheel’ is making the tool about everything and anything other than - how the thoughts feel… expressing the emotions felt. 


5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Honestly this whole emotional scale thing feels about the same as levels of god-realization etc. If you can't have a conversation about emotions without referring to the fucking scale, I don't think I can keep using this forum.

The scale’s just a tool for how those thoughts feel. The scale isn’t about levels or realizations, it’s about expressing the emotions that are already experienced. The scale isn’t about concepts or levels a you might reach in a future. Expressing the emotions already experienced isn’t contingent upon using this forum. It’s just suggested because it works. It doesn’t ‘fix’ anything or anyone, because there already isn’t right & wrong, good & bad, broken & fixed, etc, etc. The tool is just about expressing emotions. That’s it. There isn’t someone or something that gets somewhere, get’s fixed, etc, etc. There’s just letting these beliefs go via expression… simply for how it feels to hold discordant beliefs, and to relinquish discordant beliefs. 


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Everything in life is always hard. There is ALWAYS something you need to do, something you need to manage to get done.

This a thought, a perspective, a belief, an outlook. It’s discordant. Emotion is felt. The suggestion of the scale is expressing the emotion felt (not judging life). That would be blame (felt). The thought that there is something you need to do to feel as yourself, would be met by the emotional guidance of unworthiness. 


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


In school you have to study hard, learn what had to be learned, do what had to be done and get it done.

Or just enjoy it. But that’s arguably hard to do while holding discordant perspectives. It’s the thought story / ‘separate self of thoughts’ which feels off, because that’s not you. That’s an experience of thoughts, about a you. 


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


When you're depressed you need to see the doctors, take the pills, go see the nature, see other people... etc.

The scale is a tool. It’s not instead of anything else. Like using a hammer doesn’t dictate or imply never using a wrench. 


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


When you read Abraham Hicks you need to elevate your vibrations, rise in the scale, do this and that practice.

“You need to” is not what’s being said. 

“Rise in the scale” is not what’s being said. 

Your vibration” is not what’s being said. 

You are a vibrational being, a vibrational appearance - is what’s being said. 

That the whole of reality is a vibrational appearance - is what’s being said. 

That there is no ‘separate self’, only thoughts that there is - is what’s being said. 


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


There is ALWAYS a problem and always some sort of a way to resolve that problem.

There’s no problem. When there is the thought that there is, an emotion is felt. Recognition & expression of the emotion is the releasing of the emotion. 

The only way to continue believing the problem perspective is to suppress emotional guidance. The guidance is not to problems, nor solving problems. 

4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


But there's a catch. You NEVER actually get it resolved. It's a scam. It NEVER works out for you.

The emotional scale is not a tool for resolving problems. 


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Abraham Hicks is nothing but a hamster wheel. LoA is nothing but a hamster wheel. Stick and carrot. You never get to the carrot. A scam.

There’s no carrot. 

It’s just about feeling as yourself. What is already the case. 

Attracting is not a getting to anything at all.

It’s more of a getting out of your own way, so to speak.

But this occurs in using the tool, and not in talking about the tool. Similar to meditation. Thinking about meditation isn’t per se, meditation. It’s thoughts about, or, conceptualizing.  


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


It's the same theme throughout life. Always the same form. "Do this to get that" etc. It's NEVER easy. It's NEVER just given freely. There is ALWAYS a catch, ALWAYS some way you will / might fail.

Attracting isn’t a doing. No one could do or be what is already the case. 


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Never easy. Never certain. Never given. It's always "get". "Do".

Attracting is not a doing like ‘gravity’ is not a doing. 

The ‘doer’ is a thought story about a doer. 

The ‘doer’ is never in perception or sensation. 


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Like some sort of a law of the universe. A law of "You gotta succeed in it. You gotta get it done. It's not given."

What is already is, and is a given. The scale isn’t a getting somewhere, it’s an uncovering, a revealing, an unfettering. 


4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


It's like 99,9% of any self-help or "spiritual" books there is, it's the same story:


1. There is a problem

2. Here is the way to solve that problem. You get it done. You might also fail.



Esther stands there in front of three hundred people. She's the only one smiling. The audience is trying.



The thought ‘there’s a problem’ is met with emotional guidance revealing there isn’t. The thought isn’t true, and that’s why it feels ‘off’ (discordant). 

This is already free. So free, this can insist there is a problem, in spite of how it feels to do so. This can insist there is trying, in spite of how it feels. 

This can judge everyone and everything as not good enough, in spite of how it feels. 













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1 hour ago, Orb said:

@Blessed2 I've had similar thoughts on this subject too. 


I 100% agree that emotional expression is one of the essential steps to unveiling the True Nature and I'm glad it's shared a lot in this forum, it shows maturity and not spiritual bypassing. 


But the implication that there's a predetermined "trajectory" of emotion to go through when using the scale is discordant. 

Which emotion doesn’t resonant more than the emotion below it (on the scale)? 

1 hour ago, Orb said:


It goes from being genuine moment-by-moment expression of sensation to a contrived pattern of "now pessimism is felt, now boredom is felt, now contentment, etc.".

‘It’, as in the scale, is a tool. It does not have the property of ‘going from’. The scale, like any other webpage, does not contrive. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:


It's very sneaky, and when using the scale there's an expectation that the next emotion will be felt.

The scale is for expression of emotions already felt. The scale is not for contriving or conceptualizations about emotions or for meeting anyone’s expectations. 

1 hour ago, Orb said:

Also, the scale doesnt work, because it's a static model, it will never work.

Emotions are only experienced now, and are how thoughts feel. That something does or doesn’t work, implies something or someone the scale needs to work for. 
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing, the practice itself.
Keep it simple.

1 hour ago, Orb said:


The scale is a good pointer though. I'd forget about the scale and just focus on meditation, inquiry, modalities for releasing trauma, etc. 

The scale is a meditation, a direct inquiry, and a modality for releasing trauma.

What’s not being said here, is that using one tool means not using another tool. 

What’s being said here is utilize all resources available. 

1 hour ago, Orb said:


The scale simply points to the fact that with expression moment by moment, emotion shifts and refines itself more and more, and that refinement is that better and better feeling, it's like a feeling of lightness. 

The scale, emotions, are just how thoughts feel. Not moment by moment (in time). 

Emotion isn’t a thing, or a separate entity which refines itself. 

The scale, a refinement, or very literally anything else is not feeling (a better feeling, a feeling of lightness, etc). 

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@Phil the emotions resonate, of course anyone would wanna feel love. But i dont think Love is an emotion, Love is feeling itself, its not a feeling, or one emotion out of a bunch of them. It IS emotion. 


I've been through lots of traumatic stuff and the scale just doesn't cut it, these traumas need to be released on the bodily level. 


i dont agree that the scale is this simple thing that allows you to move up fast just by acknowledging an emotion felt, otherwise everyone would be at Love/Empowerment in 5 minutes or something. 


Emotion is also far more complex than the scale points it out to be. 


Contentment can be felt, then something happens and there's anger that comes up, it totally destroys the notion that emotions have a linear range and must be felt in a particular order. Or vice verse, there can be fear/despair, then it's let go and Love is felt. It's not always linear. 


You cannot sustain a particular emotion forever, but that's the egos dream! 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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3 minutes ago, Orb said:

@Phil the emotions resonate, of course anyone would wanna feel love. But i dont think Love is an emotion, Love is feeling itself, its not a feeling, or one emotion out of a bunch of them. It IS emotion. 


That’s why it’s at the top of the scale. So to speak, it’s just working your way from thoughts back to yourself. (So to speak! Lol)

3 minutes ago, Orb said:


I've been through lots of traumatic stuff and the scale just doesn't cut it, these traumas need to be released on the bodily level. 

Utilize all resources available. 

The scale, emotion, is about how that thought or thoughts feel, and is not about how ‘that self’ feels or felt. 


3 minutes ago, Orb said:


i dont agree that the scale is this simple thing that allows you to move up fast just by acknowledging an emotion felt, otherwise everyone would be at Love/Empowerment in 5 minutes or something. 

It is that simple. It’s doesn’t ‘allow you to move up’. Expression is uncovering, unfettering. 

The scale isn’t about everyone else, but is about the thought (everyone would be at Love, etc). 

That is already the case. Consciousness, Love, is already infinite. 


3 minutes ago, Orb said:


Emotion is also far more complex than the scale points it out to be. 

The scale only points to how that thought feels. 


3 minutes ago, Orb said:


Contentment can be felt, then something happens and there's anger that comes up,

Before there is the anger felt, there is a thought. The scale is about that thought. Anger is how that thought feels, revealing the anger is not caused by something happening. No-thing is happening. 


3 minutes ago, Orb said:

it totally destroys the notion that emotions have a linear range and must be felt in a particular order.

Or vice verse, there can be fear/despair, then it's let go and Love is felt. It's not always linear. 

It’s not intended to be linear. It’s vibration. Just like there isn’t what a thought is about which is felt, but rather the thought is felt… that thought is also felt. 


3 minutes ago, Orb said:


You cannot sustain a particular emotion forever, but that's the egos dream! 

It’s just about how thoughts feel. 

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23 minutes ago, Phil said:

This thread is largely conceptualization of, about the emotional scale… and is opposite to using the scale.


What if I told you that drinking gasoline would help letting go and feeling better, and you did that, and woke up in the hospital, and said to me "umm this gasoline drinking didn't do what you said it would and now I feel quite shitty"


and I told you "that is conceptualization of drinking gasoline, and is opposite to actually drinking gasoline".


How many times would you drink gasoline before you would think "maybe this just isn't working, like at all", and stop drinking gasoline?


42 minutes ago, Phil said:

Emotions are how those thoughts feel. That you’re doing anything wrong or not understanding is definitely not what’s being said here. 

The scale is a tool, like a hammer or screwdriver. It works when used properly. The ‘hamster wheel’ is making the tool about everything and anything other than - how the thoughts feel… expressing the emotions felt. 


Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.




I am experiencing the emotion anger.

I am experiencing the emotion discouragement.

I am experiencing the emotion blame.

I am experiencing the emotion worry.

I am experiencing the emotion doubt.

I am experiencing the emotion disappointment.

I am experiencing the emotion overwhelment.

I am experiencing the emotion frustration.

I am experiencing the emotion pessimism.

I am experiencing the emotion boredom.

I am experiencing the emotion contentment.

I am experiencing the emotion hopefulness.

I am experiencing the emotion optimism.

I am experiencing positive expectation.

I am experiencing the emotion happiness.

I am experiencing the emotion passion.

I am experiencing the emotion joy.


Absolutely useless.


There is no "subtle shift of feeling better." So:


I am experiencing the emotion anger.

I am experiencing the emotion anger.

I am experiencing the emotion anger.

I am experiencing the emotion anger.



No subtle shift of feeling better.


am using the tool properly. Exactly like the guidebook says. The tool isn't working.


43 minutes ago, Phil said:

it’s about expressing the emotions that are already experienced. The scale isn’t about concepts or levels a you might reach in a future.


Then why does the guidebook say "then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale"?


Why does it say "Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale."?



There must be an effortless way.

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7 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


What if I told you that drinking gasoline would help letting go and feeling better, and you did that, and woke up in the hospital, and said to me "umm this gasoline drinking didn't do what you said it would and now I feel quite shitty"


and I told you "that is conceptualization of drinking gasoline, and is opposite to actually drinking gasoline".

The concept would be the thought about drinking gas. Drinking gas would be drinking gas. Thinking about expressing emotions isn’t suggested. Expressing emotions is suggested.  


7 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


How many times would you drink gasoline before you would think "maybe this just isn't working, like at all", and stop drinking gasoline?

I wouldn’t drink gas.  


7 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.




I am experiencing the emotion anger.

I am experiencing the emotion discouragement.

I am experiencing the emotion blame.

I am experiencing the emotion worry.

I am experiencing the emotion doubt.

I am experiencing the emotion disappointment.

I am experiencing the emotion overwhelment.

I am experiencing the emotion frustration.

I am experiencing the emotion pessimism.

I am experiencing the emotion boredom.

I am experiencing the emotion contentment.

I am experiencing the emotion hopefulness.

I am experiencing the emotion optimism.

I am experiencing positive expectation.

I am experiencing the emotion happiness.

I am experiencing the emotion passion.

I am experiencing the emotion joy.


Absolutely useless.


There is no "subtle shift of feeling better." So:


I am experiencing the emotion anger.

I am experiencing the emotion anger.

I am experiencing the emotion anger.

I am experiencing the emotion anger.



No subtle shift of feeling better.


am using the tool properly. Exactly like the guidebook says. The tool isn't working.



Then why does the guidebook say "then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale"?


Why does it say "Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale."?


So if despair is felt, jealousy isn’t skipped. 

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When expressing emotion on the scale is itlike an all-in-ome practice.. so you say such emotion isnt skipped, therefore the sequence is feeling the emotion from bottom tier untol the top, and this occurs in experiencing expresssiom of emotion/feeling (one after another) about a thought/belief held to dispel it totally ? in a whole holistic way ..

Edited by almond
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20 minutes ago, Phil said:

So if despair is felt, jealousy isn’t skipped. 




I am experiencing the emotion despair.


I am experiencing the emotion insecurity.


I am experiencing the emotion jealousy.


I am experiencing the emotion hatred.


I am experiencing the emotion anger.


I am experiencing the emotion discouragement.


I am experiencing the emotion blame.


I am experiencing the emotion worry.


I am experiencing the emotion doubt.


I am experiencing the emotion disappointment.


I am experiencing the emotion overwhelment.


I am experiencing the emotion frustration.


I am experiencing the emotion pessimism.


I am experiencing the emotion boredom.


I am experiencing the emotion contentment.


I am experiencing the emotion hopefulness.


I am experiencing the emotion optimism.


I am experiencing the emotion positive expectation.


I am experiencing the emotion happiness.


I am experiencing the emotion passion.


I am experiencing the emotion joy.



That good enough? Is this how it's done?


There must be an effortless way.

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