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Dream Symbolism Thread


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So I figured it would be cool to have a thread for us to sort out the symbolism and meanings in our dreams together.


If you have an interesting dream, post it here to gain insight as to what the dream might be "about"!

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Last night I saw a dream where I was in a forest next to a sea/lake. I found this old, forgotten shelf full of all sorts of objects. The shelf was covered with moss, as if it had been sitting next to that lake for years.


I found all sorts of "treasures" in that shelf. Not really anything valuable per se, but all sort of crap, but it was still thrilling to see what I find. There was also an interesting twist to it, that the shelf and most of the treasures were something from my past, like stuff from my childhood I'd have forgotten there.


There was just some random clutter, but also my mom's old smartphone and credit cards, crystals I had bought and forgotten, some 50€ bill, oracle cards, and maybe some childrens toys.


It was kind of exciting to see all that stuff "again", and I was happy to have new stuff, even though really it was all just clutter. 😂


In the same dream I was also "fishing" with a rod, but not for fish. For "treasures" and whatever objects I'd find from the bottom of the lake. The dream began as me flying this weird small plane and crashing it into the ocean, and trying to "fish" it back to surface. But then all sort of other objects and the shelf was found.


I saw another similar some time ago where I was diving to the bottom of a river and finding all sort of objects / treasures. In that dream I found a lot of crystals.


I have an intuition that water might be symbolism for emotion. I wonder though what the objects / treasures / forgotten stuff from the past is about. I got a feeling it's a positive symbol. It's exciting and fun to find new stuff lol.


What do you guys think? Any ideas?

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Great thread idea. 


My two cents on the dream…


Typically people say I had a dream and in that dream I saw a forest or what have you. But you said something subtly specific imo, that you saw the dream and were in the forest. That’s very interesting to me, as it brings to mind ‘seeing’ the world-sphere, vs being in the world-sphere. So to speak, the ‘moment’ of being the lens-sphere is essentially simultaneously The Forgetting and the being ‘in’ the world-sphere. 


What follows then seems to be childlike innocence, unfettered, unencumbered (yet) by the conditioning of the ignorance of the world, by the seeming world’s over focus and overvaluing of, thinking. Rather, instead, it’s about the thrill of the adventure, the journey, the now. Overall the dream strikes me as an expression arising, a deep desire for ‘the best of both worlds’… the thriving in life as the unconditional, as the very innocence forgotten. Moving forward without losing Grounding might be another way to put it. 


The items seem to symbolize simplicity, or a simpler time, possibility, potentiality, a way, and a chance at that best of both worlds, of planting seeds which grow & enjoying the unfolding, without the ‘loss’ or forgetting of the true nature. This seems to be expressed as the excitement to find the ‘old stuff’ 🤍and happy to have the ‘new stuff’. There also seems to be a deep recognition there of the fleeting nature of the ten thousand things as ‘objects of consciousness’ are being put in their rightful place as, lightly & humorously speaking, ‘all just clutter’ really. Not quite as significant as perhaps previously ‘held’ to be. 


Not per se trying to be all psychoanalytical here, but ‘sea/lake’ is also a pretty unique reference, and maybe more so that it was next to you. Most of the time people would just say ‘there was a lake’. I think in the dream the sea/lake, that subtle unspecified undefined terming, points to the sea/lake being God. The next part, likely to you, is just a recapping of the dream as it transpired, but to me, as an onlooker here, there’s quite a sudden shift to flying a weird small plane and crashing into the ocean. You also said that actually happened first, that it was ‘how the dream began’. Chills up in here reading that. 


That you were fishing to retrieve the plane, but instead the shelf with the nostalgic items was found really hit me pretty hard in the feels. In the sense, in going to God, in allowing God in, in fishing ‘there’, we often ‘receive’ gifts… that we really already had, and just didn’t know. It’s a bit like wanting to go back, to just be the bliss & ecstasy… and basically ‘experiencing’ that which only God can ‘say’ - “no ya don’t”… as in, as God, you ‘thought it through’ plenty, perfectly, before being the spheres, and what you really want is that ‘best of both worlds’. 


I think crystals are popping up in dreams because of their perfect crystalline structure, basically God-Love ‘saying’ I Am ‘here’ ‘too’, I didn’t go anywhere. 


I think the water symbolizes what emotion is made of, again a pointing to this being Home, with the intuition being the ‘gateless gate’, and the objects being symbolic of our Self, of innocence, fun, spirit, and basically just eating all of life’s shit sandwiches and smiling, laughing, thriving and moving forward anyways. That ‘forgotten stuff of the past’ I believe is actually representative of your absolutely complete & already whole infinite awesomeness, and I couldn’t agree more with finding new stuff being fun as hell. In summary, this dream seems to denote some emptying, some letting go, and I think some changes are coming and life’s going to effortlessly get a bit more effortless. You’re a very powerful dreamer. 

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Last night I dreamed that I was going to some place to adopt a dog. I thought I need to choose a dog that is easy to care for. I chose a blonde Labrador.

We were walking on the streets in my home town and I realized I forgot to put the leash on the dog and worried it will run away so I put the leash on.

Later I think we were in my old school for some reason and then later me and the dog were out in nature on top of a hill in a new country. I looked down on a big forest and I cried out of happiness. I thought "This is just what I wanted". Then suddenly I was aware of a very heavy discordant emotion and it was like a reminder that I still felt like shit and that I couldn't enjoy the moment.


Maybe it was me trying to control what I feel (the Labrador), when really I can just let it be and it will guide me towards what I truly want. 😊

I don't want a dog like in the dream though.

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I had a dream today that I was in front of children in groups of 3-4 and I had the class for myself to give a lesson. It felt unhurried and simple, I already knew how it was going to be.


I feel a fresh perspective is possibel over my old worries and to let go of them, realizing experience teaches on the go in the lesson/s too. 

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A while ago I dreamed I woke up in a small room where I live and my father was there too but he sat on a chair towards the other side of the room and talked to people coming in that were his 'clients'.
Behind his back I saw an Onyx crystal and some other crystals. The Onyx was covered with stone & other colors, it seemed unpolished.

Him sitting with the back towards me most likely reflected an apparent distance after a conflict we had. Maybe the crystals are a reminder we are not separate and the unpolished crystal meant I'm not seeing it clearly?

Last night I was in town and there were dogs running to me and I felt afraid about them biting me.
Later I was inside a house where there was a dog biting me. I was aware it was a dream and thought it will probably disappear if I just surrender and let the dog bite or kill me. The sensation changed and it felt so uncomfortable. Don't really remember what happened later but I think there were some other animal biting me more.

Maybe dog biting symbolize something specific?

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Oh yes. Very much so. There’s a sort of ‘being able to handle it & honing it in’ though ‘in this experience’, or put another way it doesn’t seem to be an instantaneous apparent change but one of momentum. There isn’t ‘this other thing, place or time’ - “the future” any more than there is “knowing”. There also (again, ‘in the experience’) seems to be a sweet spot & a critical mass between natural / blissful & not enjoyable at all / reality is perfect as is. Like, the notion of reading minds seems real cool until it’s 24/7, and seeing the future sounds great, when it’s assumed it’s great. But the awareness of the trajectory is nice, insightful. Then there’s ‘slipping into & out of’ so called others, and their dreams as well. 

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On 3/14/2023 at 10:13 PM, Mandy said:

What did you love when you were a child that you've forgotten or talked yourself out of in the name of maturity or practicality? 


You know this is actually something I've been trying to find but honestly I can'g find things like that.


This connects to something I've talked about here before. I have a belief that I need something, some sort of a hobby or a carreer that I'm truly passionate about. But I haven't been able to find one, and I've been trying to think what I used to enjoy as a kid, but really I can't find anything.


Even as a kid I remember all hobbies I had really felt more like an obligation. I had to go to the swimming or baseball or guitar practice cause "that's just kind of what I was supposed to do". 


I did it yesterday, as someone asked me to think what I liked to do as a kid. But nothing comes to mind!


It makes me feel like something is wrong with me. Like something is horribly wrong. It makes me feel almost like this grief. That this world is full of all sorts of things you could be passionate about and nothing gives me that spark.


I mean shouldn't everyone have a thing like that? Shouldn't everyone have even one thing they really liked to do as a kid? Why don't I have that?

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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On 3/16/2023 at 7:48 PM, noomii said:

I looked down on a big forest and I cried out of happiness. I thought "This is just what I wanted". Then suddenly I was aware of a very heavy discordant emotion and it was like a reminder that I still felt like shit and that I couldn't enjoy the moment.


That sounds pretty interesting.


What came to mind immediately when I read that was that the forest and the emotion happiness was literally one and the same. So that the forest didn't really make you feel that way, but the forest was an "outside" appearance of the happiness.


A forest is also a great, very universal and specific type of symbol for nature at large. Like the dream was saying happiness is your natural state.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@Blessed2Woah, hold up. You write your past only now. Your memories are filtered through your current vibration, your current emotion. So if you're feeling like something is missing, you'll only see that something is missing in the past as well. It's not necessarily the thing, but aspects of the thing. The spark does not come FROM the thing, you are the spark. Appreciate yourself a little anyway.


Anything you were afraid or, terrified of as a kid? 

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Dreams seems to have a deeper connection to our subconscious minds. I believe that the information stored in our subconscious gets translated into our dreams. 

Noting down dreams and interpreting these dreams is a great way of exploring the psyche. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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On 3/27/2023 at 2:20 PM, Mandy said:

@Blessed2Woah, hold up. You write your past only now. Your memories are filtered through your current vibration, your current emotion. So if you're feeling like something is missing, you'll only see that something is missing in the past as well. It's not necessarily the thing, but aspects of the thing. The spark does not come FROM the thing, you are the spark. Appreciate yourself a little anyway.


Anything you were afraid or, terrified of as a kid? 

@Blessed2 Not gonna answer that one? I ask because my dream job ended up with me facing a big fear from my childhood. 

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On 3/14/2023 at 7:10 PM, Phil said:

Great thread idea. 


My two cents on the dream…


Typically people say I had a dream and in that dream I saw a forest or what have you. But you said something subtly specific imo, that you saw the dream and were in the forest. That’s very interesting to me, as it brings to mind ‘seeing’ the world-sphere, vs being in the world-sphere. So to speak, the ‘moment’ of being the lens-sphere is essentially simultaneously The Forgetting and the being ‘in’ the world-sphere. 


What follows then seems to be childlike innocence, unfettered, unencumbered (yet) by the conditioning of the ignorance of the world, by the seeming world’s over focus and overvaluing of, thinking. Rather, instead, it’s about the thrill of the adventure, the journey, the now. Overall the dream strikes me as an expression arising, a deep desire for ‘the best of both worlds’… the thriving in life as the unconditional, as the very innocence forgotten. Moving forward without losing Grounding might be another way to put it. 


The items seem to symbolize simplicity, or a simpler time, possibility, potentiality, a way, and a chance at that best of both worlds, of planting seeds which grow & enjoying the unfolding, without the ‘loss’ or forgetting of the true nature. This seems to be expressed as the excitement to find the ‘old stuff’ 🤍and happy to have the ‘new stuff’. There also seems to be a deep recognition there of the fleeting nature of the ten thousand things as ‘objects of consciousness’ are being put in their rightful place as, lightly & humorously speaking, ‘all just clutter’ really. Not quite as significant as perhaps previously ‘held’ to be. 


Not per se trying to be all psychoanalytical here, but ‘sea/lake’ is also a pretty unique reference, and maybe more so that it was next to you. Most of the time people would just say ‘there was a lake’. I think in the dream the sea/lake, that subtle unspecified undefined terming, points to the sea/lake being God. The next part, likely to you, is just a recapping of the dream as it transpired, but to me, as an onlooker here, there’s quite a sudden shift to flying a weird small plane and crashing into the ocean. You also said that actually happened first, that it was ‘how the dream began’. Chills up in here reading that. 


That you were fishing to retrieve the plane, but instead the shelf with the nostalgic items was found really hit me pretty hard in the feels. In the sense, in going to God, in allowing God in, in fishing ‘there’, we often ‘receive’ gifts… that we really already had, and just didn’t know. It’s a bit like wanting to go back, to just be the bliss & ecstasy… and basically ‘experiencing’ that which only God can ‘say’ - “no ya don’t”… as in, as God, you ‘thought it through’ plenty, perfectly, before being the spheres, and what you really want is that ‘best of both worlds’. 


I think crystals are popping up in dreams because of their perfect crystalline structure, basically God-Love ‘saying’ I Am ‘here’ ‘too’, I didn’t go anywhere. 


I think the water symbolizes what emotion is made of, again a pointing to this being Home, with the intuition being the ‘gateless gate’, and the objects being symbolic of our Self, of innocence, fun, spirit, and basically just eating all of life’s shit sandwiches and smiling, laughing, thriving and moving forward anyways. That ‘forgotten stuff of the past’ I believe is actually representative of your absolutely complete & already whole infinite awesomeness, and I couldn’t agree more with finding new stuff being fun as hell. In summary, this dream seems to denote some emptying, some letting go, and I think some changes are coming and life’s going to effortlessly get a bit more effortless. You’re a very powerful dreamer. 


This was very helpful btw, appreciated!

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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I saw a really weird dream last night.


This is one part of the dream with some really interesting stuff:


Basically, I was walking around in some city and came across a famous Russian general fighting the war in Ukraine (the dude who commands the Wagner group). It was weird, like the war was happening just in one part of this city I was in. He was shooting artillery fire or something at near buildings.


He noticed me and I got a bit spooked since he might have thought I was a ukrainian soldier. He wasn't sure so he commanded a couple of soldiers to check if I am a soldier or a civilian. I wasn't the only one, there were some other civilians too. Our pockets were checked, if there was any military stuff there. There wasn't.


Now this is where the really weird stuff begins.


For some reason they thought I needed medical attention. And there was like a drug or healing potion they wanted to give me. But this wasn't some cough syrup. There was a corpse, a young woman that I saw earlier in the same dream. They put a needle somewhere in her body and started pumping out this clear, yellowish liquid. It reminded me of urine, but it wasn't.


I was supposed to drink the liquid. The dream-vibe was that it was actually quite popular medicine. Quite usual thing for medical people, but this would be my first time taking it. I was quite hesitant to drink it since it smelled really horrible. There was also a vibe that the young woman whose corpse it was being pumped out of wasn't really dead... She was just kind of offering herself as a dead corpse for a while for people to have their medicine.

Somewhere at this time there was also a shift from the ukrainian war-type scenario to a more civil, basically a normal medical setting, where an old friend of mine who is a doctor was giving me the corpse-liquid-medicine.


I actually even remember the name of the corpse-liquid. (I woke up in the middle of the night after this dream and had to write it down so I won't forget it). It was called "Liliath". 🤔


It smelled really bad and there was some odd haze in the liquid, a bit like miso-soup lol. I took one or two sips from it. It felt quite energizing, like some sort of a folk medicine that can help you with all sorts of things.


Here the dream started to change to a different dream basically.



Very odd symbolism. 😁


Got a feeling it might have something to do with what Jesus meant by "Whoever has found the world has found a corpse, and of him the world is not worthy." 🤔



Whaaaat https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith

Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@Phil Is it possible for a person to communicate with me through my dreams? It would be so boring if you said there's no people 😄


Also is there some way to confirm that a dream experienced is something that will happen in the future? Aside from actually experiencing it later. 

And is it possible to see an event in a dream that will happen a long time after the dream? Usually when I see something that will happen it happens a few days later or shortly after.

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4 hours ago, noomii said:

@Phil Is it possible for a person to communicate with me through my dreams? It would be so boring if you said there's no people 😄

How would you distinguish that from this? 

4 hours ago, noomii said:

Also is there some way to confirm that a dream experienced is something that will happen in the future? Aside from actually experiencing it later. 

Or a past from a future?

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