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Why does everyone run away from facing there self

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I notice people do activities to simply run away from being, getting lost in doing and concepts. Why can't they just be in a room all day without doing anything. What is so uncomfortable about that?


T.V, alcohol, work, sex and many more activities to avoid facing what is going on inside. It keeps on going on in cycles it seems, because facing what goes on within seems far to uncomfortable for the seperate self so it is a constant process of avoidance of what is and getting lost in doing.



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19 hours ago, Eternal said:

What is so uncomfortable about that?

Try it and you’ll see. 


19 hours ago, Eternal said:

T.V, alcohol, work, sex and many more activities to avoid facing what is going on inside. It keeps on going on in cycles it seems, because facing what goes on within seems far to uncomfortable for the seperate self so it is a constant process of avoidance of what is and getting lost in doing.

The separate self is of thoughts. The cycles are self referential thought loops. There’s no process. That’s the ‘loop’. 

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Facing yourself means that you might discover some big secret. Like...  that there is nothing as such as as you. 🌝


The ego operates through self-deception to keep going.  There are also plenty of uncomfortable emotions for you to surrender to, and you don't want to do that.


So you rather numb yourself and forget about all these matter, and grab an ice cream jar and chose to watch something not too stupid on Netflix 😆.

How do I love best now?

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Read this book by Anna Lembke: Dopamine Nation. We are addicted to dopamine generating activity. Why are you motivated to ask this question here in this forum? Why are you motivated to subscribe to this forum? Why not just stay in your room and do nothing.


The thing is, when you are simply staying in the room doing nothing - your brain is not doing nothing. It is in the Default Mode Network. See Gary Weber's blog to know more about the neuroscience behind this.

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