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Craving to live in Harry Potter world

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This is a weird post.. I know..


Ever since I was a kid, I was crazy about Harry Potter. 20 years laters.. I still am. I keep thinking about how exciting it must be, how great their lives are, being able to make anything happen. How good of a student I’d be given an opportunity to go to Hogwarts, I’d be getting best grades. Everything magical would be so exciting to explore, I can’t imagine being sad for my life there, feeling like I have no direction. 

Magic aside, there is also something about living that way, I love the Hogwarts castle, the cosy vibe it has, the stone walls, the fireplace, the wooden tables. The nature outside, the train you take going there.. Or even the Burrow.. not a fancy house, but there is something so so cosy about it. I can’t imagine any modern house compare, with the blank white walls and psychiatric room kind of designs. 


A huge thing is no technology there too, no computers, taking notes on a parchment, studying off from books and not a screen. 

Why am I so drawn to that world? Is it the architecture? Is it because I just don’t like modern things? Why do I find it to be so cosy and warm??


How do I create this kind of feeling in my life? Is it possible to have a job you’d be as excited about as you would be learning/practicing magic? 

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It's not a weird post, actually very reasonable. 

Also I want to say something on your words about sadness, it does not mean lack of direction. I think in a magic world there is also sadness, but it colors in a different way that adds to the beauty and enchantment of it all. The how is a good question though. 


It is very possible to have that kind of job, I heard of some people who have regular roles like being a mom or have an average job but they sparkle and cheery. You mention useful tips like spendning less screen-time and reading books, also reducing use of electricity so that may be something you can give a try. 


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I feel you 100%.


I often see such beautiful dreams about places that don't really exist so I feel sort of sadness that "I can never actually live there".


Sometimes I also feel sadness because I'd sort of like to hang out with, or be magical beings like elfs, gnomes and fairies. I'd love to throw parties and just have the best magical time with them. But you know, there probably isn't such creatures in forests to hang out with.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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22 hours ago, Rose said:

This is a weird post.. I know..


Ever since I was a kid, I was crazy about Harry Potter. 20 years laters.. I still am. I keep thinking about how exciting it must be, how great their lives are, being able to make anything happen. How good of a student I’d be given an opportunity to go to Hogwarts, I’d be getting best grades. Everything magical would be so exciting to explore, I can’t imagine being sad for my life there, feeling like I have no direction. 

Magic aside, there is also something about living that way, I love the Hogwarts castle, the cosy vibe it has, the stone walls, the fireplace, the wooden tables. The nature outside, the train you take going there.. Or even the Burrow.. not a fancy house, but there is something so so cosy about it. I can’t imagine any modern house compare, with the blank white walls and psychiatric room kind of designs. 


A huge thing is no technology there too, no computers, taking notes on a parchment, studying off from books and not a screen. 

Why am I so drawn to that world? Is it the architecture? Is it because I just don’t like modern things? Why do I find it to be so cosy and warm??


How do I create this kind of feeling in my life? Is it possible to have a job you’d be as excited about as you would be learning/practicing magic? 

That’s wild and I totally agree. I read the books when I was a young child and no other fantasy world has gotten me that hooked before. There’s something special about it. I wish I could live there as well.

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8 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

I feel you 100%.


I often see such beautiful dreams about places that don't really exist so I feel sort of sadness that "I can never actually live there".


Sometimes I also feel sadness because I'd sort of like to hang out with, or be magical beings like elfs, gnomes and fairies. I'd love to throw parties and just have the best magical time with them. But you know, there probably isn't such creatures in forests to hang out with.

there are.. and they also live in your home and kitche cabinets. And if you ever throw a party it isn't lonely even if it's just you. 

I do agree about the beautiful quaint places though.. I have seen in picture books, I would love to live there too.

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18 minutes ago, LovingPresence said:

Feel you 💯 %

I’m a big Harry potter fan too and watching the movies just for the flair ( even after the 30th time )doesn’t get boring..

i even wanted to learn lucid dreaming just to relive the life of a Hogwarts student in my dreams 😂 

Lol! I remember thinking at the age of 10 that getting Alzheimer as an old person would be awesome, so I could read Harry Potter over and over anew. 🤣 

I suppose there is a bright side to everything. 😳


On 2/14/2023 at 3:41 AM, Rose said:


Magic aside, there is also something about living that way, I love the Hogwarts castle, the cosy vibe it has, the stone walls, the fireplace, the wooden tables. The nature outside, the train you take going there.. Or even the Burrow.. not a fancy house, but there is something so so cosy about it. I can’t imagine any modern house compare, with the blank white walls and psychiatric room kind of designs. 


A huge thing is no technology there too, no computers, taking notes on a parchment, studying off from books and not a screen. 

Why am I so drawn to that world? Is it the architecture? Is it because I just don’t like modern things? Why do I find it to be so cosy and warm??


There are some elements that are possible in there. The vibe you describe, beside the magic can be more or less recreated IRL. 🙂


On 2/14/2023 at 3:41 AM, Rose said:

How do I create this kind of feeling in my life? Is it possible to have a job you’d be as excited about as you would be learning/practicing magic? 

When I brew and deal with psychedelics it genuinely seems like they are potions. 😉


And the shamans in the Amazon who are talking about how they remove entities and traumas out of their patients is kinda crazy. I was watching yesterday an interview Adeptus Psychonautica made of an apprentice shaman, and he was explaining there how they had sometimes to leverage the power of several shamans to fight an entity lodged in someone's body.


For having experienced Ayahuasca and felt the brew behaving as a magical snake in my body, reacting to the music to make me throw up some traumas, I can tell you that this experience felt just out of a Harry Potter book.  🙂

How do I love best now?

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Oh my goodness, that used to be the biggest fantasy and desire of mine, to be transported to Hogwarts.


What I love about the Harry Potter series is how wide of a net it casts for interest in those who read the books, and so people resonate and take interest in the series in many different ways. 


I also like the thought that for witches and wizards, magic isn’t really magic at all but just their form of romanticized reality. There’s magic in the mundane, or theres mundane in the magic - it can be seen either way! 


And although the books were so comforting to read, thinking back it wasn’t all that great for the characters. As inviting as Hogwarts may seem, the professors were very behind on the times and medieval. Professor Snape and the custodian with a cat (I forgot his name) were downright bullies. If I were a student at Hogwarts, I would have to make pretty good friends in order to not be an anxious mess, and I would  still hate potions class.


Maybe write out a list of things that you wish for or find inspiring, that you could bring palpably into your own life? (without going overboard for unattainable things, so the ‘longing’ feeling doesn’t take over?)


The Hogwarts legacy video game came out recently I think, and the graphics are really similar in what you see in the movies. It looks intriguing to be able to fully walk around and explore the castle. 


I’m really drawn to the mood and aesthetics, and 10 years ago I decorated my bedroom to be Gryffindor themed. It had a handmade broomstick and paintings, wizard chess, painted glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. It brought a lot of joy at the time and made me feel like I was living in a castle. With some thrift store shopping and handmade crafts efforts, a room + time on hand might make it pretty do-able to decorate things as imagined and bring magic and the feeling of ‘belonging’ to your space



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3 hours ago, Bluebell said:

Professor Snape and the custodian with a cat (I forgot his name) were downright bullies. If I were a student at Hogwarts, I would have to make pretty good friends in order to not be an anxious mess, and I would  still hate potions class.

I grew up in a stage blue culture so it might be the reason why I don’t find a problem with that. It’s kind of an easy life when things are so black and white,  there is clearly bad guys out there, so you just need to stay away from them. No mental games, no feeling unsure, an obvious “bad” person.


I love the vibe your room had, thanks for sharing 😍🥰

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What is it so comforting about these designs? If many people find them comforting, stone castles, a cosy stone house in the woods, why are all modern building square and glass shoeboxes with practically nothing inside and white walls and grey colours everywhere? Warm colours are not in fashion anymore, everything modern is either white or grey or metallic/silvery…

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