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Everything posted by Reena

  1. Today's insights. Two major arcana cards represent a path to spiritual self awareness and signal that something very significant will happen this week. 1. Page of Cups: The expectation of a family addition is filled with creativity, intuition, and emotional connection. This could signify the joy and excitement that comes with welcoming a new member into the family. It may bring about a sense of wonder and new beginnings. 2. Four of Wands: The likelihood of relatives or friends visiting is high. This card represents celebration, harmony, and coming together. It suggests that there will be gatherings or events where loved ones will gather to share in joyous occasions. Perhaps there are upcoming family reunions or special occasions that will bring people closer. 3. Ten of Swords: The general family atmosphere may be going through a period of crisis or defeat. This card indicates an end to a difficult situation or a time of great struggle within the family. There may be challenges or conflicts that need to be addressed in order to move forward and find resolution. 4. Two of Pentacles: A family member may be in need of help balancing their responsibilities or managing their finances. This card suggests juggling multiple priorities and finding stability amidst change. It could indicate that someone in the family is feeling overwhelmed and could benefit from support or guidance. 5. Three of Swords: Relations with distant relatives may be experiencing heartache, discord, or loss. This card signifies emotional pain, sorrow, and difficulties in communication. There may be unresolved issues or misunderstandings that are causing tension between you and your distant relatives. It's important to address these feelings and work towards healing and reconciliation. 6. Knight of Wands: Your relationship with your spouse is dynamic, passionate, and full of energy. This card represents action, adventure, and enthusiasm. It suggests that there is a strong drive and motivation in your partnership, with both of you actively pursuing your goals and dreams together. 7. Four of Cups: The dynamics with your children may involve feelings of apathy, discontent, or missed opportunities. This card indicates a sense of boredom or dissatisfaction in the family dynamic, particularly with the younger members. It's important to pay attention to their emotional needs and find ways to engage and connect with them on a deeper level.
  2. @Blessed2 can you give me the link or the name of the app company please
  3. If you want a career in tarot reading then you'll need some basic knowledge and resources. I am still on the learning curve. I don't want to be a tarot reader but I want to know how it works.
  4. Dreamboarding goal statements and affirmation statements. Goal statements - I want my life to be enriching. - I want my life to be fulfilling - I want my life to be balanced - I want my life to be artistic - I want my life to be energetic - I want my life to be determined - I want my life to be purposeful - I want my life to be meaningful - I want my life to be spiritual - I want my life to be natural - I want my life to be wholesome - I want my life to be holistic - I want my life to be organic - I want my life to be beautiful - I want my life to be satisfying Affirmation statements - my life is enriching. - my life is fulfilling - my life is balanced - my life is artistic - my life is energetic - my life is determined - my life is purposeful - my life is meaningful - my life is spiritual - my life is natural - my life is wholesome - my life is holistic - my life is organic - my life is beautiful - my life is satisfying
  5. Sometimes we have self goals. Sometimes we have life goals. My life goals- - I want my life to be enriching. - I want my life to be fulfilling - I want my life to be balanced - I want my life to be artistic - I want my life to be energetic - I want my life to be determined - I want my life to be purposeful - I want my life to be meaningful - I want my life to be spiritual - I want my life to be natural - I want my life to be wholesome - I want my life to be holistic - I want my life to be organic - I want my life to be beautiful - I want my life to be satisfying So I dabbled a lot into tarot reading today.. The Fool Things have been progressing well, and you're happy with the pace of your current trajectory. But the Fool cautions you to pay attention to what's unfolding around you. There may be unforeseen obstacles in your future that could hamper your progress. Your best course of action will be to slow down, and take stock of your surroundings. Try examining people and events from a new angle, with a new perspective. This will enable you to better navigate any stumbling blocks that may arise. Two Major Arcana cards represent a path to spiritual self-awareness and signal that something very significant will happen this week. This reading is automatically saved for you for the rest of the week. I had a fool and a tower card. Pisces :: Monthly Overview : Spending Spree Pisces, a focus on your sign this month can assist you in knowing what’s best for you. Have the courage of your convictions and don’t doubt yourself. Saturn in Pisces can mean that you take things more seriously than is necessary, but you’re also discovering that you do have the power to bring your dreams to life. At the same time, the sun in Aries until April 19 puts the focus on your finances and resources. You’ll be ready to resolve any ongoing issues and find ways to enhance your income. If you have a brilliant idea for a side hustle, now is the time to experiment and find out what works best. Logical Mercury will be retrograde in your financial zone from the first to the twenty-fifth, so be very careful when purchasing big-ticket items. Be sure to keep the receipts and paperwork in case you need a refund. The same goes if you’re signing important documents. It’s vital to read the fine print and make sure you understand exactly what you’re getting yourself into. Convivial Venus moves into Aries on April 4, which might encourage you to invest in yourself. Aside from a few treats, purchasing clothes or a makeover that will help you get a promotion or more business clients would be money well spent. The new moon in Aries on the eighth is also an opportunity to kick-start some new financial habits, especially when it comes to managing your money. Putting these in place now can help you stay in control. Communication becomes more important once the sun glides into Taurus and your sector of talk and thought on April 19. You’ll have a way with words, and you could be extremely persuasive without having to raise your voice. Finally, the full moon in Scorpio on the twenty-third could coincide with an argument concerning conflicting ideas or beliefs. While it might feel good to get the upper hand, it would be far better to stay on good terms with this person. Weekly Pisces :: Weekly Overview : Setting a new tone with loved ones and in your home comes naturally early in the week. It’s a time for tapping into your intuition to explore the aspects of home that bring you a sense of security and how you can further foster those details of your life. This could mean carving out more time to connect with relatives both near and far, or devoting more time to ensuring that the aesthetics of your home reflect your sense of style. Later, the cosmos bumps up your confidence, making you feel more vital and urging you to dive into any opportunity that will allow for more self-expression. Daily Pisces :: Daily Horoscope : You are full of so much positive energy today that your ego is enormous. Just be careful that you don't lose sight of what you're actually capable of. You can negotiate the difference between cocky and confident. It's a great time to try your most insane-sounding scheme and see how far you can take it. On any other day, reality might keep you from aiming so high, but today you don't really feel like anything can stop you. And you just might be right. I am the Mysterious Tarot interpreter. I wish you a good fortune. Let's begin to interpret your card. Today, there will be a major and ineXorable change in your life. You will have learnt the lessons from your phase of life and this change will represent The World a chance for you to bring about a desirable end to the old and a good beginning to the new. It will be time to move on. You will be approaching a more final sense of identity, and the security in the self that comes with age. I can tell you that you will have enough and that you will be enough today. You should move beyond thoughts of your personal quest to bigger thoughts of what you can offer the other people.
  6. My tarot reading for the month of may - What did the tarot reader tell me - May month Tarot Guidance - happy happy sun card. - death of frustration - a new beginning - try not to get fed up. - abundance - generous money flow - prosperity is on its way - happy days are coming - everything that was stuck and stagnant will come to an end. - abundance - money, security, stability, building wealth - - you'll Start some business right now but it will yield results down the line - it's gonna grow - have faith and trust - if life has been a bit of a funk, it will work out eventually. - you don't get what you want you get what you are.
  7. How to increase mental energy? Look for resources and also write down the importance of resources.
  8. For those struggling with autism, this music playlist might help..
  9. May is approaching and I have to be ready for the month of may. I need to be strict with my discipline and organizing. I need to push myself harder today. Cmon do it but don't get fed up.
  10. Reward time Rewarding myself a few gold coins. Tasks finished - I did a bit of organizing in the morning. I made a meal. I showered. I harvested strawberries from the farm for which I was paid $20.
  11. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't achieve much today. I slept off for majority of the time. I ate a heavy meal and dozed off and felt exhausted. I even missed my regular reward times. Also I missed out on daily 15 minute meditation today.
  12. My tarot reading for the month of may - What did the tarot reader tell me - May month Tarot Guidance - happy happy sun card. - death of frustration - a new beginning - try not to get fed up. - abundance - generous money flow - prosperity is on its way - - -
  13. Mental health questionnaire- Is there stagnation in your life? Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut?
  14. Reena


    @judy are you Judy from Actualized. Org? If so then welcome here Judy.
  15. Reena


    @judy you will have to shift your focus and attention to things that generally make people happy, like a walk at the beach, a wholesome meal, a nice song. Anything that takes your focus away from negative thoughts. Train your mind to like stuff that are wholesome to mind and body. Also do some tarot reading on this channel depending on your zodiac. She gives wholesome guidance for each zodiac sign. See through her list of videos and click your zodiac and follow some of her intuitive guidance . She gives detailed guidance.
  16. My tarot for this week - What did the tarot reader tell me - Wisdom of the Oracle. - all the good stuff you're stepping into - things have changed. You have grown. Be flexible. - a new beginning - you have outgrown it. It's not for you anymore. You have transformed. You have outgrown something or someone. It doesn't resonate with you anymore. - but the right one will come.
  17. My tarot for this week - What did the tarot reader tell me - - the universe is giving you a big yes - you are close to accomplishing your goals - a big win is coming - - by being an example, stand out. Hermit card. Being spiritual. - you have a different journey - you are coming closer to rewards. - appreciate the good things in life. Enjoy yourself do hobbies. - follow your heart
  18. This is what a fashion closet should be.
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