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Everything posted by Reena

  1. I'm extremely happy that i was able to get some witchcraft items.
  2. I started this journal on Saturday, May 4th. Today it's May 6. I'm a 3 day witchling, a 3 day baby witch, I gotta mature faster.
  3. I'm a quiet shy person. I don't appreciate excessive flirting. I woke up from a dream in which a man was trying to excessively flirt with me and i began to feel uncomfortable. I got up and walked out. And i woke up with a jolt. That was something.
  4. It takes a certain degree of shamelessness to come around and start talking to a person you have previously humiliated. People don't realize the impact of public humiliation. I can't do that somehow. I'm still not in the best position to respond to something like that. So i try to be as diplomatic as possible. Guess I'm not very emotionally shallow after all. So when someone does that, either I get massively triggered or I just shut down and want none of it. These days i have taken a passive approach, just don't mind it and focus on whatever good I can find and just lament about it and let go. Holding on to that anger and indignity doesn't help. It's a sorry state of affairs and that's how it should be treated. It's not my fault. I find it funny when people rapidly shift between passive aggressive.
  5. Beltane Wednesday, May 1 Significance of Beltane - https://theseasonalsoul.com/what-is-beltane/ Litha Thursday, June 20 Significance of Litha -
  6. 2024 calender Or almanac for Pagan Wheel of the year. Source -https://www.pagangrimoire.com/wheel-of-the-year/ The 8 Festivals in the Wiccan Calendar. The Wheel of the Year is a symbol represents the 8 festivals important to many pagans, Wiccans, and witches. These holidays — knows as Sabbats — follow a nature-based calendar and include four solar festivals and four seasonal festivals set in between them. Because solstices and equinoxes are tied to exact astronomical moments, the holidays shift slightly from year-to-year. There is a celebration about every six weeks, so there’s always something to look forward to! Wheel of the Year dates for 2024 and other years. The Wheel of the Year Festivals: Yule: December 19-23 Imbolc: February 1-2 Ostara: March 19-23 Beltane: April 30 – May 1 Litha/Midsummer: June 19-23 Lughnasadh: August 1-2 Mabon: September 20-24 Samhain: October 31 – November 1 The 8 Wiccan Sabbats 1. Yule (December 19-23) In Wiccan tradition, the Goddess (in her Mother aspect) gives birth to the God on the longest night of the year (the winter solstice) and then, like the Earth during winter, rests. In wider pagan traditions, Yule celebrates the coming of longer days and the return of the sun. Trees are decorated, Yule logs are burned in the fireplace to protect the home and bring good luck. 2. Imbolc (February 1-2) Imbolc is the holiday during which some pagans give thanks to Brigid as well as to the increasing daylight, which comes with hope for an abundant spring. It is also a traditional holiday for rededications or for witch initiations. 3. Ostara (March 19-23) The spring equinox (Ostara) is a holiday of renewal and abundance. For Wiccans, this is when the Goddess represents her Maiden aspect and when the god has become a young man. It’s a great time for planting seeds and celebrating the fertile spring. 4. Beltane (April 30 – May 1) When I was growing up, I always thought Beltane was the coolest, but that’s because I thought of it only as the holiday in which you lit a bonfire and went and made love in the woods. May Day is also celebrated by decorated and dancing around the maypole (representing the male aspect). And, it’s believed that, like at Samhain, the veil between the living and the spirit world is thinner. For Wiccans, this Sabbat is also a holiday of love and romance and when the God and Goddess come together. 5. Litha/Midsummer (June 19-23) The summer solstice, or Litha, is when the days are the longest. Nature is at it’s peak and the sun is at the highest point in the sky. Pagans give thanks for all of this and at this time, ask for a rich harvest. For Wiccans, this is also when the god is at his full power. 6. Lughnasadh (August 1-2) Lughnasadh marks the midpoint between summer and fall, and is the first harvest festival of the year. It’s a time for harvesting grains, giving thanks for the growth that has happened, and to enjoy the warmth and light that is still to come. For Wiccans, Lughnasadh is marks when the god’s power begins to decline. And, for some pagans, it’s the time when the Celtic Sun God Lugh transfers his power to the grain. When the grain is harvested and baked into bread, his cycle of life is complete. 7. Mabon (September 20-24) Mabon or the fall equinox is the second harvest festival. Traditionally, it’s when fruits and vegetables are harvested, when autumn begins, and when Wiccans believe the Goddess moves from Mother to Crone. It’s a time to give thanks for all that has been provided. 8. Samhain (October 31 – November 1) Samhain, best known as Halloween, is Celtic New Year’s Eve and the final harvest. It’s when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is the thinnest and when pagans believe spirits easiest roam the earth and when it is easiest to communicate with them. Samhain is a time to honor all those who have come before, for all that was gifted to us during the year, to ask for guidance, and to set intentions as the turning of the wheel begins again. Wiccans believe this is when the god dies and when the Goddess both reaches her highest power as the Crone and is pregnant with the god that will be born at Yule. And hence, the cycle begins again. It is, because the divide between the world’s is at is thinnest, also one of the most powerful nights to do magic. The Lesser Sabbats (Solar Holidays) The 4 lesser Sabbats or quarter holidays are the two solstices and two equinoxes. They have origins in Germanic traditions and include: Yule (winter solstice), Ostara (spring equinox), Litha (summer solstice), and Mabon (fall equinox). The Greater Sabbats (Cross-Quarter Days) The greater sabbats or cross-quarter days fall approximately halfway between the greater sabbats and have origins in Celtic traditions. They include: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. Holiday 2024 Date Imbolc Thursday, February 1 – February 2 Ostara Tuesday, March 19 Beltane Wednesday, May 1 Litha Thursday, June 20 Lughnasadh Thursday, August 1 Mabon Sunday, September 22 Samhain Thursday, October 31 Yule Saturday, December 21
  7. Pagan wheel of the year. Pagan Wheel of the Year Imbolc ( February ) Ostara ( March ) Beltane ( May ) Litha (june ) Lughnasadh (August ) Mabon (September) Samhain ( October ) Yule (December )
  8. I get to store a lot of witchcraft items now. I even set up an altar and a cabinet.
  9. Maybe the person I hurt in the dream was Benton, I don't know.
  10. I guess these are the benefits of witchcraft. You are able to attune to yourself better and then be on the right path in life and be able to do the right thing. As I was writing the post above about my karma, my screen immediately flashed a YouTube video about burning karma and sharing gifts. What a coincidence. I have always believed in synchronicity. It was a strange experience for sure.
  11. My karma and unfair judgment And I had a dream and I just woke up from the dream. Time for dream interpretation miss witch. The dream was pretty cathartic. I saw myself trying to be manipulative and evasive. I had hurt someone, although without intent. And I must look for atonement. I should resolve my karma. But this needs honesty, shame and vulnerability. All of which I possess. Yet I have been unfairly frames and judged and this has done a lot of harm to me. I didn't deserve that sort of unfair judgement. By now two women have accused me of being between them and their boyfriends. I did not steal anyone's boyfriend nor did I intend to. If you can't keep your boyfriend that's not my fault. And if you love your boyfriend, don't tell me that your boyfriend abuses you and manipulate me into defending you. I have decided to stay away from couples mostly because of such nonsense. I never intended to be between anyone and I have been unfairly framed. And I hate when some women do this to me. Just the regular passive aggressive kind. The problem with me is that I get targeted and weaponized every time I speak up for myself. Vulnerability should not be punished. Honesty should not be punished. Shame should not be punished. When I tried to be vulnerable and showed some degree of honesty, everything was immediately weaponized against me. When your agenda is to weaponize my honesty, I no longer care about being honest and I shouldn't. My karma is around unfair judgment. Because you violate my trust. So this person in the dream was constantly trying to save my face or not let me suffer shame. He probably wanted to know if I felt bad or remorse or anything about it. Yes I do feel remorse and there's no immediate remedy to whatever I did to them. I will look for some form of redemption and atonement. I can't do much because it wasn't in my hands to begin with. My aloofness is not my coldness. Another section of the dream was me laying my head low and feeling sorrow because all my life I saw a person or a few persons battle terminal illness. That's a hugely painful experience and very traumatizing. I never wish to be associated with a terminally ill person again. The dream also told me that the soul is a seat of unfulfilled desires and repressed feelings and emotions. That which is repressed is expressed by the soul through dreams. My karma specifically revolves around the subject of unfair judgment and I feel like the person in the dream has narrowly judged me yet they wanted to save me from shame which is compassionate of them.
  12. Tools in witchcraft - Athame and Boline - your own Grimoire Or book of shadows - Cauldron - Chalice
  13. Tools in witchcraft - Use herbs you have at home - Tealight candles - Pen and Paper - Color Magick - Mirrors - Bowls of water - Jars - Journals, Sketchbooks, old binders - Old fabric (charm bags, spell dolls) - Dirt, sticks and flowers -Salt Printers - Yarn, String, cords (knot magic) - Dollar Store (Candles, bowls, boxes) - Craft store (string, needles, paint, threads) - Air Dry clay (candle holders, incense trays and puppets) Tiny jars Tiny candles
  14. I identify myself as a Beltane Eclectic Solitary Moon Witch. I'm Elemental.
  15. Other tools - (Sourced from wikipedia) Besom The besom or broom, is often associated with witches and witchcraft. The stories of witches flying on brooms originated from the besom. In Wicca, it is used in handfasting ceremonies wherein a couple jumps over it. The besom is also used in seasonal fertility dances as a representation of a phallus. Boline The boline is a knife, traditionally with a curved blade like that of a crescent moon. It is used for harvesting and cutting herbs. A Kirfane which is a white handled knife is used for inscribing candles with symbols or sigils, or cutting ritual cords and often mistaken for the Boline. Unlike the Athame, the Kirfane is used in the physical process of magical works such as ritual cutting; the Kirfane serves for the physical plane what Athame serves for work in the spiritual/astral planes. Cauldron A cauldron is often associated with witches and witchcraft in western culture. In Wicca, it is sometimes used to represent the womb of the Goddess, like the chalice.It is often used for making brews (such as oils), incense-burning, and can be used to hold large, wide pillar candles depending on how small it is. A fire is often lit within the vessel and the flames are leaped over as a simple fertility rite, or at the end of a handfasting. If filled with water, a cauldron can be used for scrying. It plays a large role in Celtic magic in a similar fashion to that of Cerridwen's cauldron. Censer The censer is used to dispense incense. Cingulum See also: Cincture In the various forms of British Traditional Wicca, cords, known as cingulum, or singulum (which literally translates as "girdle" or "belt"), are worn about the waist by adherents. These are often given to a Wiccan upon their initiation, and worn at each subsequent ritual. Traditionally they are nine feet in length (nine being three times three, the magical number), and are used to measure the circumference of the magic circle so that it can be set up correctly.
  16. List of tools in order of importance Pentacle symbol. Chief tools the pentacle (or paten), Athame (or sword) wand And chalice or goblet Other tools - Sage herb bunch also called rishi plant. Burning sage for purification. Other tools -
  17. Five elements in witchcraft. Air Water Fire Earth Ether 5 elements represent the five distinct points or tips of the pentacle.
  18. The Declaration of Consecration. This is to be declared during every consecration- Aradia and Cernunnos, deign to bless and to consecrate this [tool], that it may obtain necessary virtue through thee for all acts of love and beauty. Aradia and Cernunnos, bless this instrument prepared in thine honour.
  19. Tools in witchcraft Pentacle symbol. Chief tools the pentacle (or paten), Athame (or sword) wand And chalice or goblet each of which represents one of the four elements of earth, air, fire and water.
  20. Tools in witchcraft Pentacle symbol (the word is derived from paten)
  21. I'm a beginner baby witch. My career has just started.
  22. Components of witchcraft Working with horoscopes Working with tarot Channeling messages Rituals Wicca Working with crystals and Feng Shui Sentimental objects Practices and methods Cooking Elemental Witches Eclectic Witch Almanac Witch Art Spells and Magick work
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