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spiritual dreams

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Everything posted by spiritual dreams

  1. the concept of acceptance is but acceptance itself isn't. It's more fundamental that concepts I think.
  2. I'm talking about the stuff that eckhart tolle, alan watts etc. talk about. I've had temporary states where I realised all suffering is an illusion That is probably true in the absolute sense but it would not be of any comfort to anyone actually being tortured. Yes this is an illusion, but its one that is difficult to transcend. even if there is no self to transcend it. I'll give it a look. Thanks.
  3. Well I definitely am. It's difficult to focus on what I want without attachment precisely because I don't have it. And by focusing on it, I might get it in the future. Yes and yes. It's absolutely terrifying.
  4. It's difficult to answer these questions using symbolic thought. To surrender to reality is to let go of all notions of what reality 'ought' to be like and accept it for what it is. And I can potentially do that for most things except the edge cases of extreme suffering which is just wayyy to much.
  5. I thought it was rhetorical 😂. I guess I could focus on things that I want but wouldn't that strengthen my attachments to them?
  6. I've eaten the lead a long time ago :(. It's difficult to stop thinking about it. There's always that 'what if' in my mind preventing me from letting go of it. There is a compulsion in me to keep ruminating over it. I've visualised myself and people I love suffering the most fucked up ways so many times that it feels like it could manifest. But the more I resist these visualizations, the more energy I feel like I am giving it.
  7. One of the major things preventing me from letting go is the fear of extreme suffering. I am confident that I can transcend almost all of the suffering that a normal person can experience. However, the extreme suffering that is possible still frightens me. I'm talking about war ,torture, rape, my loved ones dying out of nowhere, mutilation and extreme disability. It is possible that all of this could happen and in fact it is happening. I spend a lot of time worrying about this shit, I don't think any amount of awakening will allow me to transcend this kind of suffering. I saw a post about a gifted spiritual prodigy who achieved insane levels of awakening and was able to transcend intense physical pain and yet they experiences something unspeakable and they became permanently traumatized and suicidal and have yet to recover. Isn't awakening supposed to make you immune to this sort of stuff? I'm unable to fully let go because I cannot accept such extreme levels of suffering. To those who disagree, watch a mexican cartel torture video and come back and tell me you can accept that. You might understand where I'm coming from.
  8. @Phil Ok thank you. I will try out the emotional guidance scale
  9. @Phil Its difficult to determine my emotions. Many of the things I notice are feelings of tension in my energetic body and its difficult to categorize them. Sometimes my emotions are conflicted, one part might be bored and one part might be worried and they are in conflict.
  10. @Phil I don't really understand. What do you mean by framing of expression?
  11. @Phil I've been practicing expression and it's been really helpful. However, sometimes when I express a feeling, other parts of me feel like they are being suppressed as if feelings are in conflict with each other. How would I go about working with these situations?
  12. @Phil So I should just write down and express my feelings no matter what? I have noticed I feel a bit better after journaling so I see your point. Thanks!
  13. @Orb @Phil @Loop How would I go about alignment and expression when I have negative emotions and beliefs? For example I may have the thought that I am trapped in my current situation. If I try to imagine I have everything I want it feels wrong because that's not really the case both materially and emotionally.
  14. As much as I believe that what you're saying is true, it feels kind of wrong to override my current feelings with something else. If I feel depressed, lonely or anxious, I think the better approach is to accept my current feelings and feel what I need to feel. This approach has allowed me to heal myself more than any meditation or nondual teaching. Yet it seems kind of useless for law of attraction since I'm allowing the feelings of lack. I would rather feel whole and accept my feelings for what they are than repress them to get what I want. On the other hand, sex, money, my dream job and that girl I have a crush on are really tempting me...
  15. Materialistic skeptics dismissing anything consciousness related because its not 'rational'. To be honest, western philosophy in general and much of the culture that has been influenced by it. conservatives and alt right, antinatalists, and nihlists, pretty much any moral philosophy, spiritual teachers spouting conspiracy theories. I guess what all of these have in common is ego. I notice a lot of what triggers me is in myself.
  16. I see. thanks. Does the dreamboard have to be a dry erase board or can i just use a notebook or an virtual board?
  17. what do you mean by conceptualizations? And also how do I receive something?
  18. I'm currently focused on healing past traumas but I'm wondering how exactly you manifest something?
  19. Ok i get it. I came here to stop having to think about Leo and focus more on doing actual spiritual work. I have no hard feelings towards the guy, just can't be asked with the constant shit surrounding him whether its pro Leo or anti Leo.
  20. I think the self deception and morality stuff is pretty original and there are a lot of new ideas in the spiral dynamics videos. And to take things even further, no ideas are original. Its just that no one was listening the first time. I'm not sure what you're trying to convince me of. I'm aware that he's toxic which is why I'm taking a break from the forum. But if all you have to say is negative then maybe that's your ego bias. Maybe you're letting Leo live rent free in your head.
  21. spiral dynamics, self deception (ironic), ego development, strange loops, survival, morality, Ego backlash, blueberry smoothie. Tbh most of the stuff he made before his 30 day 5-meo is pretty decent.
  22. Is the law of attraction legit? There are many strange coincidences in my life that make me think I manifested them due to the correlation between my mental state at the time and the things that happen to me. Has anyone else been able to reliably 'attract' things into their lives?
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