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Everything posted by James123

  1. How do you know? Who thought you?
  2. https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/34014-10-gr-dry-shroom-trip-and-need-some-help/ I went beyond the big bang. Lol.
  3. Energy is a thought itself. There is no such thing as energy, non duality or science. That's what non duality is.
  4. Perceiving, Perceived, Perceiver= Duality. Being=Now, Moment, Oneness, Nothingness, God.
  5. Eyes do not see anything, you are the Moment. Rest is a thought/ illusion.
  6. Spiral dynamics are great for the self development. However, enlightenment is completely opposite which is self destroying.
  7. Bad trips are great to encounter fear, pain and etc... I always did heroic dose. However, bad trips was always more helpful to let go and surrender for me.
  8. Definitely not. Psychedelics are so much profound and great experiences. However, it belong to mind. And enlightenment has nothing to do with mind.
  9. I took 10 gr dried shrooms with lemon take. My DNA has changed. Believe me.
  10. Let go of these thoughts including any achievement, goal, purpose etc... bliss will come to you inevitably.
  11. When you realize "you" are illusion, how one can suffer again? Enlightenment will completely destroy you out.
  12. Yes you are, you are.
  13. Manifestation has nothing to do with self as orb said.
  14. I can not be enlightened. All is enlightened already. If you haven't realize this, you just lost yourself in the clouds, thoughts and attachments that's all.
  15. I=universe. An attachment with one thought brings back entire duality. Sit, lay back and just watch the show.
  16. Of course!!! Letting go is much lighter. You do lose interest on everything, but you gain love. Love does not show itself so sudden. When everything is surrendered love becomes inevitable.
  17. Lol. So anything we say is just a personal opinion, nothing to do with Truth.
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