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Everything posted by Alexander

  1. Yeah but LoA still works don't you think.Why is he not attracting different individuals but this ones.
  2. “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? See even Jesus said it.You are God wake up.
  3. Maybe you are spiritually gifted.I had experience of Infinite Love and Infinity too.It happened on their own.Infinite love happened before I got Ill.I am ill for 2 years now and Infinity experience was just a month ago.
  4. Phil attracted us to his forum and when I look at forums people we all are problematic, mentally ill,have difficulties in life,like to philosophise etc My question is why Phil attracted us and not some rich famous people if he is creator of his own reality?
  5. Have you been hospitalised?I was once admitted to a daily hospital (you stay from 8am to 1pm) for 4 months .I met very wonderful people .Made few friends there even now I am in contact with them.I met a month ago with a friend from there .We met at coffee shop to give me Olanzapine that he didn't needed anymore.Health care is free where I live but he chooses to go to paid psychiatrist where session last one hour.Public healthcare psychiatrist gives you around 10 minutes. I feel fine on meds but I sleep a lot maybe 12 hours a day but unlike many Olanzapine users I didn't gained weight. Hope you are feeling well.
  6. Yeah I watched all these videos too except PMDD .Why don't you take your meds regularly.I was left without my meds for few days and I had suicidal thoughts for 2 days straight my mind got obsessed with that idea.That's why I take my meds religiously but I remember mania I had energy for everything.I started renovating my house and was working like there is no tomorrow.I was hearing one voice which was nasty to me but when I got medicated I realized voice was just my thoughts separated into two.Upon recognition my psychiatrist said I have good insight about my state.I still have friends but I live isolated.
  7. I take my meds religiously.I am not having psychosis or mania.Meds helped me a lot.Problem with Mania is that it feels so good but I would rather stay normal.Here is my list of meds: Olanzapine(anti psychotic) Carbamezapin(mood stabilizer) Lorazepam (Sedative)
  8. Then your vibration is not very high since you are attracting me.
  9. Then you will same results in your life over and over again.I've done it and my mood get elevated and I felt happier overall,more productive and I find joy in learning new skills which I can monetize for more money.One bit I am not interested in non duality I see it just as empty philosophy which doesn't contribute to quality of your life.
  10. Yes exactly no porn no video games no smoking etc.
  11. I suggest you dopamine detox first so you can work on things you want with sober head and more clarity.You need to change drastically if you want results.
  12. Yeah they should.Sorry you've been through trauma hope it will not cause psychosis.❤️
  13. Thanks for explanation. Yeah I am jealous about making money on things you love to do.But you are right that's just my projection. Don't bother with me I am using this emptying threads to shine light on my own psyche.
  14. @Mandy She also loves it but I was doing it because of money.
  15. What to appreciate about it when I was fixing/making new roofs for my clients I felt successful and that I have purpose now I am without it because my meds I can't drive car or work on height anymore and she is successful in what she is doing.Ii feel jealousy.
  16. I've read @Serenity Journal and I felt jealousy.To let it go or to create something similar? What's the way to fade it away or to use it as motivation?
  17. How to manifest specific person for relationship?
  18. @Proserpina Nice to meet you. @Phil I posted video to show you what are positive and what are negative symptoms of schizophrenia so that you can understand what Proserpina is refering to.Nether are positive or negative that's just medical terms.
  19. @Phil .Hey I suffer from schizoaffective too.Nice to meet you.
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