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Everything posted by BlendingInfinite

  1. #4 Besides the Abraham Hicks Scale, recognizing cognitive biases is important and a great tool to achieve mental clarity. The model of Charlie Munger (co-founder of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffets found) happens to be a very accurate and effective one https://www.allencheng.com/25-cognitive-biases-charlie-munger/#:~:text=the Milgram Experiment-,Charlie's Reason for Interest in Psychology,observed in men around him. Besides more effective thought direction, mental clarity is an important foundation for clear visualization. Visualization must not be visually, but could be completely feeling based, too.
  2. #3 LOA works that way most efficient You create a mental map of waypoints. Waypoints can be inspirations or goals. Imagine each waypoint and the transition from one waypoint to another. On each waypoint you have to become what it takes to fulfil its purpose and neglect all other desires. Of course each action must be an inspired one. Trying to get all waypoints at all is likely to be counter-efficient. Life is based on decisions and their quality. They are even more important than feeling good. Even though both is desired and can be achieved. The degree of dedication, importance, consciousness and focus determines the degree of success. Of course, all thoughts have to be directed in that way. It is possible to completely reprogram the thought process in a way, that only beneficial thoughts regarding that waypoint arise. Never, under no circumstance act reactive or respond to anything, which doesn't feel good to you. This also includes reactive thoughts. The only important thing must be the execution or the process. Never the result. Everything else has no meaning anymore. It requires absolute dedication, courage, and possibly risking everything. You expect the best. Emotions must be above hope regarding the Abraham Hicks scale. This includes no stress or forcing anything.
  3. #2 Perception = Reality Thoughts are perceived. Focus is on perception. However, something can be perceived without being focused upon. When focus is on something, it becomes more, as it reinforces existence by participating in it. Focus therefore transmits love, since love is the opposite of non-existence. That's why celebrities like Ed Sheeran say that the more fame you have, the more the individual qualities of yourself become pronounced or dominant.
  4. #1 Love <-> Anti-Existence -> Fear -> Aversion Fear is always about non-existence. Aversion is to compensate for the fear. Anti-Existence is the opposite of love . Not fear, which is a by-product or indicator of falsehood. Falsehood is the thought or believe of something not to exist. A belief is a thought that has been thought so often that it is unconsciously active without necessarily being expressed in natural language. No thought can be false, because it could be true in one of an infinite number of contexts or situations. But if the thought refers to something, then it is always false. Because every object or subject is infinitely complex, so that every finite thought would describe infinitely inaccurately. Sometimes thoughts feel good because they point to something that cannot be expressed in natural language. Often one thing is thought, but the meaning is different from what others would understand by the meaning of the expression in natural language. Fear has to do with non-existence, because either one is afraid of not existing or afraid that something or someone does not exist. This also includes concepts. Often people confuse themselves with the fact that someone or something should not exist. This is aversion and a mechanism to distract from the fear - which is an indicator of untruth - that something should not exist. It is distracted so that the fear of the non-existence of the concept with which one identifies oneself is suppressed. Identification takes place because one has learned that one should identify with finite things in order to survive. That in turn is identifying with the concept of non-existence. Because one thinks that finite things exist only for a certain period of time. If one did not, then things could not differ. Learning takes place through differences based on associations. Recognizing differences is cognition. If things did not distinguish, one would have no cognition. It is believed that if one does not have cognition, one could not survive because one identifies with the thing that "has" cognition. Fear is suffering and all other negative emotions are built on it. Negative emotions are suffering. Suffering is based on the belief that one "has" cognition and cannot exist without it and that one actually knows that it is not true and that fear indicates this. The belief that one "has cognition" may also be evolutionarily learned and thus expressed in instinct rather than individual cognition.
  5. Maybe you should eat fewer vegetables and join the military.
  6. Stand on time-square with a torch and the American Declaration of Independence.
  7. @PhilIf the outcome is inspiring and in alignment with what you want, it could be your vision. And there are multiple outputs, so it is not unprobable. People also put photos on their vision boards shot by others.
  8. Accurately and obviously recognize that suffering is an activity that comes from oneself. At the same time, by recognizing that you can immediately generate the activity of joy yourself without practice. Thereby being able to let go of suffering just like that immediately. Being aware of everything that feels good to you and effortlessly being in it all the time. Because it was recognized that nothing comes from the outside.
  9. I agree, leadership doesn’t exist. If so, someone would be in the foreground, because you cannnot lead from behind. If someone would be in the foreground, this implies people are not parallel.
  10. @GodThis doesn't seem necessary. Moreover, you would have to wear AirPods or similar to not interfere with the sensors of the measuring device. Not everybody has this, though. Maybe this is of interest for you https://www.biocybernaut.com/
  11. This diary is for recording observations in reality and related contexts in terms of m-E3S: Manifestation of events, situations, states and synchronicities EOU: Expressions of the universe in terms of signals and insights or in relation with thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions The goal is to improve the ability to interact with reality and thus manifest it more efficiently. If you have your own insights and experiences to add, feel free to express them here. So together we can improve the ability to create consciously. Top 3 Insights 02.05.2022 Coming Soon Coming Soon
  12. Of course, disliking other people always feels discordant. There is a difference between identifying as intelligence and seeing it as a strength. Just being intelligent doesn't mean much. You also have to have other traits in combination. And maybe in regard with that, I am identifying or not. I don't experience suffering regarding that, this is what I can say for sure.
  13. @PhilAnd why do you think, if someone says that people have intelligence, it is about worthiness or the opposite?
  14. @PhilSo everytime someone says, that people have x, it is about worthiness or the opposite?
  15. @PhilI appreciate your support - it is always insight- and helpful. Things I want to manifest is goodwill or compassion. But unconditional, meaning not related to anything. Otherwise it feels unauthentic and attached.
  16. I think it is true, that I sometimes have aversion against people I see on the street e.g. and I feel a strong need not to see that and think thoughts, which are not aligned. idk, just wrote this from a place of self-mockery. Wasn't meant serious at all. And also to manifest.
  17. Everybody has preference, which feel good to them. And other things, which won't. Maybe thoughts about people don't feel good or the absence of what is wanted feels. Like I want to surround myself with just beautiful people. Separating the ugly ones out - maybe the thought doesn't feel good. However, in general this is what happens for the greater good. @PhilYou projecting more into the text than actually is written.
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